
2.YOU may like chewing gum (口香糖) after meals to stop your breath smelling bad; or your mother might use a special neutralizer (调理剂) to protect her permed hair (烫发).But have you thought about the chemical principles behind such everyday actions?
On March 2,the Senio 3students from the IB (International Baccalaureate,国际文凭) classes at Beijing Huijia Private School presented their discoveries,all in fluent English.This kind of seminar is held every year to show the achievements of the IB chemistry experiment lessons offered by the school.IB is a qualification based on a common curriculum (课程) for students aged 16-18in any country and is recognized by universities everywhere.
"Once I saw an advertisement for xylitol (木糖醇) gum,"recalled Zhang Xinju."Suddenly an idea came to my mind:are there any chemical reactions when the xylitol is working on our teeth?"
Zhang and his partner Bu Xuan visited several hospitals to try and find out."Doctors know that xylitol can protect teeth,but few could explain how the chemical reactions happen,"said the 17-year-old boy.
Presenting the results of their research in English to an audience of Chinese and foreign judges was never a problem for the students.
"Textbooks for IB students are in English,and our teachers speak in English,"explained Wei Duan and Han Yu,whose research topic was"The Acid-Base Reaction (酸碱反应) in the process of Hair-Perming".
"In Senior 1we often referred to Chinese textbooks,but we found we could understand and express it all in English by the second year."
Lu Jiang,the school's IB chemistry teacher and China's only IB vice-examiner,is proud that her students can apply scientific theories they learn in class to daily life.
"You might have learned these facts from you kindergarten teachers,but few think about the theories behind them,"Lu said."This kind of practice is intended to dvelop the scientific thinking they will need in their future studies."
1.IB is recognized byD.
A.Beijing Huijia Private School
B.univercities in China
C.schools in Engkish-speaking countries
D.universities in any country
2.which statement is true?C
A.Doctors don't know that xylitol can protect teeth
B.Doctors can explain how the chemical reactions happen
C.Few could explain how the chemical reactions happen.
D.The foreign doctors can explain how the chemical reactions happen
3.Textbooks for IB students are inC
C.English and Chinese  
4..From the passage,we knowB
Athe students are creative           
B.the students are poor in Chinese
C.the students don't like chewing gum  
D.The students are hard-working
5.From the passage,we can inferC
A.we only need to work hard in our study
B.we must learn English well
C.we should intend to develop the scientific thinking in our studies
D.we should have more time to play.

分析 本文介绍了北京一所学校的学生把科学理论运用到实际生活中去,说明我们要在学习中发展创造性思维.

1  D  细节题. 根据文章第二 段IB is a qualification based on a common curriculum (课程) for students aged 16-18in any country and is recognized by universities everywhere.可知IB课程在所有国家的所有大学都被承认和认可,故选D.
2  C  细节题. 根据文章第四 段Doctors know that xylitol can protect teeth,but few could explain how the chemical reactions happen,"said the 17-year-old boy.可知很少有人知道木糖醇遇到牙齿的化学反应是什么,故选C.
3  C   细节题. 根据文章第六、七 段Textbooks for IB students are in English,and our teachers speak in English和In Senior 1we often referred to Chinese textbooks,but we found we could understand and express it all in English by the second year."可知这所学校里的高一教材是中文,以后的都是英语教材.故选C.
4  B   推理判断题.  根据文章倒数第二 段Lu Jiang,the school's IB chemistry teacher and China's only IB vice-examiner,is proud that her students can apply scientific theories they learn in class to daily life.可知这所学校的学生把科学理论运用到实际生活中去,这说明他们很有创造性,故选B.
5  C  推理判断题.  根据文章最后一段Lu said."This kind of practice is intended to dvelop the scientific thinking they will need in their future studies."可知本文介绍了北京一所学校的学生把科学理论运用到实际生活中去,说明我们要在学习中发展创造性思维.故选C.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.

