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A recent survey shows that many students have got into some bad living habit£¬which do great harm to their health£®

As we all know it, health is more important than wealth£®Without a healthy body£¬you cannot do everything even if you are a millionaire£®In order keep healthy£¬it¡¯s necessary to get rid of unhealthy habits and form good ones£®

First of all£¬eat a healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day£®You should eat more fruit and vegetables£¬which are rich of vitamins£®Secondly£¬getting enough sleep£®Early to bed and early to rise make you feel great all day long£®Lastly£¬take exercise every day to make your body strong£®

As long as you form health habits and keep them£¬you¡¯ll have a strong body and live the healthy life£®


Hidden London: the city¡¯s lesser known delights Dulwich Picture Gallery

As much an excuse to enjoy the village charms of Dulwich Village as to admire some delicate European masterworks, this gallery is a southeast London charmer, which was founded in 1811. Join a free guided tour to the permanent collection(3 pm Saturday and Sunday),catch the latest temporary exhibition and admire the lovely garden(open 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Tuesdays).

Where: Gallery RD SE21 7AD

Train: West Dulwich

Temple Church

Featuring in the novel The Da Vinci Code and dating back to the late 12th century, this is one of London¡¯s oldest and holiest medieval treasures. Built by the Knights Templar, the church is divided into the Round---which contains the statues of crusading knights, who tried to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the Middle Ages and the Chancel, where the priests and singers performing in church services sit.

Where: Temple EC4Y 7DE

Underground: Temple or Blackfriars

Chelsea Physic Garden

Endlessly satisfying the green-fingered, the plain curious or those eager to discover botanical interests in central London, this delightful walled garden was founded by the Apothecaries¡¯ Society in the 17th century and is one of the oldest botanical gardens in London.

Where: 66 Royal Hospital Rd SW3 4HS

Underground: Sloane Square

Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art

Built between 1953 and 1958, the Estorick is Britain¡¯s only gallery devoted to Italian art. It draws together a fascinating collection of Futurist masterpieces from Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Carlo Carra and others, who emphasized the importance of modern things, especially technology and machines.

Where: 39a Canonbury Sq N1 2AN

Underground: Highbury & Islington

1.When can you follow a free guide to visit Dulwich Picture Gallery?

A. 3 pm on Sunday B. 3:30 pm on Tuesday

C. 1:30 pm on Tuesday D. 1:30 pm on Saturday

2.Which of the following has the longest history?

A. Dulwich Picture Garden B. Temple Church

C. Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art D. Chelsea Physics Garden

3.Where should you go if you have an interest in plants?

A. Gallery Rd SE21 7AD B. Temple EC4Y 7DE

C. 66 Royal Hospital Rd SW3 4HS D. 39a Canonbury Sq N1 2AN

4.If you want to enjoy Italian art, you may get off at .

A. West Dulwich B. Blackfriars

C. Sloane Square D. Highbury

5.In which part of a newspaper can you read the text?

A. Nature B. Society

C. Travel D. Lifestyle

Travelling around the world with children is difficult enough, while attempting it without using motorized transport is even more of challenge£®Even so, Dario Schworer a 42-year-old climatologist and mountain guide, and his 33-year-old wife Sabine are on a journey to do just that£®

The Swiss couple want to travel across the world's oceans and climb the highest mountain on every continent to promote Earth-friendly ways of life£®

"We are collecting good examples of dealing with climate change and living in harmony with nature and we want to spread such ideas£®" Schworer said£®"We want to help people affected by global warming and to inspire children for the future£®"

Recently after having spent three months teaching children in the Everest region, the couple want to show it is possible to travel through the world's climate zones using just human-power and forces of nature£®

In the 47 countries they have visited they have collected 22 tons of trash, taught people in Ecuador how the sun's rays can be used to clean water and inspired a person in Chile to build a house on water with recycled plastic bottles as a foundation£®They have also collected trash in the mountains of Nepal with school children£®

So far they have communicated with 45,000 children from South America, Australia and Asia, giving presentations about the importance of recycling and using alternative energy like solar and wind power£®

When they began their adventure in 2003 they had no children of their own£®But since then two has become five: daughter Sabine is now five years old, Andri was born in Chile and baby Neo was born in Australia£®

Initially the couple thought they would complete their travels in four years, but now, they believe it could take seven more£®

"Since our belief is the need to respect nature, we travel only when conditions are good," Schworer said£®

1.Why do the Swiss couple travel around the world?

