
Imagine being given the opportunity to wake up to lions, eat your meals with monkeys, and even share your bath with bears, all from the comfort of a unique new lodging experience.

The Jamala Wildlife Lodge opened its doors in January 2015, which was set up in an effort to educate visitors about aiding the survival of many of the world's endangered species.

“It’s great for the animals; they're going to get more space. It's great for the viewing public; they're going to get more things to see. It will be great for tourism and just for the local community," Said Richard Tindale, the owner and operator.

Spreading across three locations in the National Zoo, the 18 rooms, which range from giraffe tree houses to jungle bungalows, offer a fantastic experience with wildlife

The Giraffe Treehouse

The Giraffe Treehouse is set among the giraffe enclosures (围场), and the Jungle Bungalows are luxurious individual suites which are next to either lion, cheetah(猎豹), brown bear, or Malaysian sun bear enclosures.

The Ushaka House

Housing up to 26 people, the Ushaka House is built around the monkey enclosure and has a built-in aquarium which offers private views of some of the zoo’s sharks.

The Burley Griffin House

Only meters from the edge of Lake Burley Griffin, the indoor and outdoor entertaining areas have splendid views across the lake to Black Mountain.

The Shark House

The Shark House has its own little jetty(码头) and it comes out over the shark tank here and so the people who stay in the room will be able to go to their bedroom and pat the shark.


Located in the heart of Australia’s political capital, the Jamala Wildlife Lodge at the National Zoo and Aquarium is just ten minutes from Canberra’s central Business District.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about the Iamala Wildlife Lodge?

A. The Jamala Wildlife Lodge lies in the heart of Canberra.

B. The Jamala Wildlife Lodge has a very long history.

C. The Jamala Wildlife Lodge is outside the National Zoo.

D. The Jamala Wildlife Lodge has altogether 26 houses.

2. If a tourist wants to visit Lake Burley Griffin, he'd better choose ________.

A. The Giraffe Treehouse B. The Ushaka House

C. The Burley Griffin House D. The Shark House

3. The purpose of writing the passage is to ________.

A. attract more tourists to visit the National Zoo

B. introduce the Jamala Wildlife Lodge in Australia

C. raise people's awareness of protecting animals

D. offer visitors an opportunity to play with sharks



Valentine's Day is known worldwide as a time to celebrate love and romance. But the holiday is also notorious(臭名昭著的) for reminding many singles that they are _____of a significant other.

Instead of feeling sad and ____, many Chinese singles decided to join each other in a crusade against the love birds — proof that the singles are not _____in the festival after all.

Here is some advice posted online by some love-starved online activists on ____ to ruin Valentine's Day for those enjoying romantic _____:

Buy up the odd-numbered _____ for movies so the lovers can't sit together.

Book up all _____ rooms in hotels so the lovers will have no place to spend the night.

____ chocolate and puncture(打孔) condoms in supermarkets.

Walk up to a couple on the street, _____ either of them in the face and crying out "How could you _____ on me?!" (Better if this happens between the same sex).

Take a part-time job to deliver flowers and throw half the bouquets _____.

Some of the strategies have been put into practice. Sina Weibo user @Yanta _____ one photo showing him (or her) slipping Dear John letters into boxes of chocolate in a supermarket. The other photo shows one of the letters _____ "let's break _____. The chocolate will be my last _____ for you."

A café in Luzhou, Sichuan province announced proudly in its Weibo _____ that couples are not welcome on Valentine's Day, singles will be _____ a 10 percent discount in the shop.

_____, the strategies above are not supported by all. "Just think about it. How would you feel when you find the chocolate you bought for a girl is _____ or your wife has to have an abortion(堕胎) due to condoms with holes? Won't it be dangerous to slap(打耳光)a stranger on street?" a netizen _____ calling on people to avoid a possible violent way.

1.A. short B. necessary C. proud D. ashamed

2.A. left behind B. left off C. left on D. left out

3.A. alone B. away C. happy D. inspired

4.A. where B. how C. what D. when

5.A. dates B. days C. times D. weeks

6.A. areas B. locations C. exits D. seats

7.A. multiple B. single C. double D. three-bed

8.A. Protect B. Break C. Buy D. Choose

9.A. slapping B. pointing C. biting D. hitting

10.A. lie B. trap C. cheat D. disturb

11.A. in B. out C. behind D. away

12.A. carried B. downloaded C. hung D. posted

13.A. writing B. saying C. leaving D. telling

14.A. up B. away C. in D. down

15.A. property B. donation C. gift D. blessing

16.A. story B. account C. statement D. expression

17.A. received B. provided C. sent D. offered

18.A. Even so B. Therefore C. Besides D. Even though

19.A. stored B. stolen C. poisoned D. damaged

20.A. reminded B. cautioned C. described D. Defended

Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘所),he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.

It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid that the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly a few policemen opened the door and came in. “I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”

1.Mr. Lang was paid much because _______.

A. he was a worker

B. he worked in a factory

C. he had a lot of work to do

D. he had worked there for a long time

2.Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.

A. she couldn’t find any work

B. she thought her husband was tired

C. her husband spent all time in gambling

D. she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling

3._______, so he was put into lockup.

A. Mr. Lang often gambled

B. Mr. Lang was late for work

C. Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home

D. Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police

4.The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.

