15£®ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÒÔÏÂÌáʾ£¬Never be afraid of making mistakes£® In fact£¬making progress is making mistakes£® Mistakes are where success lies£®²¢½áºÏ×Ô¼ºÉú»îÖеÄÒ»¸öÊÂÀý£¬ÓÃÓ¢Óïдһƪ¶ÌÎÄ£®×¢Ò⣺1£®ÎÞÐëд±êÌ⣬²»µÃÕÕ³Ó¢ÓïÌáʾÓ 2£®³ýÊ«¸èÍ⣬ÎÄÌå²»ÏÞ£»
·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪ¼ÇÐðÎÄ£¬ÈÃÎÒÃǸù¾ÝÌáʾNever be afraid of making mistakes£® In fact£¬making progress is making mistakes£® Mistakes are where success lies²¢½áºÏ×Ô¼ºÉú»îÖеÄÒ»¸öÊÂÀýÀ´Ð´×÷£¬Ð´×÷ʱÓÃÒ»°ã½«À´Ê±ÓëµÚÒ»È˳ƣ®ÄÚÈÝÒªµã°üÀ¨£º1£®Ðëд±êÌ⣬²»µÃÕÕ³Ó¢ÓïÌáʾÓ2£®³ýÊ«¸èÍ⣬ÎÄÌå²»ÏÞ£»3£®ÎÄÖв»µÃ͸¶¸öÈËÐÕÃûºÍѧУÃû³Æ£®
1£®make a difference ÓÐÓ°Ï죬Óвî±ð
2£® At the beginning Ò»¿ªÊ¼
3£®are unavoidable in ÊDz»¿É±ÜÃâµÄ
4£® Practice makes perfect£®ÊìÄÜÉúÇÉ
5£®mistakes are where success lies ´íÎóÊdzɹ¦µÄËùÔÚ
6£®With time going by£¬I built up my confidence and now I can talk fluently in English£¬just as the saying goes£¬mistakes are where success lies£®Ëæ×Åʱ¼äµÄÍÆÒÆ£¬ÎÒ½¨Á¢ÁËÎÒµÄÐÅÐÄ£¬ÏÖÔÚÎÒ¿ÉÒÔÁ÷ÀûµØ˵ӢÓÕýÈçË×»°Ëù˵£¬´íÎóÊdzɹ¦µÄËùÔÚ£®£¨¸Ã¾äʹÓÃÁËwithµÄ¸´ºÏ½á¹¹ÒÔ¼°Ë×Ó
½â´ð ¡¾·¶ÎÄ¡¿Mistakes are unavoidable in life£®But attitudes towards them may make a difference£®
I still remember how my spoken English improved£®At the beginning£¬I always keep silent in the oral class to avoid making mistakes£®Before long my teacher knew about my situation£®He encouraged me to speak out what I wanted to regardless of mistakes£®Whenever I make mistakes and felt discouraged£¬my teacher and classmates would help me figure out how I could avoid them in the future£®Practice makes perfect£®With time going by£¬I built up my confidence and now I can talk fluently in English£¬just as the saying goes£¬mistakes are where success lies£®We just need to learn a lesson from the mistakes£®
So don't be afraid of making mistakes£¬learn from them£¬and success is just awaiting us£®
µãÆÀ ¿¼²é¿ª·ÅÐÔ×÷ÎÄд×÷£¬¿ª·ÅÐÔ×÷Îĸø³öÁËÒ»¸ö»°Ì⣬²¢Óв¿·ÖµÄÎÄ×ÖÌáʾ£®¸ø¿¼Éú×ÔÓÉ·¢»ÓµÄÓàµØ½Ï´ó£®¶ÔÓÚ¿¼ÉúµÄ×ÛºÏÄÜÁ¦ÒªÇó½Ï¸ß£¬ÒªÇó¿¼ÉúÓкÜÇ¿µÄıƪ²¼¾ÖµÄÄÜÁ¦ºÍ×éÖ¯ÒªµãµÄÄÜÁ¦£®ÔÚÍê³É¿ª·ÅÐÔ×÷ÎÄʱ£¬Ê×ÏÈҪѡÔñ×Ô¼ºÊìϤµÄ¶ÌÓï»òÕß¾äÐÍ£¬ÔÚÄãµÄÄÜÁ¦·¶Î§Ö®ÄÚ£¬Ñ¡Ôñ¾äʽʱҪ¸³Óè±ä»¯£¬ÒòΪÕâÑùÄã²Å¿ÉÒÔ¸üºÃµÄ¼ÝÔ¦£®Í¬Ê±Ò²ÒªÑ¡ÔñºÏÊʵÄÁ¬½Ó´Ê£¬°Ñ¸÷¸öÒªµã×éÖ¯³ÉÒ»¸öÍêÕûµÄÕûÌ壬Èçbesides£¬further£¬last but not leastµÈ£®ÔÚ·¢±í¸öÈ˹۵ãµÄʱºò£¬¿ÉÒÔʹÓÃÑèÓïÀ´ÌáÉýÕû¸öÎÄÕµĵµ´ÎºÍÎIJɣ¬Ò²ÄÜÔö¼ÓµÃ¸ß·ÖµÄ¿ÉÄÜÐÔ£®

The£¨18£©C started when my friend Katy found Grandma's false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink£®I was so used to seeing them that I£¨19£©Dtook notice of them£®But Katy shouted£¬laughing and£¨20£©Bto talk to them£®I had to get down on my knees and£¨21£©Dher to shut up so my grandma wouldn't£¨22£©B and get hurt£®
