

I always prided myself on being a wise shopper and having a good nose for bargains. So when I came across a sporting goods store with a sign “Going Out of Business Sale”, I marched into the crowded store. Up and down the aisles (通道), I wandered, humming to myself and enjoying the energy and excitement of a sale.

All of a sudden, there, at the back of the store sat a canoe(轻舟) exactly like my husband’s dream Supremo Numero-Uno, whose picture had been stuck on the bathroom mirror for years. My heart beat wildly. I pushed my way through the crowds, and nearly fell into the canoe looking for the price tag. There it was, with the manufacturer’s suggested price at $6,750 plus tax crossed out and a handwritten TO CLEAR $750 AS IS. Must be a mistake. $6000 off? Salesman. I had to talk to a salesman. I spotted a young fellow with a “Hi. I’m Mathew”. “Mathew. Tell me about this El Supremo canoe. What’s wrong with it? Why is it only $750?”

“Oh. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s brand new. We’re closing the store. It’s on clearance like everything else. I’ll go check.” A few minutes later he came back and said, “I’m sorry ma’am. Someone made a mistake on the sale tag. It should be $4,750 for the whole package.”

I felt tears well up in my eyes. “Oh well”, I said sadly. “Of course, it was too good to be true. This is exactly like my husband’s dreamboat. I guess I started to dream myself when I saw that price tag. He’s going to be 62 years old Friday. Had to retire early for his health. It’s been hard on just the pension but the stubborn old fool has been saving $10 every week for years to buy one just like this. I promise I won’t buy anything, but it’s just an old man’s silly dream, you know. Always said he wanted to fish in a canoe after he retired,” my voice lowered and I turned and walked away.

Paragraph 1:

I was already at the mall door when Mathew caught up with me. “Do you have $750 plus $25 for delivery, ma’am?”


Paragraph 2:

“Ma’am. There’s something you should know. This store was my Grandpa’s and the canoe had been ordered by him.


【答案】Paragraph 1:

I was already at the mall door when Mathew caught up with me. “Do you have $750 plus $25 for delivery, ma’am?” “Yes. Yes. That's about all I have,” “Well then, you just have your husband sitting at the front gate on Friday morning around 10 o’clock so he can be there when my Dad and I come to unload his new canoe. We’ll even put a bow on it for his birthday.” I started to cry. My old hand shook as I wrote out my cheque.

Paragraph 2:

“Ma’am. There’s something you should know. This store was my Grandpa’s and the canoe had been ordered by him. He always promised to retire one day and said he wanted to spend time relaxing and out fishing in a canoe.” He swallowed hard. “My Grandpa died, sudden-like, just last week. He was only 68 years old. I think he’d be mighty happy that your husband will get this canoe. You just have to make sure he uses it a lot, okay? Promise?” “I promise,” I said as I dashed off to look for my dear sweet husband.




2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如; unload(卸),bow(蝴蝶结),cheque(支票),shake(颤抖), retire(退休),swallow (吞咽),promise(承诺)relax(放松)等。




【题目】 The James Geddes Language Center includes two language laboratories, especially equipped for language teaching and extensive tape production and processing facilities. A test is required of every student whose recent course in French was taken in high school or at a college other than Boston University. The test can be taken at any time, but should be taken only once. The following is the arrangement for the French courses this summer.

● CAS LF 111 First-Semester French

This is for students who have never studied French including grammar, conversation practice, written exercises and directed compositions. Lab 1 is required.

Tuition: $1,800

Duration: July 1 - July 15

Time: Monday to Wednesday 9 am-11:30 am

● CAS LF 112 Second-Semester French

The CAS LF 111 examination result is required. This is a continuation of the CAS LF 111 basic text: grammar, conversation, compositions and additional readings. Lab 1 is required.

Tuition: $1,800 Duration:

Duration: July 16 - July 31

Time: Monday to Wednesday 9 am-11:30 am

● CAS LF 211 Third-Semester French

The CAS LF 112 examination result is required. If you want to strengthen your skills in grammar and conversation, don’t miss it. Literary readings, listening to novels in the language laboratory and discussions in class are included. Lab 2 is required.

Tuition: $2,000

Duration: August 1 - August 15

Time: Thursday to Saturday 11 am-1 pm

● CAS LF 212 Fourth-Semester French

The CAS LF 211 examination result is still a must. Like the three above, the whole class is also instructed in French. You’ll continue CAS LF 211 grammar review, conversation and compositions, learning selections from modern literature, listening to novels in the laboratory and discussions in class. Lab 1 is required.

