
【题目】 Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that he something instead of just talking.

A. will do B. has done C. did D. do

【答案】 C


试题分析:考查虚拟语气。句意:杰克是个空谈家,这是做些事而不是空谈的时候了。Its time that从句中用should do或动词过去时,表示虚拟语气,意思是:该做了。time前面也可以加形容词high,about。这题填过去时did,故C正确。


【题目】New App Helps People Remember Faces

Large gatherings such as weddings and conferences can be socially overwhelming. Pressure to learn people’s names only adds to the stress. A new facial-recognition app could come to the rescue, but privacy experts recommend proceeding with caution.

The app, called SocialRecall, connects names with faces via smartphone cameras and facial recognition, potentially avoiding the need for formal introductions. “It breaks down these social barriers we all have when meeting somebody,” says Barry Sandrew, who created the app and tested it at an event attended by about 1,000 people.

After receiving an invitation to download SocialRecall from an event organizer, the user is asked to take two selfies and sign in via social media. At the event, the app is active within a previously defined geographical area. When a user points his or her phone camera at an attendee’s face, the app identifies the individual, displays the person’s name, and links to his or her social media profile. To protect privacy, it recognizes only those who have agreed to participate. And the app's creators say it automatically deletes users’ data after an event.

Ann Cavoukian, a privacy expert who runs the Privacy by Design Center of Excellence praises the app’s creators for these protective measures. She cautions, however, that when people choose to share their personal information with the app, they should know that “there may be unintended consequences down the road with that information being used in another context that might come back to bite you.”

The start-up has also developed a version of the app for individuals who suffer from prosopagnosia, or “face blindness,” a condition that prevents people from recognizing individuals they have met. To use this app, a person first acquires an image of someone’s face, from either the smartphone’s camera or a photograph, and then tags it with a name. When the camera spots that same face in real life, the previously entered information is displayed. The collected data are stored only on a user’s phone, according to the team behind the app.

1SocialRecall is used to ________.

A. take photosB. identify people

C. organize eventsD. make friends

2Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.

A. how the app works

B. how the app was created

C. what makes the app popular

D. what people can do with the app

3SocialRecall helps people with prosopagnosia by ________.

A. giving names to the photos kept in their smartphones

B. collecting information previously entered in the phone

C. providing the information of a person when they first meet

D. showing the person’s information when it spots a stored face

4What can we learn about SocialRecall from the passage?

A. It may put people’s privacy at risk.

B. It has caused unintended consequences.

C. It can prevent some communication disorders.

D. It is praised by users for its protective measures.

【题目】DirectionsComplete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Since the end of 20th century, domestic advising of consumer products and services has appeared as a new text type. And along with the development of advertising business, advertising translation has become a common1 in China.

Though Chinese translators and advertising2never debate whether translation should be called translation or adaptation, there have been new studies of advertising translation. Most articles or papers about advertising translation are3with application of translation strategies. Quite a number of scholars advocate two or three translation strategies to the audience and4them with many examples. Zhong advocates literal translation; Wang5domestication and foreignization strategies; Liu supports the domestication strategies and Chen6of the communicative and semantic translation strategies. Some of them attempt to7how to translate advertisements, namely means for advertising translation, while very few of them make8to answer why they should select these strategies instead of others. So far, few scholars have found a theory guiding advertising translation.

In general, domestic studies of advertising translation still linger at the9point. Few articles treat translation of advertising texts as a whole in a systematic and scientific10. And even fewer articles provide a guiding theory concerning advertising translation.

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