
How To Study English In China
English is obviously not the native language in China. Although many Chinese want to improve their English level to the amount needed in daily work, it's very hard when only a few people speak English around them. Here are a few tips that might help.
Join a school with native teachers to guide you.
The more exposure you can get to these foreign teachers, the faster and better you're going to learn English. If a school doesn't give students maximum exposure to native English speakers' classes, find one that does.
Read English daily.
This means using websites that are permitted in China, accessing English texts, newspapers and books. Read short stories in English. When you come across words you don't know write them down immediately.
Find some English speakers.
Spend time with them and share conversations. There is nothing better for learning any language than finding native speakers of the language to practice with. When you speak, you are practicing every aspect of the language(except writing) in the most efficient way possible.
Memorize vocabulary.
Write new words in a notebook every week, with English definitions and a sample sentence, not a Chinese translation. Carry it with you everywhere you go. Even if you have a question about something that you see and you don't know the English word, write it down in your own language with the plan to look it up later and learn that word in English.
English is not well controlled by grammar rules. For every rule, there is an exception to that rule. Your time will be better spent in watching movies and learning from them than studying grammar for long hours. Find someone to write emails in English to or write a dairy every day.
There are many other ways to improve your English. Come on!
A. Learn to write.
B. Watch an English film once a month.
C. What can you do to study more English?
D. There are many English speakers in China.
E. You can do this by writing in your notebook.
F. Follow a soap opera, comedy or radio program or TV drama.
G. You should be carrying a notebook with you everywhere you go just to write down something important.


(1)C 根据上句:虽然许多中国人想提高他们的英语水平,但是周围只有几个人说英语,想提高是很难的。再根据下句:这里有一些小建议可能会有帮助。故此空应该是:你能做些什么来学习更多的英语?故选C。

(2)D 根据下句:这些外国教师接触得越多,你学得越快越好。故D项There are many English speakers in China(在中国有很多说英语的人)符合语境。

(3)G 根据上句:当你偶然遇到生词时,你不知道,立即写下来。故G项“你无论走到哪里都要随身携带一个笔记本,把重要的东西记下来”是对上文的补充说明,故选G。

(4)E 根据上句:每周在笔记本上写新单词,英语定义和示例句,不用汉语翻译。再根据下句:无论你走到哪都随身携带。故E项“你可以通过写在笔记本上来做这个。”串联上下文,故选E。

(5)A 此空是一个小标题。根据小标题短小精悍,通常用祈使句的特点,再根据本段最后一句Find someone to write emails in English to or write a dairy every day.可知,A项Learn to write(学习写英语。)概括本段内容,故选A。


As the saying goes, rose given, fragrance in hand. I am always in the 1 of giving money to every beggar or homeless person I pass by. My friends say it is not good to 2. We may come across beggars or homeless people begging every day and all beggars have their ability to survive. It 3 them that I never listen.
On a 4 day, my friend and I were walking to the 5 when I passed a beggar lady. I had seen her several times before and had always given her a few 6. That day, I gave her 2 Euros. I was waiting for the bus and reading a book when I7 to see that lady standing in front of me. She 8 me a piece of paper covered in a plastic bag to prevent it from getting 9. She stood there, looking at me 10. Putting away my book, I took the paper, which 11 she and her family had to 12 their country because of floods, and she was 13 to support them. She had got a bit of money, but she needed 5 14 Euros to get home. I 15 in my pockets and found 20 cents. My friend 16 a 5 Euro note. I asked her to give it to the lady, and said that I would 17 the next day. When she got the money, the lady hugged us and said thanks again and again, and went on her way. Later on the bus, I wondered where her home was and 18 she had gotten to this country. In her story, I felt that my friend and I would always remain part of it as the 19, who helped her get home on a rainy day. But for me, helping a stranger did bring me happiness, giving me a pleasant 20.
(1)A.time B.way C.trend D.habit
(2)A.encourage B.expose C.evaluate D.envy
(3)A.delights B.annoys C.interests D.attracts
(4)A.rainy B.dry C.sunny D.cloudy
(5)A.airport B.bus stop C.railway station D.downtown
(6)A.books B.suggestions C.cents D.roses
(7)A.turned around B.looked down C.looked up D.stood up
(8)A.asked B.begged C.bargained D.handed
(9)A.wet B.burnt C.lost D.dirty
(10)A.cheerfully B.clumsily C.eagerly D.silly
(11)A.wrote B.spoke C.said D.told
(12)A.miss B.leave C.support D.blame
(13)A.struggling B.exploring C.hesitating D.searching
(14)A.many B.more C.another D.much
(15)A.touched B.looked C.watched D.fished
(16)A.gave out B.took out C.handed in D.made out
(17)A.pay back B.take back C.come back D.get back
(18)A.why B.where C.how D.whether
(19)A.lookers-on B.strangers C.foreigners D.passers-by
(20)A.situation B.mood C.spirit D.position

