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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º»¥Öú¿¨ a help card ºÍгµÄ harmonious ÉçÇø community

Dear editor,

I am Li Hua, a senior middle school student. __________________________________










Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Both of my parents worked full-time when I was a little girl, so my grandmother would stay at our house during the day. We would watch game shows in the living room. Our favorite was The Price is Right. We would call out our answers along with the contestants.

When I got older and started going to school, we couldn¡¯t watch our game shows regularly. That was okay with me, though, because the one thing I liked better than watching game shows with my grandmother was helping her bake. Watching her in the kitchen was amazing: she never seemed to need the recipes but everything she made tasted delicious.

At first I would just sit in the kitchen and watch, even though I didn¡¯t understand what she was doing. As I got older, she let me help with the easy parts, such as measuring the sugar. The day she let me separate the eggs£¬I felt like I had found complete pleasure.

At last, my parents decided that I could take care of myself£¬and my grandmother stopped coming over every day. The love of baking, however, stayed with me. I started baking by myself, and even if the cookies ended up burnt sometimes, more often they turned out pretty well. I tried out new recipes, and whenever I got to a thorny part, I would call my grandmother for advice. Sometimes I would call her just to talk, too. I felt like I could talk to her about anything.

My grandmother passed away ten years ago, but I still think of her every day. Last week, I found a recipe book she made for me. It included her recipes for brownies, cookies, and my favorite, lemon pie. As I looked through the pages, I thought I could hear her voice. She was the one who taught me not just about baking, but about life.

1.The passage is developed in order of .

A. time B. place

C. logic D. events

2.While helping her grandmother bake, the author .

A. missed the game shows

B. refused to go to school

C. showed great interest

D. could take care of herself

3.What does the underlined word ¡°thorny" in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?

A. Basic. B. Common.

C. Difficult. D. Special.

4.From the passage we know the author's grandmother .

A. lived with her family

B. was very skilled at baking

C. published a recipe book

D. had been on a game show





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A recent survey shows that many students have got into some bad living habit£¬which do great harm to their health£®

As we all know it, health is more important than wealth£®Without a healthy body£¬you cannot do everything even if you are a millionaire£®In order keep healthy£¬it¡¯s necessary to get rid of unhealthy habits and form good ones£®

First of all£¬eat a healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day£®You should eat more fruit and vegetables£¬which are rich of vitamins£®Secondly£¬getting enough sleep£®Early to bed and early to rise make you feel great all day long£®Lastly£¬take exercise every day to make your body strong£®

As long as you form health habits and keep them£¬you¡¯ll have a strong body and live the healthy life£®

10£®After my sixth voyage I was quite determined that I would never go to sea£®One early spring day£¬however£¬I was brought to see the Caliph£®He said£¬"Sindbad£¬I have chosen you to deliver a letter and a gift to the King of Serendib in return for his message of friendship£®"
The Caliph's commandment fell upon me like a thunderbolt£¨ÇçÌìÅùö¨£©£®
"Your Majesty£¬"I answered£¬"I am ready to do all that your Majesty commands£¬but I have made a promise never again to leave Baghdad£®"
"I admit£¬"said he£¬"that you have indeed had some extraordinary experiences£¬but I do not see why they should prevent you from doing as I wish£®You have only to go straight to Serendib and give my message£¬and come back as you will£®"
At last£¬I agreed£®The Caliph was delighted and gave me a thousand sequins £¨gold coins£© for the expenses of the voyage£®Soon I sailed quickly and safely to Serendib after a nearly 30-day voyage where I was well received£¬and brought into the presence of the king£®
I displayed the Caliph's gifts£ºa bed which cost a thousand sequins£¬and more beds of different fashion£®The King received the assurance of the Caliph's friendliness with satisfaction£®Since my task was accomplished£¬I was anxious to depart£®The king dismissed me with many presents£¬and I left immediately on the end day of May£®On the fifth day we suffered from pirates£¨º£µÁ£© who killed some of us and made the rest prisoners of whom I was one£®On a distant island they sold us for slaves£®I fell into the hands of a rich merchant£®
The merchant asked me to shoot elephants in the forest£®When he left£¬he said£¬"When you have succeeded in killing one come and tell me£®"
So saying£¬he gave me a supply of food and returned to the town£®I settled myself in the tree and kept watching£®The next morning I saw a large group of elephants passing by£®I shot one to death and run back to tell my master of my success£¬for which I was praised and regaled£¨ÑçÇ룬¿î´ý£© with good things£®Then we went back to bury the elephant I had killed£¬in order that when it became a skeleton my master might return and keep its tusks safely£®
I hunted for two months£®One morning as I watched the coming of the elephants which paused instead of passing the tree£¬trumpeting£¨º¿½Ð£¬ºð½Ð£© horribly£®I was terrified£®The largest of the animals brought me to the ground£®I thought now that my last hour was surely come£» but the huge creature£¬picking me up gently enough£» set me upon its back£¬then turned into the forest£®After what seemed a long time to me£¬I was standing on a great hill where there was filled with bones and tusks of elephants which are more than I could carry away in a lifetime£®
I run to my master's house£¬and was received by him with joyful surprise£®He asked me what had happened to me and why I was still alive£®I soon satisfied his curiosity£¬and the next day we went together to the Ivory Hill£¬and he was overjoyed to find as many tusks£®
He said£¬"My brother£¬these wild elephants have killed numbers of our slaves every year£®You alone have escaped£» therefore you must be under the special protection of Heaven£®You deserve your liberty£¬and I will give you a fortune£®"
I only asked liberty to return to my own country
"Well£¬"he answered£¬"the monsoon will soon bring the ivory ships here£¬and then I will send you on your way£®"
So I stayed with him till the time of the monsoon£®When the ships at last arrived£¬my master put on board for me a great store of supply£¬also lots of ivory£¬and said me goodbye£®I left without feeling at ease upon the sea after what had happened£®I sold my ivory and bought many expensive presents£®I joined a traveling team of merchants£®Our journey was long and boring£¬but gradually£¬I did not to fear storms£¬or pirates£¬or any of the other dangers£®When the fall wind came blowing£¬we reached Baghdad£®
I brought myself to the Caliph and told him everything about my experience£®My story was written in letters of gold£¬and laid up among his treasures£®I took my leave of him£¬well satisfied with the honors and rewards he gave me£» and since that time I have rested from my labors£¬and given myself up wholly to my family and my friends£®

