
3.Take a walk
Think that daily walks are exercise for old people?Think again.Taking a fast walk for as little as 30 minutes a day can greatly improve your overall physical health and even have a positive effect on your mental condition.Walking can fit into any guy's lifestyle and is generally considered as a way to stay in shape.Consider the benefits of walking:
Walking helps you maintain a healthy weight.Since the only real way to lose weight is to in-crease the amount of calories you burn,the benefits of fast walking for at least 30 minutes a day help you take off pounds.It may not happen so fast if you run three miles a day,but over time you will find yourself in much better shape than if you spend that half an hour sitting on the couch watching TV or at the computer.
Walking strengthens muscles.When you walk,you work your muscles.In fact,walking brings into motion almost as many muscle groups as running or swimming.You will end up getting similar benefits in your muscle tone as well.
Walking helps to reduce stress and calm your emotions.Psychologists have long known that you feel better after a long walk.Getting your body moving lets out endorphins (内啡肤)that help you deal with tension from a long day or a stressful life.If you put a nice walk at the end of an otherwise stressful routine,you will find a lot of mental benefits that you won't get if you just start to deal with your family responsibilities after a hard day's work.
Adding a daily walk to your routine is not as interesting a choice as finding a tennis partner for three sets or joining a gym and increasing the latest exercise program.But it is a simple 9 healthy and totally free way to add exercise to your day no matter what your schedule or responsibilities.
Title:Take a walk
Main idea:Walking for 30 minutes a day can improve your (76)overall physicalhealth and mental condition.
The benefits of walkingReasons
☆Walking helps you maintain a healthy weight and keep you in good (77)shape.
☆Walking makes your muscles (79 )strengthened.
☆Walking (81)reducesyour stress and calms you down.
☆It helps to (78)burn  calories so that it can make people lose weight.
☆When you're walking,many muscle groups are(80)broughtinto motion.
☆(82)Movingyour body helps to deal with the stress from work and life.If you take a nice walk after work,your mind will (83)relievefrom it.
(84)Conclusion;alking is a simple,healthy and (85)freeway to build up your body no matter how busy you are and what your responsibilities are.

分析 短文讲述了走路对于我们身体和精神的好处,并说明了理由,最后提倡人们在生活中要多走路,有益于我们的健康.

解答 76.overall physical,根据句子Taking a fast walk for as little as 30 minutes a day can greatly improve your overall physical health and even have a positive effect on your mental condition.可知一天走路三十分钟能改善身体和精神状况.
77.shape,由句子It may not happen so fast if you run three miles a day,but over time you will find yourself in much better shape 可知走路能使你保持健康的体重,并且使你保持好身材.
78.burn,根据句子Since the only real way to lose weight is to in-crease the amount of calories you burn,the benefits of fast walking for at least 30 minutes a day help you take off pounds.可知走路能燃烧卡路里,因此使人减肥.
79.strengthened,根据句子Walking strengthens muscles.可知走路能让肌肉变强壮,因此此处填形容词strengthened.
80.brought,根据句子In fact,walking brings into motion almost as many muscle groups as running or swimming.可知当你走路时,你的肌肉群都得到了运动.
81.reduces,根据句子Walking helps to reduce stress and calm your emotions.可知走路能帮助减压和镇定情绪,注意主语walking动名词看成单数,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式.
82.Moving,根据句子Getting your body moving lets out endorphins (内啡肤)that help you deal with tension from a long day or a stressful life.可知让你的身体移动能帮助处理工作和生活中的压力.
83.relieve,由句子If you put a nice walk at the end of an otherwise stressful routine,you will find a lot of mental benefits that you won't get if you just start to deal with your family responsibilities after a hard day's work.可知工作后散一下步,你的精神就会得到舒缓.
85.free,由短文最后一句But it is a simple 9 healthy and totally free way to add exercise to your day no matter what your schedule or responsibilities.可知答案为free.

点评 在做表格阅读时,首先需要快速的浏览全文,把握文章的主旨大意;其次要学会带着问题到文中相应的地方,通过细节阅读来寻找或概括答案;最后理清作者的写作思路也非常重要;做此类题时,要多注意一些关键词的提取,以及结构上的搭配.

14.The impression you make at the beginning of an interview is very important.Employers often decide to hire someone in the first three minutes of the interview.They judge you by your appearance,attitude and manners.
A friendly smile when you walk into the room is important.A smile shows a confident and positive attitude.
When you introduce yourself,make eye contact with the interviewer.Some interviewers offer a handshake.Others don't.
Try to be as natural as possible.But pay attention to your body language.The way you sit,walk,gesture,use your voice and show feelings on your face is all part of your body language.It makes the interviewer know how you feel about yourself and the situation you are in.Are you feeling positively about yourself?Your abilities?Your interest in the job?
Speak clearly and loudly enough.Show interest and enthusiasm in your voice.When you speak,look at the interviewer.Also,don't say negative things about yourself,or former employer.
Listen to questions carefully.If you don't understand a question,ask the interviewer to repeat or explain:"I'm sorry,but I didn't catch that.""I'm not sure exactly what you mean."
Almost everyone is nervous in a job interview.Interviewers know that.They don't expect you to be totally calm and relaxed.But they expect you to try to control your nervousness.They expect you to show confidence in your ability to do the job.
At the end of the interview,thank the interviewer for her or his time.
It's a good idea to send a short thank-you letter right after the interview,or deliver it by hand.
Phone the company if you have not heard anything after one week.Ask if they have made a decision about the job.
Good luck!

