My friend BJ Gallagher once worked as a training manager for a large newspaper, which was more than a hundred years old.The company’s past had blinded the authorities to the need for change, and they new ideas and would say “This is the way we’ve always done it.”.As the years went by, BJ grew more and more with their short-sightedness.Finally, she left the company.But she found that she hadn’t left her behind when she resigned.She carried it with her, like “rocks in the stomach”.

“I finally decided to about my experiences and my feelings.I it would be a good mental health .I wanted to be rid of that company and those people, once and for all.So I wrote and wrote.It wasn’t just a story that poured out — it was a whole ! My resentment (怨恨) my writing.The whole world would know how they were!”

“What when the book came out?” I asked BJ.

“Not much,” she replied, “The newspaper kept doing what it had done.My feelings didn’t them one bit, but it took me several more years to finally my negative emotions.Finally, the time came when I decided to make amends (修正) for the angry things I had said about the company.I my former boss to dinner and made my .I told him I was sorry for being so resentful.It was a great healing process for me.”

“What was the outcome?” I asked her.

“Gratitude,” she replied, “Not only wasn’t I resentful any more, but I was grateful to the company.If I hadn’t had those experiences, I never would have written a book.And the book became hugely successful — now in 21 languages.In short, my resentment gave way to gratitude.”

She smiled, “I owe them a debt of thanks for giving me such a great tale to tell.”

Trading resentments for gratitude isn’t always easy.But it’s worth it, gratitude is a far happier feeling than resentment.

1.A. skill C. success D. business

2.A. resisted B. got C. broke D. shaped

3.A. move B. frustrated C. excited D. surprised

4.A. sadness B. worry C. doubt D. anger

5.A. think B. are C. write D. talk

6.A. proved B. figured C. concluded D. agreed

7.A. exercise B. suggestion C. lecture D. theory

8.A. diary B. lesson C. accident D. book

9.A. prevented B. delayed C. fueled D.corrected

10.A. sensitive B. successful C. greedy D. stupid

11.A. happened B. reported C. received D. resulted

12.A. sometimes B. always C. recently D. already

13.A. forgive B. reward C. bother D. cheat

14.A. think of B. get over C. pass on D. look through

15.A. invited B. called C. persuaded D. followed

16.A. promise B. apology C. plan D. decision

17.A. only B. natural C. direct D. final

18.A. useful B. funny C. painful D. shameful

19.A. finished B. edited C. read D. published

20.A. for B. though C. but D. and

Does money buy happiness?Not!Ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier?Many of us smirk(傻笑,假笑) and nod.There is, we believe, some connection between financial fitness and emotional fulfillment.Three in four American college students—nearly double the 1970 proportion— now consider it “very important” or “essential” that they become “very well off financially”.Money matters.

But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life’s necessities, increasing wealth matters surprisingly little.The connection between income and happiness is “surprisingly weak,” observed University of Michigan researcher Ronald Inglehart in one 16-nation study of 170,000 people.Once comfortable, more money provides diminishing returns(报酬递减).The second piece of pie, or the second $100,000, never tastes as good as the first.Even lottery winners and the Forbes’ 100 wealthiest Americans surveyed by University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American.Making it big brings temporary joy.But in the long run wealth is like health: its complete absence can create suffering, but having it doesn’t guarantee happiness.Happiness seems less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.

Has our happiness, however, floated upward with the rising economic tide?Are we happier today than in 1940s, when two out of five homes lacked a shower or tub?Actually, we are not.Since 1957, the number of Americans who say they are “very happy” has declined from 35 to 32 percent.Meanwhile, the divorce rate has doubled, the teen suicide(自杀) rate has increased nearly three times, the violent crime rate has gone up nearly four times, and depression has mushroomed.Economic growth has provided no boost to human morale.When it comes to psychological well being, it is not the economy.

I call this soaring wealth and shrinking spirit “the American paradox.” More than ever, we have big houses and broken homes, high incomes and low confidence, secured rights and reduced civility.We are good at making a living but often fail at making a life.We celebrate our prosperity(繁荣) but long for a purpose.We treasure our freedoms but long for connection.In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger.

1.Which of the following statements best expresses the author’s view?

A. The more money we earn, the less returns we have.

B. The more money we earn, the happier we would be.

C. In the long run, money cannot guarantee happiness.

D. In the long run, happiness grows with economy.

2.“The second $100,000 never tastes as good as the first” because _____.

A. it is not so fresh as the first $100,000

B. it is not so important as the first $100,000

C. profit brought by it is less than that from the first $100,000

D. happiness brought by it is less than that from the first $100,000

3.According to the passage, people do well in making a living but don’t _____.

