He met her at a party.She was so outstanding,with many boys around her,while he was so normal, with nobody paying attention to him.

At the end of the party,he invited her to have coffee with him.She was surprised,but due to being polite,she agreed.

They sat in a nice coffee shop.He was too nervous to say anything,and she felt uncomfortable,thinking,“Please let me go home.”

Suddenly he asked the waiter,“Would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee.”

Everybody stared at him——so strange! His face turned red,but,still,he put the salt in his coffee and drank it.

She asked him curiously,“Why do you have this hobby?”

He replied,“When I was a little boy,I was living near the sea.I liked playing in the sea, and I could feel the taste of the sea, just like the taste of the salty coffee.Now every time I have the salty coffee.I always think of my childhood.I miss my hometown so much.I miss my parents who are still living there.”

While saying that tears filled his eyes.She was deeply touched.That's his true feeling,from the bottom of his heart.A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, and has responsibility of home.

Then she also started to speak,about her faraway hometown,her childhood, her family.That was a really nice talk,also a beautiful beginning of their story.

They continued to date.She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands;he was kind-hearted, warm and careful.He was such a good person but she almost missed him!

Thanks to his salty coffee! Then the story was just like every beautiful love story,the princess married the prince, then they were living a happy life…And, every time she made coffee for him,she put some salt in the coffee.

After 40 years, he passed away,leaving her a letter which said,“My dearest,please forgive my whole life lie.This was the only lie I said to you—the salty coffee.

“Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time.Actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt.It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead.

“I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.

“Now I'm dying, I'm afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth:I don't like the salty coffee.What a strange bad taste! But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life!

“Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you.Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life.If I can live for a second time,I still want to know you and have you for my whole life,even though I have to drink the salty coffee again.”

Her tears made the letter totally wet.

Someday,someone asked her,“What's the taste of salty coffee?”“It's sweet,”she replied.

After ordering some salt to put into the coffee, the young man must have felt    

A.touched     B.satisfied    C.disappointed    D.embarrassed

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Salt coffee is more delicious and sweeter than sugar coffee.

B.The man ordered the salt coffee in order to create a chance to date with the girl.

C.The man had to have salty coffee all his life to keep his word.

D.The woman hardly believed the man's explanation at their first date.

From the passage we can see that the man is        

A.caring and kind-hearted      B.shy and sly

C.dishonest but responsible     D.warm and understanding

It is implied in the passage that the woman _____ when reading the letter left by her husband.

 A.was cheated by his husband's behavior    B.was touched by his husband's white lie

 C.felt sorry to know the truth too late       D.felt angry about his dishonesty

Have you ever tried to draw a straight line, only to find it turns out all wrong? Or, have you ever wanted to show ___36___ at a party and found the song you’d practiced so many times suddenly__37_ more difficult? I’ve had both these__38___. As a senior student, I have to ___39__ many exams. Each time, I think, “ I__40___ fail this time,’’ but I get a low mark. Don’t be surprised---it’s not __41___ I don’t try, do enough preparation, __42__ take it seriously. On the contrary, it is because I give it too _43__ attention. The thought “ I must pass” makes me taste the terrible flavor of failure.
I often___44___ to my friends, “ Don’t be too hard ___45____ yourself.” However, when I __46___ my own goals, I do not listen to my own advice. So why not ___47__ this crazy thought of achieving the best? Just face the problem__48____before you with a calm mind, work and you will succeed.
In my opinion, __49___ a calm state of mind is a skill for life. People__50__ want to succeed realizing this is of __51______ importance. So __52___ time you’re trying to draw a straight line or ___53___ a performance, tell yourself, “ If I can just do it _54___ than last time, it’s a success.” Keep a calm state of mind, and you will be happy __55____you succeed or fail.

A.experiencesB.experienceC.times D.difficulties
A.won’tB. can C.needD.needn’t
A.because ofB./C.thereforeD.because
【小题12】 A. throw away      B. get away         C. take up         D push off
【小题16】 A no                B. little         C. very           D. great
A.lastB.the lastC.nextD.the next
【小题18】A. put on             B play on                C. give on         D show on

