

【1】The baby i__________ me while I was on the phone .

【2】Fatima was one of Britain’s top track and field a__________ .

【3】The boss g__________ that the workers would be paid on time .

【4】The letter wasn’t addressed to me but I opened it out of c__________ .

【5】We have done much to save the species that are in danger of e__________ .

【6】After the attack , a state of emergency has been d__________ in the country .

【7】Soldiers are being trained under conditions that closely r__________ real wars .

【8】The girls are dancing with natural __________(优雅).

【9】The students __________(恐慌)when told that the final exams were approaching .

【10】We are ______(给……下定义)by our jobs and we’re usually happy to talk about them .

【11】Carnival today is an international , __________(多元文化的)experience .

【12】Our way of life has changed __________(戏剧性地)over the last ten years .

【13】Anne , one of my close friends , is always my travelling __________(伙伴,同伴).

【14】By a strange __________(巧合), we happened to be travelling on the same train .

【15】They bought the land for the __________(具体的,特定的)purpose of building a hotel .
















【15】 specific



【1】interrupted 动词interrupt打断,打扰;根据原句中的was,说明应该使用一般过去时。句意:当我在打电话的时候,那个孩子打断了我。

【2】athletes 名词athlete运动员;短语one of的后面要接可数名词复数或者不可数名词。本句中名词athlete运动员,是一个可数名词,所以在one of的后面要使用复数形式。

【3】guaranteed 动词guarantee保证,根据句中的would说明应该使用一般过去时。句意:老板保证工人可以准时得到工资。

【4】curiosity 名词curiosity好奇;介词短语out of curiosity处于好奇。句意:那封信不是写给我的,但是处于好奇,我把那封信打开了。

【5】extinction 名词extinction灭绝;介词短语in danger of extinction处于灭绝的危险中。句意:我们做了很多事情五挽救那些处于灭绝的危险中的物种。

【6】declared 动词declare宣布,该动词通常表示宣布重大事件。在攻击以后,国家宣布进入紧急状态。

【7】resemble 动词resemble与...相似;类似于...;士兵们正在和真实战争很类似的条件下进行训练。

【8】elegance/grace 名词elegance/grace优雅;介词短语with elegance优雅地;句意:这个女孩在优雅地跳舞。

【9】Panicked 动词panic恐慌,该词的过去式和过去分词为panicked。根据句中的were说明应该使用过去式。句意:当学生被告知期末考试就要来了的时候,他们很惊慌。

【10】defined 动词define给...下定义;句意:我们被我们的工作下了定义,我们也很高兴地能够谈论我们的工作。

【11】 multicultural 形容词multicultural多元文化的;该词在句中作定语修饰名词experience经历。句意:狂欢节现在是一个国际的多元文化的经历。

【12】 dramatically 副词dramatically戏剧性地;副词通常在句中作状语,修饰形容词、副词或者动词。本句中该词修饰动词change。句意:过去十年中,我们的生活方式有了戏剧性的改变。

【13】companion 名词companion伴侣,同伴;句意:我最亲密的朋友Ann总是我的旅游伴侣。

【14】coincidence 名词coincidence巧合的事情;句意:真是巧合,我们碰巧在同一列火车上旅行。

【15】specific 形容词specific具体的,特定的;本句中该词充当定语修饰 名词purpose。句意:他们买了这快地正是为了修建一家宾馆。



If a sitcom(情景喜剧)that lasts for l0 years is considered popular,then surely one that still arouses emotions after 20 must be considered a classic.Friends first aired in the US in 1994,featuring a cast of six young men and women in New York.In the time since,its become one of the most famous titles in the sitcom style,aired in over 100 countries and regions in the world.

The show is typical among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores basic yet important themes like friendship,struggling to survive in a big city,and finding independence and identity,all of which are still relevant to young audiences today.

Against the background of the Internet age,IT staff who were once marginalized(排斥)and laughed at have experienced a revival due to the popularity of hit show The Big Bang Theory,in which four talents lacking normal social skills make an attempt at living on a college campus.

At the same time,Gossip Girl,describing a young cast of New Yorkers born with silver spoons in their mouths,demonstrates the difficulties upper-class adolescents experience.The show’s fashion and mature subject matter allowed it to capture the interest of both teenagers and adults.