【题目】I come from a city on the United States’ east coast. It’s a ten-hour flight for me to get home from Shanghai. When I got off the plane, I took photos of the blue sky and white clouds along the way. After two weeks, I returned to Shanghai. Much to my surprise, the blue sky in Shanghai that I liked before was not as blue as that in the US. I couldn’t help wondering what had happened.

A few days later, I went to tour Waitan (a famous tourist attraction in Shanghai) by the Huangpu River with some of my friends. There we saw five Ferrari sports cars by the side of the road. The red and yellow cars looked so nice that everyone was looking at them. However, when I turned my head, I noticed the sky over Waitan, I was shocked to find that the buildings in the Lujiazui area on the other side of Huangpu River could hardly be seen. It was then that I realized that Ferrari cars could be bought with money, but a blue sky couldn’t.

Shanghai is an important economic (经济的) and trade center in China. It has made great contributions (贡献) to the whole nation’s economic development. However, we need to protect the environment during economic growth. Pollution is poisoning our air and our rivers. Without clean air and rivers, how will people be able to survive?

1Where does the writer come from?

A. Waitan. B. Lujiazui area. C. America. D. Shanghai.

2What’s the writer’s feeling when he found that the buildings could hardly be seen?

A. Pleasant. B. Doubted. C. Wondered. D. Shocked.

3Which is NOT true in the following statements?

A. There were five Ferrari sports cars by the side of the road.

B. The blue sky in Shanghai that the writer once liked was not as blue as that in the US.

C. We shouldn’t protect the environment during economic growth.

D. Shanghai is a big economic and trade center in China.

4What can we learn about the author?

A. He comes from Shanghai.

B. He is socially responsible (责任).

C. He wants to buy a Ferrari sports car.

D. He likes to visit different places.

【题目】Lord Nithsdale was put into prison in 1716 because he was against King George I. As a (n) ____ , he was sentenced to death . His wife Winifred couldn’t imagine life ______ her husband , so she was ______ to do anything to save him .

She was determined to ______ the King and beg him for her husband’s life, but the King didn’t agree. Winifred refused to ______ . In desperation, she came up with a more ______ plan. She visited her husband alongside her maid, her friends Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Morgan. Only two visitors at a time were allowed to enter the room. They took advantage of this _____, going into and out of the room many times to ______ the guards. She also gave the guards money and drink.

______ inside the prison Winifred pulled out some ______ clothes and dressed her husband up as one of the ______- Mrs. Mills. Mrs. Mills was then brought in, emotional and with her ______ buried in her handkerchief. Lord Nithsdale then was led out by his wife, also holding the handkerchief to his eyes. This was very ______ , or the guards would notice that one of the women had a long _____ ! Fortunately everyone managed to get outside at last.

Winifred then returned to the room and ______ to be in an emotional conversation with her husband. After a suitable period of time had passed for her husband to leave ,she left the room and got some ______ for herself by telling the guards that her husband was praying (祈祷) and should not be ______. This was a clever action as it allowed the ______ to go unnoticed for longer.

To complete the clever escape and appear ______ , they gave a tearful goodbye. Lord Nithsdale and his wife ______ and managed to leave the country together.

1A. lesson B. accident C. experience D. punishment

2A. of B. through C. beside D. without

3A. prepared B. afraid C. devoted D. unwilling

4A. attack B. kill C. meet D. leave

5A. carry on B. join in C. give up D. shut up

6A. popular B. necessary C. effortless D. dangerous

7A. rule B. habit C. story D. advice

8A. find B. train C. confuse D. defeat

9A. Once B. Before C. Though D. If not

10A. spare B. dirty C. foreign D. unusual

11A. actors B. guards C. visitors D. prisoners

12A. key B. face C. hand D. letter

13A. difficult B. important C. surprising D. exciting

14A. leg B. hair C. beard D. dress

15A. meant B. forgot C. agreed D. pretended

16A. clothes B. drink C. time D. handkerchiefs

17A. disturbed B. harmed C. woken D. locked

18A. escape B. emotion C. exercise D. exploration

19A. clever B. hard-working C. confident D. heartbroken

20A. failed B. died C. reunited D. returned

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