

Lack of water creates a survival problem for all desert animals.And animals can live only within a relatively narrow temperature range.For four or five months of the year,the daily temperatures in the desert may actually go beyond this range.So survival for desert animals is very difficult.

Fortunately,most desert animals have evolved (进化) to solve the heat and water problems the desert environment creates.

Take Phainopepla, a slim black bird for example. It breeds during the relatively cool spring,then leave the desert for cooler areas.Many birds are active only at dawn and within a few hours of sunset.Some birds,such as the kingbird,continue activity throughout the day,but always fly or sit in the shade.

A few desert animals,such as the Roundtailed Ground Squirrel,sleep away the hottest part of the summer.They also hibernate (冬眠) in winter to avoid the cold season.Some desert animals such as Desert Toads,stay deep under the ground until the summer rains fill ponds. They then come out from under the ground,breed,lay eggs and supply themselves with food and water for another long period.Some smaller desert animals make a hole below the surface of the soil or sand to escape the high temperatures at the desert surface.

Certain desert lizards (蜥蝎) are active during the hottest seasons,and move extremely rapidly over hot surfaces,stopping in cooler “islands” of shade.Even their legs may be longer so they absorb less surface heat while running.

【1】How many survival problems are mentioned for desert animals in Paragraph 1 ?





【2】When can we have the highest chance to see many birds in a desert?

A.In early afternoon.

B.Around midday.

C.In early morning.

D.In late morning.

【3】The Roundtailed Ground Squirrel escapes the extreme temperatures by________.

A.sitting in the shade

B.lying in a hole

C.stopping its activity

D.moving to cool habitats

【4】According to the passage,which of the following are the most active desert animals?


B.Desert Toads.


D.Roundtailed Ground Squirrel.

【5】What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Survival of Desert Animals.

B.Evolution of Desert Animals.

C.Dangers of Desert Animals.

D.Hibernation of Desert Animals.






【解析】【1】 细节理解题。第一段提到了沙漠动物面临的两大生存问题:缺水和温差变化大。

【2】 细节理解题。第三段说沙漠中的许多鸟类只在黎明和太阳落山前后的几个小时活动,由此推知在C时间在沙漠中看到很多鸟儿的可能性最大。

【3】 细节理解题。通过第四段第一句可推知C正确。

【4】 推理判断题。通过最后一段可知,蜥蜴即使是在最炎热的季节也保持活动,而其他三个选项的动物要么是在热的时候深藏地下,要么是迁往凉爽一些的地方。

【5】 主旨大意题。第二段是全文主题段,后文以很多沙漠动物为例子说明沙漠里的动物是如何克服不利环境而生活的,故A为最佳答案。



The Pow Wow(印第安人的帕瓦仪式)is held annually at the Trail of Tears Commemorative Park in Hopkinsville,Kentucky.The Pow Wow provides an opportunity for participants to celebrate the great heritage of the American Indian through dance,drumming and singing,traditional foods,crafts and storytelling.For the visitors,it provides an exceptional educational experience.

The idea for hosting a Pow Wow in Hopkinsville was developed by the Trail of Tears Commission in 1988 as a way to commemorate(纪念)the 150th anniversary of the cruel Cherokee removal from their ancestral homelands in the southeast,across the Mississippi to Indian Territory,which is now Oklahoma.Known as the“trail of tears”,this forced removal affected Hopkinsville,which was along the trail,and served as a major stopping point for the Cherokees during the freezing winter of 1838 and 1839.

The president and founder of the Trail of Tears Commission,Beverly Baker,began work in late 1985 to gain support for his idea for a commemorative park,and to encourage interest in acknowledging this event in local history.Volunteers joined Baker in pursuing support of the park and designation(指定)of the Trail of Tears as a National Historic Trail.City and county governments,and a church offered$1,000 in seed money to the group.And then other help came.