A. To inspire their children for the future£®

B. To prove a travel without motorized transport£®

C. To promote Earth-friendly ways of life£®

D. To explore the secret of global warming£®

2.They did a lot during the travel except _____£®

A. collect rubbish and waste

B. build a house with recycled plastic bottles

C. communicate with local children

D. show people how to use energy

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word "Initially"?

A. At the beginning B. In a way

C. In the end D. On the whole

4.The best title of the passage can be _____£®

A. A Swiss family' journey across the world

B. Nature needs respecting and protecting

C. We have a long way to make a good travel

D. An eco-friendly adventure across the world

5£®Life offers two choices£®We can live to survive or to soar to unlimited heights£®The choices are modeled by two creatures£®
A few months back while sitting in a boat fishing with a couple of friends£¬I noticed a field mouse on the river bank£®He ran out of his hole£¬ran in a couple of directions£¬and then ran back inside£®I thought of the existence of this little creature£®His life is spent running around£¬frightened and panicky£¬following his nose£®
He darts here£¬dashes there£¬turns in circles£¬but never really sees much beyond his nose£®He is trying to smell his way to successful living£¬which£¬defined by a mouse's existence£¬is finding some daily food to sustain himself so that he can carry on for the rest of his life£¬frightened and frantic£®Sounds familiar£®
A few minutes later I glanced up and noticed£¬soaring high above£¬was an osprey£¨ÓãÓ¥£©£®I saw a wide winged creature using air currents to fly high£®
Rather than simply fighting to exist£¬this keen-eyed hunter with a broad view of the river£¬lake and mountains was waiting for the appropriate time to catch his prey£¨ÁÔÎ£®This amazing creature glides£¨»¬Ï裩toward a nest at the top of the tallest of trees instead of returning to some tiny hole in the riverbank£®
The strength in his wings£¬the power in his talons £¨×¦×Ó£©£¬the amazing ability of his vision£¬the effortless capacity to soar¡­it is the osprey£¬not the field mouse£¬that models our human potential£®
I don't know about you£¬but it is easy for me to decide which creature I want to represent my life£®I want to soar£®I want to explore£®I want to see the big picture£®I want to conquer£®I want to climb higher£¬go farther£¬dive deeper and experience more£®
I want my soul enlarged£¬my mind expanded£¬my heart enlivened and my spirit energized£®I want to stop running£®I want the frantic chasing of my nose to end£®I want new strength£¬fresh thinking and clear vision£®I want to be more and more like the osprey£®

