
The following are four forms about medicine. How to use the medicine is very important. Never take any by mistake.
1)Take the medicine with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For further night - time and early morning, take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablets in 24 hours. For Children six to twelve years old, go to your doctor for advice. Reduce dosage if nervousness, restlessness or sleeplessness takes place.
2)Each pill of the medicine taken three times every day for fourteen years old. As usual, a pill 6∶00 a. m., before breakfast, one before 11∶00 and one before sleep. Not for children under six years old and old persons with heart attack.
3)The medicine for a person with a fever. Once two pills a day before sleep for adult. Not take the medicine without fever. Half for Children under 12 years old. Children with a high fever, go to see a doctor.
4)The medicine taken three times a day, once five pills for adult with a cold. Half of the pills for children 10 years old. Take the medicine before breakfast, lunch, supper or before sleep.
小题1:Obviously a kind of medicine can’t be proper for ________, judging from the information.
A.children over twelve years oldB.some old persons with a fever
C.some old persons with heart attackD.neither adults nor heart attack
小题2:When a person has a cold, he had better ________ .
A.have about more than fourteen pills a dayB.have twice a day
C.have four times a dayD.have nine pills a day
小题3:How many kinds of medicine are used for the children six years old?
A.All of them.B.Three kinds of medicine.
C.Two kinds of medicine.D.Almost not any medicine.


小题1:题干要求判断所给选项中哪类人不适合服用此种药品,根据2)中“Not for Children under six years old and persons with heart at take”可知应选C.
小题3:题干考查有多少种药物适合6岁儿童服用,根据药品说明书1)中的“For Children six to twelve years old,go to your doctor for advice”2)中的“Not for children under six years old and old persons with heart attack”3)中的“Half for Children under 12 years old.Children with a high fever,go to see a doctor.”可知答案为D。
Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it’s painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.
During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you’re “hot”, that’s true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak(最高峰). For some people the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why it is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues(自言自语)as: “Get up, John! You’ll be late for work again!” the possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature—and—energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.
You can’t change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway. Counteract(对抗)your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won’t change your cycle, but you’ll get up steam and work better at your low point.
Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a leisurely yawn(呵欠)and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.
小题1:If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ______.
A.he is a lazy person       
B.he refuses to follow his own energy cycle
C.he is not sure when his energy is low
D he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening
小题2: Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?
A.Not knowing about the energy cycle
B.Familiar monologues
C.A change in a family member’s energy cycle
D.Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family members
小题3:If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ______.
A.change his energy cycleB.overcome his laziness
C.get up earlier than usualD.go to bed earlier
小题4:You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will ______.
A.help to keep your energy for the day’s work
B.help you to control your temper early in the day
C.enable you to concentrate on your routine work
D.keep your energy cycle under control all day
Even as Americans have been gaining weight, they have cut their average fat intake from 36 to 34 percent of their total diets in the past 15 years.  And indeed,  cutting fat  to control or lose weight makes sense. Fat has nine calories per gram. Protein and carbohydrates(碳水化合物) have just four. Moreover, the body uses fewer calories to metabolize fat than it does to metabolize other foods. Compared with protein and carbohydrates — which break down into amino acids and simple sugars, respectively, and can be used to strengthen and energize the body —— dietary fat is more easily converted to body fat. Therefore, it’s more likely to stay on buttocks, thighs and bellies.? 
But cutting fat from your diet doesn’t necessarily mean your body won’t store fat. For example, between nonfat and regular cookies, there’s trivial difference in calories because manufacturers make up for the loss of fat by adding sugar. Low-fat crackers, soups and dressings can also be just as high in calories as richer versions. No matter where the calories come from, overeating will still cause weight again. The calories from fat just do it a little quicker. A Wisconsin computer programmer who decided with a diet coach to eat only 40 grams of fat a day learned the lesson firsthand. He wasn’t losing weight. Then he showed his food diary to his coach and revealed he’d been eating half a pound of jelly beans a day. “They don’t have any fat,” he explains. But they had enough sugar to keep him from shedding an ounce. ? 
Nonfat foods become add-on foods. When we add them to our diet, we actually increase the number of calories we eat per day and gain weight. That was borne out in a Pennsylvania State University study. For breakfast, Prof. Barbara Rolls gave two groups of women yogurt(酵母乳)that contained exactly the same amount of calories. One group’s yogurt label said “high fat”—the other, “low fat.” The “low fat” yogurt group ate significantly more calories later in the day than the other group. “People think they’ve saved fat and can indulge themselves later in the day with no adverse consequences,” says Richard Mattes, a nutrition researcher at Purdue University. “But when they do that, they don’t compensate very precisely, and they often end up overdoing it.”
小题1:What lessons did the computer programme learn ?
A.Overeating will cause weight gain
B.He can eat half a pound of jellybeans a day
C.He can’t didn’t eat any fat
D.His coach gave him a lecture
小题2:Prof. Barbara’s ecperiement proved that _______________.
