
How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? The mark of a successful person is how   36  he can get back his focus on what is important.
Two years ago I gained the knowledge about the Law of the Garbage Truck. I   37  it in a taxi. I got on a taxi, and we headed for Grand Central Station. We were  38 in the right lane(行车道) when   39 a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stepped on his brakes(刹车)heavily, and    40  the car’s back end by just inches!
The driver almost caused a(n)   41 , saying bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy  42   . So, I said, “This guy almost   43  your car and sent us to the   44  !” On the way to the Grand Central Station, my taxi driver told me what I now   45  “The Law of the Garbage Truck.”
“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of   46  , full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage becomes more, they needed a(n)   47 to dump(扔) it. When someone wants to dump it on you, don’t   48  it. You just smile, wish them well, and focus on important things quickly.
Good leaders know they have to be  49 for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses. Good  50 and parents know what is   51 for them. The bottom line is that   52 people do not let garbage Trucks take over their day.
Life is too   53 to wake up in the morning with  54 , so take your time and love the people who treat you right.  55 about the ones who don’t. Don’t be regretful for your life.
A. teachers
B doctors
C. drivers
D. leaders
A. Point
B. Forget
D. Wonder
D. Dream

Whether it’s a carol(圣诞颂歌)service or an evening of karaoke in the pub, many people will enjoy a good old singsong this Christmas. Singing aloud will not just lift the spirits---it’s good for your physical health as well. Filling the lungs(肺)with air, increasing the heart rate and getting blood pumping round the body faster can all help our physical health.
For the past few years Heart Research UK has been Funding a Christmas campaign aimed at getting people singing, simply for the benefit it can bring. The organizer of the campaign says singing is a safe, simple and social activity that everyone can enjoy. “Singing is linked to long life, stress reduction, and general health protection. It also brings a great amount of happiness. It is impossible to sing well with a long face because it affects your pitch(音高).”
Professor Graham Welch, who leads the International Music Education Research Centre at the University of London, has spent more than 30 years studying the effects of singing. He says that singing is a form of exercise. It means we’re also having a strong aerobic activity(有氧运动)when we’re singing, which results in increasing the feeling of pleasure while decreasing that of stress.
“And communal(共同的)singing—like in a singing group, a church service or even a singsong in the pub—helps improve our sense of self-respect. It increases our sense of satisfaction with ourselves, a greater sense of feeling included. ”
Helen Astrid, a singing teacher, also sees the great effects that singing brings. “It lifts us up on a spiritual level, it helps our self-respect, and it’s great for all ages from small kids to grannies—you can have a good sing and let your hair down.”
But she warns people not to have too many beers or glasses of wine, though a glass may help them gather courage before taking to the stage during the holidays.
小题1:Heart Research UK holds a campaign to __________.
A.encourage people to sing for God at Christmas
B.study the effects of singing on people
C.get people to sing and improve their health
D.bring happiness to people during holidays
小题2: What are the benefits of singing according to Graham Welch?
a. Singers’ living longer.
b. Singers’ general health protection.
c. Singers’ feeling happier.
d. Singers’ stress reduced.
e. Singer’s self-respect improved.
A.a, b, cB.b, c, dC.c, d, eD.a, b, e
小题3: The underlined part “let your hair down” probably means __________.
A.feel at easeB.protect yourself
C.dress casuallyD.cover your nervousness
小题4: What can we infer from the passage?
A.Singing at Christmas is good for health.
B.In a low mood one is not able to sing well.
C.Experts have disagreement on singing.
D.Singing is the same as other aerobic activities.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Karaoke—Best Place for Singing!
B.Christmas—Best Time for Singing!
C.Singing—Healthy but Difficult
D.For Health—Let’s Sing!
You have heard of Webster Toys. Websters have made good safe and interesting toys for more than a hundred years. Now we sell them, and children play with them, in countries from New Zealand to Norway(挪威), and from Japan to Brazil(巴西). We are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East. He(She) will be between the ages of thirty and forty. He will already have some years of selling in world markets behind him. He will speak good English and at least one other language of the Far East.