59£®What is the author's main purpose in writing the article£¿B
A£®To discuss two animals that represent different lifestyles£®
B£®To discuss what kind of life he wants to live£®
C£®To explain how he makes difficult choices£®
D£®To explain how the field mouse and osprey differ in their living habits£®
60£®According to the author£¬the field mouseC£®
A£®has a good sense of direction
B£®relies on its fast speed to find food
C£®lives in fear in order to survive
D£®is constantly under the threat of the osprey
61£®What is the author's impression of the osprey£¿D
A£®It is a strong and friendly creature with keen eyes£®
B£®It reminds us of the importance of patience and timing£®
C£®The way it preys has much in common with that of humans£®
D£®The way it lives can inspire us to reach our full potential£®
62£®Which of the following best describes the author£¿A
2£®A very popular band£¬Jonas Brothers£¬released its fourth album this week£®The first album by the Jonas Brothers is"It's About Time"£®It was written a few years ago by the youngest brother£¬Nick Jonas£®He was sixteen in 2009£®
In most families£¬the little brother follows the bigger ones around£®But in the Jonas Brothers band£¬Nick is the leader£®In fact his brothers call him"Mr£®President"£®Kevin£¬twenty-one£¬and Joe£¬nineteen£¬say they respect Nick's organizational skills and work ethic£¨µÀµÂ£©£®
Nick formed the band in 2005£¬but he had performed in Broadway musicals since the age of seven£®The Jonas Brothers started with Columbia records but were dropped from the list after their first album£¬Disney owned Hollywood Records then signed the brothers£®
All the brothers play the guitar£®Nick and Joe are lead singers£®Joe also plays the keyboard£®Nick is the lead songwriter£®Their concerts are extremely popular£¬especially among young girls£®
The band does not write Christian songs but the brothers are influenced by their religion £¨×ڽ̣©£®The band and other family members say a group prayer of thanks before each Jonas Brothers'performance£®And each brother wears a ring on the third finger of his left hand£®It is a symbol of their belief in waiting until marriage£®
Hollywood Records made a good move in signing the Jonas Brothers£®Their second album with the company went to number one on Billboard Magazine popular music charts£®One of the songs deals with the disease diabetes£¨ÌÇÄò²¡£©£®
A few days ago£¬the Jonas Brothers came out with their fourth record£®Critics say"Lines£¬Vines and Trying Times"is an attempt by the band to move into the adult market without dismissing  younger fans£®Some reviewers£¨ÆÀÂÛÈË£© say the record succeeds£®Others disagree£®
20£®How is Jonas Brothers different from most bands£¿A
A£®Its youngest member is the leader£®
B£®Its members have religion belief£®
C£®Its members wear rings on left hands£®
D£®Its members'ages are the youngest£®
21£®From the passage£¬we can know Nick JonasC£®
A£®formed Jonas Brothers at the age of thirteen
B£®wrote all the music his band sings
C£®is good at skills of organization
D£®wants to become American president
22£®Which group of people may like Jonas Brothers best£¿B
A£®Young people£®B£®Girls at middle schools£®
C£®Children£®C£®Middle-aged people£®
23£®Which of the following may play a key role in making Jonas Brothers well-known£¿D
A£®Jonas Brothers don't write Christian songs£®
B£®They pray thanks before performing£®
C£®Their songs deal with diseases such as the diabetes£®
D£®They signed with Disney-owned Hollywood Records
24£®It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatC£®
A£®the Jonas Brothers won't release records in a few years
B£®all reviewers like the songs of the Jonas Brothers
C£®the Jonas Brothers may get more fans in the future
D£®the fourth record is sure to succeed£®
3£®LOS ANGELES£¿"The Artist"won in 5 categories of the 84th Annual Academy Awards Sunday night including Best Picture£¬Best Director and Best Actor£®
The film also got the Oscar statuettes for Costume Design and Original Score£® It is the first time a mostly"silent film to win best picture since"Wings"won at the first Oscar ceremony in 1929£®And it is also the first black-and-white movie to win best picture since"Schindler's List"in 1994£®
The film beat out"The Descendants"£¬"Hugo"£¬"The Help"£¬"Moneyball"£¬"War Horse"£¬"Extremely Loud &Incredibly Close"£¬"Midnisht in Paris"and"The Tree of Life"to be the Best Picture£®
Additionally£¬it is the first time in Academy Awards history that a French actor and a French filmmaker took the top acting and directing awards£®
Michel Hazanavicius won the Best Director and Jean Dujardin£¬who plays the silent film star Georse Valentin won the award for Best Actor£®
The film also won awards of the Producers Guild of America£¬the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and best motion picture musical or comedy from the Golden Globes£®
    It was nominated in 10 categories of the Academy Awards£®
41£®Which of the following awards didn't The Artist win at the 84th Oscar ceremony in 2012£¿A
    A£®The Best Foreign Language Film£®
    B£®The Best Costume Design£®
    C£®The Best Director£®
    D£®The Best Original Score£®
42£®Awon the Best Picture at the first Oscar ceremony£®
    A£®Wings                           B£®Schindler's List
    C£®The Tree of Life                D£®Midnight in Paris
43£®Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage£¿C
    A£®Wings is a black-and-white film£®
    B£®Schindler's List won the Best Feature£®
    C£®The Artist won the award of the British Academy of Film£®
    D£®Schindler's List beat out The Descendants to be the Best Picture£®
44£®What can we infer from the passage£¿C
    A£®The Artist won many other awards besides the Oscar Awards£®
    B£®French films seldom won Oscar Awards£®
    C£®The Oscar Awards is probably the most influential award in the film industry£®
    D£®Any film has to win other awards before winning the Oscar Awards£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
