
One of the greatest sources of unhappiness, in my experience, is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.
When we see something we don’t like, we wish it could be different -- we cry out for something better. That may be human nature, or perhaps it’s something that’s ingrained(根深蒂固的)in our culture.
The root of unhappiness is that we decided we didn’t like it in the first place. We’ve judged it as bad, rather than saying, “It’s not bad or good, as it just is.”
An example: in my recent post(帖子), A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind, quite a few commentators thought my outlook was negative, pessimistic, or fatalistic(听天由命的)... because I said you should expect people to mess up, expect things to go differently from what you planned. Above all, you should embrace that.
It’s too negative to expect something to go wrong, they said. However, I think it’s only negative if you see it as negative, or if you judge it as bad.
Instead, you could accept it as the way the world works -- as the way things actually are. And try to understand why they are that way.
Does it mean you can never change things? Not at all. But changing things is not because you can’t accept things as they are, but because you enjoy the process of change of learning and growing.
Can we make this world a better place? Again, that’s an assumption that it’s a bad place fight now. But instead, you could say the world is just what it is -- and that’s neither good nor bad. You can say that you’ll continue to try to do things to help others, to grow as a person, to make a difference in this world -- not because you’re such a bad person now, but because that’s the path you choose to take, because you enjoy that path.
As you catch yourself judging, and wishing for different -- try a different approach: accept, and understand. It might lead to some interesting results.
小题1: Which of the following statements is correct according to the author?
A.We can never change things because we can’t accept them.
B.We shouldn’t try to do whatever we can to help others and make a difference.
C.It’s wrong of you to expect things to go differently.
D.There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
小题2: What’s the main idea of the whole passage?
A.The world is a good place for us to live in.
B.Unhappiness comes from what we want to be different.
C.You might as well accept the world as it is and try to embrace it.
D.Let’s make the world more beautiful.
小题3:Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A novel.B.A news story.C.A travel guide.D.A magazine.
Dear Michelle:
My Dad hates my Mom. He tells me that she is a liar and that I should not trust her. Of course, they are divorced but they have “joint custody(共同监护)”. What a joke! I am 15, my brother is nine, and we have a life of hell, frankly.
We live one week on and one week off. This was the brilliant idea of both of my parents, which was fair to them but ruining my life. I can’t get away from his voice and his putting my mom down. Sometimes I think about running away.
A Hopeless Ant
Dear Hopeless Ant:
First, thank you for trusting me with your problem. If all you said is correct, then there are several
things that you can and should do to help yourself, your brother, and your parents.
● You need a family counselor(顾问). Such a person could listen to each family member alone and
then meet together to talk about the situation.
If refused, you need to talk to a counselor in your school. You need to be heard, and you need an
adult who will listen. A school counselor can organize a meeting with your parents.
● Perhaps you need to write to her. Writing things down allows people to go over it more than one
I cannot imagine that she will stand passively by and do nothing at all to help once she reads how
you feel. Your father needs a letter as well. He may not realize the destructive effect that it has on his
● Lastly, have a plan in mind when all else fails that is not self-destructive. Life passes very quickly, and you will grow up and have your own life.
Above all, you need to keep yourself safe. Never doubt that it will get better. Write back and let me know how everything is going.
The Hopeless Ant wrote the letter to _______.
A. complain about the problems
B. ask for advice
C. make his father punished
D. just play a joke
The Hopeless Ant hated his father because __________.
A.his father always told a lie
B.his father wasn’t friendly to his mother
C.his father divorced his mother
D.the Hopeless Ant couldn’t stay with his parents
According to the text, which of the following advice is in greatest need for the Hopeless Ant?
A.Keep himself safe.B.Have a talk with his parents.
C.Have his own family plan.D.Write letters to families.
In which part of a website may the passage appear?
How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? The mark of a successful person is how   36  he can get back his focus on what is important.