The person we are looking for will live in Singapore, and work in our office there but he will travel for up to six months in other countries in one year. He will know the Far East well. He should know how to sell in established(建立) markets and where to find new ones. He will know to make more money than ever, for himself and for Webster Toys.
Websters want someone who can stand on his own feet. If you think you are the person we are looking for, write to Mr.J.Sloman at our office. Webster Toys Company Church Mill Watford.
小题1:. What are Webster Toys?
A.An old kind of toys.
B.Factories where good, safe and interesting toys are made.
C.People who are famous for making toys for children.
D.A company that has been making and selling toys.
小题2:. We can most probably read the text _______.
A.in a bookB.in a dictionaryC.in a novel D.in a newspaper
小题3: . Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.If you are thirty years old, you can apply for the position.
B.If you live in Singaore, you can get the position.
C.If you speak good English , you can get the position.
D.The company is looking for some salesmen or saleswomen.
They leap from helicopters or speeding boats, bringing aid to swimmers who get into trouble off Italy’s popular beaches.
For these dog lifeguards, the doggie paddle (狗刨式游法)does just fine.
These “lifedogs” tow a buoy(救生衣) that victims can grab, or a raft they can sit on to be towed back to shore, and unlike their human counterparts(与对方地位相当的人), they can easily jump from helicopters and speeding boats to reach swimmers in trouble.
With millions flocking(人群) to Italy’s crowded beaches each summer, the Italian Coast Guard says it rescues about 3,000 people every year — and their dog helpers are credited with saving several lives.
It takes three years for the canines to reach expert rescue status, and currently 300 dogs are fully trained for duty, said Roberto Gasbarri, who co-ordinates the Italian School of Canine Lifeguards program at a centre outside of Rome in the seaside town of Civitavecchia.
“Dogs are useful in containing the physical fatigue(疲劳) of the lifeguard, to increase the speed at which casualties(遇难者) are retrieved(找到并衔回), to increase the security of both the casualty and of the lifeguard,” Gasbarri said.
The Civitavecchia centre is one of a dozen around the country for the school founded more than 20 years ago in the northern province of Bergamo by Ferruccio Pilenga, whose first trainee was his own Newfoundland.
The school will train any breed(品种), as long as they weigh at least 30 kilograms, but Labradors, Newfoundlands and golden retrievers are most commonly used because of their natural instinct for swimming. Each dog works in tandem with(同 ……合作) a human lifeguard, who also acts as the animal’s trainer.
小题1:Which of the following can act as the best title fo the passage?
A.Dogs to the RescueB.Dogs Are Good at Doggie Paddle
C.The Wonderful Performance of DogsD.Dogs: Our Loyal Friends
小题2:What advantage do these life-dogs have over human lifeguards in a rescue?
A.Dog can swim very fastB.Dogs can finish rescue work with ease.
C.Dogs can finish the great work free of charge.D.Dogs can easily be trained
小题3: Which of the following is TRUE about the Civitavecchia center according to the text?
A.Any breed can be trained there.
B.The ones who have the gift for swimming are welcomed.
C.After a better training, the dogs can work alone.
D.It is the only place for training dog lifeguards in the school.
小题4:What does the writer want to tell us in the 4th paragraph?
A.Without the dog lifeguards, 3,000 people would lose their lives every year.
B.The buautiful beaches attract millions of people every year.
C.Dog lifeguards play an important part in a rescue.
D.Italy is a famous place of interest.
The ocean bottom,a region nearly 2.5 times greater than the total land area of the Earth, is even today largely unexplored. Until about a century ago,the deep-ocean floor was completely inaccessible and hidden beneath waters averaging over 3,600 meters deep. Total­ly without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth's surface,the deep-ocean bottom is a strange environment to humans,in some ways as forbidding and remote as the outer space.
Although researchers have taken samples of deep-ocean rocks for over a century,the first detailed global study of the ocean bottom did not actually start until 1968,with the beginning of the National Science Foundation's Deep Sea Drilling Project ( DSDP). Using techniques first developed for the offshore oil and gas industry,the DSDP's drill ship,the Glomar Challenger,was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean's surface and drill in very deep waters,taking samples of rock from the ocean floor.
