
【题目】Doctor are known to be terrible pilots. They don't listen because they already know it all. I was lucky: I became a pilot in 1970, almost ten years before I graduated from medical school. I didn't realize then, but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon. I loved flying. As I flew bigger, faster planes, and in worse weather. I learned about crew resource management (机组资源管理), or CRM, a new idea to make flying safer. It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result, regardless of positions.

I first read about CRM in 1980. Not long after that, an attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather. The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready. The attending doctor was flying; I was safety pilot He was so busy because of the bad turn, he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down. He was a better pilot - and my boss - so it felt unusual to speak up. But I had to: Our lives were in danger. I put aside my uneasiness and said, "We need to put the landing gear down now!" That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and I've used it in the operating room ever since.

CRM requires that the pilot/ surgeon encourage others to speak up. It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite, the doctor doesn't overreact, which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again. So when I'm in the operating room, I ask for ideas and help from others. Sometimes they're not willing to speak up. But I hope that if I continue to encourage them, someday someone will keep me from landing gear up”.

1What does the author say about doctors in general?

A. They like flying by themselves.

B. They are unwilling to take advice.

C. They pretend to be good pilots.

D. They are quick learners of CRM.

2The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when_______.

A. he saved the plane by speaking up

B. he was in charge of a flying task

C. his boss landed the plane too late

D. his boss operated on a patient

3 In the last paragraph”landing gear up” probably means ______.

A. following flying requirements.

B. overreacting to different opinions.

C. listening to what fellow doctors say

D. making a mistake that may cost lives

4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.CRM: A New Way to Make Flying Safe

B. Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor

C. The Making of a Good Pilot

D.A Pilot-Tumed Doctor







试题分析: 本文通过作者介绍自己当飞行员的经历,从中学到了CRM,并运用到自己的工作中

【1】B细节理解题。根据第一段:根据第一行Doctors are known to be terrible pilots. They don’t listen because they already know it all.可知,作者总体上认为doctors不喜欢倾听,他们认为他们自己什么都懂,故选B。

【2】A细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句:"We need to put the landing gear down now!" That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and I've used it in the operating room ever since.可知,作者在经历了一次飞行给上级提出了意见之后,对CRM有了更深的理解,故选A。

【3】D细节理解题。根据第二段的We need to put the landing gear down now可知,作者提出的降下起落架的建议,使飞机安全着陆;keep sb from doing阻止某人做某事,这里用的是landing gear up,是相反的情况,言外之意,作者希望有人能够勇敢提出意见,以避免发生危险的事情。划线部分指的是危险的事情,故选D。




If you are reading this article in class, you are probably trying to read it quickly. You have been taught to skim a scan, to look for key words so as to understand the main idea of the article and the important points in the article .Skimming and scanning is a good strategy when you are pressed for time, such as when you are taking an exam, but today, many people skim and scan everything and they have lost the ability to enjoy reading.

In response to this, something called the" slow reading movement" has become popular. The idea is that people should shut off their computers and mobile phones for half an hour or forty-five minutes each day and enjoy the pleasure reading a good book slowly! In many cities there are even slow reading clubs where members go to a cafe, not discuss books, but to sit quietly with each other, drink coffee and just read.

Researchers have found that reading slowly, especially books of fiction, helps people concentrate, relax and think about what they are reading. It also helps people empathize. This last point is important. When you read a novel slowly ,you get to understand the characters' emotions and to see the world through their eyes.

Reading, of course, isn't easy. You have to sit still, for one thing. And it can seem boring when compared to the excitement of playing video games. But, for me, reading has been an enduring pleasure in my life. From the age of ten, when I got my first library card, I've enjoyed the company of pirates and heroes, of evil criminals and clever detectives, of thousands of interesting people I would have never met in real life. Reading provided me with escape, but it also enabled me to understand the world around me. It was an education in a classroom that had no walls.

In your classroom, you have learned to read " fast". Outside of the classroom, you should try to learn to read " slowly . You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

【1】When you are having an exam, it's acknowledged that ___________.

A. reading slowly is the best way

B. reading word for word is a good method

C. reading fast is a good strategy

D. reading casually is a wonderful choice

【2】Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of " slow reading movement" ?

A. Enjoying the pleasure of reading a good book slowly.

B. Helping people refresh and relax.

C. Understanding the characters' emotions more accurately.

D. Getting the main idea of the article quickly.

【3】It can be inferred from the passage that the writer is a person who___________.

A. doesn't like reading fast

B. can't tell the difference between reading fast and reading slowly

C. likes to seek comfort from reading slowly

D. benefits a lot from reading

【4】Why does the writer call reading “an education in a classroom that had no walls ”?

A. Because there is no need to build walls for the books.

B. Because reading enables people to better understand the world them.

C. Because a library card is what you need to enjoy reading in the library.

D. Because there are thousands of interesting people in the books who can help you escape.


【1】 To answer that question you need to ask yourself, is your drinking water supply safe?

Your water may contain many impurities(杂质) both man made and natural that can range from many different chemicals to all sorts of different bacteria. 【2】 Though these impurities aren't harmful to us, many can cause bathroom fixtures to rust and corrode and stain our laundry.

The government has set minimum standards for safe drinking water. 【3】 No one really knows the long term effects of many of the things that are allowed in our water.

There are two basic kinds of water quality standards. 【4】 Primary standards deal with the actual cleanliness of the water and whether or not it is healthy to drink and Secondary standards deal with the appearance and smell of the water. It might interest you to know that even though the EPA has set these standards, in 1997 the EPA was happy to state that 88% of the towns served by public water systems were reported to have no violations. However, it means that 12% of the water systems in the country did have water standards violations.

【5】 You wouldn't know until someone told you, if they told you. And by then you could have consumed quite a lot of substandard water. The really only safe thing to do today is take charge and do one better than the standard by either buying bottled water on a regular basis, which is expensive, or by getting a water purifier for your home.

A. What if you/span> were in that 12% ?

B. However, these are the minimum standards.

C. Most of these kinds of impurities are not harmful.

D. They are Primary and Secondary standards.

E. Is a water purifier a good choice today for you and your family?

F. Setting drinking water standards is not an easy process and there are sill many unknowns.

G. Whether you get a glass of drinking water or you take a shower, you expect that water to be safe.

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