

How to Survive High School

High school can be a terrible phase if you get it all wrong. Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips.

1. Be Yourself.

High school is a fun time to make new friends, meet new people, date and socialize. Make friends with all kinds of people and not just a group which you are comfortable with. Most peer pressure cases are because of the weak image created by freshmen. 1. Don’t give in to anyone’s wants.

2. 2.

Choose your friends carefully and make sure you won’t get influenced by anyone. Socialize, but by judging who you can connect to. You will find friends, but stay away from the ones who don’t want to be your friends as a bad company is temping, but the good one is true.

3. Be Optimistic.

There is nothing better than having a smile on your face whenever you can. 3. Don’t be afraid to make friends, don’t get aggressive or personal with anyone and treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect your teachers and classmates and try to be helpful if you want the same in return.

4. Be Confident.

When you believe in yourself, others believe in you. Talk, walk and address people confidently and this will create a strong image about you. 4. Be creative and unique and learn to set trends. Confidence is one quality you grow with, and people respect you for that.

5. Love High School.

5. Make the most out of it, and you will never get those moments back. Come up with prank ideas, get a detention, top your class, make the best friends, drink, go to prom, party, but just make as many memories as you can!

With these tips to survive high school, you will surely be proud of graduating as an all round approaching adult carrying the best roots. So, when you throw those hats in the air, feel the freedom and remember every moment you spent in “High School”.

A. And always wear your smile.

B. Keep Good Company.

C. Just be yourself and create a strong self image.

D. Practice positive thinking.

E. Do your thing, and don’t imitate others.

F. Fall in love with it.

G. Study as hard as you can in your spare time.



Joan and Natty were two young mothers who lived across the street from each other.From their living room windows,each woman was able to the activities of the other woman’s family.

One day,Joan said that she’d been watching what in Natty’s front garden and that she envied her.“I don’t know what you ,” Natty said with a look on her face.

“Well,I often see your husband out in the front garden mowing the lawn(修剪草坪),and I my husband would do the thing,” Joan said.“Your garden is beautiful!”

Natty and then made her confession(坦白).“I have been doing the same thing,Joan,” she said.“I watch your in your front garden—and I have you!” Joan shook her head with disbelief.“What do you mean?” she asked.

Natty replied,“I see your husband playing ball with your son so .How I wish Keith,my husband,would do the same thing!He wants our boys in the when he mows.Be honest,Joan.Would you rather have your husband with your son than have a beautiful lawn?”

“I had not that before,Natty. you’re right Natty.I may have tall grass,but Eric,my husband,is about playing with little Johnny,” Joan concluded.

Very often we are blind to our own blessings that are so to others.Let us the habit of concentrating on our several blessings rather than about what we have.

1.A.affect B.notice C.control D.observe

2.A.took off B.took on C.went off D.went on

3.A.mean B.deserve C.need D.express

4.A.excited B.puzzled C.satisfied D.disappointed

5.A.forget B.want C.wish D.promise

6.A.same B.terrible C.big D.small

7.A.refused B.laughed C.apologized D.ignored

8.A.son B.daughter C.husband D.father

9.A.raised B.frightened C.trusted D.envied

10.A.in fact B.on earth C.in all D.on purpose

11.A.gently B.happily C.formally D.quietly

12.A.always B.just C.never D.again

13.A.way B.road C.yard D.house

14.A.work B.talk C.play D.study

15.A. looked over B.looked after C.thought out D.thought of

16.A.But B.And C.So D.Or

17.A.wrong B.right C.careful D.serious

18.A.obvious B.ordinary C.familiar D.strange

19.A.make B.remove C.form D.keep

20.A.bringing B.worrying C.questioning D.complaining

Bit by bit, the sand dust that fills the sky is dying down. The blue sky and the burning sun once again hang over the desert.

He is on the road, driving his beat-up yellow cab. The sides of the road are littered with damaged vehicles. Masses of smoke in the distance tell him that a war is being dragged on throughout his country.

It’s a fine day despite the choking heat. Not a breath of wind is blowing.

A group of vehicles are traveling towards him, carrying many passengers. The scene reminds him of the market days in this country when crowds of trucks transport folks to the markets; the only difference is, this time, they are not trucks, but tanks, carrying foreigners, guns in hand. He stares at them. They stare back. So they pass by one another.

“The damned war!” he whispers bitterly. Two days ago, a bomb fell on the market in front of his house, destroying nearly everything in sight. He survived by luck. He decided then and there that he would give up this cab business. This will be his final run. After this, he will leave this place together with his wife and children.

“Shala and my children, we’ll soon meet each other again, after I’m done here.” He turns his head to take a glance at a photo of his wife and children. The glass on the frame is broken, but their smiles in the picture do not fail to provide him with the only comfort that he has.

Shortly he arrives at a checkpoint. Tanks sit by the side of the road, the sight of which sends a marked coldness through his backbone. A bunch of soldiers armed to the teeth stand by. A foreign soldier signals him to stop. He calms himself down and pulls over. During the past few days, nearly no civilian(平民)vehicles come out of the capital city, his car being the only one on roads.