After that happened£¬I£¨23£©C there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing£¨ÁîÈ˾½ÆÈ£©£®
Once she took Jill and me out to Burger King£®£¨24£©Dordering our hamburgers well-done£¬she told the person behind the counter£¬"They'll have two Whoppers £¨¾ÞÎÞ°Ô£© well-to-do£®"Jill burst out laughing£¬but I almost£¨25£©A£®
After a while£¬I started wishing I could£¨26£©DGrandma in a closet£®I even complained to my parents£®Both my parents said I had to be careful not to make Grandma feel£¨27£©C in our home£®
Then last Wednesday£¬something happened tha£¨28£©A everything completely£®My teacher told us to help find interesting old people and£¨29£©A them about their£¨30£©B¡¡ for a big Oral History project£®I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed me gently£®
"Volunteer your grandmother£¬"she whispered£®"She's£¨31£©C and rich in experience£®"
That was the last thing I ever thought Angie would say about my grandma£®
This is how I ended up on£¨32£©B today interviewing my own grandmother before the whole school assembly £¨¼¯ºÏ£©£®All my friends and teachers were listening to her£¨33£©D she was a great heroine£®I was£¨34£©Bof my grandma and hoped she would£¨35£©Aknow that I had been ashamed of her£®
16£®A£®funny | B£®common | C£®terrible | D£®clear |
17£®A£®admit | B£®receive | C£®refuse | D£®show |
18£®A£®quarrel | B£®accident | C£®trouble | D£®adventure |
19£®A£®already | B£®always | C£®simply | D£®hardly |
20£®A£®enjoying | B£®pretending | C£®imagining | D£®continuing |
21£®A£®warn | B£®demand | C£®advise | D£®beg |
22£®A£®mind | B£®hear | C£®see | D£®fall |
23£®A£®expected | B£®declared | C£®realized | D£®doubted |
24£®A£®Because of | B£®Except for | C£®Such as | D£®Instead of |
25£®A£®died | B£®cheered | C£®disappeared | D£®suffered |
26£®A£®meet | B£®avoid | C£®arrange | D£®hide |
27£®A£®independent | B£®inconvenient | C£®unwelcome | D£®unfamiliar |
28£®A£®changed | B£®finished | C£®stopped | D£®Prepared |
29£®A£®interview | B£®report | C£®tell | D£®write |
30£®A£®news | B£®lives | C£®advantages | D£®achievements |
31£®A£®free | B£®popular | C£®interesting | D£®embarrassing |
32£®A£®show | B£®stage | C£®duty | D£®time |
33£®A£®and then | B£®even if | C£®so that | D£®as if |
34£®A£®sure | B£®proud | C£®ashamed | D£®afraid |
35£®A£®never | B£®even | C£®still | D£®once |