The Glomar Challenger completed 96 voyages in a 15-year-research program that ended in November 1983. During this time,it sailed 600,000 kilometers and took almost
20,000samples of rocks around the world. Those samples have allowed geologists to reconstruct what the planet looked like hundreds of millions of years ago and to make out what it will probably look like millions of years in the future. Today,largely on the strength of evidence gathered during the Glomar Challenger's voyages,nearly all earth scientists agree on the theories of plate tectonics (构造学) and continental drift that explains many of the geological processes.
The samples of rocks drilled by the Glomar Challenger have also provided a climatic re­cord stretching back hundreds of millions of years. The information of past climatic changes can be used to predict future climates.
小题1:The underlined word" inaccessible" in Line 3 means     .
A.unrecognizable B.unreachableC.unusable D.unreasonable
小题2:Why does the author mention "outer space" in the first paragraph?
A.The Earth's climate millions of years ago was similar to that in outer space.
B.It is similar to the ocean floor in being strange to the humans.
C.Rock formations in outer space are similar to those found on the ocean floor.
D.Techniques used by scientists to explore outer space were similar to those used in ocean exploration.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE of the Glomar Challenger?
A.It is a type of submarine. B.It is an ongoing project.
C.It has gone on over 100 voyages. D.It made its first DSDP voyage in 1968.
小题4:The Deep Sea Drilling Project was significant because it was         .
A.an attempt to find new sources of oil and gas
B.the first extensive exploration of the ocean bottom
C.made up of geologists from all over the world
D.supported entirely by the gas and oil industry
小题5:Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as being a result of the Deep Sea Drilling Project?
A.Geologists were able to determine the Earth's appearance millions of years ago.
B.Two geological theories became more widely accepted by scientists.
C.Geologists observed forms of life never before seen.
D.Information was revealed about the Earth's past climatic changes.
While drunken driving may be on the decline, traffic safety experts remain puzzled over how to deal with another alcohol related danger: drunken pedestrains.
Pedestrians struck and killed by cars often are extremely drunk. In fact, they are intoxicated(喝醉的) more frequently and with higher blood alcohol levels than drunken drivers who are killed in accidents, various studies have shown. Forty percent of adult pedestrians involved in fatal crashes have a blood alcohol level of at least 0.10 which by law in most states signifies intoxication compared to only 25 percent of drivers in deadly accidents, according to recent federal data.
Some types of pedestrain accidents have been declining nationally, especially those involving children, but the number of adult pedestrians who are drunk when killed in traffic has remained relatively steady at 2500 a year. The total number of pedestrians killed annually in U.S. traffic accidents is at least 7000, or one of every seven highway accidents resulting in death.
“We’re dealing here, we think, with a very severe drinking problem that leads to a severe highway safety problem,” said Richard Blomberg, president of Dunlap and Associates Inc, in Norwalk, Coon.
Blomberg, whose consulting company found a very high rate of alcohol involvement in a controlled study of pedestrian accidents in New Orleans, was among several researchers who spoke on the topic at the annual meeting of the Research council’s Transportation Research Board(TRB)  in Washington in January.
Pedestrian accidents have not received enough attention in the past, according to Kay Colpitts, who chairs the board’s committee on pedestrians. Few methods exist to monitor walking habits, she said, and researchers have been mystified(迷惑不解) about how to prevent disasters.
小题1:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Traffic Safety.B.Drunken Drivers
C.Drunken Pedestrian Accidents.D.A Severe Highway Safety Problem.
小题2:Among the causes of walkers’ accidents, the most serious problem is .      
A.long delays in traffic signals that may make people cross streets ignoring traffic rules
C.a lack of adult keeping eyes on many children involved in accidents
D.former drunken drivers whose licenses are not allowed to use for a time
小题3:According to recent federal data, drunken drivers with an over 0.10 blood alcohol level in deadly accidents .      
