
Research shows that pets help reduce stress.Do you know why and how?


For those who love animals, it's virtually impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super - soft cat rubs up against your head. Research supports the mood - enhancing benefits of pets.A recent study found that men with AIDS were less likely to suffer from depression if they owned a pet. According to a study, men with AIDS who had pets were only about 50 percent more likely to report symptoms of depression, compared to men with (AIDS who didn't have pets.)


While ACE inhibiting drugs can generally reduce blood pressure, they aren't as effective on controlling spikes in blood pressure due to stress and tension.However, in a recent study, a group of patients who got dogs or cats were found to have lower blood pressure and haut rates than those having no pets.When they heard of the results, most of those in the non - pet group went out and got pets !


Whether we walk our dogs because they need it, or are more likely to enjoy a walk when we have companionship, dog owners do spend more time walking than non - pet owners, at least if we live in an urban setting.Because exercise is good for stress management and overall health, owning a dog can be credited with increasing these benefits.


When we're out walking, having a dog with us can make us more approachable and pave people a reason to stop and talk, thereby increasing the number of people we meet, giving us an pop corduroy to increase our net - work of friends and acquaintances, which also has great stress management benefits.


Peels can be there for you in ways that people can't.They can offer love and companionship, and can also enjoy comfortable silence, keep secrets and are excellent companions.And they could be the best killer to loneliness.In fact, research shows that nursing home residents reported less loneliness when visited by dogs than when they spent time with other people ! All these benefits can reduce the amount of stress people experience in response to feelings of social isolation and lack of social support from people.


Gratitude keeps us centered and wards off jealousy(妒忌) and negativity. Here are four little things we can do each day to nourish our sense of gratitude.

1. Choose your friends wisely.

1.Help your friends develop more positive characteristics by living with those positive characteristics yourself. Know what kind of friends will help you nurture(培育) your soul and set out to find some.

2. Help your friends cultivate gratitude.

Before you say something about a friend’s situation, remember that everyone’s situation is unique. I’ve seen it happen to myself and to my friends. They’ll be perfectly happy until someone tells them they’re being mistreated. Suddenly, they’re upset. 2.Make an agreement with your friends to cut the complaints from your conversations.

3. Say “thank you”.

Who in your life do you appreciate? Let them know, whether it’s your mom, your kids, your friends, your husband, your child’s daycare provider or the helpful woman in the restaurant.3. Make it a habit and your attention will suddenly turn to all the things people do for you. Also, write thank-you notes regularly, and be mindful of all the ways you show your appreciation by the things you do in return.


Today, try to be aware of all the aspects of your personal, professional and family life for which you are thankful. Take a few minutes today to appreciate nature.5.Whether you focus on the stars above, a distant mountain range or the cottonwood tree in your backyard, try to notice the details. Give thanks for the beauty that surrounds you.

Regardless of whether you write down these items, spend some time each day focusing on the little things in your life that make each day special.

A. Be mindful of the little things.

B. Let’s work on focusing on what we have.

C. A heartfelt thank-you often does the trick.

D. Day by day, make a goal to stop complaining about your life.

E. Go for a walk and only notice those things that are beautiful.

F. At the end of each day, you record at least five things you’re grateful for.

G. If you try to be spiritually strong, supportive, intelligent, energetic and positive, seek those characteristics in others.

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