
No one loves me more than my parents, especially my father. My father is stout and strong, 1. a severe look on his face and keen expressive eyes. At first sight you may feel him hard 2.( approach ). In fact he is very kind and considerate. I believe my father is a 3.( talent ) man. He is decisive and efficient in doing things. By his own talents and years of efforts, he 4. ( provide ) his family with a good social position and a 5.( relative ) rich life. Besides, he lives in harmony with others and never quarrels with anyone, so people from all walks of life come to my home, from 6. I’ve gained lots of social experiences. But at home he is a strict parent who is hard on me and has high 7. ( expectation ) of me. I can see that my idling away time 8. ( hurt ) him deeply, while if I have done something great and meaningful, such as 9. ( write ) a book, he will be more excited than me. I always remind 10. ( me ) I must go on and on, and never shall I give up halfway.


Want to boost the chance of your story being published in Reader's Digest and win $25,000? Here are a few of our favorite entries so far in our "Your life: The Reader's Digest Version" contest. After reading these, head over to Facebook and submit your own story about a special moment or lesson that shaped your life.

"There's Always a John" By Darla Boyd

My first year of teaching, there was a kid named John in my class. John was difficult to control and he nearly drove me crazy. While talking about him one day, an old teacher put his hand on my shoulder and said, "There will always be a John. Your job is to learn to discover what makes him different and help him succeed." The next year, there was indeed another John. But that advice taught me that there is something to appreciate in everyone.

"An Early Key Lesson" By Elaine West

Before I began my first teaching job, my mother, a teacher of 30 years, gave me a very special gift, five simple words that have had an effect on my entire life." Make friends with the janitor(门卫)." Her wisdom taught me the respect for all types of characters and continues to enrich my life to this day. Just five little words but what an impact they can have when you take them to heart.

“Raising Mommy” By Jan Davis

Being a mother can always present challenges and rewards. Someone told me early that children will teach you everything you need to know. Being a mother is being raised. Our children become our advisers. Their dreams become our professors, as we are taking notes carefully. The sounds of their laughter and smiles are a great reward to us. Their tears remind us that it is okay to fail, and that we should wipe the tears away and try again.

1.What did Elaine West's mother advise her to do?

A. Don't treat students differently. B. Respect people from different backgrounds.

C. Don't judge people by appearance. D. Take care of janitors.

2.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.

A. a mother improves herself greatly in parenting

B. a mother should be given more care

C. children should realize the dreams of their parents

D. being a mother has more challenges than rewards

3.The text is most probably a(n) ________.

A. poster about a lecture B. ad for three new books

C. introduction to a contest D. notice inviting contributions

The Swedish Academy’s mid-October announcement regarding literature seldom fails to cause second-guessing.

Bob Dylan was awarded the big prize this morning, and my social media has been alive with indignation ever since. The Nobel did not go to those excellent novelists but to a songwriter. Some of those same people are still protesting that last year it was warded to Svetlana Alexievich, a “journalist”. They have decided, for whatever reasons, that song lyrics(歌词) are not literature.

And people are upset because Bob Dylan is the voice of some generation other than theirs, because he works in a popular style, because he does not work in this minute’s popular style, because he appeared on a car commercial that aired during the Super Bowl, because his songwriting skills dropped off — he was famous long ago, after all.

You may not think of Dylan as a poet, but Dylan created a climate in which lyrics were taken seriously. And Dylan accomplished something that few novelists or poets or for that matter songwriters have managed to do in our time: he changed the time he lived. Through words, with music, he affected the opinions and ambitions of hundreds of millions of people all over the world.The Nobel Prize in Literature cannot ever be all things to all people, and while this year’s award failed to accomplish various possible objectives, it was not in any way misapplied.

1.What does the underlined word “indignation” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Curiosity. B. Happiness.

C. Excitement. D. Anger.

2.Why are people upset about Dylan’s being awarded?

