
【题目】 Travel Is Good for Your Health

Travel means lots of opportunities to force yourself to be active. 1 So you’re more likely to attempt a new extreme sport, walk on sandor hike to get the best views of your surroundings. So you see that travel is really good for your health.

2 This one might not come as a big surprise to you, but it’s been scientifically proved that travel will increase your happiness, decrease your depression, and remove your pressure. A study found that three days after vacation, travelers felt well-rested, less anxious, and in a better mood.

Travel improves your brain health. Travel expands your mind. You meet new people all over the world. You adapt to new cultures and situations. 3 This is all good for your mental health because new experiences increase cognitive flexibility, keeping your mind sharp.

Travel will decrease your risk of heart disease. That’s because people who wander away from their homes for a little vacation are generally less stressed and anxious or at least they’re willing to take a break from their stressors. 4.

Travel will let you live longer. It’s true. 5 Whether local or global, all forms of travel improve our life and can actually increase our life expectancy. Research shows that travel reduces stress, keeps your body healthy inside and out, and improves brain health. This adds to the chance of living longer and having fun.

A.Travel lowers stress levels.

B.Pay attention to your health during your trip.

C.Those who travel tend to Increase the length of their lives.

D.As a result, you become more globally and culturally aware.

E.Don’t travel too long or you’ll burn yourself and may not get to your destination.

F.When you travel, you want to try a new form of exercise and see all worth seeing.

G.It’s proved that people who travel annually are less likely to suffer from a heart attack.









1根据后文So you’re more likely to attempt a new extreme sport, walk on sandor hike to get the best views of your surroundings.可知因此,你更有可能尝试一种新的极限运动,在沙滩上行走,或徒步旅行,以获得周围环境的最佳景观。由此可知,当你旅行时你更有可能去尝试一些新的东西,或去看周围的风景。故F选项“当你旅行时,你想尝试一种新的锻炼方式,看看所有值得一看的东西”符合上下文语境,故选F

2根据后文This one might not come as a big surprise to you, but it’s been scientifically proved that travel will increase your happiness, decrease your depression, and remove your pressure.可知对你来说,这一次也许不是什么大惊喜,但科学证明,旅行会增加你的快乐,减少你的抑郁,消除你的压力。由此可知旅行可以减少抑郁,降低压力。故A选项“旅行可以降低压力”符合上下文语境,故选A

3根据上文Travel improves your brain health. Travel expands your mind. You meet new people all over the world. You adapt to new cultures and situations.可知旅行可以改善你的大脑健康。旅行使你的思想开阔。你在世界各地遇到了新朋友。你要适应新的文化和环境。由此可知,本句承接上文说明旅行让你在世界各地结实新朋友,因此你会变得更全球化,更有文化意识。上文中cultures可对应到D选项中culturally。故D选项“因此,你会变得更全球化,更有文化意识”符合上下文语境,故选D

4根据上文Travel will decrease your risk of heart disease. That’s because people who wander away from their homes for a little vacation are generally less stressed and anxious or at least they’re willing to take a break from their stressors.可知旅行会降低患心脏病的风险。这是因为离家度假的人通常压力更小,焦虑更少,或者至少他们愿意从压力中解脱出来。由此可知,旅行的人患心脏病的可能性更小。故G选项“事实证明,每年旅行的人患心脏病的可能性更小”符合上下文语境,故选G

5根据上文Travel will let you live longer. It’s true.可知旅行会让你活得更久。这是真的。由此可知旅行的人会活的更久,寿命更长。故C选项“那些旅行的人往往会延长他们的寿命”符合上下文语境,故选C



Lill was a shy , young girl who grew up in a village. At the age of 16, her father forced her to drop out of school and find a job to help the family.

With poor education, skills and hope, the young girl would take the bus into the big cities of Windsor and Detroit, walk aimlessly about and then return home every day. She couldn't even bring herself to knock on a door.

As the days passed, Lill knew she had to have the courage to knock on a door. On one of her trips, Lill saw a sign at Carhartt Overall Company, saying, “Help Wanted, Secretary. Apply Within. ” She walked up to the office and was met by the office manager Margaret, who sat her down at a typewriter and said with a smile, “Let's see how good you really are."

She directed Lill to type a single letter and then left. Lill looked at the clock 11: 40 am. She figured that she could run away in the crowd when the clock struck 12. But she knew she should at least stay and give it a try.

On her first try, she got through one line. It had five words and she made four mistakes. She pulled the paper out and threw it away. The clock read 11: 45. “In fifteen minutes," she said to herself, “I'll escape from the company, and she will never see me again. ” On her second try, Lill got through a full paragraph, but still made many mistakes. Again she pulled out the paper, threw it out and started over. This time she completed the whole letter, but still there were many errors in it. She looked at the clock 11:55 — five minutes to freedom.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Just then, the door at one end of the office opened and Margaret walked in. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lill did stay at Carhartt Overall Company for 51 years, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

【题目】Growing Green Thumbs

Callie’s Kids by Calloway Nursery

Denton, 940/591-8865;

Flower Mound, 972/691-2650;

Lewisville, 972/315-3133.

www. mytexasgarden. com

LEARN: Kids ages 5-12 can explore and plant in the Calloway gardens with a parent/ caregiver^ supervision at 9:30 am on the first or third Wednesdays from June to August. A garden expert will share tips and advice for the best gardening practices during the 45-minute session (beginning on June 2). Preregistration online is required.

COST: Free

Denton Children's Community Garden

2200 Bowling Green Ave., Denton, 940/349-2883.


LEARN: Join the weekend work at the community garden, where caregivers, parents and master gardeners help children of all ages plant new vegetables, water the plants, harvest from the gardens and more. The instructors also lead games about nutrition, good and bad insects and more. 10 am-5 pm on Saturdays.

