
To me, kindness is a chosen lifestyle. In my classroom, I tell my _____that every day they are offered a choice. They can’t choose what happens to them, but they can choose how they ______to it. Kindness is a ______. And it is a lifestyle. It isn’t something that we just choose once in a while---- it is a(n)______to live our lives.____, he chose how to react to it. To this day, seventeen years later , the nurses ______ write my mother letters. The ______? It was because of my father’s kindness to others even when he was _____ against the disease. He made kindness a lifestyle.

And I want to be ______ him.

Every day as a teacher, I try and teach my students the kindness lifestyle. Just recently, I turned 40 and a friend gave me 40 individual dollar bills. She challenged me to do something _____ with the money. I gladly accepted the challenge.

I gave 40 of my students one dollar each and challenged them to make a(n) _____. What happened? My Twitter and Instagram were ______with pictures of kids making the world a better place. One girl bought a dollar store stuffed animal(填充玩具). It was______that kids should have made a difference when they were given the___.

Living the kindness lifestyle _____ every day, every opportunity. As a high school teacher, I see _____ everywhere. In the hallways, in the lunchroom, in the locker room, ______words and gossip(随笔) fill the air. So I started a hashtag (标签) to _____ positive gossip called “third party compliments(称赞)”. The idea is that you talk about people behind their backs, but do it in a _____ way. In that way, the gossip that gets back to students makes their day instead of getting them down.

Our kindness lifestyle leaves a footprint on others, and let us be the movers and kindness-makers who________a better, more beautiful world.

1.A. teachers B. classmates C. students D. friends

2.A. respond B. refer C. return D. contribute

3.A. mood B. goal C. benefit D. choice

4.A. spirit B. way C. chance D. idea

5.A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Furthermore

6.A. still B. never C. once D. just

7.A. meaning B. solution C. purpose D. reason

8.A. working B. struggling C. seeking D. exercise

9.A. against B. with C. before D. like

10.A. reasonable B. private C. necessary D. creative

11.A. promise B. difference C. profit D. achievement

12.A. concerned B. equipped C. flooded D. decorated

13.A. confusing B. natural C. common D. amazing

14.A. opportunity B. advertisement C. payment D. introduction

15.A. means B. increases C. makes D. explains

16.A. progress B. negativity C. trust D. harmony

17.A. hurtful B. inspiring C. touching D. humorous

18.A. call off B. call for C. turn down D. set aside

19.A. honest B. flexible C. positive D. cautious

20.A. requires B. allows C. promotes D. works


Elephants don’t forget-at least, female(雌性的) elephants don’t. Elephant families are matriarchal. And the social knowledge gained by the oldest females is the key to a family group's survival (生存), according to a study published in April by Karen McComb, a biologist at Sussex University in England.

Elephants announce their presence by making a deep, long sound, a practice referred to as contact calling(联络呼叫). An unfamiliar call may mean that an elephant from outside the family group is nearby. A stranger can cause trouble. Interrupting feeding or disturbing the young. So an elephant matriarch signals the family to gather around her; then they all lift their trunks in the air to smell the unfamiliar caller. False alarms can disturb the group and take time and energy away from feeding, so survival may depend in part on getting it right.

Working with Cynthia Moss, who founded the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in Kenya 30 years ago, McComb tested the social knowledge of 21 Amboseli elephant families with matriarchs 27 to 67 years old. She played recordings of contact calls to each family and found that the oldest matriarchs were much better at picking out unfamiliar calls. In fact, a group with a matriarch in her fifties was several thousand times more likely to form into a group upon hearing an unfamiliar contact call than when hearing a familiar call. However, families with younger matriarchs were less than twice as likely to gather together upon hearing an unfamiliar contact call as compared with a familiar call. And they gathered together a lot. Moreover, the social knowledge of older matriarchs translated into favorable results: Families with older matriarchs produced more baby elephants in each female-reproductive year.

