







Dear Lucy,

J learned about your trouble from, your mail.Don’t worry.

Best wishes!


Li Hua


Elizabeth Mitchell’s new “Liberty’s Torch” is the fascinating story of how the Statue of Liberty came to be. The Statue of Liberty’s rough history is explored in “Liberty’s Torch”.

Frederic Auguste Bartholdi is an all-but-forgotten figure in American history. He was, however, responsible for one of the most enduring symbols of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. A Frenchman from Alsace, he designed and built the Statue of Liberty which stood on Bedloe’s Island in New York Harbor. How this statue came to be is the fascinating subject of Elizabeth Michell’s new book “Liberty’s Torch”.

The power of Mitchell’s narrative is convincing(令人信服的). We recognize the Statue of Liberty now as a symbol of hope and opportunity for a nation of immigrants. At the time, though, people could not see that-nor did they even imagine that. Instead, the construction of the statue was born of one man’s desire to set up a great monument.

For this reason, perhaps, “Liberty’s Torch” relies on Bartholdi as the connecting thread. Bartholdi went to Egypt to make photographic copies of the main monuments. On the boat, Bartholdi met and began a lifelong relationship with Ferdinand de Lesseps, the man who would build the Suez Canal. Maybe it was this friendship, or maybe it was seeing Egypt’s huge monuments, but finally the trip inspired Bartholdi’s dream to create the largest statue ever built. Failure to bring this to completion in Egypt, followed by his exile (流放) from Paris, led Bartholdi to sail to America.

By explaining the Statue of Liberty’s hard history and showing Bartholdi’s brave spirit, Mitchell has done a great service.

1. It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. American people have never forgotten Frederic August Bartholdi

B. the Statue of Liberty wasn’t originally regarded as a symbol of hope

C. Bartholdi finished the Suez Canal

D. Bartholdi was a famous architect from Egypt.

2.What was the main reason for Bartholdi to build the Statue of Liberty?

A. To finish his education in the arts.

B. To mark his friendship with Ferdinand.

C. To create something better than Egyptian monuments.

D. To achieve his dream to create the largest statue.

3.What type of writing is the passage?

A. A travel guide. B. A book review

C. An announcement D. An architecture report.

Welcome to Adventureland!

Everyone loves Adventureland !The Parks and Exhibitions were built for you to explore(探索),enjoy,and admire their wonders.Every visit will be an unforgettable experience.You will go away enriched,longing to come back.What are you going to do this time?

The Travel Pavilion

Explore places you have never been to before,and experience different ways of life.Visit the Amazon jungle(丛林)village,the Turkish market,the Tai floating market,the Berber mountain house and others.Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives,and things they make.You can try making a carpet,making nets,fishing…

The Future Tower

This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives.It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we’ll be living then.Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator(模拟装置)for the Journey to Mars!

The Nature Park

This is not really one park but several.In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers:see lions,giraffes,elephants in the wild.Move on to the Ocean Park to watch the dolphins and whales.And then there is still the Aviary to see…

The Pyramid

This is the center of Adventureland.Run out of film,need some postcards and stamps?For all these things and many more,visit our underground shopping center.Come here for information and ideas too.

1.The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors _______.

A.realize the importance of travelling

B.become familiar with mountain countries

C.learn how to make things such as fishing nets

D.learn something about different places in the world

2.If you are interested in knowing about what people’s life will be,you may visit


A.the Travel Pavilion

B.the Future Tower

C.the Safari Park

D.the Pyramid

3.If you want to get a toy lion to take home,where will you most likely go?

A.The Pyramid.

B.The Nature Park.

C.The Future Tower.

D.The Travel Pavilion.

Since around the later part of the 1950s, society started to realize that tobacco cigarettes caused health problems. As research progressed along with increasing numbers of people that developed lung cancer, emphysema, and other smoking related illnesses, cigarette smoking has become less accepted and popular. Unfortunately, the nicotine contained in cigarettes is one of the most addictive substances on the planet and makes quitting smoking one of the hardest things to do. In 2003, Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik invented the electronic cigarette as a safer, and cleaner way to breathe in nicotine after his father, a heavy smoker, passed away from lung cancer attributed to smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Hon Lik applied for his first patent on the electronic cigarette in 2003 and afterwards introduced e-cigs to the Chinese market in the following year through his employer, Golden Dragon Holdings. Golden Dragon Holdings later changed the company’s name to “Ruyan” in order to better match the company’s name(Ruyan means “almost like smoke”)to the new product. Since the renaming, the Ruyan company has continued e-cigarette development and grown to be one of the largest global e-cig manufactures.

Dr.Sam Han, CEO of Cixi E-CIG Technology, Inc, Ltd. also has a number of e-cig related inventions, including four patents in the United States and two in China that are electronic cigarette and e-liquid technology related. Similar to Hon Lik’s father. Dr. Han was a heavy smoker for more than 40 years before beginning to work on electronic cigarette technologies in order to help himself and others make the shift to vapor smoking. Dr.Han continues to market and conduct R&D in e-cig related techonologies to this date.

After the successful deployment of Ruyan and Cixi E-CIG electronic cigarettes in China and Asia, the products started to be sold in significant quantities on the Internet.

1.How many years is it since the electronic cigarette was first invented according to the passage?

A. About 5 years. B. About 11 years.

C. About15 years. D.About 20 years.

2.What’s the direct reason why Hon Lik invented the electronic cigarette according to the passage ?

A.Tobacco cigarettes caused health problems.

B.Tobacco cigarettes were too expensive for customers to buy.

C.Quitting smoking became one of the hardest things to do.

D.His father died from lung cancer due to smoking tobacco cigarettes.

3.Since when have Chinese smokers have been able to buy Hon Lik’s electronic cigarettes according to the passage?

A.2000. B.2003. C.2004. D.2005.

4.What’s the correct order of the following events according to the passage?

① Hon Lik applied for his first patent on the electronic cigarette.

② Hon Lik’s father died from lung cancer because of smoking tobacco cigarettes.

③ Hon Lik’s electronic cigarettes were introduced to the Chinese market.

④ The name of the company Golden Dragon Holdings was changed to “Ruyan”.

A. ①③②④ B.①④②③ C.②④①③ D.②①③④

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