

Lipitor is a prescription medicine.Along with diet and exercise,it lowers “bad,’cholesterol(胆固醇)in your blood.It can also raise “good'’ cholesterol.
Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors,
including family history of early heart disease,high blood pressure,age and smoking.
Who can take LIPITOR:
.People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise
·  Adults and children over l0
Who should NOT take LIPITOR:
.Women who are pregnant,may be pregnant,or may become pregnant. Lipitor may harm
your unborn baby.
.women who are breast-feeding.Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm
your baby.
·  People with liver(肝脏)problems
Serious side effects in a small number of people:
.Muscle(肌肉)problems that can lead to kidney(肾脏)problems,including kidney failure
.Liver problems.Your doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start
Lipitor and while you are taking it.
Call your doctor right away if you have:
.Unexplained muscle pain or weakness,especially if you have a fever or feel very fired
.Swelling of the face,lips,tongue,and/or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or
·  Stomach pain
Some common side effects of LIPITOR are:
·  Muscle pain
·  Upset stomach
·  Changes in some blood tests
.Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor.
.Try to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor.
.Take Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food.
.If you miss a dose(一剂),take it as soon as you remember. But if it has been more than
12 hours since your missed dose,wait.Take the next dose at your regular time.
.Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor.
.Do not start new medicines before talking to your doctor.
【小题1】Taking Lipitor is helpful for _________ .
A.breast-feeding women
B.women who are pregnant
C.adults having heart disease
D.teenagers with liver problems.
【小题2】If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should __________,
A.change the amount of your next doseB.eat more when taking your next dose
C.have a dose as soon as you rememberD.take the next dose at your regular time
【小题3】Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor?
A.Face swelling.B.Upset stomach.
C.Kidney failure. D.Muscle weakness.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To teach patients ways for quick recovery.
B.To present a report on a scientific research.
C.To show the importance of a good lifestyle.
D.To give information about a kind of medicine.


【小题1】C 细节题。根据.Along with diet and exercise,it lowers “bad,’cholesterol(胆固醇)in your blood.It can also raise “good'’ cholesterol.  Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors,including family history of early heart disease,high blood pressure,age and smoking.以及People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise·  Adults and children over l0都说明这种药是给胆固醇高的人服用的。故C正确。
【小题2】D 细节题。根据文章倒数5,6行If you miss a dose(一剂),take it as soon as you remember. But if it has been more than说明错过了一次,下次多服用一点。故D正确。
【小题3】B 细节题。根据Stomach pain说明胃部疼痛也是这种药的副作用之一。故B正确。
【小题4】D 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一种治疗胆固醇过高的药L1PITOR;以及这种药的副作用,以及禁忌。故D正确。



A. A sense of humour is not an inborn ability.
B. A sense of humour can be developed in our life.
C. A sense of humour helps us from several aspects.
D. A sense of humour means more than telling jokes.
E. A sense of humour can be expressed in many ways.
F. A sense of humour helps people to better enjoy life.
【小题1】As awareness of the benefits of humour increases, most of us want to get all the laughs we can. It seems that almost every day there is another new discovery about the power of humour to help us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Every system of the body responds to laughter in some important or positive way.
【小题2】Many people mistakenly believe that we are born with a sense of humour. They think that when it comes to a sense of humour. “Either you have got it or you don’t.” This is
false! What is true, however, is that the ability to laugh and smile is actually something we are born with. For example, we laugh when we are tickled under the arm, even without thinking about how to react.
【小题3】The parts of the brain and central nervous system that control laughing and smiling are mature at birth in human infants, but that is not the same thing as having a sense of humour. (After all, when a baby laughs in his small bed we don’t rush over and say, “That kid has a great sense of humour!”) Your sense of humour is something you can develop over a lifetime. Don’t be nervous before others and try to laugh at yourself-then you will make them laugh too.
【小题4】Humour includes a lot more than laughing and joke telling. Many people worry needlessly that they do not have a good sense of humour because they are not good joke tellers. More than jokes, a sense of humour requires being willing and able to see the funny side of life’s situations as they happen. In fact, one of the best definitions(定义)of a sense of humour is “the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation.”
【小题5】There may be a thousand different ways to express your sense of humour, but joke telling is only one of those ways. As more is discovered about how humour benefits our life, more people will be able to see and enjoy the humour when they are in a difficult situation. Life depends on air, food and water, but it is made easier to live with a good sense of humour.