12.Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.
Electronic Village Program (Thursday,June 18,2015)
?9:00 am to 10:00 am
?Room 501
Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context (语境) for students to learn vocabulary.The presenter will show how to use it.
?2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
?Room 502
Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line.The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.
?10:30 am to 11:30 am
?Room 601
Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network.It can provide students with instant feedback (反馈),including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.
?3:30 pm to 4:20 pm
?Room 602
Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students'attention to speaking more fluently.The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics,including introducing family,friends,and hobbies.
25.Nearpod can be used toC
A.offer grammar tests                    B.teach listening on-line
C.help vocabulary learning               D.gain fluency in speaking
26.If you want to improve your speaking skills,you can go toD
A.Room 501      B.Room 502     C.Room 601         D.Room 602
27.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?B
28.A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to arrive byCA.9:00 am           B.10:30 am     C.2:00 pm          D.3:30 pm.
13.People with less education suffer fewer stressful days,according to a report in the current issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.
However,the study also found that when less-educated people did suffer stress it was more severe and had a stronger effect on their health.
From this,researchers have concluded that the day-to-day factors that cause stress are regular.Where you are in society determines the kinds of problems that you have each day,and how well you will cope with them.
The research team interviewed a national sample of 1,031adults daily for eight days about their stress level and health.People without a high school diploma reported stress on 30percent of the study days,people with a high school degree reported stress 38percent of the time,and people with college degrees reported stress 44percent of the time.
"Less advantaged people are less healthy on a daily basis and are more likely to have downward turns in their health."leading researcher,Dr.Joseph Grzywacz of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center,said in a prepared statement."The downward turns in health were connected with daily stressors (紧张刺激物),and the effect of daily stressors on their health is much more damaging for the less advantaged."
"If something happens every day,maybe it's not seen as a stressor."Grzywacz says."Maybe it is just life."

29.Stress level is closely related toD.
A.family size
B.work experience     
C.body weight 
D.social position
30.Which group reported the biggest number of stressful days?D
A.People without any education.
B.People without high school degrees.
C.People with high school degrees.
D.People with college degrees.
31.The less advantaged people are,the greaterA.
A.the effect of stress on their health is      
B.the degree of their health concern is
C.the level of their education is           
D.the effect of education on their health is
32.Less-educated people report fewer days of stress possibly becauseC.
A.they don't want to tell truth             
B.they don't want to face the truth
C.stress is too common a factor in their life  
D.their stress is much greater.
7.In 1982Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank.He was out of shipping lanes and floating in a life raft,(41)BHis supplies were few.His (42)Dwere small.Yet when three fishermen found him seventy-six days later,he was alive-much skinnier than he was when he(43)A,but alive.
The thing that(44)Cmy eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost,when there seemed no(45)Ain continuing the struggle,when he was suffering greatly,when his life boat was broken with a hole and after more than a week struggling with his weak body to(46)Dit,it was still leaking air and wearing him out to keep pumping it up.He was(47)A.He was thoroughly(48)B.Giving up would have seemed the only wise choice.
When people survive these kinds of circumstances,they do something with their(49)Cthat gives them the courage to keep going.Many people in(50)Adesperate circumstances give in or go mad.Something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the (51)Cto carry on.
I wrote that down after I read it.It(55)Bme as something important.And I've told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed(56)Aoff.And every time I've said it,I have always come back to my (57)D.
So here,coming to us from the extreme edge of (58)A,are words that can give us strength (59)Cyou're going through,tell yourself you can handle it.Tell this to yourself over and over,and it will help you get through the(60)Bspots with a little more determination.
54.A.bringing outB.building upC.putting forwardD.taking away
12.【1】A lot of people can really struggle with knowing how to make small talk.There are a few small talk topics that should never let you down,whatever situation you are in:
【2】Your surroundings should provide you with something to talk about.Whatever you're doing you are in the same situation with the person to whom you are speaking,so there is common ground there.Even if you are only queuing up for the coffee machine you can _________ how long the line of people is,or about how you should drink less coffee or whatever.Aim for a casual but pleasant attitude.
【3】People appreciate it if you ask about them in a friendly manner,so you could always try asking them how their day has been so far.Even in a store you might ask the cashier if they have been busy today.It's a good,simple ice-breaker and will often lead to other person to open up,even if it costs just a little.
【4】People like to keep up with what is happening in the news,so a question like"did you read in the newspapers how …?"or"did you see why somebody (whoever) was on the news last night?"Depending upon who you are talking to,you may not want to raise a particularly sad item or an unpleasant crime,but if you have chatted with the person before,perhaps they are a colleague,you can chat about these things,and you will soon find yourself in a conversation about society today.
【5】So keep the topics in mind and practice them on a few people in your daily life and you will soon discover that you really do know how to make small talk.
76.What is the best title for the passage?(no more than 5 words)How to make small talk
77.Fill in the blank in paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
make a remark about/talk about
78.What do you think will happen if you ask a person"How is your weekend?"?(no more than 10 words)It will often lead to other person to open up.
79.What affects your decision about whether to raise sad item or an unpleasant crime to make small talk?(no more than 8 words)Who you are talking to.
80.What does the underlined word"them"(Line 1 Paragraph 5)probably refer to?(no more than 5 words)The small talk topics..

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