
12.He wasunwilling (不愿意) to pay the fine.

分析 他不愿意支付罚款.

解答 答案:unwilling
此处考查固定短语,"不愿意做某事"为"be unwilling to do sth"故填"unwilling"符合语境.

点评 翻译填空要根据所提供的汉语意思结合语境和句子结构选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意句子结构和所选词的形式变化.

2.On the Spanish island of La Gomera,kids are allowed to whistle(吹口哨) in class.In fact,whistling is required.The students are learning an ancient language called Silbo Gomero that uses whistles instead of spoken words.It's used only on La Gomera,which is one of the Canary Islands.
The people of La Gonmera have used Silbo Gomero for centuries.For a long time,it was the best way to communicate across the island's rocky hills and valleys.An islander's whistles can be heard from about 2 miles away.
But in the late 20th century,Silbo Gomero was in danger of dying out.Many of the speakers had moved from the island,and Spanish had become the main language.Cell phones had made it easier for islanders to communicate over long distances.A valuable piece of the island's culture was in danger of being lost forever.
In 1999,to keep the language alive,the local government made it a mandatory subject(必修学科) in schools.Now nearly all of the island's 22,000 inhabitants use Silbo Gomero as well as Spanish.
Though Silbo Gomero has been brought back into use,many other little-known languages around the world face a different situation.
There are more than 7,100 languages in the world.About half of them are in danger of disappearing within the next century.A language disappears when the last person to speak it dies.Many languages disappear because most children learn only the most important one.This is tr ue even in the U.S,where Native American languages are dying because most kids are taught only English.
Many dying languages have never been written down.Some researchers are travelling the globe to record people speaking these languages in the hope of saving them from going silent.
25.On La Gomera,students are allowed to whistle in classC.
A.when they are in danger             
B.if they want to have some fun
C.because they are learning a language   
D.since they have difficulty in speaking
26.How did people on La Gomera mainly communicate over long distances in the late 20th century?A
A.They used cell phones.
B.They used Silbo Gomero.
C.They used body language.
D.They shouted at each other.
27.La Gomera successfully prevented Silbo Gomero from dying out mainly byB.
A.written it down                    
B.introducing it into classes
C.recording people speaking it          
D.protecting the last one who speaks it
28.What is the main idea of Paragraph 6?D
A.English shouldn't be the only language.
B.Researchers are saving dying languages.
C.A language disappears for various reasons.
D.Many languages are in danger of disappearing.
7.Whenever he releases a new novel---every three or five years---there's an increase in interest.His 1987novel Norwegian Wood (《挪威的森林》),named after a Beatles song,became a classic among young Japanese,selling more than 4million copies in Japan alone.His latest novel Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage published in April,sold more than one million copies in its first month.
The novelist who sells in the millions but keeps away from the public is Haruki Murakami (村上春树).
If you see eager fans waiting outside bookshops in London or New York at midnight,if it's not for something Harry Potter,it will be Haruki Murakami's latest novel.To date,Murakami's work has been translated into 42languages and appeared on best-seller lists across the world.
So why the excitement?Though Murakami's books are set in Japan,his subjects of loneliness,boredom and loss,resonate (共鸣) with readers everywhere.
He was the first Japanese author whom readers stopped perceiving as Japanese.You may see some mention of cherry blossoms and other Japanese symbols in the book title but as you read the book itself,these soon disappear.
46.What kind of writer is Haruki Murakami?B
A.He writes in Japanese and English.
B.He is popular worldwide.
C.He takes an active part in social life.
D.He won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
47.Murakami's well-known novel Norwegian WoodC.
A.was published recently
B.sold over one million copies in Japan
C.has something to do with a Beatles song
D.has been translated into 42languages
48.Paragraph 3 intends to tell us about theA of the writer.

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