A.two groups ate the same amount of calories
B.two groups ate the same wmount of yogurt
C.the “ low fat” yogurt group ate more calories later in the day than the other group
D.people increase the number of calories they eat per day and gain group
小题3:According to the author ,________has less calories.
B.protein and carbohydrates
C.low-fat soups
小题4: What can you infer from the text ?
A.To keep from being overweight, people have to eat nofat food
B.The calories from fat just do it a little quicker than from protein and carbohydrates
C.People should avoid temptation
D.Americans realize that it is necessary to count calories before eating the food
Zinc(锌) is one of about 20 elements necessary for good health. It is present in the body in a very small amount but makes it possible for important chemical actions to be carried out in cells. Scientists are just beginning to discover how zinc and other elements work.
Researchers first studied zinc as a way to speed recovery. Dr. Waltor Powys formerly with the United States Air Force noted that the laboratory animals recovered faster when some matters were added to their food. One of these matters was zinc. Dr. Powys later tested the zinc treatment on an American airman recovering from medical operations. The airman who received zinc sulphate(硫酸盐) recovered in half of the usual time. Other doctors studied persons who had a number of strange disorders. The doctors learned that all of these problems were caused by lack of zinc in the body. They treated these disorders successfully by giving the patients zinc sulphate.
The amount of zinc in the body can be found by examining blood and hair. A lack of this important element is not uncommon among people in both industrial and developing countries. Zinc is found in most high protein(蛋白质) foods such as meat, milk, fish and eggs. It is also found in whole grains. But many people do not eat enough of these food. Food markets should add these elements so that more people could get needed amount of these necessary matters.
小题1:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Scientists found how zinc works a long time ago.
B.People need a large amount of zinc to be healthy.
C.Zinc allows important chemical actions to take place in cells.
D.Zinc must be used in the course of medical operation.
小题2: One of the results from the study of zinc is that _______.
A.there’s only a little zinc in the human body
B.food rich in protein contains more zinc
C.some physical problems are caused by lack of zinc
D.any patient who receives zinc sulphate gets well immediately
小题3:The best title for the passage may be _______.
A.A New Discovery B.Zinc and Health
C.How Zinc WorksD.Add Zinc to Your Food
Do you blank out or feel so nervous in exams that you have trouble writing answers to questions that you knew just last night? If so, you likely have a case of test anxiety.
But, don't be afraid. By recognizing the problem, you are taking the first step towards overcoming it.
Believe it or not, a touch of nervousness can sharpen your mind, allowing you to perform more quickly. This is because under stress, the body releases (释放) the hormone adrenaline (肾上腺素), which prepares it for something important that will happen. However, too much anxiety can result in sleeplessness, loss of appetite(胃口)before tests, and poor performance. Some people might feel hot and tired. With great anger they often shout or complain for no reason.
If you worry a lot or are a perfectionist, you are more likely to have trouble with test anxiety. Those who have prepared poorly for a test or have had negative experiences taking tests may also experience test anxiety.
When you feel a storm of anxiety coming on, stop what you're doing and make your mind a blank. If possible, actually tell yourself to 'STOP!' This will get your mind off the stress.
Then think of being at a place of comfort and let your body relax. As you continue the test, find questions you know the answers to and answer them first. This will help restore your confidence. 
Important of all, talk to yourself using positive language. Make it a habit to replace each negative thought with a logical reason. For example: "I've studied hard and I know the material, so I'm ready to do the best I can."
Another thing you can do is to learn to accept mistakes. In fact, they can be valuable learning opportunities.
Last but not least, start test preparation early - three to five days ahead of the quiz or test. After all, good study habits and skills - for example, time management and note-taking - will give you the feeling that you are in control.
小题1: The best title of the passage is probably______
A.How to beat test anxiety.
B.What is test anxiety.
C.The effects of test anxiety.
D.Experience test anxiety will help you.
小题2:Those ______ more easily suffer from test anxiety.
A.who are not well prepared for a test.
B.who wants everything to be perfect and highest.
C.who have experiences of failure in exams.
D.who do poorly in their study.
小题3:The author mentions _____pieces of suggestions about how to get over test anxiety.
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Mistakes sometime can be valuable and helpful.
B.Those who have prepared poorly for a test cause test anxiety easily.
C.Full test preparations will give you the feeling that you are in control.
D.A touch of anxiety can have a positive effect.
小题5:The underlined word “hot” in Paragraph3 means        .
A.disappointedB.angryC.activeD.running a high body temperature
Health experts have long worried about the increasing rate of obesity in kids. It’s an important concern: Being weight or obese during childhood can lead to serious problems normally seen in adults, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Poor diets and a lack of exercise are usually the causes. But would you ever have imagined there might be a connection between the bacteria that lived in your guts (内脏)when you were a baby and the chance that you would become overweight?
Scientists in Finland recently found just such a link. In a recent study, they showed that overweight kids had different species of bacteria living in their guts.
You probably think of bacteria only as germs that can make you sick. While it’s true that some bacteria can make people ill, your body actually depends on some types of bacteria to help you digest food and extract nutrients from it. These “good” bacteria live in your guts, where they process the food you eat.
