
The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

— Thomas Macaulay

Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs. Nantette O’Neill gave an arithmetic ___1___ to our class. When the papers were ___2___ she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the ___3___ mistakes throughout the test.

There is nothing really new about ___4___ in exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs. O’Neill ___5___ even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to ___6___ after class. I was one of the twelve.

Mrs. O’Neill asked ___7___ questions, and she did not ___8___ us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the ___9___ words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to ___10___ these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.

I don’t ___11___ about the other eleven boys. Speaking for ___12___ I can say: it was the most important single ___13___ of my life. Thirty years after being ___14___ to Macaulay’s words, they ___15___ seem to me the best yardstick(准绳), because they give us a ___16___ to measure ourselves rather than others.

___17___ of us are asked to made ___18___ decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called ___19___ daily to make a great many personal decisions. ___20___ the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket ___21___ turned over to the policeman? Should the ___22___ change received at the store be forgotten or ___23___? Nobody will know except ___24___. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always ___25___ to live with someone you respect.

1. A. test B. problem     C. paper  D. lesson

2. A. examinedB. completed  C. marked      D. answered

3. A. easy       B. funny  C. same   D. serious

4. A. lying      B. cheating     C. guessing     D. discussing

5. A. didn’t    B. did     C. would D. wouldn’t

6. A. come     B. leave   C. remain       D. apologize

7. A. no  B. certain       C. many  D. more

8. A. excuse    B. reject  C. help    D. scold

9. A. above     B. common     C. following   D. unusual

10. A. repeat   B. get      C. put     D. copy

11. A. worry   B. know  C. hear    D. talk

12. A. myself  B. ourselves    C. themselves  D. herself

13. A. chance  B. incident      C. lesson D. memory

14. A. referred       B. shown C. brought      D. introduced

15. A. even     B. still     C. always       D. almost

16. A. way     B. sentence     C. choice D. reason

17. A. All       B. Few    C. Some  D. None

18. A. quick   B. wise    C. great   D. personal

19. A. out       B. for      C. up      D. upon

20. A. Should B. Must   C. Would D. Need

21. A. and      B. or       C. then    D. but

22. A. extra    B. small  C. some   D. necessary

23. A. paid     B. remembered      C. shared D. returned

24. A. me       B. you     C. us       D. them

25. A. easier   B. more natural      C. better  D. more peaceful



文章主要讲作者 30 年前读中学时因考试舞弊所接受的特殊教育对自己后来一生的重大影响。

1. A。根据本段最后一句的 mistake throughout the test)可显然看出。

2. C。mark 用作名词,表示“分数”,用作动词,表示“给…打分”。本句中的 marked 表示“打分”或“批改”。

3. C。老师认为其中12个男生舞弊,其依据就是他们试卷上的错误“完全一样(exactly the same)”。

4. B。/ 5. A。此处的语境是:由于当时考试舞弊(cheating)并不是什么新鲜事,所以老师对此只字未提(didn’t even say a word about it)。

6. C。remain 在此表示“留下”。

7. A。注意下文的 not…either(也没有…),它表明上文应该表示否定意义。

8. D。此句语境为:老师既没有质问我们,也没有处罚(scold)我们。(这是为下文作铺垫)

9. A。根据本句后面的 by Thomas Macaulay 可知,此处提到的就是文章开头的那句话,故填 above。

10. D。根据常识和比较四个选项,可知此题 D 最佳。

11. B。比较四个选项,只有 know 与空格后的介词 about 搭配在此合符语境。

12. A。由于不知道其他同学的情况,所以就谈“我自己”(myself)。

13. C。此处句意为“这是我一生中最重要的一课(lesson)”。

14. D。请注意 introduce sb to sth 这一结构,不要把它直译为“把某人介绍给某物”,其实际意思是“使某人认识或了解某事物”,其被动式 be introduced to sth 表示(某人)认识或了解某事物。

15. B。根据上下文的意思和作者的在文中的态度可知,老师要我们抄写的 Macaulay 的这句话,对我来说现在“仍然(still)”是最好的准绳。

16. A。way 的意思是“方法”,a way to measure oneself 在此表示“检测某人行为的方法”。

17. B。/ 18. C。根据一般常识:关于国家与军队参战这样的决定不一般人能作出的(故用 few of us 与语境较吻合),同时这样的决定显然属于重大的(great)决定。

19. D。此处语境是:我们虽然不作出国家或军队参战这样的重要决定,但我们每天都要作出一些个人的小决定。句中涉及的句型 call upon sb to do sth 表示要求某人做某事。

20. A。注意第 20 至 23 题所涉及的两个句子的句型相为相似,注意互相参照。第 20 空填 should 即可从第 22 空前的 should 得到启示。

21. B。此题填 or 可从第 23 空前的 or 得到启示。

22. A。extra change received at the store 在此指在商店被多找的零钱。此句意为:在商店被多找(extra)的零钱是应该被忘记(forgotten)还是应该退给(returned)店主?

23. D。比较四个选项并结合一般常识可知 D 最佳。

24. B。根据下文 But you have to live with yourself… 可知此处应选 you,否则上下文人称不一致。

25. C。根据本句句意可推知答案。


Special Bridges Help Animals Cross the Road

――Reported by Sheila Carrick

    Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

    Most people know this joke.But recently, some people have been much more worried about how the grizzly bear and mountain lion can cross the road.

