1. 就我而言, 我渴望得到这个出国深造的机会。
___ ____ ___ ___ ___, I __ ___ ____ have such a chance to ___ ___for further study.
2. 他意识到自己无法适应城市的生活,决定搬回农村。
He ______ _____ ______he couldn’t ____ _____ ____the city life and decided to move back to the countryside.
3. 只有老板的私人秘书才能接触到这份文件。
Only the private secretary of the boss ______ _______ ______this document.
4. 他被宣布为这次比赛的冠军。人们都过来祝贺他的胜利。
He was____ ____ ____the champion of this competition and everyone came to_____him on his victory.
5. 他日夜沉溺于酒吧,以至于他的妻子和他离婚。
He ___ ______ _______pub day and night _____ ______ his wife ______ him.
6. 人们都很同情他的不幸遭遇,并纷纷捐款帮他度过难关。
People _____ _____ ____his unfortuante experience and _____money to help him out.
7. 学校正在考虑如何提高学生的住宿。
The school _____ _____ _______how to improve students’ ________.
8. 他推荐我读一本关于国家安全的书。
He ________ _______me a book about national _______.
1. As far as I’m concerned; am dying/eager to; go abroad
2.was aware that; adapt/adjust himself to
3. has/had access to
4. declared to be; congratulate
5. abandoned himself to; so that; divorced
6. showed/had sympathy for; donated
7. is reflecting on; accommodation
8. recommends/recommended; to ; security