Human babies get these bacterial helpers from their moms. When a baby is born, some of the bacteria in the mother move into the baby’s body. Growing babies get additional “good” bacteria from the milk their mothers produce. And it turns out the bacteria might play an important role in regulating weight just six years later.
So how could these bacteria affect weight? The researchers still haven’t tested that question, but future tests might lead to an answer.
小题1:The “link” in Paragraph 2 refers to the relationship between _______.
A.bacteria and the chance of being overweight
B.obesity and diabetes
C.diets and the chance of being overweight
D.bacteria and exercise
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the function of “good” bacteria?
A.Helping to digest food.
B.Helping to take nutrients from food.
C.Helping to regulate weight.
D.Making a person ill.
小题3:The purpose of writing this passage is to _______.
A.introduce the role of bacteria in children’s weight
B.analyze the influence of obesity on kids
C.give advice on how to lose weight quickly
D.explain the function of bacteria in foods
In some urban centers, workaholism is so common that people do not consider it unusual:
They accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D.C, for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to; they do it because they want   to.
Workaholism can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they probably don’t know how to relax.
Is workaholism always dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work well under stress. Some studies show that many workaholies have great energy and interest in life. Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment keep them busy and creative.
Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several advantages to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers more than financial security. It provides people with self?confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction when they’re produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say,“I made that.” Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity through participation in work, they get a sense of self and individualism. In addition, most jobs provide people with a socially acceptable way to meet others. Perhaps some people are compulsive about their work, but their addiction seems to be a safe-even an advantageous-one.
9.The passage indicates that workaholics          .
A.just know work but nothing else
B.are willing to work hard for long hours without pay
C.find their work provide them more satisfaction and self?confidence than how much they are   paid
D.has the work with more responsibility than others
10.One of the reasons that some people are not willing to quit their jobs even in their eighties and  nineties is that       
A.they are in the need of financial security
B.they would rather work than be disturbed by domestic affairs
C.they long for a sense of identity and being accomplished
D.they may have health problems from sheer boredom
11.This passage is mainly about .
A.workaholics are usually successful people, but their lives are in a mess       
B.workaholism can lead to serious problems but it can also create a joyful life
C.people who are absorbed in their work may enjoy movies, sports and other kinds of entertainment
D.those who work even under difficult conditions may be very happy
12.It can be inferred from the passage that .        
A.in the eyes of all the common people workaholics are peculiar
B.to workaholics, work is the sole source of happiness
C.a piece of challenging work may provide the workaholics a sense of satisfaction
D.workaholics are as addicted to their job as other people are to drugs or alcohol
Five months after my husband Steve died, I woke up one morning to the maddening sound of a leaking faucet(水龙头). I knew it needed repairs badly, but it _______ me so much just to think of it.
All our _______ life, I was the “artist” bringing to our house much imagination. Steve was the”_______” one. He had a real gift for handling chores(家务活),_______ me from unpleasant repair jobs.
But how could such a good man have his life cut short so suddenly! I had been so sad and angry that I completely _______ the house. That leaky faucet somehow awakened me to the fact that I now had to _______ the challenge of getting things fixed.
I got a workman named Ahmed. Entering the house, he stopped before a picture of Steve and me. “Doesn’t your husband _______ this kind of work?” he asked. “It’s not hard.”
“He died months ago. When he was alive, he did all the repair jobs _______.” I said quietly. Ahmed looked at me _______, but he didn’t reply. He fixed the faucet, adjusted the dishwasher door, and replaced a showerhead. Apparently he was gifted as Steve had been.
He did a(n) _______ job. I asked him to name his fee. “No charge, Ma’am,” he said. “My father died early, and the neighbors helped my family through.”
By fixing a faucet, Ahmed mended my soul. Although I would sure carry the pain of _______ with me along, Ahmed reminded me of the abundant _______ in the world.
A.come up withB.face up withC.look forward toD.step away from
I was out late watching a movie with a friend in Georgetown.By the time the    ended,it was 2 a.m.We walked to my car which was     across the street.When we arrived,I noticed something strange-the doors were    .I took a quick    of the car and was relieved to find everything undamaged,    one thing-my briefcase was gone. After a further search with my friend,I    the fact that it was gone, I considered myself incredibly    that nothing valuable was taken and nothing else in the car was    
The next day I    a surprising voieemail from a man.He said he had walked his dog in the morning and    a pile of papers and bills with my name all over them.I    him back immediately.He promised to   the materials back or I could pick them up.At first I asked him to send them,but then I   .We were in the same city and plus I didn’t want to inconvenience him.Normally,it probably wouldn’t be     to go to a stranger's house to   something up,but he gave me an    so I figured I was relatively safe.
I met the man and thanked him very much.He said he would   me if he found anything else. Words could not express my    of this stranger’s kindness. I thought to myself-there’s so much goodness in the world and there are so many people who    that inner goodness through acts kindness. Though it feels good to give kindness, it feels nice to      others want to give too.
A.rather thanB.along withC.as forD.except for
A.made outB.went throughC.passed downD.came across

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