Tuition: $2,000

Duration: August 16 - August 31

Time: Thursday to Saturday 11 am-1 pm

1What is special about CAS LF 111 First-Semester French?

A.It lasts the longest time.

B.It includes the novel reading teaching.

C.It requires no French basis before attending it.

D.It is not provided with advanced teaching facilities.

2What is the common point among the courses?

A.The price.B.The language of instruction.

C.The duration.D.The weekly open time.

3Which course is conducted in a different laboratory?

A.CAS LF 111 First-Semester French.

B.CAS LF 112 Second-Semester French.

C.CAS LF 211 Third-Semester French,

D.CAS LF 212 Fourth-Semester French.

【题目】 We spend 40 hours of our adult lives a week working, not including the time to and from the office. So it’s no surprise we become really good friends with our colleagues. We spend most of our time with them, after all. But times have changed and the way we talk to one another is ever-developing.

Now, many companies have internal instant messaging systems so that there’s less need to get up and walk round to speak to our colleagues. Emails fly around with numerous teams copied in, so everyone is in the loop (圈子). But what is the value of face-to-face conversation in the workplace?

New Zealand’s most admired wine brand. Villa Maria, knows the importance of conversation and how good communication can help strengthen a business from the inside out. Its newly launched campaign, called the Value of Conversation, explores what British people value the most about a face-to-face chat and how engaging with each other in person can make a difference in all areas of their lives.

Although nearly 1 in 5 British people find a quick email more efficient in their work, they still value the importance of speaking to their colleagues in real life and hearing their ideas, taking away any uncertainty and giving the opportunity for discussion. This is perhaps why, despite mostly preferring emails, nearly three-quarters of British people believe that speaking to people directly leads to better communication and improving work results.

Obviously, 85% of the people at the age of 18-24 believe that if someone is positive and confident during face-to-face conversations, it’s an indicator that they’re good at their job. So perhaps putting in a little extra effort to face-to-face conversations will pay dividends. If having a conversation in person could help you keep a pay rise, then it’ll be worth.

1What makes the ways of the communication among office colleagues change?

A.The order from their bosses.B.The laziness of the colleagues

C.The convenience of using emails.D.The preference to doing work alone.

2What is Villa Maria’s attitude towards face-to-face communication?



3Why do many British people still like speaking to others directly while working?

A.It can improve the relationship with others.

B.It can save them much time.

C.It can make people communicate more easily than sending emails.

D.It can contribute to better communication and improving work results.

4What does the underlined phrase “pay dividends” in paragraph 5 mean?

A.Get rewards.B.Pay salaries.

C.Learn lessons.D.End relationships.

【题目】 Michelle Obama’s autobiography, Becoming is on track to become the most successful memoir (回忆录) in modern publishing history, selling more than 10m copies to date, as life after the White House continues to prove commercial gold for brand Obama.

Thomas Rabe, chief executive of the German media group Bertelsmann, said the title was the book giant’s biggest success of the last year. “We believe that these memoirs could well become the most successful memoir ever,” he said.

Penguin Random House won a bidding war for the rights to Barack and Michelle Obama’s autobiographies in 2017, paying more than $ 65 million, a record for US presidential memoirs.

Becoming has been a global sales juggernaut since being launched in 31 languages in mid-November. The audio-book (有声读物), read by the former first lady, has become the fastest-ever seller put out by Penguin Random House.

Obama has been promoting her memoir with a hugely popular global tour. Her tour has also taken in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Paris and Amsterdam as well as the US and Canada.

Tickets for her first live appearance in the UK, at the Royal Festival Hall in December, sold out in minutes. Overall UK sales of Obama’s book currently stand at more than 600,000, ranking it 11th on the list of the best selling memoir and biographies since sales records began in 1998, according to Nielsen BookScan.

While Becoming is proving a modern bestseller, it has some way to go to match the lifetime performance of The Diary of Anne Frank, which was first published in English in 1952 and is estimated to have sold more than 35m copies in 65 languages.

Life beyond the US presidency has proved profitable for the Obamas. Last year the former president and first lady struck a deal with Netflix to produce TV series and films for the streaming service.