A. He failed to represent any generation.

B. He didn’t have good songwriting skills.

C. He played badly in the Super Bowl.

D. He is not popular any longer.

3.Paragraph 4 mainly focuses on Dylan’s _________.

A. style B. influence

C. efforts D. ambitions

4.Which can serve as the title of the passage?

A. No dish suits all tastes

B. Great minds think alike

C. Misfortune may be actual blessing

D. Judge not according to the appearance

One hot summer I was traveling down the freeway on a day trip to Los Angeles. During my journey down the highway, another motorist suddenly started cutting into my lane. Being in the far right lane, my car was forced onto the shoulder of the road. Being an experienced driver, I steered my car back onto the highway, the motorist drove away without saying anything.

While I wasn’t very happy with the person for cutting in front of me, I decided to consider it an honest mistake—a lack of attention to the lane change or a driver lost in thought. It certainly could not have been done on purpose. The car sped away after cutting in front of me and was soon out of sight.

After a while, I caught up with the same motorist on the side of the road. He was an elderly gentleman who was walking along the side of the freeway on this hot day. With his car stopped on the side of the road and the nearest services at least twenty miles away, I decided to stop and see what the problem was.

The man’s car had a flat tire, and while he had a spare tire, he didn’t have a jack. I decided to help him and allowed him to sit in my air–conditioned car while I changed his tire. Fifteen minutes later, I was hot, sweaty and dirty, but I did feel good after doing something for someone.

1.Which of the following word can best describe the author?

A. Bad-tempered. B. Humorous. C. Hard-working. D. Kind-hearted.

2.We can infer from the second paragraph that the _______.

A. motorist didn’t pay any attention to the lane change

B. motorist was lost in thought while he was driving

C. motorist cut in front of the author on purpose

D. author forgave the motorist

3.Why did the motorist stop his car on the side of the road? Because_______.

A. he got lost B. his car had a flat tire

C. he wanted to have a rest D. he wanted to travel with the author

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Actions speak louder than words. B. An act of kindness can make you feel good.

C. No pain, no gain. D. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Pollution inside homes and other buildings kills more than 4 million people each year. Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood-powered or coal-powered stoves.

One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun. Crosby Menzies, a solar power expert in a South African company, described his latest solar cooker called the “Sol-4”. “It is four square meters of mirrors, six to eight meters in length. It is quite a large cooker.”

The “Sol-4” works by reflecting(反射) light from the sun off large mirrors. The mirrors direct the light at a cooking pan. Then the light heats the pan with solar energy. Within two minutes, the pan is hot enough to cook sausages and onions. In just four minutes, water can be boiled. That is as fast as cooking with natural gas or electricity.

The cooker is also much “friendlier” than other models because people do not have to stand in the sun to use it. And people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coal. Such individuals would be less likely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoke.

At present, the cooker only works when the sun is shining. But engineers are working on a way to make it work without sunlight.

Each cooker costs about $2,000, which is a large amount of money for most Africans. To solve that problem, Crosby Menzies has created a non-governmental organization called Solar Cookers for Africa. It plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooking equipment.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. solar cookers B. smoke pollution

C. solar power experts D. breathing illness

2.The “sol-4” is mainly used to ________.

A. shorten the time of cooking

B. reduce the cost of making cookers

C. raise money through donations to help African people

D. reduce the number of deaths caused by harmful smoke

3.The underlined word “individuals” in Paragraph 4 most probably means “________”.

A. cookers B. mirrors C. people D. experts

4.Which of the following about the “sol-4” is TRUE?

A. It is six to eight square meters of mirrors.

B. It can work in any weather condition now.

C. It can also heat the pan by lighting firewood.

D. It is more environment-friendly than other cookers.

5.What can we infer from the text?

A. The “sol-4” will be designed in a smaller size.

B. More Africans can use the solar cookers in the future.

C. The “sol-4” is the first product of the South African company.

D. The African government will provide poor people with solar cookers.

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