Two years ago I gained the knowledge about the Law of the Garbage Truck. I   37  it in a taxi. I got on a taxi, and we headed for Grand Central Station. We were  38 in the right lane(行车道) when   39 a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stepped on his brakes(刹车)heavily, and    40  the car’s back end by just inches!
The driver almost caused a(n)   41 , saying bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy  42   . So, I said, “This guy almost   43  your car and sent us to the   44  !” On the way to the Grand Central Station, my taxi driver told me what I now   45  “The Law of the Garbage Truck.”
“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of   46  , full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage becomes more, they needed a(n)   47 to dump(扔) it. When someone wants to dump it on you, don’t   48  it. You just smile, wish them well, and focus on important things quickly.
Good leaders know they have to be  49 for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses. Good  50 and parents know what is   51 for them. The bottom line is that   52 people do not let garbage Trucks take over their day.
Life is too   53 to wake up in the morning with  54 , so take your time and love the people who treat you right.  55 about the ones who don’t. Don’t be regretful for your life.
A. teachers
B doctors
C. drivers
D. leaders
A. Point
B. Forget
D. Wonder
D. Dream
Whether you’re headed to another country for business or pleasure, it is likely that you need to keep in touch with family or business partners in the United States. But if you plan to do that using your cellphone, you could have an unwelcome surprise—U.S. cellphones don’t work abroad. U.S. companies use different forms of technology, not like most of the international community, including Europe.?
However, there is an easy, cost-effective solution to staying in touch while you’re traveling. You can rent a phone that is guaranteed(保证)to work in the countries you’re visiting. Roadpost offers a 30-day cellphone rental plan that includes free incoming calls, free voicemail and call waiting services.
The service is convenient and simple. You can place your order online and your phone will be shipped to arrive on the date you want. If an unexpected business trip comes up, Roadpost can provide next-day delivery for most cities. In addition to the phone, Roadpost provides a spare battery, travel charger and a leather carrying case.?
When your phone is shipped from Roadpost, you receive an e-mail confirmation(确认)that contains your international cellphone number so you can leave it with family members and business partners; Roadpost even provides business cards preprinted with your international phone number.?
Those who don’t want to be without e-mail while traveling can rent an international BlackBerry. It can be hard to stay in touch by e-mail when traveling. With an international BlackBerry, you can e-mail as much as you like, without worrying about an expensive bill. If you’re traveling to very remote areas, you may want to consider renting a satellite phone, because it receives its signals from satellites, this phone works anywhere on the planet, including oceans and mountains. When you return, simply ship the phone or BlackBerry back to Roadpost using the return kit the company provides.?
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us that_________.?
A.Americans need to change their cellphones?
B.European form of technology is different from America’s?
C.U.S. cellphones don’t work abroad?
D.Americans who go abroad will meet an unwelcome surprise
小题2:According to the text,it can be inferred that__________.?
A.an international BlackBerry is only used to send e-mail?
B.Roadpost can offer cellphones using in different areas?
C.you should select a bag used to send your cellphone?
D.Roadpost sells the best cellphones?
小题3:Which of the free services can you get from Roadpost??
A.Voicemail.?B.Sending e-mail.?
C.Shipping the phone back.?D.Call waiting services.??
小题4:Which of the following will help you a lot in mountainous areas??
A.BlackBerry.B.The return kit.?C.E-mail.D.Satellite phones.
Do you want to visit Warwick Castle in Britain? Warwick is a friendly and a memorable experience with something for all ages.Easily accessible by car, bus, train, cycling or on foot it is surrounded by historic buildings and numerous attractions.
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A £1.50 fee applies to all bookings made online and via telephone - one fee per booking.Children must be accompanied by an adult.Group rates are available for groups of more than 10 people.Groups can book by calling 0870 442 2371 or online.
小题1:.If you hope to visit Castle Dungeon, you should __    __.
A.buy the ticket in person
B.dial 0870 442 2371
C.book the ticket from Warwick-Castle, corn
D.book the ticket two days in advance
小题2:.What is the advantage of booking tickets on line?
