
Dear Peter,
I'm glad to receive the novel.Thank you for such a lovely gift as I have been expecting for a long time.This novel gives me some insights into American society and daily life.
I know you're interested in Chinese festivals,and therefore I choose an album of paper cutting for you.Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese cultural relics,which is often used as a decoration for a joyous atmosphere.I hope it will bring happiness and luck to your family as it always does in China.
Expecting you to come to China and experience the rich culture in person.
Best wishes.
Li Hua.

分析 这是一篇关于礼物的作文.根据题目要求可知用第一人称和一般现在时态.内容包括:一感谢礼物;二回赠礼物以及礼物意义;三邀请来华.
1.Thank you for such a lovely gift as I have been expecting for a long time.句子里as引导定语从句,代指先行词a lovely gift,和such呼应.
2.Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese cultural relics,which is often used as a decoration for a joyous atmosphere句子里which引导非限制性定语从句,代指先行词Paper cutting.

解答 Dear Peter,
I'm glad to receive the novel.Thank you for such a lovely gift as I have been expecting for a long time.【高分句型一】This novel gives me some insights into American society and daily life.(感谢礼物)
I know you're interested in Chinese festivals,and therefore I choose an album of paper cutting for you.Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese cultural relics,which is often used as a decoration for a joyous atmosphere.【高分句型二】I hope it will bring happiness and luck to your family as it always does in China.(回赠礼物以及礼物意义)
Expecting you to come to China and experience the rich culture in person.(邀请来华)
Best wishes.
                                                                         Li Hua

点评 考查提纲类作文.
  ①The teacher said that the plan was good.转化为 The teacher said that the plan was not bad.
  ②When the audience heard the strange noise,they all ran out of the hall to see what happened.转化为 Hearing the strange noise,the audience all ran out of the hall to see what happened

A.What accounts for this culture of generosity?
B.This belief is central to the national character.
C.How can a sense of generosity be cultivated?
D.Americans'generosity is rooted in selfless behavior.
E.America's philanthropic nature is not restricted to the rich.
F.The formal practice of philanthropy traces its origin to a Founding Father.
Charity-Humanity's most kind and generous desire-is a timeless and borderless virtue,dating at least to the dawn of religious teaching.Philanthropy(慈善行为)as we understand it today,however,is a distinctly American phenomenon,inseparable from the nation that shaped it.From colonial leaders to modern billionaires like Buffett,Gates and Zuckerberg,the tradition of giving is woven into the national DNA.(67)F Benjamin Franklin,an icon of individual industry and frugality(节俭)even in his own day,understood that with the privilege of doing well came the price of doing good.When he died in 1790,Franklin thought to future generations,leaving in trust two gifts of 1,000 Ib.of sterling silver-one to the city of Boston,the other to Philadelphia.According to his instruction,a portion of the money could not be used for 200 years.
While Franklin's gifts lay in wait,the tradition he established evolved alongside the young nation.(68)E Often far less famed men and women have played a critical role in philanthropy's evolution.One of my personal heroes is Julius Rosenwald,who helped construct more than 5,300 schools across the segregated(种族隔离)South and opened classroom doors to a generation of African-American students.(69)A The answer is not just to benefit others.Tax reduction,for one,encourages the rich people to give.And philanthropy has long helped improve the public image of everyone from immoral capitalists to the new tech elite.More troubling,however,are the foundational problems that make philanthropy so necessary.Just before his death,Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.wrote,"Philanthropy is praise-worthy,but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary."
Franklin's gifts represent a broader principle.We are guardians of a public trust,even if our capital came from private enterprise,and our most important obligation is ensuring that the system works more equally and more justly for more people.(70)B America's greatest strength is not the fact of perfection,but rather the act of perfecting.
4.Since Abbi Hickman was just a little girl,she has been surrounded by animals.Chickens,cats,a dog,rabbits,and sometimes goats are just some of the animals she cares for.At the age of 9,Abbi went to the Tracy Animal Shelter,in her hometown of Tracy,California,to adopt Sheldon,her favorite cat.There,she saw the poor conditions that the animals were kept in.Abbi knew that it was her duty to take action.
Pins(识别号码) for Pets is Abbi's solution.For the last three years,she has organized a bowling tournament to raise funds for the Tracy Animal Center.She has raised more than $30,000,resulting in a better home for the animals."Now the shelter is nicer and cleaner and animals have more space.It is far better,a hundred percent better,"Abbi says.
To commend Abbi for her outstanding efforts,the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) named her the 2015 ASPCA Tommy P.Monahan Kid of the Year.This award is given to kids who make a substantial effort to help animals.Abbi responded to the news of her win with shock."I was pretty excited.I'm really honored to receive it,"she says.
Sacrificing time and effort to assist animals can sometimes be difficult,but Abbi hopes to do more."I just hope that even more people come and my non-profit becomes bigger.I want to spread my free services to more shelters.I really just hope people are kinder to animals and respect them more,"says Abbi,sharing her goals for her organization.By the age of 12,Abbi has already accomplished so much.
The advice she has for kids like her,who want to accomplish their goals,is,"Nothing is impossible.You can do anything you put your mind to.Even if it is something small,it can make a huge difference."Abbi's work has improved the lives of animals,and she plans to keep coming up with new ways to help them.

