
“Waitress! Waitress! Come   1   !” A customer shouted,   2   the cup in front of him and said to her in a    3    way: “Look at   4   .The milk is rotten, my black tea   5   !”

“Very sorry,” the waitress    6   smilingly. “I’ll replace it right away.”

She brought a new cup of black tea,   7    a slice of lemon and milk    8   she had done before. When she served, she said   9   :“May I    10   ?If lemon is put in the cup,   11    not to add milk, for the critic acid sometimes turns the milk into solid mass.” Being aware of his   12   ,the customer   13   ,finished his tea hurriedly and left.

Somebody asked the waitress: “Obviously he was    14   .Why didn’t you    15    on the spot? Why not    16   ?”

“Precisely because he was rude, he had    17    tactfully(婉转地) ,”the waitress said. “Those in the wrong often    18   arrogance(傲慢) ,those    19    on their side prefer   20   .”

1. A. on     B. over             C. to        D. out

2. A. looking at   B. turning to            C. pointed to    D. referred to

3. A. politely   B. impolitely       C. friendly      D. unfriendly

4. A. it          B. that              C. this        D. one

5. A. spoiled   B. saved            C. went bad     D. turned sour

6. A. replied   B. answered           C. whispered    D. apologized

7. A. and      B. including          C. together with    D. as well

8. A. as     B. like             C. when          D. while

9. A. rudely    B. friendly          C. softly     D. coldly

10. A. do you a favor                B. offer you a suggestion

C. tell you what to do             D. show you the right way

11. A. You should                 B. You must

C. You are better              D. It is better

12. A. duty     B. fault            C. trouble      D. question

13. A. turned red                     B. got angry

C. became puzzled               D. was shame

14. A. wrong but ignorant              B. right but rude

C. reasonable but careful             D. ignorant and rude

15. A. point to                  B. point at

C. point out                        D. point towards

16. A. put him in his place              B. give him a lesson

C. play him a trick                  D. served him rude

17. A. to treat with               B. to deal with

C. to be done with                D. to be dealt with

18. A. come to                   B. turn to

C. refer to                     D. led to

19. A. with right                 B. with justice

C. for reasons                  D. in politeness

20. A. friend                    B. friendship

C. friendliness                  D. friendly



1.     come over过来

2.     point to指向

3.     参见后面的情况,这位顾客的口气肯定不友好

4.     看看这个

5.     spoil损坏,糟蹋

6.     apologize道歉

7.     together with…和…, 加之…

8.     as 如…

9.     softly温柔地

10.   May I offer you a suggestion?我能给您个建议吗?

11.   最好不要加牛奶

12.   这个顾客意识到是自己的错误了

13.   脸变红了

14.   ignorant and rude无知且无礼

15.   point out指出来

16.   put him in his place使他安分, 不敢放肆

17.   正因为他很无礼,所以要婉转地对待他

18.   turn to变成

19.   with justice公正的

20.   prefer后接名词friendliness, 友好,和善



Madame Curie ,the youngest of five children ,was born in Warsaw ,Poland in 1867. Marie Curie's maiden name was Manya. Her parents were teachers,and she learned the importance of education at an early age. No higher education was offered to women in Poland at that time,so Manya took a job as a governess(女家庭教师). She sent part of her income to Paris to help pay for her older sister's medical studies. Her sister qualified as a doctor and married a fellow doctor in 1891. Manya went to join them in Paris ,changing her name to Marie. She entered the Sorbonne(now the Universities of Paris)and studied physics and mathematics, graduating at the top of her class. For the research she wanted to do , she was introduced to another young scientist, Pierre Curie. Later they fell in love with each other . After their marriage, they worked together on radioactivity.

 Fame troubled Marie Curie and also her husband, because science was their world and in this world of science fame and honor to persons had no value. One day when a writer for a newspaper tried to ask Marie about herself and her thoughts and her beliefs, she answered him, “In science we must be interested in things,not in persons.” Much of the real character and spirit of this unusual woman was found in these few words,which she was later often to repeat. One evening, at a big party,a friend asked if she would like to meet the King of Greece,who was also a guest.She answered in her simple manner, “I don't see the value of it.” Then,seeing that she had hurt the feelings of her friend, she quickly added, “But …but…of course,I shall do whatever you please. Just as you please.”

What did Marie Curie once do to help pay for her older sister's medical studies?

A.She was a teacher.                   B.She was a doctor.

C.She was a governess.                 D.She was a waitress.

What was valuable to Marie Curie?

A.science and research.               B.fame and honor.

C.character and spirit.               D.persons and things.

The writer for a newspaper was interested in____.

