
18.Tourism has the power to bring jobs and economic development to popular destination(目的地),but how should travelers decide where to spend their money?Are some countries more deserving of visitors'dollars than others?
That't the idea behind the 10-destination list put together by San Francisco-based non-profit Ethical(有道德的)Traveler,which,since 2006,has published an annual guide to the World's Best Ethical Destinations in the developing world.
"Instead of publishing countries for doing bad things,"said Jeff Greenwald,executive director of Ethical Traveler,"we're trying to offer a favor,rewarding countries in the developing world that are really trying to do the right thing."
So which countries are the most ethical?For 2013,the winners are Barbados,Cape Verde,Costa Rica,Ghana,Latvia,Lithuania,Mauritius,Palau,Samoa and Uruguay.
Those 10countries scored highest in three main areas:social welfare,environmental protection and human rights.
Greenwald explained that countries must have a good tourism infrastructure(基础建设)to make the list,but the non-profit Ethical Traveler also uses the list to promote(提倡)some under-visited places that can be a role model for other countries in their region.For example,Latvia earned high marks for improving its environmental efforts and strong human rights record,and the country's parks and nature reserves make for a great off-the-beaten-path ecotourism trip.
In addition to just visiting these countries,travelers should aim to spend their money in locally-owned business,Greenwald said,to ensure their financial support stays in the country they're visiting.However,that requires a well-maneged tourism infrastructure.While one could argue those poor places need the money even more,tourism can put pressure on countries that face such challenges.
Erica Avrami,research and education director at the World Monuments Fund(WMF) said that a list of ethical destinations is"a wonderful idea",the idea of being ethical goes both ways."There's also a certain responsibility on the part of the traveler to make sure their own footprint is as minimal as possible,"she said.

72.The passage mainly aims toA.
A.promote ethical destinations
B.encourage ecotourism trips
C.speed up the development of tourism
D.discuss which countries are ethical destinations
73.According to the fifth paragraph Latvia can make the list partially for its
A.good tourism infrastructure          B.regular ecotourism trip
C.strong human rights record           D.good social welfares
74.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?D
A.Tourism fails to help develop local economy and provide jobs.
B.All the destinations should equally share the money spent by visitors.
C.Ethical Traveler punishes the developing countries for doing wrong things.
D.Ethical Traveler rewards the developing countries for doing the right thing.
75.In the eyes of Erica Avrami,B.
A.being ethical is not actually a wonderful idea
B.being ethical depends on both travelers and destinations
C.travelers are advised to travel as far as possible
D.travelers should leave as much footprint as possible.

分析 旅行如何决定要把钱花在哪里呢?自从2006年以来,在旧金山一家非盈利性组织出版了一份世界上最好的道德目的地的旅游指南.

72.A 写作目的题.根据文章大意及第四段中but the non-profit Ethical Traveler also uses the list to promote(提倡)some under-visited places that can be a role model for other countries in their region.但非伦理的旅行者也使用列表来促进(提倡)根据一些参观的地方,可以在其区域内做其他国家的榜样.可以得出答案.故A正确.
73.C 细节理解题.根据文章第四段最后一句For example,Latvia earned high marks for improving its environmental efforts and strong human rights record,and the country's parks and nature reserves make for a great off-the-beaten-path ecotourism trip.例如,拉脱维亚为改善环境的努力和强大的人权记录而获得了高分,该国的公园和自然保护区为一个伟大的远离公路生态旅游可知.故C正确.
74.D 细节理解题.根据文章第二段we're trying to offer a favor,rewarding countries in the developing world that are really trying to do the right thing.我们试图提供一个帮助,奖励发展中国家的国家,他们真的试图做正确的事情.可知D项表述正确.故D正确.
75.B 细节理解题.根据文章最后一段Erica Avrami,research and education director at the World Monuments Fund(WMF) said that a list of ethical destinations is"a wonderful idea",the idea of being ethical goes both ways.Erica Avrami,在世界文化遗产基金会和教育研究所所长(WMF)表示,列表中的伦理目的地是"好主意",是道德观念的途径有两个.可以得出答案.故B正确.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观