21.Why did Abbi go to the Tracy Animal Shelter when she was 9years old?B
A.To help take care of the animals living there
B.To adopt a cat called Sheldon she liked best
C.To find out the conditions animals lived it
D.To learn some knowledge about some animals
22.Which of the following can best describe Abbi?C
A.Cautious and loyal
B.Narrow minded and imaginative
C.Caring and sympathetic
D.Stubborn and courageous
23.How does Abbi collect money for the Tracy Animal Center?D
A.By asking some enterprises to donate money
B.By giving some performances and shows
C.By setting up a website to promote her idea
D.By organizing a bowling tournament
24.Which of the following is NOT true?A
A.Abbi will keep using the same way raise money and help the animals
B.Abbis find it is hard sacrificing time and effort to assist animals sometimes
C.Abbi wants to make a greater contribution to improving the lives of animals
D.Abbi really just expects that people are kinder to animals and respect them more.
1.Before World War II,all bank tellers(出纳)were men.But as men went to war during the early 1940s,banks trained women to take their place.I was among 20 women selected by Bank of America to work as a teller at a small branch in Los Angeles.
November 23,1942 was a day I'll never forget when I was 22 years old and just two months on the job.When a well-dressed man in a suit,tie and hat came to my window.I greeted him with a friendly"Good afternoon."But he shouted,"This is it!"
'The man placed a brown bag on the counter and said;"Fill it up."Because of'the way he was dressed,it didn't dawn on me that this was a hold-up(持枪抢劫).I was sure it must be a test of the new tellers'ability to follow bank rules.Eager to pass such a test,I coolly opened the bag,and then calmly filled it with marked bills.
"None of these!"the man shouted,insisting that I fill the bag with cash from another teller's drawer.Well,that was a big no-no from training:You never touch another teller's cash!I firmly told him it was against bank rules.You can imagine the disbelief on the robber's face.Other tellers later told me they couldn't believe I refused the robber's demands.
When the man told me to stand in front of the other staff along the wall,threatening to shoot me if anyone moved,I finally realized this was real.After the robber fled the bank,the manager got his gun and went after the robber but he failed to catch him.The robber was caught after another bank hold-up,and I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California,which was a fact that attracted many reporters.

24.Why was it easy for the author to become a bank teller?B
A.Females were thought responsible.
B.There was a lack of male workers.
C.She worked far better than men
D.Women could be trained easily.
25.Why did the author feel calm at the beginning of the incident?B
A.She was well trained.
B.She took it for a test.
C.She knew the man had no gun with him.
D.She had experienced the same thing before.
26.How did the robber feel when he heard the author's words in Paragraph 4?C
27.What can be inferred about the author after the incident?A
A.She was the subject of many news stories.
B:She caught the robber in another hold-up.
C.She was to blame for losing money.
D.She succeed in changing her job.

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