One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: "A Cabuliwallah(喀布尔商贩)!A Cabuliwallah!" In the street below was Rahmun,a Cabuliwallah passing slowly along. Mini called him  21   ,but when he looked at her she ran away scared.    As time went by, they got to know each other and started to    22   together,
laughing and talking all the way. Rahmun would give her grapes and strawberries,spending the Iittle money he had 23   her. The two often enjoyed jokng together.Rahmun   24   say: "Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-law's house?"Mini did not understand this and was   25    .
One morning,l saw Rahmun being led away by the police. There was some blood on his clothes .I   26 a neighbor had owed Rahmun money but denied it,and that in the course of the   27   Rahmun had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmunwas   28   to prison.
Time passed. Mini grew up and we were making arrangements,for her  29    .I was sitting in my study   30   someone entered. It was Rahmun, his face pale and dirty and I could   31  recognize him! He said all those years ago Mini -had reminded him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was   32  the same. He  had   once   33   Mini running to him calling 66 A Cabuliwallah!" and pictured them laughing and talking together.
The two were now reunited. But when he made   34  once more, Mini's face turned red. They could not recover their old  35   .When Rahmun left,  l gave  him a bank note,   36  : "Go back to your own daughter, and may the happiness of your meeting bring good  37   to my child!"
Having made this  present,I had to  38   the electric lights and the music band  I had intended for the wedding and the ladies in the house were   39   .But to me the wedding was all the   40   for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child.

【小题2】 outC.hang outD.stand out
A.punished B.admittedC.droppedD.sentenced
A.put offB.give up C.turn about

It was the last day of July and the long hot summer was drawing to a close As for me1 was out of spiritsandif the truth must be told, out of money as wellDuring the past year I had not managed my finances as carefully as usualand 1 was now limited to spending the autumn economically between my mother’s cottage at Hampstead and my own in town.

? My father had been dead for some yearsand my sister and 1 were the sole survivors of a family of five children. My father was a drawing-master before me He had been highly successful in his profession and my mother and sister were left economically independent after his death.

??? The view of London below me had sunk into the black shadow of the cloudy night, when I stood before the gate of my mother’s cottage I had hardly rung the bellWhen the house door was opened violentlyMy worthy Italian friendProfessor Pescaappeared in the servant’s placeand rushed out joyously to receive me

??? I had first become acquainted(熟悉)with my Italian friend at certain great houseswhere he taught Italian and I taught drawing What I then knew of the history of his life was that he had left Italy for political reasons and that he had been respectably established for many years in London as a teacher of languages It once happened that I saved him from certain death by drowning while we

were swimming in the sea at Brighton Afterwards he overwhelmed(淹没)me with the wildest expressions of affection and exclaimed passionately, that he would hold his life at my disposal from then on, and declared that he should never be happy again until he had had the opportunity of proving his gratitudeLittle did I think that the occasion to serve me was soon to come

? Pesca dragged me in by both hands into the parlor, where my mother sat by the open window, laughing and fanning herselfPesca was one of her especial favoritesand his wildest strange acts were always pardonable in her eyes

? “Now, my good dears”began Pesca“listen to me The time has come I recite my good newsI speak at last…'Hear, hear!”said my mother, humoring the joke“I go back into my lifeand I address myself to the noblest of menwho found me dead at the bottom of the seaand who pulled me up to the top. What did I say when l got into my own life and my own clothes again? I said that my life belonged to my dear friendWalter, for the rest of my days Now,”cried the enthusiastic little mall at the top of his voice“happiness bursts out of me at every pore of my skinFor I have found a job for you”

1.The first two paragraphs of the passage serve as an introduction to——

A. the financial situation the writer then faced?

B. the season that the story was set in

C. the family members of the writer????????

D. the successful profession of the writer’s father

2.The underlined word‘‘sole’’in the second paragraph probably means‘‘?????????

Amain??? ????? B. only??? ????? C. lucky ??????? D. possible

3.It can be learned from the passage that Pesca ??????????

A. used to be a politician??? ???????

B. was a successful drawing-master

C. was quite close to the mother ????

D. wanted to give the writer some money in return

4.According to the last paragraphPesca was more than happy because ?????????? ?????

A. he went back into his life????????

B . he met his dear friend again

C. his friend ever saved his life?????

D. he had done something good for his friend


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