This finding shows how difficult it is to protect the oldest members of elephant families. As elephants age, they continue to grow larger, as do their much wanted tusks(象牙). So the older-and wiser-a matriarch is, the greater the chance she will be killed. About 800,000 elephants have been killed by people in the past 20 years.

1.What does the underlined word in Para 2 "matriarch" mean?

A. An old member of an elephant family

B. A female head of an elephant family

C. A wise elephant

D. A large elephant

2.The research with recordings of contact calls shows .

A. How fast elephants form into groups

B. How important the age of a leading elephant is

C. How frightened elephants are when hearing a strange call

D. How frequently old elephants call other members of the family

3.When do elephants form into a group?

A. When they are feeding the young.

B. When they see a familiar elephant.

C. When they are giving birth to baby elephants.

D. When the leading elephant gives out a warning.

4.The older a female elephant is, _____.

A. the stronger she will be

B. the poorer memory she will have

C. the more useless her tusks will be

D. the more likely she will be killed

My daughter Kelly is a cautious person. She needs to warm up to situations, and is hesitant(犹豫的) to try new things. When with close friends, she becomes a leader who laughs loudly and chants. But when that comfort zone is not around her, she is shy and nervous.

This has been challenging for me at times. “Shy” is not a word that I think has ever been used to describe me. But this has been a year of firsts for my girl that has filled her with a new sense of confidence. This year she moved to lap lane (习泳区) in swimming where she was preparing for a swim team. This year she learned to ride a bike without training wheels. And this year she completed her first kids’ triathlon (三项全能).

On Saturday, with a thunderstorm coming soon and my son’s birthday party later in the day, we all went out in the dark of the morning for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon. We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her, we got all the equipment she'd need, and we kept talking about the race. But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish before her turn, she held my leg a little harder and told me she loved me a few too many times. She was nervous but trying to keep it together.

And then it was her turn. From the second she jumped into the water, my heart soared. My daughter transformed into the most confident human being I had ever seen. She dominated (主宰) that swim, crushed that bike ride and ran to the finish with the biggest smile on her face.

I can honestly say that I never felt so proud of someone in my entire life. It wasn’t because she did a sport or anything like that. It was because she was afraid of something and conquered that fear with confidence and a fire I hadn't seen before.

All day I would find myself just looking over at her and smiling. She might be wearing the finalist medal but I felt like I won that day. I won the chance to see my girl shine. Shine on, sweet baby.

1.Kelly is nervous when .

A. boys are around her B. she changes into a leader

C. she is away from her mom D. situations are new to her

2.We can know from Paragraph 3 .

A. the race began in the early morning

B. the whole family gave Kelly support

C. Kelly was eager for her turn in the race

D. Kelly prepared for her brother’s birthday party

3.Seeing Kelly’s performance in the race, the author felt .

A. excited and proud B. anxious and uneasy

C. worried and hesitant D. curious and concerned

4.In the ending paragraphs the author “felt like I won that day” because Kelly .

A. overcame the fear B. expressed love to her

C. won the gold medal D. took part in the sport

On Saturday my Catalan friend invited me to come along to a Calotada. Being from the UK, I had no idea what this would need, but he promised me it was a fun Catalan(卡塔兰)tradition, and so I agreed to go. I wasn’t disappointed!

First, we took a train out to a small town near Tarragona, about an hour away from Barcelona centre. I was already amazed by how different everything looked from the city as the train rushed through small towns, all sitting on the coastline.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the sight of a small wind instrument band and about a dozen people dancing in a circle. While my friend later told me that it is a traditional Catalan dance called La Sardana, at the time I was totally confused at what I was seeing! It seemed so strange but yet so lovely that they were doing this dance completely for themselves.

Once we had been fully entertained by the dancers, we finally went inside for the Calotada and it was soon revealed to me what it actually was. We sat down at the table and a huge plate of leeks(大葱)was placed in front of us. It was explained to us that you have to peel the leeks with your fingers, dip them in a (delicious!) sauce and eat them. This sounds easier than it was.

