
【题目】—What is the price of petrol these days?

—Oh, it __________ sharply since last month.

A. is raised B. has risen

C. has arisen D. is increased


【解析】句意:——近些天石油的价格如何?——哦,自上个月以来油价猛涨。由句中的since可知,句子应用现在完成时,故排除A、D两项;表示物价的上升或河水的上涨等用rise,而arise表“起床,起身”时通常用于文学中,如:He arose at dawn.他黎明即起。


【题目】Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was one of the most private women in the world, yet when she went to work as an editor in the last two decades of her life, she revealed(展现)herself as she did nowhere else.

After the death of her second husband, Greek shipping magnate(巨头)Aristotle Onassis, Jacqueline’s close friend and former White House social secretary Letitia Baldrige made a suggestion that she consider a career in publishing. After consideration, Jacqueline accepted it. Perhaps she hoped to find there some idea about how to live her own life. She became not less but more interested in reading. For the last 20 years of her life, Jacqueline worked as a publisher’s editor, first at Viking, then at Doubleday, pursuing(追求)a late-life career longer than her two marriages combined. During her time in publishing, she was responsible for managing and editing more than 100 successfully marketed books. Among the first books were In the Russian Style and Inventive Paris Clothes. She also succeeded in persuading TV hosts Bill Moyer’s and Jose Campbell to transform their popular television conversations into a book, The Power of Myth. The book went on to become an international best-seller. She dealt, too, with Michael Jackson as he prepared his autobiography(自传), Moonwalk.

Jacqueline may have been hired for name and for her social relations, but she soon proved her worth. Her choices, suggestions and widespread social relations were of benefit both to the publishing firms and to Jacqueline herself. In the books she selected for publication, she built on a lifetime of spending time by herself as a reader and left a record of the growth of her mind. Her books are the autobiography she never wrote._____________the end, was overshadowed by her performance as an editor. However, few knew that she had achieved so much.

1We can learn from the passage that Jacqueline _________

A. became fond of reading after working as an editor

B. was in charge of publishing 100 books

C. promoted her books through social relations

D. gained a lot from her career as an editor

2The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that_________

A. Jacqueline was more successful as an editor than as First Lady

B. Jacqueline’s life as First Lady was more colorful than as an editor

C. Jacqueline ended up as an editor rather as First Lady

D. Jacqueline’s role as First Lady was more brilliant than as an editor

3What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Jacqueline’s two marriages lasted more than 20 years

B. Jacqueline’s views and beliefs were reflected in the books she edited

C. Jacqueline’s own publishing firm was set up eventually

D. Jacqueline’s achievements were widely known.

4The passage is mainly______________

A. a brief account of Jacqueline’s career as an editor in her last 20 years

B. a brief description of Jacqueline’s lifelong experiences

C. an introduction of Jacqueline’s life both as First Lady and as an editor

D. an analysis of Jacqueline’s social relations in publishing

【题目】Choosing a Career After High School

【1】 Start thinking early about what kind of work you may want to explore after high school, remembering that you can change careers several times throughout your work life. Your exact choice should take into consideration your interests, personality and personal goals. Read on for some general options to think about when you are choosing a career after high school.

1. Take a personality and interest test. 2 The Keirsey Temperament Sorter assumes that you have your own patterns of attitude and actions that are as unique to you as the build of your body. The Keirsey test gives you 71 multiple-choice questions to determine exactly how you interact with the world.

2. 3 Careers in the professions and most government work require a college education, with a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Other careers do not require a college education, but rather offer on-the-job training and start you out in an entry-level position from which you can grow.

3. Take vocational training courses. Vocational training prepares you for a specific job and can usually be completed in six months to one year. This may not be a very good option if you struggled with your grades in high school. Vocational training programs are usually modeled after academic training, but are much more hands-on as they allow you to actually do the work while you learn.

4. Join the military. 4 The military pays for your future university education and offers you an attractive enlistment(应征入伍) bons. You will be trained to learn a variety of skills, so be prepared for a highly structured environment that demands self-discipline and hard work.

5. Start a business. It is important that you enter a career that makes you want to devote yourself wholly to. 5 This option takes serious discipline and focus, and it requires you to learn basic business skills in addition to the skills of your particular kind of work.

A. Personality varies from person to person.

B. You become qualified to join at the age of 18.

C. Find out the educational requirements for your career choices.

D. Starting a business can be a great challenge for them.

E. There are many good online tests that will help you discover what kind of career suits your personality.

F. If you cannot find the right fit in an existing job, then you may be able to create your job through self-employment.

G. When you graduate from high school, you can either choose to continue your schooling or pursue a career, with all its seemingly endless choices.

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