A.You don't have to wait in queue.
B.You can save ¢20 in total.
C.The ticket includes the Castle Dungeon.
D.The ticket is available at any time.
小题3:.In order to buy group tickets, __    __.
A.you should dial 0870 442 2375
B.bookings can be made by emails
C.there should be at least 20 people
D.you should dial 0870 442 2371
小题4:.The text is probably taken from ____.
A.a newspaper
B.a magazine
C.a geography book
D.a website
Try and see inside your mind a wide open blue sky and a wide green sea far away. Breathe in as you circle your hands high above your head, then bend back a little. Breathe out as you circle your arms back down to your sides..."
Following the yoga teacher's gentle instructions, Bai Yunuo,15, from the High School attached to Beijing Normal University tried to get each of her poses correct.
Bai's school offered 24 elective courses (选修课) for Senor 1 students this term and she chose two. It was her first yoga class.
"I'm happy that I can learn yoga at school. I love dancing but I had some injuries on my knees when I was a kid. So I decide to try something soft. Simply stretching into different poses makes me feel free and quiet. And the music is quite comforting. The class is relaxing after a whole day's work," Bai said.
Liu Zehao,15, found his interest was Junior Achievement (企业经营模拟). The course brought students into the real world of business. In their first class, Liu and his group members named their company "Vision". Liu was elected as CEO of the company.
"Here we learn to think like an adult. We have to make our company get more money. It's new and different from other courses," he said.
Liu and Bai take their elective courses twice a week with students from other classes who share the same interest. The students will get two credits (学分) from each course at the end of this term. They have to achieve eight credit points from electives to graduate from high school.
If you are interested in more about elective courses, please CLICK HERE to register for general elective courses.
小题1: What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Skills for imagination.B.Learning tips.
C.Instruction for yoga students.D.Breathing rules.
小题2:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Bai does not like dancing.B.Yoga is softer than dancing.
C.Students study hard for credits.D.The elective courses are easy.
小题3: Which of the sentence is NOT true about Liu Zehao?
A.He was interested in Junior Achievement which brought him the real world of business.
B.He was elected as CEO of the company named "Vision".
C.He was an adult and he tried to make more money for his company.
D.He took their Junior Achievement twice a week.
小题4:Where can you possibly find this passage?
A.A textbookB.A newspaperC.A magazineD.The internet
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school master is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer. The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room .I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket. It caught fire.
There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket. It caught fire too. Soon the whole room was burning. The master phoned the fire brigade. The school is a long way from the town and before the fire brigade arrived, the whole school was on fire. The master said that the fire was all my fault and I must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.
I'm very sorry for this.
Much love   
小题1:Why did Sarah write to his parents?
A.He missed them very much for they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.
B.He told his parents what he had done in school.
C.He was tired of studying, and wanted to leave school.
D.He thought he was old enough to help them do something.
小题2: Where did Sarah smoke?
A.In the classroomB.In the Dinning hall
C.In the streetD.In the dormitory
小题3: Why was the school master angry with him?
A.Because he was too naughty
B.Because he was too lazy
C.Because he caused a big fire
D.Because he stole something from the school
小题4:According to the passage, what should the students not do?
A.They should not smoke, because smoking is dangerous to them
B.They should not dance, because dancing would waste a lot of money
C.They should not make friends, because making friends would take them absent
D.They should not wear expensive clothes because they would waste a lot of money
It seems that every week someone becomes “the first” or “the youngest” or even “the first married couple” to do something that doesn’t seem to be very useful to the rest of us.
Why do they do it? Don’t they have better things to do with their time and money? And why should I be interested anyway? Human beings have already climbed the highest mountains, sailed across the oceans and flown around the world. Many of these things were done a long, long time ago. There just isn’t anything left to explore nowadays. I suppose there’s still a lot of the universe left, and the bottom of the ocean is still a bit of a mystery, but you need a lot of technology to explore areas like that. So, those people who feel the need for adventure can only do things that have been done before.