My friend had been right in the end, it had been an extremely fun day and it felt great to get involved in a local tradition of a place I am temporarily calling home. It really inspired me to learn more about the Catalan culture, although hopefully next time it will be something less messy!

1.What made the author accept his friend’s invitation?

A. To experience a different tradition

B. To get a further knowledge of his friend

C. To free himself from the pressure of studies

D. To make a record of Catalan traditions

2.How did they go to a small town near Tarragona?

A. By taxi B. By train

C. By water D. By bike

3.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. The author was tired of eating leeks

B. They participated in the local dancers

C. The author doesn’t think the Catalan culture is perfect

D. The author had a through research on Italian traditions

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Traveling with a Friend Abroad B. A Special Dish Astonished Me

C. A Day’s Journey Changed Me D. Taking Part in Traditions

You often find somebody who works around you complaining(抱怨) all the time, don't you? 1. About 70% of Americans say being around nonstop complainers sometimes has a bad influence on them. Luckily, here are 4 tips to help form positive patterns.


When a negative(消极的) thought pops into your mind, immediately correct it. Instead of telling yourself “That's a nice shirt, but I can't afford it,” change the message to “That will look great with my black pants when I can afford it.” 2.

Of course everyone complains sometimes. But the less frequently you complain, the better you will feel.

2.Distance yourself

3. Excuse yourself and go somewhere quiet, somewhere outdoors in the fresh air. Think of something pleasant before returning. You have to take this seriously because negative people can and will pull you into the quicksand.

3.Don't try to change complainers

If you find yourself trapped in a group of complainers in a meeting or at a social event, simply choose silence. Let their words bounce off you while you think of something else. Attempting to stop the complaining can make you a target. 4. If someone says, “I hate Mondays; weekends are too short,” try to think, “I'm glad I rested up over the weekend, so I'm ready to make some improvement on that big project.”


When someone is shouting at you angrily, throw the responsibility back at them by asking, “So what do you intend to do about it?” In most cases, complainers don't really want a solution(解决方法). They just want to speak them out. If you make them aware that they themselves have to find the solutions, they will leave you alone and find someone else to complain to. If so, you will be happy.

A.Find solutions

B.Change responsibility

C.You have got a lot of company.

D.By doing this, it will lead to positive behaviors.

E.But you can redirect the discussion in your own mind.

F.Whenever possible, escape from negative conversations.

G.You will never know what they are going to talk about.

Many people believe that you lose the ability to learn new languages as you get older. Language experts, however, will tell you that you’re never too old to learn a new language. As you get older, it can be more difficult to learn a new language, though.

Children and adults learn new languages in different ways. For children, language is their life. They study for thousands of hours every year, because they need to learn languages to become part of their communities. Adults, on the other hand, are already part of a language community. Learning a new language means becoming part of another language community, and adults rarely get the chance to practice as much as young children do.

Moreover, children learning a new language are expected to make mistakes. This gives them freedom when learning to be daring and confident. Adults, however, often feel pressured to be perfect when learning a new language. This can discourage many people and make it even harder to learn a new language.

When young children learn a new language, they come to see various languages as a “normal” part of society. This mindset(思维模式) helps them embrace learning a new language without feeling like they’re doing something unusual or “too hard”.

So if you want to learn a new language, go for it! It’s never too late to learn a new language. If you’re older, it may take more work, but it can be done. If you’re a young child, though, now is the time to step out and learn a new language!

1.By “language is their life”, the author means that children .

A. can’ t live without language

B. lead a happy life every day

C. practice a new language a lot

D. are taken good care of adults

2.What may make it hard for the old people to learn to a new language?

A. They are afraid of being laughed at

B. They usually have too many interests

C. They think making mistakes is natural

D. They always make all kinds of mistakes

3.Which of the following shows the difference between children and adults in learning a new language?

A. The behaviors they have

B. The learning attitudes

C. The future plans they have made

D. The materials they are using

4.According to the author, a new language .

A. can never be learned by the old people

B. can be grasped by the old people easily

C. can be understood only by the old people

D. can be learned by both the old and the young

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