We have proof that you become what you eat. When you know the effects of different types of food, you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become.
Food has an impact on our physical and mental health. Have you ever heard any of the following advice?
Lettuce (莴苣) or milk can make you sleepy.
To stop feeling sleepy you should eat peanuts or dried fish.
Everyone has their own advice to give, which they have read about or have been told by older relatives. Some of these pieces of advice seem to contradict each other.
Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots.
Chocolate contains the essential minerals: iron and magnesium (镁).
What we need to figure out is what type of chocolate to eat to get the benefits and how much of it to eat. We can do this by reading the list of ingredients (原料) on the chocolate bar package. Exactly how much real chocolate is in there? And how much of that do we need to eat to get the benefits of the minerals it contains?
Future restaurants might be named after the physical or mental state they hope to create. Their menus will list the benefits of each dish and drink. Some restaurants have already started this concept, and list the nutritional (营养的) content of their dishes on the menus.
Let’s take the restaurant “Winners” as an example. Their menu would list dishes specifically designed to help you win sports competitions. Or you could choose the Go-faster salad, which is a large bowl of mixed raw vegetables in a light salad dressing, giving you energy without making you gain weight. And what kind of dishes do you think would be on the menu at the “Clever Café”?
So what’s going to happen to hamburgers and biscuits? Will the concept of eating food, because it’s tasty, go out of fashion? Of course not! Junk food is also changing. If ice-cream is not good for children, can’t we give them fat-free, sugar-free tofu ice-cream? Unhealthy food is going out of fashion, so brands are changing. We are told not to drink cola because of the sugar and caffeine content so cola companies are making sugar-free and caffeine-free drinks. We are told dried fruit is a healthier snack than biscuits so some biscuit companies are making biscuits with added vitamins.
【小题1】By saying “you become what you eat”, the writer means that ________.

A.you will become your own food
B.you will know what food is good by its appearance
C.food has an effect on your health
D.you will know the effects of different types of food
【小题2】What does the underlined word “contradict” mean in the text?
A.Oppose toB.Help with
C.Have influence onD.Benefit from
【小题3】How can we eat chocolate properly, according to the passage?
A.To eat chocolate containing the essential minerals.
B.To read the list of ingredients on the package.
C.To get advice from others before eating real chocolate.
D.To learn how much chocolate we can consume before eating.
【小题4】Which is true about the future restaurants?
A.The food in “Winners” can ensure you to win sports competitions.
B.They might list the nutritional content of their dishes on the menus.
C.Hamburgers will disappear in these restaurants.
D.The Go-faster salad helps you go faster.
【小题5】The concept of eating tasty food will not go out of fashion because ________.
A.the junk food companies are changing their brand names
B.biscuit companies are making dried fruit
C.junk food will become healthier than before
D.Cola companies are still making cola

Nowadays, the food we eat seems to have great effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more likely to cause certain different illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures.
That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, about 68 years ago, government researchers realized that nitrates, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and living animals, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cow. Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medical purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.
【小题1】What is the best possible title of the passage?

A.Drug and Food B.Cancer and Health
C.Food and HealthD.Health and Drug
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons
B.Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals
C.Researchers have known about the potential dangers of food additives for over thirty-five years.
D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in world.
【小题3】How has science done something harmful to mankind?
A.Because of science, diseases caused by polluted food have been virtually eliminated.
B.It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.
C.Because of the application of science, some potentially harmful substances have been added to food.
D.The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables.
【小题4】What are nitrates used for?
A.They preserve flavor in packaged foods.
B.They preserve the color of meats.
C.They are the objects of research.
D.They cause the animals to become fatter.
【小题5】The word 'carcinogenic' most nearly means '_____'.