In May of this year a British man became the first person to walk alone from Canada to the North Pole. Personally, if I wanted to visit the Arctic, I’d rather go as a tourist on a cruise ship, with a helicopter trip to the North Pole included in the price. But OK, this man decided that he wanted to walk. The problem was that he went in the spring when the ice begins to melt and break up. So he got stuck on a longely piece of ice and a plane had to be sent in to rescue him.
These sorts of rescues are making many Australians angry with these record breakers. People trying to break sailing or rowing records get into trouble in the seas. So the Australian navy has to send ships to save them and this costs the government millions of dollars. I suppose we can’t just leave them to drown but we should give the bill to the people who are rescued.
小题1:According to the author, the so-called record breakers          .
A.do not benefit other people at all
B.inspire people to continue exploring
C.are boring and should be stopped
D.are usually not wealthy enough
小题2:We can infer from the second paragraph that          .
A.there are no high mountains for people to climb
B.nothing is left for people to explore in the universe
C.it’s beyond ordinary people to explore the unknown
D.human beings could fly around the world long ago
小题3:Many Australians are angry because the record breakers        .
A.often get into trouble
B.never use a cruise ship or a helicopter
C.never pay their own costs
D.satisfy their needs at the cost of others’ interest
小题4:What is the writer’s attitude towards the record breakers?
With eco-tourism on the rise, eco-hotels are fast becoming the darling of the travel industry. These days, however, staying at an eco-hotel doesn’t necessarily mean vacationing in a tree house in the Costa Rican jungle, although that is certainly a choice.
The majority of eco-hotels fall into one of several categories: hotels and resorts that conserve ecologically important habitats; “green” hotels that reduce, recycle, minimize waste, and protect water; sustainable hotels that harvest food from gardens on the hotel property or get part or all of their power from renewable energy; hotels that encourage community involvement such as guests taking part in trail clearing; and hotels that offer some form of environmental education to their guests.
As such, eco-hotels are a various group. Stylish urban hotels like the Willard Inter-Continental Washington focus on energy conservation whereas the Rosario Resort & Spa on Orcas Island in Washington State offers a wildly popular “green” vacation package where guests can “take a hike, clear a trail”.
No matter what you call them, eco-hotel, eco-lodge, eco-resort, or green hotel, they’re all part of the “greening” of the tourism industry.
Part of what drives this greening of the hotel industry is no doubt competition. Going green is yet another way to distinguish a hotel from the mass of other excellent hotels that consumers have to choose from. But for many hotels, it’s also part of their philosophy. With the concept of “going green” firmly rooted in consumers’ minds, eco-hotels have taken it to the next level, and whether or not money is the driving factor behind the greening of the hotel industry doesn’t matter so much as it’s good for the planet.
小题1:The underlined part in the first paragraph means _______.
A.lovers like staying at an eco-hotel when traveling
B.eco-hotels are very popular in the travel industry
C.eco-hotels are where young people love to live
D.romantic love stories often happen in eco-hotels
小题2: According to the passage, which of the following can match the idea of eco-hotel?
A.It uses renewable energy.
B.It is comfortable and fashionable.
C.It has walls of glass.
D.It is home to endangered species.
小题3: From the passage, we know the Rosario Resort & Spa is a kind of hotel that _______.
A.protects important habitats
B.harvests food from its own garden
C.has courses on the environment for its guests
D.encourages its guests to participate in its greening activities
小题4: From the last paragraph, we can learn that _______.
A.money is the driving force behind eco-hotels
B.eco-hotels have no advantages in competing for guests
C.eco-hotels teach their guests the philosophy of eco-hotels
D.the hotel industry cares more about money than the environment
小题5: People who choose to stay at eco-hotels _______.
A.love to take a hike
B.have environmental awareness
C.want to live comfortably
D.enjoy the green atmosphere

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