Although these typical TV shows span a wide timeline and feature a variety of themes,they all have a universal topic.Love,money,friendship,career aspirations and identity are things all young people struggle to understand.Why are they still fascinating? It remains to be found out.

1Why is the sitcom Friends typical among young people in the 1990s?

A.Because it is a breakthrough in the producing style.

B.Because it is the most influential sitcom of all time.

C.Because it addresses the subjects faced by the youth.

D.Because it predicts the future of the young at that time.

2What can we learn about The Big Bang Theory?

A.It arouses peoples enthusiasm for computers.

B.There are four talents who are good at everything.

C.It is set in the time before the Internet came into being.

D.It improves the conditions of the people in technological industry.

3According to the passage,Gossip Girl

A.attracts people of all ages

B.shows eye-catching style and adult subject

C.describes the life of ordinary girl

D.describes the hardships of upper-class people

4What will the author most probably talk about next?

A.The introduction to other hit sitcoms.

B.The further information about the plot.

C.The emotional response among audience.

D.The analysis of the reasons for the appeal.

【题目】India has a very vast history and heritage(遗产). The country has witnessed some of the most important events in the past and every event has an effect of its own on the culture, religion, lifestyle, and economy of the country. This is one of the leading reasons why tourists prefer India to travel and explore. Historical tours in India provide everything that a traveler expects from his/her journey. These historical tours give an opportunity to study and explore Indian history.

Historical tours of India generally consisted of four phases: ancient, medieval(中世纪的), modern India and contemporary(当代的)India. Some of the historical travel packages are:

Forts and Palaces

The rich cultural past of India is reflected in the countless(无数的)forts and palaces across the country. Most of the forts were constructed as a defense device to keep the enemy away and palaces were made on the names of the kings and queens. Some of the famous forts and palaces are: Agra Fort (Agra), Fatehpur Sikri (Agra), Hawa Mahal (Jaipur), Amber Fort (Jaipur), City Palace (Jaipur), Gwalior Fort (Gwalior), Mysore Palace (Mysore), Red Fort (Delhi), etc.

India Heritage Tours

The main purpose of India Heritage tours is to make Indians as well as tourists familiar with the rich Indian legacy(遗产). The heritage of the country is at least 5000 years. Some of the heritage tours are: medieval heritage, Rajput heritage, Golden Triangle, splendid Gujarat, etc.

South India Historical Tours

The Southern India is known for its diversity and there are many places, which attract tourists, not only from the country but also from all around the world. The famous tourists’ destinations(景区)in South India include Goa, Cochin, Kerala, Munnar, Periyar, Kottayam and the list goes on and on.

【1】The main purpose of this passage is .

A.to report some important events in the history of India

B.to help study the culture and history of India

C.to tell us how to explore the history of India

D.to introduce some tours that can explore the history of India.

2Many tourists prefer to travel to and explore because .

A.its culture is greatly influenced by its history

B.modern India has little to study

C.Indian people have an interesting lifestyle

D.India’s history is longer than that of any other country

3Most forts were built in order to .

A.honor the kings B.keep enemies away

C.act as a palace for queens D.attract tourists

4According to the passage, Rajput heritage .

A.is a famous fort in India

B.has a history of no more than 200 years

C.lies in South India

D.is one of the heritages in India


We all believe we listen well and yet many times we feel others are not listening to us. However, listening goes in both directions—you may believe you are listening well, but how often have you completely forgotten what was said to you? 【1】

Make eye contact.

2 when People talk, they put out visual clues that add to the conversation and meaning of their words.

Stop talking.

You can't listen, talk and at the same time completely receive the meaning of the other person's words. 3

React without words.

Let the other person know you are listening through physical reactions, such as head nods, smiles, frowns and eye movement. 4


Concentrate on what the other person is saying. Clear your mind of other thoughts and emotions and focus on the conversation at hand. Be in the moment of that conversation, and don't think about what you want to say back.


Behave as an effective listener. The more you continue to behave as a listener, the more you will be an effective listener.

A. Don't break in.

B. Act as a listener.

C. How to say back is also important.

D. Make eye contact with the person who is talking to you.

E. There are a few ways to become a more effective listener.

F. Wait your turn and take in what has been said to you before you make a reply.

G. These may also help to let the speaker know whether you are accurately (准确地) understanding his words.

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