COST: Free

Coppell Community Gardens

255 Parkway Blvd., Coppell.


LEARN: Kids of all ages (with a parent? caregiver) can volunteer at either the Helping Hands Garden (255 Parkway Blvd.) or Ground Delivery Garden (450 S. Denton Tap Road). Children will have the opportunity to ill ()the ground, plant vegetables, harvest from the garden and more. Master gardeners are available on site; all harvested foods are either sold at the community's farmers5 market or donated to the area food bank. Work begins every Saturday at about 9am.

COST: Free

1If a child wants to plant in the Calloway gardens, he / she ,

A.must be under fourteen years old

B.can visit www.dcmga.com for more information

C.should work there every Wednesday morning,

D.needs to register online before going there

2What do Denton Children's Community Garden and Coppell Community Gardens have in common?

A.Both hold activities on Saturdays.

B.Both offer students games about farming.

C.Both donate their harvest to a food bank.

D.Both have an age limit for children.

【题目】 IKEA (瑞典宜家家具公司) is set to launch (上市) an air-purifying curtain coated with a mineral-based surface that breaks down common pollutants. The surface of the curtain is treated with a photocatalyst (光催化剂) mineral that causes air pollution to break down when light shines through it, allowing users to purify the air in their own homes.

The technology works in a similar way to photosynthesis - the natural process that plants and some other organisms use to change carbon dioxide and water into food, using light.

Developed over several years by IKEA in collaboration with universities across Europe and Asia, the purifying technology works with both natural and artificial light. “For me, it’s important to work on products that solve actual problems and are relevant to people,” explained IKEA product developer Mauricio Affonso. “We are creating an affordable and space-saving air purifying solution that also makes the home more beautiful,” he continued.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that even now, 91 percent of the world's population live in areas where air pollution goes over WHO guideline limits. The effects of poor air kill about seven million people worldwide each year, research by the WHO has found.

“Besides enabling people to breathe better air at home, we hope that the curtain will increase people's awareness of indoor air pollution, inspiring behavioral changes that contribute to a world of clean air,” said IKEA head of sustainability Lena Pripp-Kovac. “It is the first product to use the technology, but the development will give us opportunities for future applications on other textiles (纺织品).”

“We know that there is no single solution to air pollution. We work long term for positive change, to enable people to live healthier lives,” added Pripp-Kovac.

1What do we know about the air-purifying curtain?

A.It needs light to work.B.It keeps the pollutants out.

C.It's made from a mineral.D.It works as a photocatalyst.

2What did Mauricio Affonso think of the curtain?



3What’s the advantage of the curtain?

A.It helps decrease the world population.B.It purifies the air in the city.

C.It changes people’s bad habits.D.It promotes green lives.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.IKEA's profitable eco curtains.

B.IKEA's plan to decrease air pollution.

C.IKEA's efforts to make a healthier life.

D.IKEA's eco curtains to improve indoor air quality.

【题目】 Explore fascinating subjects in ticketed lectures by Museum curators (馆长) and distinguished experts on art, architecture, music, and history. Choose from individual talks or complete series. Tickets include admission to the Museum on the day of your event. For more information, please call 212-570 -3949.

Another World Lies Beyond: Religious Arts of China at The Met

Thursday/ September 19, 2019

11:00 А. М.

Joseph Scheier-Dolberg, Oscar Tang and Agnes Hsu-Tang Associate Curator of Chinese Paintings, Department of Asian Art, The Met

Explore the vast diversity of the religious arts of China -- from lavish Buddhist ritual paintings to playful Daoist immortals and popular deities() printed for use in the home.

Presented in conjunction(联合) with the exhibition Another World Lies Beyond: Chinese Art and the Divine, on view at The Met Fifth Avenue August 24, 2019-February 2, 2020.

Tickets include same-day Museum admission.

The Colmar Treasure: A Medieval Jewish Legacy

Tuesday/ October 29, 2019

11:00 A. М.

Barbara Boehm, Paul and Jill Ruddock Senior Curator, Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters, The Met

Internationally renowned medieval art historian Barbara Boehm, author of The Colmar Treasure: A Medieval Jewish Legacy, examines how a cache of medieval jewelry and coins found in 1863 in the Alsatian city of Colmar attests to(证实) the delicate art of the medieval goldsmith and provides a glimpse of life along the Rhine in the troubled 14th century.

Presented in conjunction with the exhibition The Colmar Treasure: A Medieval Jewish Legacy, on view at The Met Cloisters July 22, 2019-January 12, 2020.

Tickets include same-day Museum admission.

Play It Loud: Andy Summers, A Certain Strangeness

Saturday/ June 22, 2019

6:30 Р. М.

Guitarist Andy Summers demonstrates his dual musical and visual artistic practices with a multimedia presentation titled A Certain Strangeness. Summers weaves an audiovisual spell by combining surreal imagery and innovative guitar techniques. The evening culminates with a conversation between Summers and Jayson Dobney, Frederick P. Rose Curator in Charge, Department of Musical Instruments, The Met

Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock and Roll.

Tickets include same-day Museum admission.

1Who will be likely to attend the Another World Lies Beyond: Religious Arts of China at The Met?

A.People who are interested in sports.

B.People who are interested in religious arts.

C.Some Buddhists who are fond of tales.

D.People who are interested in Confucianism.

2What can we know about The Colmar Treasure: A Medieval Jewish Legacy?

A.Medieval goldsmith were highly skilled.

B.The lecture is about the Jews.

C.The exhibition is on view for a year.

D.People can go to the lecture on August 23, 2019

3What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce some exhibitions.B.To introduce some lectures.

C.To introduce some artists.D.To call on people to attend the lectures.

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