
Television has turned 88 years old on September 7, 2015, and it has never looked better.

In its youth, television was a piece of furniture with a tiny, round screen showing unclear pictures of low­ budget programs. In spite of its shortcomings, it became well-received. Between 1950 and 1963, the number of American families with a television jumped from 9% to 92% of the population.

As the audience got larger, the technology got better. Television sets became more reliable through the 1960s. Both of the reception and the picture improved. The major networks started broadcasting programs in color.

Even greater improvements were coming according to Sanford Brown, who wrote an article for the Post in 1967. Surprisingly, just about every prediction he made in the article became a reality. For example: All sets in the not­ distant future will be color instruments. He also predicted that TV sets would become smaller, simpler, more reliable and less expensive and may forever put the TV repairman out of work. Smaller sets do not, of course, mean smaller screens. TV engineers expect screens to get much bigger. However, today's 3­D TV is even farther away, if it's coming at all. There is some doubt whether the public would be eager to pay for it, in view of people's cold reception given to 3­D movies.

But the technology with the greatest potential, according to Brown, was cable television (有线电视), which was still in its early stages then. As he predicted, the future of cable television was highly interactive. It wasn't cable television that gave Americans their electronic connection to the world, however. It was the Internet. He even foresaw the future office: using picture phones, big screen televisions for conferences, and computers providing information, at the touch of a button.

Brown ever said, “The future of television is no longer a question of what we can invent. It's a question of what we want.”

1.What can we infer about television sets in the 1960s?

A.They were very popular with Americans.

B.The reception showed no improvement

C.They showed black­-and-­white pictures

D.They were out of order now and then

2.Which of the followings did Sanford Brown fail to predict?

A.Television's good quality.

B.The invention of 3­-D TV.

C.The future office’s model

D.The potential of cable TV.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A.The shortcomings of television.

B.The bright future of television.

C.The development of television.

D.The invention of television.



(请将答案涂在答题卡上E=AB F=AC G=AD)

Learning English can be a difficult task. While many people learn English in the classroom, the vast majority of English learning takes place outside of it.

1. , it is important to know how it is used in everyday life. One of the best things you can do is to read. First ask yourself what you enjoy reading in your native language. If the subject matter is interesting to you, you will be more likely to keep going. Read a variety of different media in English, from magazines to novels. 2. . New York Times takes a more formal approach to the English language than somebody's personal blog.

Consider your English level when selecting reading material. 3. , but do not frustrate yourself needlessly by selecting a complex text . You can choose to be a side-by-side reader, with the English text on one page and its translation on the other page, if you have only been studying English for a couple of years.

4. . So do not look up every word you don't know as you read. It will only slow things down and make the reading process much less fun. Instead, rely on what you have already known. When you come across a difficult word or phrase,use context clues to guess at its meaning. Write down or underline any words or phrases you cannot figure out. When you have finished reading, go to your list of new words. Now you can get your dictionary and look them up one by one. 5. . You will be more likely to keep reading the interesting subject.

A. Challenge yourself

B. To better understand a language

C. When you want to learn English, try New York Times

D. Turn them into flash cards, keep them in mind and use them

E. Putting a dictionary at hand is a good way of learning English

F. Your reading goal is to briefly understand what the piece is saying

G. The content and writing styles vary with the group of readers

Section B(18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

20 June 2013

Ankara, Turkey: I come from Moldova and I am now working as a UN Volunteer with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Turkey. I have been living in Turkey for a few years and have had the to observe the approach of the Turkish people towards . In Turkey people help each other with their hearts and from their hearts on a continuous basis.

Young people are the main driving engine behind the ever-growing volunteer force in Turkey. For Turkish people it is common to be part of some kind of organization or student club on a volunteer basis, doing various activities such as exchanges, environmental action, charity work and peer education.

This trend(倾向) grew in the late 1990s, despite the fact that civil society organizations have sometimes been viewed with disbelief by some state authorities.

This has in the last decade, and many young people now choose to get involved and use their spare time to develop their skills, while also showing their civic participation by to a cause.