     “Millions of animals die each year on U.S.roads,” the Federal Highway Administration reports.In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S.today.The main reason? Roadkill.

     “Ecopassages” may help animals cross the road without being hit by cars.They are paths both over and under roads.“These ecopassages can be extremely useful, so that wildlife can avoid road accidents,” said Jodi Hilty of the Wildlife Protection Society.

    But do animals actually use the ecopassages? The answer is yes.Paul Beier of Northern Arizona University found foot marks left by mountain lions on an ecopassage that went under a highway.This showed that the lions used the passage.

    Builders of ecopassages try to make them look like a natural part of an area by planting trees on and around them.Animals seem to be catching on.Animals as different as salamanders and grizzly bears are using the bridges and underpasses.

    The next time you visit a park or drive through an area with a lot of wildlife, look around.You might see an animals overpass!

45.The writer uses the example of “ocelots” to show that ______.

      A.wild animals have become more dangerous

      B.the driving conditions have improved greatly

      C.the measure for protecting wildlife fails to work

      D.an increasing number of animals are killed in road accidents

46.From the news story, we know an ecopassage is ______.

       A.an underground path for cars                B.a fence built for the safety of the area

       C.a bridge for animals to get over a river   D.a pass for animals to cross the road

47.When the writer says that animals seem “to be catching on”, he means ______.

       A.animals begin to realize the dangers on the road                     

       B.animals begin to learn to use ecopassages

      C.animals are crossing the road in groups                                                         

       D.animals are increasing in number

48.The writer asks visitors and drivers to look around when traveling because ______.

      A.wild animals may attack cars                B.wild animals may jam the road

       C.they may see wild animals in the park    D.they may see wild animals on ecopassages

Why do people work? Of course, you may have asked yourself the same question as why you have to work. “Self-interest” in its broadest sense, including the interests of family and friends, is a basic motivation(动力)for work in all societies. But self-interest includes more than providing for living or getting wealth that people usually think. For example, a sense of duty, a feeling of competing, and a pleasure in working are other reasons for working. Studies show that most of Americans would continue to work even if they have had enough money to live comfortably.
When people work, they gain a contributing place in society. The fact that what they receive pay for their work means that what they do is needed by other people and what they are doing is necessary to society. Work can also place people in the larger class of society and provide all kinds of identities (身份) for them. In the United States, it is a cruel public fact that to do nothing is to be nothing and to do little is to be little. Work is commonly seen as the measure of an individual (个人). 
Some scientists have shown some of the ways that work has effect on our lives. Generally, people who always do their favorite work are more open to new ideas and easier to get along with others, and as parents they pass these characteristics on to their children. Our work then is an important social thing that makes us know who and what we are.
64. Generally, people work for _____.
A. self-interest      B. family       C. earning a living               D. the country
65. In the passage, “what they receive pay for their work” means _____.
A. that the work of the worker is recognized by society
B. what they do is needed by other people
C. that they are a necessary part of the social class
D. That the workers are clever
66. In the last paragraph, we can conclude that the author thinks ____.
A. that work can make the worker rich
B. that work can affect their lives
C. that work can make the worker tired
D. that work can make the worker know the world well
67. The title of the passage is “______”.
A. The Identity and the Work   B. The Work and the Society
C. The Society and Individual   D. The Importance of Work

People living more than three thousand meters above sea level find it difficult to raise vegetables all year long. People living in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia, for example, cannot grow vegetables outdoors during the months of May through September. It is very cold in the highlands at that time of year. If traditional farming methods are used, vegetables will not survive.

However, there is another way to grow vegetables throughout the year in cold areas. It is a method of gardening developed by a private agency called World Neighbors. The method uses “hot houses” built below ground. A hot house is a building covered with plastic or glass in which vegetables or flowers are grown. The traditional hot house is built above ground.

The air temperature is cold in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia during the winter. But, the winter sun is hot. So, World Neighbors advises farmers there to build hot houses below ground. The design is simple. The material does not cost much. Here is how World Neighbors says to build it: Dig a hole two and one-half meters wide and six meters long. Make it about two meters deep. Build wall with a door in one end of the hole. Dig steps from the ground down to the door.

Now, build a wall along the top edge of the hole. Make it about one-half meters tall. Earth bricks work fine. Build two shorter walls on the ends. These will be uneven; one side will be as high as the existing wall. The other side will be at ground level. Leave a small opening in each of these sloping walls. This prevents the hot house from becoming too hot. Now, make the roof. Build a wood frame. Cover it with clear plastic. Connect it to the brick walls.

The underground hot house we have described is large enough for two raised vegetable beds. Each is one meter wide and six meters long. Each is seeded and watered just as if it were in a garden above ground.