1What can we infer from Paragraph One to Paragraph Three?

A.Becoming is the most successful memoir in the publishing history.

B.Becoming is the most popular book released by Penguin Random House.

C.Michelle Obama’s autobiography gains its best sales in the UK.

D.Penguin Random House won the right for publication with its highest price for US presidential memories.

2The underlined word “juggernaut” in Paragraph Three can be replaced by ______.



3What does the text mainly talk about?

A.President Obamas' autobiographies.B.The influence of Michelle Obama.

C.Barack and Michelle Obama.D.A modern bestselling memoir.

【题目】 If you have a dog, you know the damage they can do to a garden. They dig under bushes, pound out a dirty path by the fence, or even eat your delicate flowers.1. In spite of that, we still love them. That’s why I put together these dog-lover tips for gardening.

Before you start planting, it’s important to note your dog’s personality.2 . So is your dog a patroller, a digger, or a chewer? Get a general idea of the most common behaviors of your dog and you’ll have a good idea of what to plant for.

If your dog patrols the yard----constantly circling the yard, you need to plant around it. 3. Keep high-traffic and patrolling zones open. Plant tall plants that will grow above your dog. Containers or raised planter boxes are a great option if you want to plant more colorful and delicate flowers.

4, add a low or high fence around an area you don’t want your dog to dig. Cover digging areas is also a neat trick. Another choice is a sandbox because sand doesn’t get muddy. Dries quickly, and shakes off easily. If you don’t want it where your dog is already digging you can try putting the sandbox in a shady area of the yard.

If your dog likes to chew, pay special attention to his safety. Certain plants can be poisonous and create health problems for your dog. Just go to some websites for information about poisonous plants for dogs. 5.

A.If your dog is a digger

B.Don’t plant where your dog always goes

C.When you prevent your dog from chewing

D.We shouldn’t have to yell at them every time they are in the yard

E.They will give you more on each plant so you can do your research

F.Different animals have different abilities, and no two dogs are the same

G.They are quick to turn their beautiful garden into their own personal playground

【题目】 Anyone caring about their health will be able to speak out a few of the major vitamins, and possibly take an educated guess at what they do. Vitamin C, found in oranges and other fruit and vegetables, is important for wound repair. And the much-talked-about “sunshine” vitamin D, produced by the skin in response to UV light, is essential for strong bones.

But what about vitamin P? It might well have you scratching your head. And that's not surprising: the term was first coined in the 1930s to describe a small group of compounds that provide pigment (天然色素) to plants, and were believed to have health benefits. A century later, these compounds are now better known as flavonoids (类黄酮)

Today, scientists have identified between 4,000 and 6,000 different kinds and we now know they are responsible for many of the flavors and smells of fruit and vegetables and also that they protect them from invaders such as pests and bacteria.

They are equally important nutrients for the body, helping maintain bones and teeth, and for the production of the protein collagen (胶原), which provides structure to blood vessels, muscles and skin.

They are also said to help the body deal with some of the key drivers of illness, including oxidation (氧化), a natural process by which the body's cells age and can become damaged and defective. That means they could help to protect against chronic diseases including cancer and heart disease.

1What do we know about vitamin P?

A.We would scratch our head if we took it.

B.It refers to the compounds also called flavonoids.

C.It was made into a coin in the 1930s.

D.People didn't think it beneficial in the past.

2Which is NOT the function of vitamin P for humans according to the passage?

A.Helping maintain bones and teeth.

B.Assisting in producing protein collagen.

C.Accelerating the circulation of the blood.

D.Aiding the body to handle the main factors of illness.

3Which of the following best explains “defective” underlined in the last paragraph?



4How does vitamin P help slow the aging process?

A.By fighting against oxidation.B.By maintaining bones.

C.By strengthening muscles.D.By protecting against chronic diseases.

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors (流星) but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts 1 our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants 2(make) the food which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun 3 (screen) off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere, they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuit or the walls of their spacecraft,4 they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.

Radiation is 5(great) known danger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called "rem". Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more than 0.1 rem without 6(damage); the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on. The trouble is 7 it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage - a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered 8 the birth of deformed children or even grandchildren. Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high radiation and, during the outward and return journeys, the Apollo crew accumulated (积累) a large amount of rems. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply don't know yet 9 men are going to get on when they spent weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugs might help to decrease the damage 10(do) by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.

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