From the spectators'point of view£¬last year's basketball£¨37£©Dfor my high school team was nothing£¨38£©Aof an embarrassment£®And£¨39£©B0and 20is certainly nothing to be proud of£¬that season had a bigger impact on me than any other£®As a team captain£¬I knew it probably wouldn't be the£¨40£©Dyear£¬but did I ever think we would lose every game£¿Of course not£®Since six of our top players had graduated£¬it was clear that we were a £¨n£© £¨41£©Cteam who would struggle£®The struggle began earlier than expected£¬£¨42£©B£¬as our team center was suspended £¨½ûÈü£© for the season£¬and two key members decided to£¨43£©Afor some reason£®At this point£¬dropping out probably passed through every player's mind£¬but in the end£¬we all stuck if out£¬£¨44£©Bto work still harder£®
Then there came a time when even our£¨45£©Dand given up on us£®Personally£¬I felt like it was£¨46£©Dworthwhile giving my all£®I thought£¬if even the coach doesn't believe in us£¬whyshould I£¿But just as my hope began to£¨47£©A£¬a teammate called a meeting£®He said£¬"Nobody thinks we are going to win£¬but£¬as teammates and friends£¬we£¨48£©Ait to each other to go all out every game£®"
It was that moment that£¨49£©Cme how to be a leader£®It hit me that I certainly didn't £¨50£©Bthe role£®As a leader you can never quit£¨51£©Cthe team who looks up to you£®It is one£¨52£©Dto be named captain£¬feel great and go through the motions£¬but it is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone realizes their full£¨53£©Aall the time£®
I am sure it is great to go through without losing and bringing home awards£®But in all honesty£¬I£¨54£©Bthe fact that my team lost every game last year£®It may not help me to become a better basketball player£¬but it already has made me a better leader£¬and£¨55£©C£®
36£®A£®exciting | B£®pleasant | C£®tough | D£®significant |
37£®A£®game | B£®event | C£®league | D£®season |
38£®A£®short | B£®full | C£®lacking | D£®sufficient |
39£®A£®as | B£®while | C£®since | D£®now that |
40£®A£®most interesting | B£®dullest | C£®most difficult | D£®easiest |
41£®A£®unique | B£®adventurous | C£®young | D£®untrained |
42£®A£®meanwhile | B£®though | C£®instead | D£®somehow |
43£®A£®quit | B£®stay | C£®resign | D£®rest |
44£®A£®hoping | B£®swearing | C£®claiming | D£®wishing |
45£®A£®fans | B£®classmates | C£®sponsor | D£®coach |
46£®A£®only too | B£®more than | C£®not a little | D£®no longer |
47£®A£®fade | B£®gain | C£®destroy | D£®grow |
48£®A£®owe | B£®think | C£®demand | D£®recommend |
49£®A£®reminded | B£®told | C£®taught | D£®guided |
50£®A£®act | B£®deserve | C£®play | D£®take |
51£®A£®with | B£®alongside | C£®on | D£®for |
52£®A£®matter | B£®aspect | C£®issue | D£®thing |
53£®A£®potential | B£®goal | C£®enthusiasm | D£®confidence |
54£®A£®hate | B£®treasure | C£®admit | D£®recognize |
55£®A£®character | B£®captain | C£®person | D£®figure |
A£® | expression | B£® | conclusion | C£® | impression | D£® | information |