It was so lovely day today that I£¬together with my friend£¬went to the park to have fun£®Immediately after we arrived at there£¬we started to roller skate£®We chatted as we skated around merrily£®Just then£¬we heard a child crying£®We slowed down£¬slide over and saw a girl stood near the exit of the Children's Amusement Center lonely£®Which we soon learned£¬she came to the park with her mother£¬and got lost after playing any games£®I tried to comfort and amuse her when my friend went to broadcast to find her mother£®Soon afterwards£¬a woman rushing towards us£®Seeing her mother£¬the girl jumped up with joy£®The mother was very happy to see her lost child and gave us a thousand thank£®
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½â´ð It was so lovely¡Äday today that I£¬together with my friend£¬went to the park to have fun£®
Immediately after we arrivedat there£¬we started to roller skate£®We chatted as we skated
around merrily£®Just then£¬we heard a child crying£®We slowed down£¬slide over and
saw a girl stood near the exit of the Children's Amusement Center lonely£®Which we soon learned£¬
standing alone As
she came to the park with her mother£¬and got lost after playing any games£®I tried to comfort
but some
and amuse her when my friend went to broadcast to find her mother£®Soon afterwards£¬
a woman rushing towards us£®Seeing her mother£¬the girl jumped up with joy£®
The mother was very happy to see her lost child and gave us a thousand thank£®
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A£® | which | B£® | where | C£® | that | D£® | when |
A£® | treasure | B£® | spirit | C£® | sugar | D£® | villagers |
A£® | As soon as | B£® | Even if | C£® | In case | D£® | As long as |
-______£¬sir£®What's it then£¿£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | It is nothing | B£® | That's right | C£® | At your service | D£® | Never mind |