
Christie was one of my best friend at high school.At that time,we often spend time together.Thank to her help,I made great Progress in my study.Last year,she decided to study abroad.In other words,we would be separated long time.Before her leaving off,I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him.She said it was the best gift she has ever had.From then on,we've kept touch with each other through e-mails.I look forward to see her again in the near future.

分析 作者在本文中讲述了和朋友Christie之间的友谊,在Christie的帮助下,作者的学习取得了很多进步,现在Christie到国外学习,作者希望她能尽快回来.

解答 Christie was one of my best friend at high school.At that time,we often spend time together.Thank to her help,I made great Progress in my study.Last year,she decided to study abroad.In other words,we would be separated long time.Before her leaving off,I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him.She said it was the best gift she has ever had.From then on,we've kept∧touch with each other through e-mails.I look forward to see her again in the near future.
76.friend改为friends 77.spend改为spent 78.Thank改为Thanks 79.去掉a 80.board改为aboard
81.another改为other 82.him改为her 83.has改为had 84.touch前加in 85.see改为seeing
1.friend改为friends;考查名词,one of后面的名词要用复数形式,故把friend该为friends.
2.spend改为spent;考查动词的时态,at that time是一般过去时的标志,所以后面的谓语动词应该用一般过去时spent.
3.Thank改为Thanks;考查固定搭配,thanks to为固定短语,意为"多亏,幸亏…".
4.separate后面加for a;考查短语搭配,for a long time意为很长一段时间.
6.him改为her;考查人称代词,根据前面"Before her leaving"可知文章主人公应该为女性,所以应该把him改为her.
8.touch前加in;考查固定搭配,keep in touch为固定短语,意思为"保持联系".
9.see改为seeing;考查非谓语动词,look forward to doing为固定短语,意为"期待做某事",其中to为介词,其后动词应为动名词形式.

点评 整体把握短文大意,弄清短文的基本时态,分析句子之间的结构关系,结合上下文语境运用词汇,语法等基础知识找出文中的错误并加以修改.

6.What is your favourite colour?Do you like yellow,orange,and red?(11)A.Do you prefer greys and blues?Then you are probably quiet,shy,and you would rather follow than lead.You tend to be pessimist.At least,this is what psychologists tell us,and they should know,because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference,as well as the effect that colours have on human beings.(12)B.If you happen to love brown,you did so,as soon as you opened your eyes,or at least as soon as you could see clearly.
(13)G.A yellow room makes mo st people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.
(14)D.A black bridge over the Thames River,near London,used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀) than any other bridge in the area---until it was repainted green.The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharpl.Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.
(15)E.It is an established fact that factory workers work better,harder,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.

A.If you do,you must be an optimist,a leader,an active person who enjoys life,people and excitement.
B.They tell us,among other facts,that we do not choose our favourite colour as grow up---we are born with our preference.
C.The rooms are painted in different colours as you like.
D.On the other hand,black is depressing.
E.Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active.
F.Life is like a picture or a poem,full of diferent colours.
G.Colours do affect our moods(情绪)---there is no doubt about it.
16.Have you ever been to the Great Wall of China?Originally (61)built (build) on the northern border of the country as a military defense project,it is the longest man-made structure throughout the world,(62)whose influence has been profound in the history of architecture.Due to the limitation of machinery at the time,it was constructed entirely by hand.(63)Dating (date) from as early as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods,the wall is now a national symbol and a popular tourist attraction.With a (64)length (long) of 6350kilometers,the Great Wall winds its way through mountainous regions and (65)looks (look) really magnificent.
There is no doubt that the Great Wall is a stunning legacy the whole world,not only China,has been left with.In fact,ancient China has also given the world many great (66)inventions (invent).To give an example,Su Song,an eleventh-century monk about (67)whomvery little is known,invented the first real clock.A man named Cai Lun was considered (68)to have made (make) paper from the bark of a tree in about 105AD,and this invention turned out immediately (69)successful (succeed).Printing was also invented in China as early as 868AD,and not until the year 1454AD (70)was the first book printed in Europe.
20.I think of myself as the happiest person whenever I walk into a room and people notice my smile right away.Here are six ways that can help you to be as happy as I am.
1.Let it go.
When someone criticizes you,or says something unkind,Just forget it.(36)E Even when you know the person means it,remember that you become stronger by accepting them for who they are and knowing your capabilities.
2.Be kind and helpful.
People who are mean and feel the need to put others down are insecure about themselves.But when you are kind to others,kindness returns to you.So never hesitate to go anywhere if you can be helpful.
When you come up against a problem,whether a person or an event,consider what you will learn from it.I believe Nietzsehe who said,"What doesn‘t kill me makes me stronger''
Sure,1 wish I were taller,smarter,and looking better.But I'm not.As soon as I realized that I wasn't going to be the President of the U.S.A.,I figured out what I did want to do in my life:write.
5.Keep in touch with your friends and family.
Your family,in most cases,loves you unconditionally.It's important to keep in touch with them,whether it's a weekly phone call or an annual visit.Friends too help to inspire and support happy people.(39)F   
6.Eat well.
(40)B If you're stuffing yourself with cheeseburgers and hot dogs every day,chances are that you are overweight and you lack energy and mental clarity(清晰).So you should eat enough fruit and vegetables,protein and carbohydrates(含碳水化合物的食物),which can provide you with nutrients and energy.

A.Never give up hope.
B.You are what you eat.
C.Accept what can't be changed.
D.Think of your problems as challenges.
E.Worse things have happened in human history.
F.Take time out of your week to communicate with them.
G.In modern times,we are too busy to have a balanced diet.

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