9.Not for the first time,Paul Mathis wants us to change.But this time he isn't trying to get us to go vegetarian,or dine only on locally grown ingredients.This time he's trying to get us to type differently.
Paul Mathis,a restaurateur from Melbourne who owns a string of dining establishments,has designed the letter"?"-representing the word"the".Now he is pushing Apple to allow him to promote his app,which features the new character,in its iTunes store.
   In a move to branch out of the food business,Paul has invested AUS $38,000 (£23,500)in the new app,but has so far been rejected by Apple.He is hoping he can change their mind,pointing out that reducing the word"the"-the most used word in the English language-to one character would be helpful for Twitter and swift typing.
"Is this important?"he said,in an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald."No.Is this going to change the world?Not really.But is it something that might be useful for people?I think so,because it can save people lots of time on keyboard."
"The word‘and'is only the fifth-most used word in English and it has its own symbol-the ampersand‘&',"said Mr.Mathis."Isn't it time we gave the same respect to‘the'?"
The top five most commonly used words in the English language are said to be:the,be,to,of,and"and".The ampersand"&"has at times been used as the 27th letter of the English alphabet.
Paul has developed the typography-effectively an upper-case"T"and a lower-case"h"bunched together so they share the upright stem-and an app that puts it in everyone's hand by allowing users to download an entirely new electronic keyboard complete not just with his symbol but also a row of keys of 15 most frequently typed words.
So far,though,the take-up has been minimal.But that might change if he can get his innovation into Apple's app store.The problem is,the Californian tech giant has so far resisted his advances.But who knows-maybe in 500 years'time people will be amazed that there was a time when we didn't use‘?'.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS)
78.What is Paul Mathis?He is a restaurateur from Melbourne owing a string of dining establishments
79.Paul designs the new letter"?"to represent the word"the"because he thinksit would be helpful for Twitter and swift typing
80.The main difference between the new and the old electronic keyboard is that the new onecontains"?"and a row of keys of 15 most frequently-used words
81.How can Paul attract more people to download his new keyboard?By promoting his app in iTunes store.
6.With more and more cars on the road,traffic jams are inevitable. Traffic jams can lead to increased accidents as there are more cars,with more people trying to get to their destination,all the while getting worse.Although it's impossible to avoid traffic jams altogether,there are some tips you can follow to reduce the amount of time on the road.
Check for traffic jams before you leave.You can listen to the radio for traffic news,or check on the Internet to get up-to-minute information on traffic.If the route you want to take is heavy with traffic,you can choose another.
Look for a different route all the time.Most traffic jams happen on busy roads.Using country roads could see you avoiding a lot of traffic.Although the distance you may have to travel is further,it can work out quicker.
Set your car radio to receive traffic bulletins. Many new car stereo systems (汽车音响系 统) are equipped with a radio system by which you can hear the traffic channel.This way you can get the latest traffic information and change your journey if necessary.
__________ Most traffic jams usually occur during rush hour,so try to avoid this time period if possible.Some jobs offer flexible working hours so that you can travel to work outside of rush hour.Some jobs even allow you to work at home so as to avoid moving altogether.Ask your manager to see what you can do if traffic is a problem for you.
Use public transport alternatives where available.The easiest way to avoid traffic jams is to take buses or the underground instead of driving your own car.Not only will you avoid traffic jams but you will most likely be saving money as the cost of motoring rises.
66.The underlined word"inevitable"in Paragraph 1 probably meansB
A.hard to accept                              
B.impossible to avoid
C.getting less serious                             
D.seen everywhere
67.The author wrote the text in order toD
A.explain why there are traffic jams  
B.tell us how to save time on the road
C.tell us what we can do on the road  
D.tell us the negative effects of traffic jams
68.To get the latest traffic information,you could do the following EXCEPTDA.surfing the Internet                 
B.listening to the radio for traffic news
C.listening to the traffic channel
D.turning to other drivers for information
69.Which of the following can be put in the blank in the text?A
A.Choose a job that has flexible working hours
B.Make friends with your manager
C.Try traveling at different time
D.Work from home
70.According to the author,we should use public transport becauseA
A.it is cheaper and can avoid traffic jams
B.it is useful to us
C.it is environmentally-friendly
D.it is completely free from traffic jams.
13.Nowadays,with the busy working hours,parents have no time left to spend with their children.However,spending time with children is of extreme importance.Giving some time for children will play an important role in their development.Therefore,it is a must for parents to spend time with children.Here are some tips for parents which will help them spend time with their little wonder.
Having Dinner with Children
Even if you are not there at home for a whole day,you should make sure that you have dinner with your children.Moreover,you should make it a point that you are having dinner with your entire family.Also,you should avoid watching TV when you are having dinner with your family.
Helping Child Comlete Homework
Helping your child complete homework will help you know how he/she is at studies.It is not that you have to spend hours regularly helping your child with homework.But,sometimes you can help your child solve some questions.In this way,you will get to spend time with your child as well as get to know about his or her studies.
Fun Activities
During weekends you can  indulge your child in fun activities like gardening,painting etc.However,do not force your child to do so.You can also spend some time in teaching your child finger painting,vegetable painting and craft work.You may even help your child complete his or her art and craft assignments.These activities will help you improve creativity of your child as well as the interaction between you and your child.

