
8.-Thanks for your help,but can you do me one more favor,please?
-______,sir.What's it then?(  )
A.It is nothingB.That's rightC.At your serviceD.Never mind

分析 -谢谢你的帮忙,但是请你再帮我一个忙可以吗?

解答 答案:C.

点评 本题考查语言交际用语的用法.根据语境结合对选项的理解就可选出最佳选项.

4.Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe.I had been abroad a couple of times,but I could hardly claim to know my way around the continent.Moreover,my knowledge of foreign languages was limited to a little college French.
I hesitated.How would I,unable to speak the language,totally unfamiliar with local geography or transportation systems,set up interviews and do research?It seemed impossible,and with considerable regret.I sat down to write a letter begging off.Hallway through,a thought ran through my mind:you can't learn if you don't try.So I accepted the assignment.
There were some bad moments.But by the time I had finished the trip I was ail experienced traveler.And ever since,I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places,without guides or even advanced bookings,confident that somehow I will manage.
The point is that the new,the different,is almost scary by definition.But each time you try something,you learn,and as the learning piles up,the world opens to you.
I've learned to ski at 40,and flown up the Rhine River in a balloon.And I know I'll go on doing such things.It's not because I'm braver or more daring than others.I'm not.But I'll accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can accomplish wonders.
56.The author accepted the assignment becauseD
A.he had never travelled abroad before
B.he hardly knew any foreign languages
C.he was familiar with any other country in Europe
D.he would learn something new and different by trying
57.Which of the following statements is TRUE?B
A.The author had been abroad only twice.
B.The author thought the trip was hard but worthwhile.
C.The author admitted that anything different was terrible.
D.The author must be good at doing research and making interviews.
58.We can infer from the text that the author isD
A.awkward  B.generous C.stubborn D.brave
59.What's the best title of the text?C
A.An Interesting Trip Abroad   B.My First Writing Assignment
C.Ready to Try and Challenge   D.How to Be Daring and Brave.
16.Breakfast is not only the first meal of the day;it is also the most important meal.(36)A Coffee does not count as breakfast.I am talking about food that will sustain(支撑)you for a few hours.Below are some easy breakfast ideas that you can prepare at home.
1.Casseroles are great for a healthy breakfast.They can be made with ingredients that you like.If you don't have time to cook breakfast like bacon and eggs in the morning.you can prepare breakfast the night before.What I usually do is prepare breakfast for the whole week and freeze it.(37)C.
2.(38)G It is not only economical;it can be a very healthy choice if you choose regular yogurt.You can add some fresh or dried fruit to the yogurt.The fruit will not only provide essential vitamins and minerals but energy to get you through until lunch.
3.Breakfast sandwiches are also a good breakfast idea.What you need to have on hand are chicken,cheese,ham or whatever you like plus some vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes.You can make them and toast them the night before. (39)B In the morning,you would heat them up,add your toppings and you will have a very quick breakfast.
You can use these ideas. (40)E You can even use things you have in your cupboard to create delicious breakfasts.Now that you have some ideas to create healthy breakfast,you will not skip breakfast or go to the drive through to pick up breakfast.

A.After we have been fasting all night while sleeping,we need food to get us going.
B.Then,cut them into quarters and store them in the fridge overnight.
C.Then all I have to do in the morning is to steam it or microwave it.
D.Yon have to get up early to prepare for a rich breakfast.
E.You may also think up other breakfast ideas
F.If you add bacteria to milk,you get yogurt.
G.Yogurt is another breakfast idea.

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