A.things       B.Marie Curie          C.Marie's husband          D.persons

What do you think might have happened between Marie Curie and the King of Greece?

A.The King was angry with Marie Curie.

B.For the sake of her friend Marie Curie met the King of Greece.

C.The King of Greece wrote a letter to invite Marie Curie to meet him.

D.Marie Curie held another party for the King.



People were asked to comment __28__ scenes from films like Pulp Fiction, TV series like Channel 4’s Brookside and cartoons like South Park. Leeds University concluded that people made a __29__between bad language used in programmes for adults, and those _30__ for children.

A. for

B. on

C. of

D. over

A. destination

B. difference

C. extinction

D. distinction

A. meant

B. provide

C. intend

D. supply


Advertisements need to attract and ___31__ the attention of the public. Some advertisements consist of pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are. Others try to create advertisements that people simply enjoy ___32___. As present-day advertisers often have large ____33___, a lot of money is spent on applying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as _____34_____ attractive as possible.

Not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. Some contemporary advertisements mainly aim to make contributions to society. There are public advertisements ____35_____citizens to participate in improving their neighbourhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people. ___36___ the last decade, the government has worked hard at using advertisements to educate the public on fighting AIDS, saving water, helping the poor, giving up smoking, etc. These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge, which has made our society a better place for everyone.

A. pay

B. make

C. receive

D. hold

A. looking

B. staring

C. looking at

D. staring at

A. budgets

B. gadgets

C. plans

D. profits

A. more visually

B. less visually

C. visually

D. visual

A. encourage

B. encouraged

C. to encourage

D. encouraging

A. From

C. By

D. Since

D. Over


Dear Editor,

I am writing to ????????___37___about the plan for a new airport. Many people have been  38 the idea from the start. However, the government is planning to go ahead with the building next year.

First, the government says that the airport will bring us industry and jobs.  39  , in my opinion, it will ruin the character of Tamford, a historic country town. Although the airport would bring tourists, I am not sure they would want to stay in a dirty, industrial town.

___40____ the government says, it is clear that the airport will also affect our health. Problems will increase even though the government has promised us a new hospital. Air pollution will get worse and this will be harmful to people, for example, it can cause cancer. Noise pollution will also have an ___41___ on the houses and schools near the airport.

I think other people should write to the government about this problem. We should do everything we can  42   this airport.

A. protect

B. protest

C. proposal

D. promote

A. disagree

B. for

C. in favour of

D. against

A. However

B. Therefore

C. Instead

D. Besides

A. Whatever

B. No matter which

C. Although

D. No matter

A. affect

B. influent

C. damage

D. effect

A. stop

B. to stop

C. stopping

D. stopped


 And a word of advice. To avoid getting confused about the British tipping system, you need to ____43____ your bill to see if a tip is included or not. If it isn’t, I suggest leaving 10% of the bill for the waiter or waitress --- ___44____ a bit more if the service is good. Talking of money --- it’s really easy to exchange traveller’s cheques at banks or hotels so I ___45___ you to get some of those before you come.

A. examine

B. check

C. test

D. look

A. even

B. just

C. yet

D. still

A. suggest

B. persuade

C. request

D. advise

After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced  1  for a few days, I was   2  to wait tables on my own. All went  3  that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily  4  the tables not far from the kitchen.   5  , I still felt a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘)。
Before I knew it, the  6 was full of people. I moved slowly,   7 every step. I remember how  8  I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables, it looked different from the one I was  9  on. It had nice handles (手柄),which made it  10   to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to  11  I was a natural at this job.
Then, an old man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved __12 you work. It seems your tray stand has been very  13  to you, but we are getting ready to  14  now, and my wife needs her  15 back.”
At first his   16 did not get across. “What was he talking about!” Then I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker (助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was  17 . I wanted to get into a hole and  18 .
Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just   19  , I have learned to be more  20 and not to be too sure of myself.

【小题8】angry        B. calm        C. sad          D. happy
A.coldB.full of joyC.paleD.on fire

In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without first asking if it will disturb them.

At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water(自来水) before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill.

Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing times for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.

Servings in restaurants are often large, too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself. Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon meal.

Tips are not usually added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.

1.Which statement is TRUE?

A.American people like sitting with people they don’t know.

B.A hostess always seats a small group at a large table.

C.American people never sit with people they don’t know.

D.American people will not light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking.

2.What is served before you order?

A.Bread            B.Butter            C.Coffee            D.Cold water

3.What are the opening and closing times for stores and restaurants in the US?

A.There are no rules about opening and closing times for stores and restaurants.

B.Stores may be open 24 hours a day in every city.

C.Especially in large cities, stores may be open around the clock.

D.You can enter a bar at any time in the US.


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