

Gratitude keeps us centered and wards off jealousy(妒忌) and negativity. Here are four little things we can do each day to nourish our sense of gratitude.

1. Choose your friends wisely.

1.Help your friends develop more positive characteristics by living with those positive characteristics yourself. Know what kind of friends will help you nurture(培育) your soul and set out to find some.

2. Help your friends cultivate gratitude.

Before you say something about a friend’s situation, remember that everyone’s situation is unique. I’ve seen it happen to myself and to my friends. They’ll be perfectly happy until someone tells them they’re being mistreated. Suddenly, they’re upset. 2.Make an agreement with your friends to cut the complaints from your conversations.

3. Say “thank you”.

Who in your life do you appreciate? Let them know, whether it’s your mom, your kids, your friends, your husband, your child’s daycare provider or the helpful woman in the restaurant.3. Make it a habit and your attention will suddenly turn to all the things people do for you. Also, write thank-you notes regularly, and be mindful of all the ways you show your appreciation by the things you do in return.


Today, try to be aware of all the aspects of your personal, professional and family life for which you are thankful. Take a few minutes today to appreciate nature.5.Whether you focus on the stars above, a distant mountain range or the cottonwood tree in your backyard, try to notice the details. Give thanks for the beauty that surrounds you.

Regardless of whether you write down these items, spend some time each day focusing on the little things in your life that make each day special.

A. Be mindful of the little things.

B. Let’s work on focusing on what we have.

C. A heartfelt thank-you often does the trick.

D. Day by day, make a goal to stop complaining about your life.

E. Go for a walk and only notice those things that are beautiful.

F. At the end of each day, you record at least five things you’re grateful for.

G. If you try to be spiritually strong, supportive, intelligent, energetic and positive, seek those characteristics in others.


Singles’ Day, also called Double Eleven, began as a day for unmarried or uncoupled people to celebrate their lives on November 11, 1993. In China, however, Singles’ Day has become the biggest online shopping day in the world, which was created in 2009 by Alibaba’s CEO Daniel Zhang to increase online sales. Since then, it has grown into a cultural phenomenon.

China Singles’ Day, as a shopping day, takes place on November 11 each year. There are sharp discounts and other promotions (促销) designed by Alibaba to attract online customers. In 2015, E-commerce giant Alibaba broke records with sales of $14.3 billion on China Singles’ Day, with online sales increasing 60 percent from last year, according to Alibaba. “Most people shop on mobile phones or ipads and online shopping has become a comfortable channel for most consumers”, said Kitty Fok, China manager for market research. “China is a big market with close to one billion smart, connected device users. It is good news for both Alibaba and their competitors,” she said.

The company is focusing on international e-commerce for future Singles’ Days, reported Reuters. “Within the next five years, we expect China will become the world's largest e-commerce market for imported products,” President Michael Evans told reporters on Wednesday. Alibaba Chief Executive Daniel Zhang said in a statement that Singles’ Day would mean that “the whole world will see the power of Chinese consumption.” Over 130 million users visited Alibaba’s marketplace app, Taobao, reported the BBC.

1.What does Alibaba expect to do on Singles’ Day?

A. Celebrate single lives B. Defeat competitors

C. Develop firm cultures D. Increase online sales

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word discount in the second paragraph?

A. Smart products B. Crazy buying

C. Low prices D. More advertisements

3.What will make Singles' Days more popular according to Kitty Fok?

A. The popularity of smart, connected device users.

B. The potential power of Chinese consumption.

C. The cooperation with the international e-commerce.

D. The promotions on Alibaba's marketplace app, Taobao.

4.What attitude does President Michael Evans hold toward the future of China Singles’ Day?

A. doubtful B. optimistic

C. negative D. uncertain


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1.We can conclude from the passage that Teen Ink is a

A.magazine B.news agency

C.research center D.advertising company

2.What does the underlined word “submitted’’ most probably mean in the passage?

A.given in B.handed in

C.shown around D.headed for

3.What can be learned from the passage?

A.Teen Ink must ask for your permission before having your work published

B.The copyrights of your writing will be shared by Teen Ink and Pepsi

C.When you put your writing into the envelope,you shouldn’t fold it

D.The Pepsi Company may be a sponsor of Teen Ink for this campaign.

4.What is the most suitable title for this piece of advertisement?

A.Join Teen Ink B.Buy Teen Ink;Enjoy Pepsi

C.Send Us Your Work D.Keep In Touch With Teen Ink


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从1-20各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,


Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are of that parent. The things parents do and say---and the they do and say to them--therefore strongly influence a child's . However, parents must consistently behave like the type of they want their child to become.

A parent's actions affect the self-image that a child forms identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly qualities in their parents will have difficulty positive qualities in themselves. Children may their self-image, however, as they become increasingly by peers groups standards before they reach 13.

Isolated(孤立的) events, dramatic(突然的) ones, do not necessarily have a permanent on a child's behavior. Children interact such events according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, , accept the divorce of their parents' or a parent's early . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events a sign of rejection or punishment.

In the same way, all children are not influenced by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs. in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it.

1.A. to B. with C. around D. for

2.A. informedB. characteristicC. conceived D. indicative

3.A. gesture B. expression C. way D. Extent

4.A. behaviorB. words C. mood D. reactions

5.A. person B. humans C. creaturesD. adult

6.A. in turn B. neverthelessC. also D. as a result

7.A. before B. besides C. with D. through

8.A. eyes B. parents C. peersD. behaviors

9.A. negativeB. cheerful C. variousD. complex

10.A. see B. seeing C. to seeD. to seeing

11.A. modifyB. copy C. give upD. continue

12.A. mature B. influencedC. uniqueD. independent

13.A. not B. besides C. even D. finally

14.A. idea B. wonder C. stamp D. effect

15.A. luckilyB. for exampleC. at most D. theoretically

16.A. death B. rewards C. advice D. teaching

17.A. as B. being C. of D. For

18.A. even B. at all C. alike D. as a whole

19.A. Even B. Since C. Right D. As

20.A. result B. effect C. scale D. Cause

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