21.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.you should always put on a smile when meeting the employer
B.you should stand still with respect before the employer
C.employers understand and like employees'nervousness
D.the first impression is very important in an interview
22.Why should we pay attention to our body language?C
A.Because it is needed by our employer.
B.Because it can help us feel about the employer.
C.Because it can help us win the employer's positive impression.
D.Because we need it to improve our feelings.
23.The main purpose of the passage isB.
A.to tell right from wrong about job interviews
B.to give you some advice on the art of finding a job
C.to explain why we should do something about an interview
D.to suggest not being shy in an interview
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?D
A.A Friendly Smile
B.Sending a Thank-You Letter
C.Don't Be Nervous
D.Making a Good Expression.
11.In American history,today's grandparents used to grow up in a period of angry rebelling against their parents'authority.As time goes by and they ease into the role of (51)B family members,they may wonder:What happened to the generation gap?Is it gone or just in the (52)A?Or is it still present but mostly underground?
A generation gap is commonly recognized to refer to differences between generations that cause conflict and (53)Acommunication,creating a‘gap.'Sociologist William Safire provides a more positive definition.Generation gap,according to him,can be a(n) (54)C lack of communication between young and old,which results in misunderstanding,or,on the good side,it can be regarded as a useful stretch of time that separates cultures within a society,allowing them to develop their own (55)A.From their position in the family,and with more (56)B than younger family members,grandparents are more likely to look at the generation gap (57)C,expecting that differences between generations can sometimes do some good to all those concerned.
Although there have always been differences between the generations,the drastic differences that the term implies were not much (58)D until the twentieth century.Before that time,society was not very (59)A.Young people typically lived near their extended families,prayed in their childhood churches and often worked on the family farm or in a family business.With the appearance of television and movies,young people were exposed to cultural influences (60)A to their own families and cultures.Performers like Frank Sinatra,Elvis Presley and James Dean won admiration from the younger generation but were often (61)D by the older generation.Then,to make the matter worse,came the 1960s,and the Vietnam(越南)War caused a more serious (62)B between young and old.
Today,although more Americans have admitted the existence of generational differences,most do not see them as too (63)C.That is partly because of the areas of difference.The top areas of disagreement between young and old,according to a research,are use of technology and taste in music rather than (64)A issues like religious beliefs or political viewpoints.In fact,most American people today have found ways to,on the one hand,live in harmony with family members and,on the other hand,(65)B their own tastes and preferences.

65.A.make upB.stick toC.refer toD.bring up
18.Easy Ways to Boost(改善)Your Mood
 (71)DTaking an extra moment for yourself will make your day brighter and give you a healthier outlook on life.Here are some simple ways you can bring a little happiness into your life fight now:
1.Go for a walk.
Grab your dog,best friend,or your significant other and head out on a brisk(轻快的)walk.Just a little bit of exercise call boost your mood and give you a flesh perspective on problems that have been bothering you.Think walks are boring?(72)B.Take a trip to the mall,or even walk to get some frozen yogurt.Make it a fun trip and you'11surely make it part of your routine.
After all,laughter is the best medicine.Pick up something that makes you laugh like a funny picture,book,magazine,or a DVD of your favorite comedy. (74)F.Giving yourself time to laugh boosts feel-good endorphins(胺多酚).
3. (75)A
Take a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy,like roller skating,skiing,swimming,playing an instrument,or being with friends and family.Place the picture on your desk to remind yourself that you lead an amazing life and have lots to be happy about.

A.Model behavior
B.Try walking to a place that seems exciting to you
C.Ten minutes of relaxation can do wonders
D.Even the most optimistic people can use a mood boost every once in a while
E.Tell someone that you're guaranteed to brighten their day
F.You could even plan a date night out to a comedy club
G.Buy something silly.
15.Once a great boxer (拳击家),Tom Brown,went to a restaurant(饭馆)for dinner.He put his bag near the door,but he was afraid that someone would take it.So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it:"The great boxer,Tom Brown,left his bag here.He'll come back in a few minutes."He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner.When he came back,his bag wasn't there.But he found a piece of paper on the ground.It said:"A great runner took away your bag,and he will not come back."
21.Tom Brown went to the restaurantC.
A.for his bag                   
B.to see the runner
C.to have his meal               
D.for his pen
22.Mr Brown was afraidC.
A.to put down his bag near the door  
B.he couldn't find his pen
C.thieves would take his bag away
D.he couldn't get enough food himself from the restaurant
23.Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because heA.
A.thought the thief would not steal (偷) his bag when he read the words
B.was a boxer                   
C.wanted to catch the thief
D.wanted to get to know the runner
24.When Mr Brown came back heC.
A.found another piece of paper on the ground 
B.found his bag wasn't there
C.both A and B                   
D.saw the runner running after him.

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