In a moment of personal crisis, how much help can you expect from a New York taxi driver? I began studying this question and answers interesting.
One morning I got into three different taxis and announced, “Well, it’s my first day back in New York I seven years. I’ve been in prison.” Not a single driver replied, so I tried again. “Yeah, I shot a man in Reno.” I explained, hoping the driver would ask me why, but nobody asked. The only response came from a Ghanaian driver, “Reno? That is in Nevada?”
Taxi driver were uniform sympathetic when I said I‘d just been fired. “This is America,” a Haitian driver said. “One door is closed. Another is open.” He argued against my plan to burn down my boss house. A Pakistani driver even turned down a chance to profit from my loss of hope; he refused to take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridge-a $20 trip. “Why you go there? Go home and relax. Don’t worry. Take a new job.”
One very hot weekday in July, while wearing a red ski mask and holding a stuffed pillowcase with the word “BANK” on it, I tired calling a taxi five times outside different banks. The driver picked me up every time. My ride with a Haitian driver was typical of the superb assistance I received.
“Let’s go across the park.” I said. “I just robbed the bank there. I got $25,000?” he asked.
“Yeah, you think it was wrong to take it?”
“No, man. I work 8 hours and I don’t make almost $70. If I can do that, I do it too.”
As we approached 86th and Lexington, I pointed to the Chemical Bank.
“Hey, there is anther bank,” I said, “Could you wait here a minute while I go inside?”
“No, I can’t wait. Pay me now.” his unwillingness may have had something to do with money –taxi drivers think the rate for waiting time is too low----but I think he wanted me to learn that even a bank robber can’t expect unconditional support.
1. From the Ghanaian driver’s response, we can infer that______.
A. he was afraid of the author          B. he though the author was crazy
C. he looked down upon the author    D. he was indifferent to the killing
2. Why did the Pakistani driver refuse to take the author to the middle of the George Washington Bridge?
A. Because he was able to help the author to find a new job.
B. Because he wanted to go home and relax.
C. Because he thought that the author would commit suicide.
D. Because it was far away from his home.
3. In the author’s opinion, the driver’s unwillingness “to wait outside the chemical Bank indicate ______.
A. The driver thought it wrong to support a taxi rider unconditionally
B. The driver was frightened and wanted to leave him as soon as possible
C. The driver did not want to help a suspect to escape from a bank robbery
D. The driver thought that the rate for waiting time was too low
4. The passage mainly discusses ________.
A. the way to please taxi riders
B. the way to deal with taxi riders
C. taxi driver’s attitude to riders in personal trouble
D. taxi driver’s attitude to troublesome taxi riders

Many years ago my student asked me the question, “Mrs. Kindred, why do you teach?” Without taking time to reflect, I answered ,“Because someday I might say something that might make a difference in someone’s life.” Even though I was sincere, that wasn’t a very good answer and my student didn’t let it slide.

“Let me get this straight,” he said, “You went to college for four years so you could come here every day because you have the hope that someday you might say something that will influence someone?” He shook his head as if I were crazy and walked away looking confused. I’m one of those people who look back and wish they had said something smart or witty, or swift.

Even though that particular student might no longer wonder why I teach, there are days when I wonder. On those days, I remind myself of the real reasons I teach:

It’s in my blood. My mother was my most influential teacher, and she was a 6th grade reading teacher until her death in 1990. She instilled(逐渐灌输)in me a love of reading and the knowledge that education opens doors.

Teaching is a way to make a difference. If you throw a stone in a pond the ripples(波纹) go on and on until they reach the shore. You can’t have ripples without a “stone.” Good teachers throw stones that make a positive difference, and that’s what I strive to do.

I genuinely love teenagers. I want to share with others what I know and what I have learned through the years. Life is full of ups and downs, and if I can help students avoid some potholes on the road of life, I want to do so. If they’ll allow me to celebrate their victories with them, I want to do too. Teaching isn’t for everyone, but I know I made the right career choice.

1. Why did the student continue to ask the question about the writer’s being a teacher?

A.Because he thought her answer was unbelievable.

B.Because the writer was insincere.

C.Because the student was naughty.

D.Because the answer was difficult to understand.

2. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The writer’s mother has the greatest influence on her.

B.The writer’s answer made the student confused.

C.In the writer’s opinion, some people in the world are unfit to teach.

D.The writer annoyed the student who asked the question.

3. We can infer from the text that      .

A.the writer was also a good teacher in school

B.the writer often plays with her students beside a pond

C.the writer devotes herself to teaching and her students

D.the writer often accompanies the students on their way home.


I am sure many people have said about me, “He must be the happiest man in the world!” But they were wrong. 36   I was famous and had 37 money, I was not really happy. I found myself asking, “ 38  does all this not give me real happiness?”

Newspapers said, “Kriss Akabusi is the European champion. He has also  39   an Olympic bronze medal.” Now before all this happened, I had  40  , “If I can become a champion, I will be happy. I will  41   a lot of money and then enjoy  42  . I will have a good time.”

When I went to the Edinburgh Games, in my hotel  43  I found a book by my bedside. It was called What’s Real Happiness in Life? I  44   this book up and read some of the stories in it. The book mainly told about the happiness brought by helping others. But I said to  45  , “All these things are too  46   for me to do.”

But that night I had a  47  . I found myself standing by a river. I 48   a voice calling to me from the other side of the river. The voice said, “You know helping others is as  49   as crossing the river, and it’s not as difficult as you imagine.” Then suddenly I awoke. I realized I was  50   now when compared to before. I found I had real  51   of mind.

So I can now tell my friends what I have  52  . Being famous and having a lot of money  53   gave me happiness. So all I can say to you is this—we are  54   when we think that to be famous and rich will make us happy. Now I have a children’s TV program called Record Breakers. I have no  55   about what tomorrow will bring.









B.a little
















































































































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