A. have any primary aim

B. know how to spend money

C. know how to enjoy life

D. keep in touch with other people

4.The things that happened after 1957 are given to show that _____.

A. people’s spiritual needs cannot be fulfilled by wealth

B. family problems become more and more serious

C. young people are not happy about their life

D. social crimes have increased significantly

Controlling traffic is a complex and high cost problem in many developed countries. It becomes more difficult and costly with the ever- increasing number of cars on the roads. But scientists and students at the CATT, at the University of Maryland are working to solve this problem. They are using simulation(模拟) technologies to help government and private business control and react to changing traffic conditions.

The online economics magazine says traffic congestion(拥挤) cost Americans $ 124 billion in 2014 and that number could rise to $ 186 billion by 2030.

Bui scientists at the CATT lab are trying to reduce those costs. They are developing a system that helps traffic managers. planners, emergency workers and businesses plan and react better. Michael Pack is CATT director. He says the system is important to help emergency workers, or first responders,reach an accident area faster.

The CATT Lab collects information from many sources, including roadside devices, GPS (global positioning system) equipment and wireless phones.

About 60 students and 30 software developers observe traffic flow and manage the computer servers at all times. They also work to develop software and applications that can help traffic run smoother and safer, Some of them turn the information gathered into so-called "visualizations". These visual representations help emergency workers better understand what is happening.

The center shares its findings with firefighters, police,Transportation departments and the military. They also share information with universities and transportation company. The technology company Google uses the data for its traffic-related websites. Michael Pack says, the information is then shared with anyone who wants to help traffic run more smoothly.

Mr. Pack says the goal is to help develop an intelligent system of road signals that will communicate with each other and with vehicles on the road.

1.The second paragraph is written to

A. attract more people to look through

B. tell readers what says on its website

C. show how much money controlling costs America

D. prove it is very expensive for some developed countries to control traffic

2.What benefit can emergency workers get from the system developed by the CATT lab?

A. They can be safer.

B. They can reach an accident area faster.

C. They can get more advice from people.

D. They can share their information with others.

3.Which of the following is NOT true about the developers and the students at the CATT?

A. They observe traffic flow continuously.

B. They develop software and applications.

C. They control the computer servers occasionally.

D. They change the information gathered into visual image.

4.1n which column of the newspaper can you read this text?

A. Daily life. B. Science. C. Education. D. Exploration.

After Mom died, I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work. He was frail and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with an unsigned note reading, "Drink your juice." Such a gesturere, I knew, was as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love. In fact, I remember, as a kid I had questioned Mom "Why doesn't Dad love me?" Mom frowned, "Who said he doesn't love you?" "Well, he never tells me," I complained. "He never tells me either," she said, smiling. "But look how hard he works to take care of us, to buy us food and clothes, and to pay for this house. That's how your father tells us he loves us."

I nodded slowly. I understood in my head, but not in my heart. I still wanted my father to put his arms around me and tell me he loved me. Dad owned and operated a small scrap (片) metal business, and after school I often hung around while he worked. Dad hand fed scrap steel into a device that chopped as cleanly as a butcher chops a rack of ribs. The machine looked like a giant pair of scissors. with blades thicker than my father's body. If he didn't feed those terrifying blades just right, he risked serious injury. "Why don't you hire someone to do that for you?" Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment. "Why don't you hire a cook?" Dad asked, giving her one of his rare smiles.

Many years later, during my first daily visit, after drinking the juice my father had squeezed for me, I walked over, hugged him and said, "I love you, Dad." From then on I did this every morning. My father never told me how he felt about my hugs, and there was never any expression on his face when I gave them.

1.The author's father always prepared a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for him because ____.

A. that was the author's favorite

B. he was sure the author would be thirsty

C. the author was always complaining

D. that was a gesture of love

2.The author's father didn't hire a helper because ____.

A. his job was too dangerous

B. his job required high skills

C. he wanted to save money

D. he was not good at communicating with others

3. We may infer from the passage that ____.

A. the author's father lacked a sense of humor

B. the author quite understood his father as time went on

C. the author's father didn't love him very much

D. the author's father was too strict with him

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. I just couldn't understand my father

B. My father never loved me

C. Silent fatherly love

D. My hard-working father

The most important day Helen Keller remembered in all her life was the one on which her teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to her.It was three months before she was seven years old.

On the afternoon of that day, Helen knew that something was happening.She went outside and waited at the door of the house.She could feel the sun on her face and she could touch the leaves of the plants.Then she felt someone walking towards her.She thought it was her mother and she went to her and held her close.This was the teacher who had come to teach all things to her and, above all, to love her.