The dirt walls protect the growing plants from the cold. The clear plastic roof permits the sun’s heat to enter. At night, the roof should be covered with straw. This helps prevent cold air from entering. An under ground hot house this size will provide enough vegetables for one family. Groups needing more vegetables can make it bigger.

66. If you lived in Peru, you _______.

A. should raise the special kinds of vegetables that can endure cold

B. could not plant at all

C. had to work out some new unusual plans

D. would not have many vegetables to eat

67. To our surprise, the “hot houses” invented by World Neighbors are _______.

A. covered with a transparent plastic ceiling

B. built under ground

C. quite small

D. hotter than traditional ones

68. The hot house can be kept warm by using _______.

A. a big oven  B. an electricity heater

C. the heat of the earth’s interior   D. the sun shine

69. The measure to prevent the hot house from becoming too hot is to _______.

A. make the roof sloped B. dig holes on the walls

C. make the wall not vertical D. make the walls shorter than the ground level

70. According to the passage, the method suggested by World Neighbors is _______.

A. new and difficult      B. uneasy to explain

C. at trial step D. simple and practical



    Australians have been warned they face a life or death decision over their water—drink recycled sewage(污水)or die.

   With the drought(干旱)continuing,the country is set to be forced to use purified(净化的)waste water for drinking.even though there is great opposition to the measure.

    Queensland has become the first state to introduce tile policy after a warning from its premier.

“I think in the end,because of the drought,all of Australia is going to end up drinking recycled purified water.”said Peter Beattie.

    “These are difficult decisions,but you either drink water or you die.There’s no choice.It’s liquid gold.It’s a matter of life and death.”

    Beanie said Australia's second largest state would become the first to use recycled water for drinking.

    Water is recycled in Britain and pans of northern Europe along with the US and Israel.

    But Australians have never liked the idea.

    To try to change the way Australians think,Prime Minister.John Howard and Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull have adhered to Queensland’s move.

   “I am very strongly for recycling and Mr.Beattie is right and I agree with him completely.”Howard said.

   “Australian cities.all now facing water shortages because of the worst drought on record.must start to use recycled water.”added Turnbull.“All of our big cities have to widen tile range of water sources to include sources which are not dependent on rainfall.”

1.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

A.Nobody disagrees to the idea of drinking recycled purified water

B.Australia’s second largest state has become tile first state to introduce the policy

C.No other countries but Australia decide to drink recycled water

D.The drought is tile worst one in tile droughts recorded in Australian history.

2.What call we learn from the last paragraph?

  A.Australians have never like drinking purified waste water

  B.Australians should develop more water sources to live through the hard time

  C.Australians can’t depend upon rainwater,which is not suitable for drinking.

  D.Australian government has no ability to solve the problem of water shortage

3.The underlined phrase“adhered to”in Paragraph 9 probably means

  A.disliked           B.gone against               C.supported            D.doubted

4.It can be inferred from what Premier Peter Beattie said that

A.he gives orders to drink purified waste water

B.It is painful for him to see his people drink recycled sewage

C.If the decision is made,people won’t survive the drought

D.It’s up to you to either make a life or death decision




Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

Most people know this joke.  But recently, some people have been much more worried about how the grizzly bear and mountain lion can cross the road.

“Millions of animals die each year on U.S. roads,” the Federal Highway Administration reports.  In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today. The main reason? Roadkill.

“Eco-passages” may help animals cross the road without being hit by cars.  They are paths both over and under roads.  “These eco-passages can be extremely useful, so that wildlife can avoid road accidents,” said Jodi Hilty of the Wildlife Protection Society.

But do animals actually use the eco-passages?  The answer is yes.  Paul Beier of Northern Arizona University found foot marks left by mountain lions on an eco-passage that went under a highway.  This showed that the lions used the passage.

Builders of eco-passages try to make them look like a natural part of an area by planting trees on and around them.  Animals seem to be catching on.  Animals as different as salamanders (火蜥蜴) and grizzly bears are using the bridges and underpasses.

The next time you visit a park or drive through an area with a lot of wildlife, look around.  You might see an animal overpass!

41. The writer uses the example of “ocelots” to show that _______.

A. wild animals have become more dangerous

B. the driving condition has improved greatly

C. the measure for protecting wildlife fails to work

D. an increasing number of animals are killed in road accidents

42. From the story, we know an eco-passage is ________.

A. an underground path for cars              B. a fence built for the safety of the area

C. a bridge for animals to get over a river    D. a path for animals to cross the road

43. When the writer says that “animals seem to be catching on”(Para. 6), he means __.

A. animals begin to realize the dangers on the road

B. animals begin to learn to use eco-passages

C. animals are crossing the road in groups      

D. animals are increasing in number

44. The writer asks visitors and drivers to look around when traveling because _____.

A. wild animals may attack cars             B. wild animals may jam the road

C. they may see wild animals in the park  D. they may see wild animals on eco-passages

45. The best title for the passage is ________.

A. Special bridges help animals cross the road    B. Endangered animals increase because of roadkill

C. Animals fail to cross the road              D. Take steps to protect animals in danger


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