Perhaps this is the reason why the core of the UNV community at UNHCR Turkey is young people. Being a UN Volunteer with UNCHR allows us to gain the skills needed to realize our social and human development potential, but also to dedicate our time, energy and ideas to contribute to the of UNHCR’s global strategic aims.

Being a UN Volunteer with UNHCR is an opportunity to make other people’s lives better. Working on refugee status determination has been an interesting and learning experience. Part of the task involves carrying out extensive research on the situation and the condition of the countries the refugees(难民) come from.

Especially according to recent events in neighboring countries, and given the arrival of refugees and the increased time necessary to process the number of applications for shelter, the contribution of UN Volunteers to UNHCR seems necessary and the impact invaluable.

I also believe that I have brought cultural diversity(多元性) to an already diverse , where true professionals and young graduates from different nations work hard side by side to refugees and find durable solutions for them.

1.A. ability B. opportunity C. description D. permission

2.A. volunteerism B. charity C. poverty D. colleague

3.A. starving B. primitive C. young D. crowded

4.A. particularly B. remotely C. politically D. mysteriously

5.A. expanded B. added C. prohibited D. changed

6.A. congratulating B. contributing C. retelling D. accustoming

7.A. reminded of B. thought back to C. heading for D. made up of

8.A. permission B. achievement C. celebration D. reception

9.A. worthwhile B. additional C. alternative D. vacant

10.A. falling B. decreasing C. heating D. rising

11.A. tribe B. office C. staff D. government

12.A. protect B. drive C. obtain D . contain


1.She described all the things she had to do ?one was to make her bed ?from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work.I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks.She was shocked,probably thinking I'd been raised by wolves in a forest.2.

Two weeks later she went into my office beaming.She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years ?and nothing bad had happened.“And you know what?”she said.“I don't dry my dishes anymore,either.”

3.One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before.The other was giving herself permission to be less than perfect.This story shows an important principle (原理) about managing time:No one can do it all.Each of us has to make choices and accept trade?offs.The problem is,many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last.They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.4.

So what is the solution?There's an easy way.Decide what you want in your life,and put that first.On a daily basis,that should include regular meals,enough sleep and time with your family.Exercise,leisure,friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life.5.The choice is yours:whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.Take a nap.Take a walk.Take time to play the piano.Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office.Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers .Fill more of your time with want?to?dos instead of have?to?dos.

A.This woman had made two major breakthroughs (突破).

B.Above all,you needn't do anything for yourself regularly.

C.They put everyone else's needs ahead of their own.

D.However,she went along with my idea.

E.Most people do not take time to relax themselves.

F.The point is to do something for yourself every day.

G.A patient came to see me about the stress in her life.

Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control hard to find just when you want it most.1.But there are ways to increase your will power.

Don’t try to change your economic situation, win a promotion and lose weight all on the same morning. Set one clear, specific goal and make a realistic plan to achieve it. Extra willpower sometimes requires extra energy, so don’t spread yourself too thin.2.

Whatever your goal is, don’t expect to achieve it overnight. 3.If you are trying to kick a coffee habit, start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass of water, instead of promising never to drink coffee again. Congratulate yourself on the small achievements. These successes help your willpower grow.

4.Ask friends, family or colleagues for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help. If your credit card bills have risen, for instance, let friends know that you are cutting back on expenses. Suggest having a common dinner instead of meeting at an expensive restaurant. Find support group or organization related to your goal and attend their meetings. You can get valuable advice, understanding and information.

If possible, change your environment to encourage positive behavior. Want to get in shape? Keep an set of workout clothes in your office as a reminder to stop by the gym on the way home. Quitting smoking? 5.

A. Real success takes time.

B. Focus on one goal at a time.

C. Change your environment to change your life.

D. Improve your willpower by a support network.

E. Changing your behavior requires more than willpower.

F. Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be attracted to light up.

G. Breaking a bad habit or forming a new and healthy one can be difficult.

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