A few foreign soldiers come up to him, one, two, three, four, five. The leader bends over to have a look at the old car, then at him. “Where do you come from and where are you going?” With a smile on his face, he answers with a broken speech in the tongue that the soldier can understand, “Sir, I come from the capital. I’m leaving that place because it is a very dangerous place to be, with the war and everything.”

While talking, he hands a cigarette over to the soldier, then lights it up for him.

“When will the war end?” he asks.

“It won’t take long. We’ll soon give all of you in the capital the true freedom.” The soldier breathes a deep mouthful. He seems to have spotted the photo in the car, “The cigarette is not bad at all. Are those your wife and kids? I have two of my own, roughly the same age.”

“Oh, yes, they are mine and they are constantly on my mind. They left the city a bit earlier, and I’m on my way to be reunited with them. Perhaps I’m never coming back. Driving a cab around during war times is too dangerous. I’m giving up the business.” He looks at the soldier, still smiling.

“After we overthrow your dictator(独裁者), you won’t have that to worry about. You can come back and pick up your life again.” The soldier is leaning on the door of the car. It is perhaps the first time in many days that he has seen a happy face among the local people. It cheers him up.

“Maybe, but I have to go to see my family. If you would pay us a visit, my wife will prepare a good meal for all of you. Come with me. This is going to be my last business run and I won’t even charge you.

“Can’t make it. We’re on duty. Give our regards to your wife and kids.” The soldier is a bit excited, thinking maybe quite some locals have open arms for them after all. “Oh, yes, I almost forgot. The south is battle-infected. Where is your family?”

Still smiling, he picks up the broken picture frame, presses a kiss on the photo, then turns around, staring into the eyes of that soldier, not quite himself from excitement, and the other foreign soldiers holding guns. Words drop out of his lips slowly but firmly:


Perhaps the last thing he sees is the confused, fearful, twisted expression on the face of that soldier, and the cigarette end dropping from his fingers.

Then he pushes the button.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A. A cruel war going on in the country.

B. A brave defender of the country.

C. A cab driver’s last business run.

D. A moving talk between a civilian and a soldier.

2.According to the passage, the man’s wife ______.

A. has already been killed by the bomb

B. must be the only comfort to the man

C. is really good at cooking local food

D. has managed to escape to another city

3. Why does the man keep smiling while talking to the soldier?

A. To show his kindness.

B. To satisfy the soldier.

C. To hide his true feeling.

D. To express his happiness.

4.The underlined sentence “Come with me, this is going to be my last business run and I won’t even charge you” suggests that the man ______.

A. treats the soldier as his friend

B. wants to quit his cab business

C. offers a free ride to the soldier

D. intends to kill the soldier

5.Which of the following may best describe the feeling of the locals about the foreign soldiers?

A. Fear. B. Hate. C. Disappointment. D. Unconcern.

More than one-third of adults in the United States are obese(肥胖).In fact,over obesity has reached such proportions that one big-city mayor has gone about banning large-sized,sugary soft drinks and the First Lady has been on a campaign to control the dietary offerings in public schools.

Even many adults who do not fit the clinic definition of obesity are still overweight,and a large percentage are looking for the best ways to lose weight.

Reducing pounds largely comes down to the two-sided factors of diet and exercise.Not carrying out the first one enough,and not getting enough of the second one,ends up giving the individual a recipe for being overweight.

Advising someone to eat less and exercise more might be the easiest advice possible,but it’s also,partially,an oversimplification.Dieting has more to do with the types of food you eat than how much you eat.Reduce the amount of red meat in your diet.If you don’t want to eliminate red meat altogether,choose cuts of meat with less fat content.Limit your intake of salt and starches.If you’ve got to have potato chips alongside your sandwich at lunch,choose the baked potato chips that contain less fat than the deep-fried chips.You might find you’re really not sacrificing that much in terms of taste.

A diet rich in fruits,vegetables,egg whites,fish and nonfat dairy products will certainly aid in the mission of losing weight.Drink more water and less sugary drinks.If you have to have a soda,a diet soda is a better option,but seltzer is an even better choice than that.

It’s important—if not always easy—to make sure you get at least some physical activity each and every day.If your feet won’t allow for a regular jogging regimen,then make sure you take lots of walks.Next time you need to mail a letter,walk to the mailbox instead of driving.Try to work in a daily walk in your neighborhood.

1.You should________when you want to lose weight

A. try not to fit the clinic definition of obesity

B. diet as well as exercise enough

C. get little exercise every day

D. focus your attention on diet only

2.The First Lady has started a movement to________.

A. raise people’s awareness of healthy diet

B. control the public school dietary supplying

C. ban the sugary soft drinks

D. realize the importance of dieting

3.What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?

A. We must keep far away from fat and ignore our taste.

B. The simplest and best way to lose weight is to eat and exercise more.

C. We should remove the red meat in our diet completely to reduce weight.

D. When it comes to diet,no one needs to starve themselves in order to lose weight.

4.The last paragraph is mainly about________.

A. walk B. diet

C. exercise D. jog

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