The next morning, the teacher took her into her room and gave her a doll.When Helen was playing with it, Miss.Sullivan slowly spelled the word “d-o-l-l” onto her hand.Helen learnt a lot of words like this.After the teacher had been with her for several weeks, Helen understood that everything had a name.

One day Helen didn’t understand the difference between “mug” and “water”.She became angry and threw the doll on the floor.In her quiet, dark world she didn’t feel sorry for doing it.Then her teacher took her out into the warm sunshine.They walked down to the well where someone was drawing water.Her teacher put her hand under the water and spelled the word “w-a-t-e-r” at the same time in her other hand.Suddenly, Helen felt an understanding.She knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” was the wonderful cool something flowing over her hand.That living word awakened her spirit, gave it light, hope, fun and set it free!

1.How was the girl different from other children?

A. She didn’t know how to play games.

B. She was angry all the time.

C. She couldn’t speak.

D. She was deaf and blind.

2.Helen learnt new words when ______.

A. she went to the well

B. Miss.Sullivan spelled them on her hand

C. the teacher gave her a doll

D. she knew the difference between two words

3.What can the reader learn from the passage?

A. How to spell different words and understand their meanings.

B. The way to feel sorry for doing something wrong.

C. The idea of how to describe things and make them feel real.

D. When someone is drawing water, we should go to feel it.

That woman carried a new blanket over her arm. Wordlessly, she gave it to me.

“Is it finished?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No. It is ready,” she replied. I handed her the money and took the blanket.

“It is beautiful, so skillfully woven(编织),” I said to my mother. “But what did she mean when she said it was not finished? How can it be ready if it is not finished?”

“I will tell you later,” my mother said, “but first I will take you to the Navajo village.”

We went down to the village. A group of young men were making sand pictures. We walked through the whole village, watching the different things the people were doing.

It was not until that evening that my mother finally explained the Navajo woman’s words.

“Did you notice anything about the things the people were making?” my mother asked.

“What should I have noticed?” I looked at her and asked.

“Each thing the Navajo make has one small part that is not complete. The designs in their sand pictures are often not perfectly done, for example---the line of a circle may not quite close. If you look carefully at your blanket, you will probably find a stitch(一针)missing.”

I took the blanket off, but it looked as perfect as any design could be. Then suddenly, I noticed that sure enough a stitch was missing!

“But why do the Navajo intentionally leave some tiny part unfinished?” I asked.

“They believe that when anything is completed or finished, it means the end has come--it will not be perfect until then. Then too, with a circle, they believe that they must leave a pathway for the bad spirits to run away and the good spirits to come in. So, often, they do not make the line close.”

1.The blanket the author received_____ .

A. was poorly woven.

B. made her think a lot.

C. cost her a lot of money.

D. was finished, but not ready.

2.Why was the author shown around the village?

A. To buy more things made by the Navajo.

B. To make friends with some of the Navajo.

C. To have a deeper understanding of the Navajo.

D. To look for the woman who sold her the blanket.

3.Which of the following may the Navajo believe?

A. A stitch in time is very important.

B. Life only becomes perfect when you die.

C. He who makes no mistake is a perfect man.

D. You must always try to make your life complete.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A. The Navajo are good at making things.

B. The Navajo are brave and hard-working.

C. A blanket tells a lot about the Navajo culture.

D. Skills are needed to do business with the Navajo.


The family has the responsibility for keeping young children safe, providing love and helping all their children to learn to get along with people. The most important beginning is the development of trust. The infant (婴儿的) needs to know that there is someone who cares and provides for his or her needs. 1.

2. Each person also has the responsibility to show love and affection to other people in the family. The way you show love can be different for different people. What one child feels is loving might be felt as disturbing by a different child. Each person’s needs should be respected. It is your responsibility to be an understanding person.

There are different ways to show young children affection and love. It is easy to tell when it is direct, a hug or kiss, or the words“I love you.” 3. Young children respond better to demonstrating love. Use words to describe love with action. In this way the feelings are clear and not misunderstood.

Showing love also means guiding the actions of young children. As young children grow more independent, the people responsible need to understand these growing skills. But as important as it is to allow children the freedom to explore and be themselves, it is important to set limits for children. 4.

5. Respect is the most important part of family relationships and harmony. Maintain control of yourself and your feelings.

A. A hug is a physical need.

B. Respect the child’s self-esteem.

C. Remember how important your child is to you.

D. Many families don’t stop to think about their values.

E. Another way a person might show love is through actions.

F. Each person in the family has a need for love and affection.

G. Clearly express to your child what is acceptable behavior in all sorts of daily situations.

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