67£®According to the passage£¬we can infer thatB£®
A£®It was most probably Sindbad's sixth journey in Europe
B£®It was most probably Sinbad's last voyage on sea
C£®It was on the 4th day that Sindbad was caught by pirates
D£®It was on the sixth day thatSindbad freed from the pirates
68£®How do you understand the sentence Isoon satisfied his curiosity in paragraph 10£¿C
A£®Sindbad was satisfied with his owner£®B£®Sindbad made his owner satisfied£®
C£®Sinbad shared his story with his owner£®D£®Sindbad's owner was satisfied with him£®
69£®Which of following is TRUE when the owner gave Sindbad joyful surprise£¿A
A£®The owner was glad to see him alive back£®
B£®Sibdbad came back too late after hunting£®
C£®Sindbad came back with a dead elephant£®
D£®The owner had already killed the elephants£®
70£®How long did Sindbad's last voyage last£¿C
A£®About 30days                       B£®About 150days
C£®About 180days                      D£®About 120days£®
11£®For many students in the UK today£¬deciding whether or not to go to university can be as much about affordability as it is about ambition and aspiration£®
In the past£¬students in the UK could apply to a university or college£®They were sure that even if they came from a low income family£¬their tuition fees and some of their living £¨or maintenance£© costs would be covered by a local authority grant£¨²¦¿î£©£®A university education was£¬in a financial sense£¬open to all and the number of students attending university grew yearly£®
Sadly£¬it seems£¬those days are long gone£®The turning point came in 1998£¬when the Labour Government introduced tuition fees of¡ê1£¬000 a year and£¬instead of giving students a maintenance grant£¬asked them to cover their own living expenses with a repayable student loan£®Only students on the lowest incomes were entitled to a grant£®
The flood gates had been opened£®As time passed£¬the ceiling on tuition fees rose£¬and although applicants from Scotland£¬Northern Ireland and Wales still qualified for varying levels of subsidy£¨²¹Ìù£©£¬by 2009/10 students in England often found themselves facing tuition fees over¡ê3£¬000 a year£®
In 2011 the Government announced that£¬from 2012£¬universities could charge fees of up to¡ê9£¬000 a year£®Although the Government sweetened the pillby stating that postgraduates did not have to begin repaying their student loans until they were earning more than¡ê21£¬000 a year£¬the news created over-dissatisfaction£®Many students argued that it was unfair that students should have to begin their work life loaded with huge debt£¬while others complained that the changes would bring back a class divide to university education£®These views were reflected in the number of students applying for a university place£¬which by January 2012 fell by more than 22£¬000£®The Universities Minister£¬David Willetts£¬stood by the decision to increase tuition fees£¬saying that they would not"put universities'finance on a bearable footing"and that they would accelerate"a stronger focus on high quality teaching£®"

56£®From the first paragraph£¬we can infer thatCin attending university£®
A£®affordability plays more important roles than ambition and aspiration
B£®ambition and aspiration are more important than affordability
C£®affordability is as important as ambition and aspiration
D£®ambition and aspiration make a greater difference
57£®We can put the sentence"But the biggest change was still to come"at the beginning of ParagraphD
58£®The underlined part"sweetened the pill"in the last paragraph possibly meansB
A£®made a sweet pill                
B£®made the change appear good
C£®increased the pill                   
D£®reduced the pill
59£®The writerBthe change about university education fees£®
A£®is in favor of                       
B£®is opposed to
C£®takes no notice of                   
D£®is neither for nor against£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