25.The passage is mainly aboutB.
A.the importance of spending time with children
B.the ways to spend time with children
C.the reasons to spend time with children
D.the activities children like to take part in
26.In the second paragraph,the author suggests thatparents shouldC.
A.watch TV with their children
B.stay at home a whole day
C.spend time with the whole family
D.avoid listening to some music
27.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.Helping children with homework will help improve their creativity.
B.Parents should spend time regularly with children's homework
C.Spending time with children for parents is a must
D.Parents should pick up their children regularly.
3.Each food we eat tastes different,and there are untold numbers of different tastes.Still,all flavors are based on just four basic tastes:sweet,bitter,salty,and sour.Some food experts argue there is a fifth basic taste called umami(a Japanese word that can be translated roughly as"tasty"or"savory"),but this theory remains controversial.Regardless of whether there are four or five basic tastes,the number is small.
How can so few basic tastes give rise to the enormous number of flavors we experience?This is possible because the basic tastes combine in different proportions.Compare this to colors.There are only three basic colors-yellow,red,and blue-but when mixed in different ways and proportions,these three basic colors are sufficient to create the vast array of colors that we see every day.
Apart from being influenced by different combinations of the basic tastes,the experience of taste is also enriched by other sensations,such as odor and temperature.These functions together produce what we recognize as unique tastes.In fact,what we perceive as taste often involves smell more than the taste experienced through the tongue.This is why foods with strong tastes often seem bland to people who,due to a stuffy nose,cannot smell them.For example,cinnamon tastes quite mild to people who cannot enjoy its fragrant smell.The same is true of drinks,like hot coffee or tea,which taste best when they can be smelled as well as tasted.
What can also contribute to the sensation of taste is our ability to feel pain.The reason why hot,spicy foods like chili peppers are tasty is that they affect the lingual nociceptors.Nociceptors are small areas on the surface of the body that help protect us against injury.Nociceptors on the skin warn us of potential damage to the body.When we are pricked with a needle,for example,nociceptors represent that sensation as pain.A special kind of nociceptor called a lingual nociceptor is found on the tongue and,along with the other senses,helps us enjoy certain foods.

42.Which sentence best summarizes the main idea of the passage?B
A.New tastes can be created in laboratories.
B.Taste is a combination of different factors.
C.Solid foods have a stronger taste than drinks.
D.Taste is more important than smell for food.
43.Which word has the closest meaning to the phrase"give rise to"in Paragraph 2?D
A.lift              B.count             C.remove          D.produce
44.What does the author imply about cinnamon?B
A.It can relieve a stuffy nose.
B.It can have a very strong taste.
C.It should be kept in a cool place.
D.It tastes better in a large quantities.
45.What are"lingual nociceptors"?C
A.Foods that tastes hot and spicy like chili peppers.
B.Substances in a food that improve its flavor.
C.Areas on the tongue that sense spicy foods.
D.Small connections between the nose and the mouth.
10.As the old saying goes,beauty is in the eye of the beholder.But Venezuela,whose beauty queens have won Miss Universe and Miss World over six times,doesn't leave it to chance.In Venezuela,girls as young as four can be found attending beauty schools,where they can learn a range of skills from how to walk to the correct way to hold a wine glass.
"Hair must always be completely clean,make-up should look natural,and you should always,always wear high-heels,"advises Andrea Reyes,a teacher in a school of Caracas with 160 students.
Beauty contests are treated in Venezuela much as sporting competitions are elsewhere.Many Venezuelan parents believe that if their daughters can succeed and get the beauty crown,their future as famous and public persons is sure to come.As a result,the girls are trained to compete at a young age.
Among former beauty queens are Irene Saez,who went on to compete for the country's president,and Eva Ekvall,whose battle with cancer helped to make more people know about the illness in Venezuela.
However,voices against the trend can be heard all over the country.At one time,a feminist (男女平等主义者) group tried to stop the Miss Venezuela broadcast.President Hugo Chavez has spoken out against the culture of plastic surgery(整形手术)in Venezuela,calling it a"frightening thing".
The BBC reporter Sarah Grainger says that acceptance of the contests is partly a result of the country's"machista"(大男子主义的) view of the different roles that men and women should play,"Men are supposed to be strong and brave and women to be gentle and beautiful".
Miss Universe 1996,Alicia Machado,knows the price to be paid when you're no longer seen as attractive.After winning the beauty contest,she said all she wanted to do was"eat,eat and eat".Her weight gain later and warning by the organizers of the contest to replace her as queen with the runner-up was among the hottest topics in the country,especially in Latin America.
63.What's the advice given by a teacher in Caracas to her students?C
A.Attending beauty schools as early as possible.
B.Wearing high-heels at times.
C.Washing your hair quite often.
D.Fighting against cancer bravely.
64.Girls try to win in the beauty contest toC.
A.try plastic surgery               
B.practice the country's"machista"view
C.earn a good future                
D.eat as much as one pleases
65.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.Venezuela girls have won Miss Universe and Miss World over six times by chance
B.In Venezuela,people judge men and women in quite different ways
C.Eva Ekvall once competed for the country's president
D.Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has spoken out against beauty contests
66.What does the underlined word"runner-up"in the last paragraph mean?D
A.the news reporter covering the beauty contest
B.the organizer of the beauty contest
C.the girl who is slim
D.the person who comes in the second place.

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