( D )
Your body works 24 hours a day. It’s always building and repairing, feeding and cleansing itself. Its goal is to be ready for your every movement, breath, and thought. The quality of your life depends on how well your body works. And how well your body works depends on how much energy it gets. Energy comes from the food you eat. Food contains nutrients that your body needs for growth and energy.
By eating a balanced diet, your body gets the six important nutrients it needs. Minerals(矿物质) are nutrients that build bones and teeth. Minerals also form red blood cells and other substances. Water aids digestion and waste removal. Carbohydrates(碳水化合物) give your body its main source of energy. Two carbohydrates are sugars from foods such as fruits and vegetables and starches found in rice, potatoes, and bread. Fats help build cell membranes(膜). Proteins repair and grow body tissues(组织). Finally, vitamins help your body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
The United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) has created a nutritional food pyramid(金字塔). It shows the daily number of servings you should eat from five food groups. The food pyramid has four levels. The base of the pyramid is the largest level. It contains the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group from which you need six to eleven servings. The next level has two food groups: vegetables and fruits. The USDA recommends three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit. The third level also has two groups: the milk, yogurt, and cheese group and the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group. You need two to three servings from each of these groups. The top of the pyramid is the smallest level. It contains fats, oils, and sweets. These foods have few nutrients, so eat them sparingly(有节制地).
【小题1】What is the main idea for this passage_________?

A.Eating a balanced diet gives your body the energy it needs.
B.The top of the pyramid is the smallest level.    
C.Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts are on the third level.
D.We should have a nutrition food pyramid.
【小题2】The first paragraph suggests that __________?
A. food is something that cleanses your body.
B.food can improve the quality of your life.
C.food should be eaten at night as well as during the day.
D.food will make it easier for you to exercise.
【小题3】By eating a balanced diet, your body gets the      important nutrients it needs.
【小题4】A balanced diet________.
A.is made up of foods from five food groups.
B.includes many foods containing fat.
C.includes six to eleven servings of fruit.
D.can be got by taking vitamins.
【小题5】To help the reader understand the six nutrients needed by the body, the author________.
A.describes the five basic food groups.
B.explains what a balanced diet is.
C.writes the details of each nutrient.
D.tells the number of daily servings needed from each food group.

As an English saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health.
Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, makes the heart beat quicker and makes people breathe deeper; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.
Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated (忍耐) the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemical in the brain which diminishes both stress and pain.
As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.
【小题1】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?  

A.Laughter can make people breathe deeper
B.Laughter can make you become old quickly.
C.Laughter helps to reduce pain.
D.Laughter, just like physical exercise, is good for our body.
【小题2】The underlined word “diminishes” in the third paragraph means “_________”.  
A.delays B.preventsC.increasesD.reduces
【小题3】Why do doctors hold laughter clinics? 
A.Because they want to earn more money.
B.Because they think they will help the patients recover from illnesses.
C.Because they want to improve their patients’ health.
D.Because they want their patients to laugh more.
【小题4】According to the author, we should __________ in our life. 
A.laugh as much as possibleB.watch more funny films
C.smile all the timeD.spend time in the laughter clinics
【小题5】What would be the best title for this passage?  
A.Both laughter and physical exercise are good for health.
B.Laughter clinics can help patients improve their condition.
C.Laughter can reduce the effect of pain.
D.Laughter is the best medicine.

Lack of exercise is considered a risk factor for cancer. There is considerable evidence that inactivity is connected with increased risk for lung cancer, breast cancer, etc.
In the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, more than 32,000 people (25,000 men and 7,000 women) were given a preventive medical examination that included a machine exercise test to measure physical fitness. They were given a physical fitness score, with one being the lowest and five being the highest fitness level. Then these people were followed for an average of 8 years. During this time, 179 men and 44 women died of cancer.
Data from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study show people have lower rates of cancer with higher levels of physical fitness. Studies from the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas suggest that men with high fitness levels are less likely to die of cancer.
The Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study also found that fitness level was more important than weight in predicting longevity (长寿). While results showed that fitness and normal weight are the ideal combination, researchers found that men who were fat but performed well in the machine performance had just a slightly increased all-cause death rate, including cancer, compared to the more slim men. The fat, but fit, men particularly lived longer than the slim, but flabby (肌肉松弛的), men.
These statistics called for a warning to the overweight: The first health goal for the overweight should be to become as fit as possible at their current weight.
67. 【小题1】The text mainly talks about________.