A.are 15 percent less than drunken adult walkers with the same level
B.are 2500 a year
C.are at least 7000 in US traffic accidents
D.make up one seventh of highway accidents
小题4:According to the passage, what is Blomberg?
A.A researcher.
B.A specialist in traffic safety.
C.A clerk of a consulting company.
D.A government official

What makes it rain? Rain falls from clouds for the same reason anything falls to Earth. The Earth's gravity pulls it. But every cloud is made of water droplets or ice crystal(冰晶). Why doesn't rain or snow fall constantly from all clouds? The droplets or ice crystals in clouds are extremely small. The effect of gravity on them is slight. Air currents move and lift droplets so that the net downward amount of water is zero, even though the droplets are moving constantly.
It can be seen that droplets and ice crystals behave somewhat like dust in the air in a beam of sunlight. To the casual observer, dust seems to act in a totally random fashion, moving about
without fixed direction. But in fact dust particles(分子) are much larger than water droplets and they finally fall. The average size of a cloud droplet is only 0.0004 inch in diameter(直径). It is so small that it would take sixteen hours to fall half a mile in perfectly still air, and it doesn't fall out of moving air at all. Only when the droplet grows to a diameter of 0.008 inch or larger can it fall from the cloud. The average raindrop contains a million times as much water as a tiny cloud droplet. The growth of a cloud droplet to a size larger enough to fall out is the cause of rain and other forms of precipitation. This important growth process is called "coalescence".
小题1: Ice crystals do NOT immediately fall to Earth because           .
A.they are kept up by air currents
B.most of them change into steam
C.they combine with other chemicals in the atmosphere
D.their electrical charges draw them away from the earth
小题2: The underlined word "random" in line 10 most probably means            .
小题3:What can be inferred about drops of water larger than 0.008 inch in diameter?
A.They never occur.
B.They are not affected by the force of gravity.
C.In moving air they would fall to earth.
D.In still air they fall a speed of thirty-two miles per hour.
小题4: How much bigger is the rain drop than a loud droplet?
A.200 times bigger
B.1,000 times bigger
C.100,000 times bigger
D.1,000,000 times bigger
One of the greatest sources of unhappiness, in my experience, is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.
When we see something we don’t like, we wish it could be different -- we cry out for something better. That may be human nature, or perhaps it’s something that’s ingrained(根深蒂固的)in our culture.
The root of unhappiness is that we decided we didn’t like it in the first place. We’ve judged it as bad, rather than saying, “It’s not bad or good, as it just is.”
An example: in my recent post(帖子), A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind, quite a few commentators thought my outlook was negative, pessimistic, or fatalistic(听天由命的)... because I said you should expect people to mess up, expect things to go differently from what you planned. Above all, you should embrace that.
It’s too negative to expect something to go wrong, they said. However, I think it’s only negative if you see it as negative, or if you judge it as bad.
Instead, you could accept it as the way the world works -- as the way things actually are. And try to understand why they are that way.
Does it mean you can never change things? Not at all. But changing things is not because you can’t accept things as they are, but because you enjoy the process of change of learning and growing.
Can we make this world a better place? Again, that’s an assumption that it’s a bad place fight now. But instead, you could say the world is just what it is -- and that’s neither good nor bad. You can say that you’ll continue to try to do things to help others, to grow as a person, to make a difference in this world -- not because you’re such a bad person now, but because that’s the path you choose to take, because you enjoy that path.
As you catch yourself judging, and wishing for different -- try a different approach: accept, and understand. It might lead to some interesting results.
小题1: Which of the following statements is correct according to the author?
A.We can never change things because we can’t accept them.
B.We shouldn’t try to do whatever we can to help others and make a difference.
C.It’s wrong of you to expect things to go differently.
D.There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
小题2: What’s the main idea of the whole passage?
A.The world is a good place for us to live in.
B.Unhappiness comes from what we want to be different.
C.You might as well accept the world as it is and try to embrace it.
D.Let’s make the world more beautiful.
小题3:Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A novel.B.A news story.C.A travel guide.D.A magazine.

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