A. he didn’t love her any longer

B. he wouldn’t stop gambling

C. he had been put into lockup

D. he was hardly sent away by the factory

Money has always complicated our social lives. A question in October from a woman wondering whether she should attend her neighbors’ holiday parties broke my heart: “I am not able to do the same in return, and I just feel like a freeloader to do so,” she wrote. “I’m not even in a position this year to take an appropriate thank?you gift with me.” I told her to go, of course.

Meanwhile, hosts worried about the costs of entertaining — the hosts who write to me, anyway. On the other hand, the hosts that guests write to me about have taken some extreme measures to reduce the cost of their hospitality. These range from a dinner party where a relative of the host explained how expensive the steaks were and “rather pointedly suggested” that the letter writer “make a financial contribution” to the cost of dinner, to some Cape Cod homeowners who invited a couple to spend a weekend with them — as long as they brought their own food, bottled water, and toilet paper.

Weddings and other special events always create extra sources of stress, worsened by the fact that people rarely want to talk honestly about their money situations. One couple chose to have only a civil wedding ceremony for financial reasons and wondered how to tell people this without going into too much detail. A sixty?something couple needed to cut back on Christmas gifts to their children but weren’t sure how to tell them about it. People who had been laid off wondered how to notify friends, respond to inquiries about their job search, and compete with former colleagues for positions.

If you are searching for the answers to them, write to me—an advice columnist.

1.The underlined word “freeloader” in the 1st paragraph showed the woman’s ________.

A. disapproval B. happiness

C. confusion D. agreement

2.What bothered the hosts mentioned in Paragraph 2 most in their social lives?

A. Steaks. B. Entertainment.

C. Cost. D. Thank?you gifts.

3.What would you be expected to do if you were invited to spend a weekend with some Cape Cod homeowners?

A. Ask someone for advice.

B. Get your food and water ready.

C. Bring a bottle of wine with you.

D. Make a financial contribution to the cost.

4.What makes the social life even worse?

A. Weddings and other social events.

B. Being laid off and notifying friends.

C. Cutting back the costs for lack of money.

D. Telling others about their financial troubles.

Mary Allen was my best friend-like the sister I ever had. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, and horseback riding.

When I was 13, my family moved away. Mary and I kept in touch through letters and we saw each other on special occasions(场合)- like my wedding and Mary’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back stamped "Address Unknown ".

Over the years, I thought of Mary often. I wanted to share stories of my children and then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Mary could fill.

One day I was reading the newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked a lot like Mary and whose last name was Wagman--Mary’s married name. "There must be thousands of Wagman. "I thought, but I wrote to her anyway.

She called as soon as she got my letter. "Mrs Tobin!" she said excitedly. "Mary Allen Wagman” is my mother. Minutes later I heard a voice recognized immediately,even after 40 years. We laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives.

Now the empty place in my heart is filled. And there’s one thing that Mary and I know for sure: We don’t lose each other again.

1. I want to find Mary ______________ .

A. to share my stories B. to share my sorrow

C. to fill the empty in my heart D. all of the above

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. We never see each other again when I moved away when I was 13.

B. I find my friend in the newspaper

C. It is 40 years since we last saw each other

D. My friend’s husband is Mr Tobin

3.The best title of the passage is ________

A. My Good Friend B. Friend Like the brother

C. An Important Friend D. Friends Again- Forever

My 17-year-old daughter went off to college and having her away from home brought back memories of watching Peter Pan when she was little. In the classic TV production, one scene in particular impressed me: when Mrs Darling puts her children into bed. As she turns off the last of the night lights, she takes one last look at the bedroom and says, “Dear night lights, protect my sleeping children.” As a mother, I know how much she loves her children.

It has been several weeks since we took our daughter to college and she seems to be adjusting (适应) well after a short period of homesickness. For us, though, it’s another story. Like most parents, I love checking in on my children at night. But now she’s gone, and I find nighttimes the hardest. I miss her most at night.

In my neighborhood, most of the parents whose kids are off to college are dealing with similar melancholy. My husband is filled with anxiety. One friend talked about getting this sick feeling in her stomach as she prepared for the college drop-off. We complained that many of us were too busy to truly enjoy being with our children while we had them.

For us moms, seeing Toy Story 3 only made the sadness worse as we watched the character Andy, who is the same age as our kids, say goodbye to his childhood as he prepares to leave for college. And it’s not just “first-time” parents like me. Two moms who have kids already well into college said the separation didn’t get any easier. “You feel like something has been taken away from inside you,” said one of them.

I imagine things will get easier with time, especially as I see my daughter adjust to college life. Meanwhile, as I keep my cell phone close to me in bed and text my daughter goodnight and sweet dreams every night, I like to think that messages serve as a night light that keeps her safe.

1.The writer was deeply impressed by the scene in Peter Pan because ___________.

A. she watched the scene with her daughter

B. the scene was very exciting and interesting

C. the scene taught her and her daughter a good lesson

D. the scene showed a mother’s deep love for her children

2.After he daughter went to college, the writer ___________.

A. didn’t get used to the change for a long time

B. often cried as she missed her daughter so much

C. realized she hadn’t done enough for the daughter

D. failed to have a good sleep every night

3.What is the underlined word “melancholy” in Paragraph 3 similar in meaning to?

A. Happiness.B. Anger.

C. Sadness.D. Excitement.

4.According to the last paragraph, why did the writer keep her cell phone close to her in bed?

A. To call her daughter any time

B. To wait for her daughter’s calls

C. To say good night to her daughter

D. To wait for her daughter’s messages

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