It was the moment for your big math exam. You waited nervously for the exam papers to be distributed onto your desk.
When your teacher ordered to begin , you p (1) up your pencil , ready to answer the first question. But seconds later,you nervously looked at the paper of the boy next to you and started to copy his a (2) ...
I have seen almost the same thing happen in my class. In a test,six or seven students read p (3) of cheat paper under their seats. I am a (4)with such acts of dishonesty. Ymnot saying that Fm a good student or that Fve never cheated. I once wrote the answers on my hand for a history test and unluckily was c (5) by my teacher. Since this teacher was one of my favorites,there were no w (6)to describe how sorry I felt at that time. I had thought cheating would help me keep my straight A,s, and little had I realized that I was only ruining m (7) .
Some students say that they cheat because of the pressure f (8) their parents,teachers,and even classmates. However,what teachers and parents want was to succeed o (9)your own and through hard work.
You've probably heard teachers say, "I want to see your own work,not t (10) of the person next to you" a million times. Remember,your performance cannot be measured by your
classmate's work.
1. g 2. a 3. g 4. a 5. c
6. w 7. m 8. f 9. o 10. t
1. set 2. work 3. surprised 4. true 5 . thanks
6. with 7. like 8. hurry 9. only
10. enough