A.the effect of exercise on reducing chances of cancer
B.how to lose weight effectively
C.different ways to keep slim
D.fat men live longer than slim ones
68. 【小题2】What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The study on the life of the overweight.
B.The study on the relationship between taking exercise and cancer.
C.The study on the ways of losing weight.
D.The study on the effects of machine exercise.
69. 【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 4?
A.Fitness levels have more effects than weight on people’s longevity.
B.A man who is fit and has normal weight is most likely to live longer.
C.Slim men are more likely to live longer.
D.Fat people who like exercising are also likely to live longer.
70. 【小题4】The author thinks the most important thing for the overweight is to ______.
A.increase their fitness levelsB.choose to eat vegetables
C.be on a dietD.ask for help from doctors

Parkour (跑酷) is a new sport that is developing quickly in the world. The aim of parkour is to jump, climb or run over any all stair, or fence on your path easily. Usually, it is done in a city environment. Practicers take very wall or roof as their training place. If you have seen the beginning of the James Bond movie Casino Royale, then you have seen an excellent example of parkour.
David Belle, a young Frenchman, developed parkour in the 1990s. His father's experiences as a fireman as well as an acrobat(杂技演员)influenced him a lot. His childhood friend, Sebastien Foucan, is the actor in the movie Casino Royale with his parkour performance. Foucan is thought to have developed free-running, which is a more artistic and skillful type of parkour. David belle traveled to India and said one way he trained was by watching a physical one. The aim is to become so skillful, and it is almost unnecessary for you to think about the different actions in running through a path full of barriers(障碍物).
Parkour is not exactly a sport. It is not developed fro competition. It is more about learning to control mind and body in difficult situations. There are many basic movements in parkour. One example is where practicers swing through the narrow space between two bars while keeping their body level with the ground. This is called the underbar. Other movements are the tic-tac and the kong vault jump. Skillful practicers seem to get out of control of gravity.
The popularity has spread largely because of parkour videos and organizations on the Internet. And if you search on the Web, you will find parkour groups performing their skills near you.
【小题1】The author wrote this text to _______

A.introduce a new sport parkourB.show how parkour is popular in the world
C.Tell the history of parkourD.explain the basic movements in parkour
【小题2】Who performed parkour in the movie Casino Royale?
A.David Belle.B.James Bond.C.Sebastien Foucan. D.David Belle's father.
【小题3】People learn about parkour mainly for ______.
A.the newspaperB.the InternetC.the radioD.TV
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Children should not be allowed to do parkour.
B.Casino Royale is a movie introducing parkour
C.Most of the lovers of parkour are Internet users.
D.Parkour is a mental exercise as well as a physical one

Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.
“I would never have said to my mom, ‘Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it?’” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.”
Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits.
Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. Conversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not have taken place a generation ago. Now they are comfortable and common. And parent—child activities, from shopping to sports, involve a feeling of trust and friendship that can continue int0 adulthood.
No wonder greeting cards today carry the message, “To my mother, my best friend.”
But family experts warn that the new equality can also result in less respect for parents. “There’s still a lot of strictness and authority on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College. “In the middle of that change, there is a lot of confusion among parents.”
Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these evolving roles and attitudes. They see the 1960s as a turning point. Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic process that encourages everyone to have a say.
“My parents were on the ‘before’ side of that change, but today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the  ‘after’ side,” explains Mr. Ballmer. “It’s not something easily accomplished by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now.”
【小题1】The underlined word gulf in Para.3 most probably means _________.

【小题2】Which of the following shows that the generation gap is disappearing?
A.Parents help their children develop interests in more activities.
B.Parents put more trust in their children’s abilities.
C.Parents and children talk more about sex and drugs.
D.Parents share more interests with their children.
【小题3】The change in today’s parent-child relationship is _________.
A.more confusion among parentsB.new equality between parents and children
C.1ess respect for parents from children
D.more strictness and authority on the part of parents
【小题4】By saying “today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the ‘after’ side.” the author means that today’s parents _________.
A.follow the trend of the changeB.can set a limit to the change
C.fail to take the change seriouslyD.have little difficulty adjusting to the change
【小题5】The purpose of the passage is to _________.
A.describe the difficulties today’s parents have met with
B.discuss the development of the parent—child relationship
C.suggest the ways to handle the parent—child relationship
D.compare today’s parent—child relationship with that in the past

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