A proclamation(宣言)by the governor set 1988 as the Year of the Trail of Tears.In 1992,the Pow Wow celebrated the Year of the American Indian.The state provided money to help develop the Pow Wow grounds as the Trail of Tears Commemorative Park,which opened in 1993.In 1996,the National Park Service designated the park as a site on the National Historic Trail of Tears—the first nonfederal property to receive this designation.Since 1989,Pow Wow’s own income has supported development,operation,and maintenance of the park and its heritage center.School and scout groups,local clubs,and tourists regularly visit the park and center.

【1】The Pow Wow is held each year to________.

A.honor Beverly Baker

B.offer all kinds of entertainment to visitors

C.provide visitors with an educational experience

D.honor the cruel Cherokee removal

【2】The Pow Wow was first held in the Trail of Tears Commemorative Park in________.





【3】Which of the following shows the correct order for the development of Trail of Tears Pow Wow?

a.The idea for hosting a Pow Wow was developed.

b.The Trail of Tears Commemorative Park was designated as a site on the National Historic Trail of Tears.

c.The Pow Wow celebrated the Year of the American Indian.

d.The idea for a commemorative park was put forward.





【4】It can be inferred that when the idea for a commemorative park was put forward,________.

A.it won many people’s support

B.Beverly Baker grew more and more famous

C.it was refused by the government

D.it only received$1,000 in seed money in all

【5】How many of the following pieces of information can be gathered from the passage?

a.It was in 1838 that the cruel Cherokee removal took place.

b.Hopkinsville sheltered the Cherokees from freezing cold of winters throughout their trail.

c.Conventionally federal property has the honor to be designated as the site on the National Historic Trail of Tears.

d.The park relies on Pow Wow in terms of monetary support.





【题目】Every year,whenever Spring Festival arrives,a lot of Chinese people cannot wait to go home.They ____for long hours in front of the ticket offices in railway stations,or do ____ they can in order to get a ____.They tolerate the long ____ on the train only to want to have a family ____ with their near and dear ones.

Most Chinese ____ the Spring Festival ____ because they want to follow tradition,there are also some practical reasons to explain Chinese people’s fever for the holiday.Compared with one’s ____,home provides a more humane environment for one to ____ oneself.

Society may do with or without you,but at home,you become ____ and irreplaceable.You may be the father or mother,daughter or son,grandfather or grandmother in the family and the family will be ____ if anyone is absent.

In addition,family provides an ideal environment for one to fully relax oneself.____,one can ____ one’s time to do whatever he or she wants,and one can spend money whenever one likes.In society,____,one needs to do ____ fast and with high efficiency,because society always requires efficiency and ____ profits.Such company principles ____ people merely a tool in modern society.

Chinese people’s strong desire for Spring Festival shows that they feel ____.With the Spring Festival,people can find back the ____ family atmosphere often seen in days ____.

【1】A. expect B.queue

C.wish D.call

【2】A. whatever B.what

C.whichever D.which

【3】A. present B.ticket

C.souvenir D.food

【4】A. journey B.trip

C.voyage D.tour

【5】A. dinner B.entertainment

C.relationship D.reunion

【6】A. congratulate B.spend

C.celebrate D.take

【7】A. only if B.if only

C.simply D.not only

【8】A. workplace B.factory

C.hospital D.company

【9】A. improve B.relax

C.control D.strengthen

【10】A. only B.ordinary

C.unique D.common

【11】A. impossible B.incomplete

C.irregular D.illegal

【12】A.At home B.In reality

C.In society D.In the world

【13】A. take B.spend

C.waste D.kill

【14】A. furthermore B.however

C.besides D.but

【15】A. something B.nothing

C.everything D.anything

【16】A. minimum B.medium

C.middle D.maximum

【17】A. make B.take

C.get D.bring

【18】A. happy B.pleased

C.pleasant D.oppressed

【19】A. hot B.warm

C.cold D.cool

【20】A. gone by B.gone out

C.gone off D.gone down

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