
11.It will be cchallenging to communicate with those from different countries because of cultural differences.

分析 由于文化的差异,和来自其他国家的人交流是具有挑战性的.

解答 答案:challenging.在本句中,It做形式主语代指to communicate with those from different countries 所以用形容词challenging表示"具有挑战性的".

点评 考查首字母填空.It做形式主语
it 作为形式主语的it并无实际语义,只是为满足语法上的需要,避免句子头重脚轻,它代替的是句子的逻辑主语

2.Being considered a leader in our society is indeed of high praise.Leadership means power,commands respect and,most important,encourages achievement.(36)A.They must be carefully cultivated.
Different from popular belief,most good leaders are made,not born.
(37)D.But which do they develop?How do they (and how can you) get others to follow?
•Always give credit.Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes.Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world.(38)B.
•(39)F"The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise,"says management adviser Marilyn Machlowitz."Sky divers don't go up in an airplane without checking the parachutes beforehand"
•Encourage enthusiasm."When people understand the importance of work,they lend their mental strengths,"says Lee Ducat.But when they get excited about the work,all their energy gets poured into the job.That's a great force!Is this the best way to create excitement?(40)E-You will be followed by everyone.

A.Unlike Vitamin C,leadership skills can't be easily swallowed down.
B.It is also an act of generosity that's never forgotten.
C.Leadership plays an important role in our social life.
D.They learn their skills in their everyday lives.
E.Be enthusiastic yourself.
F.Take informed risks.
G.Risks are worthy.
19.Driving in New Zealand is not difficult but there are a few surprises.(36)D.The following hints should help you have a safe trip.
Driving is always kept on or below the legal speed limits indicated on road signs.The maximum speed on any open road is 100km/h.The maximum speed in urban areas is 50km/h.Adjust your speed as conditions demand.
(37)E.Although distances may seem short,New Zealand roads often include hilly,narrow or winding areas,which slow down your journey.If you're used to driving in the city,take care when driving on the open country roads,and watch out for single-lane bridges.
New Zealand accepts the national driving licenses of all other countries for tourists staying less than 12months.You must carry your license while driving.After a period of one year,you must apply for a New Zealand driver's license.(38)F.
Most open roads are a single lane each way,except for motorways coming into larger cities (Auckland,Wellington and Christchurch).Before overtaking,make sure you will have at least 100m of a clear road in front of you.Do not pass on double yellow lines-these indicate that it's too dangerous to overtake.
Road conditions are variable.Off the main highways some roads may be not opened and extra care needs to be taken.(39)C Ask your rental car company to mark these roads on your map before setting off.
In winter some roads may be dangerous due to ice or snow,particularly around mountain passes.(40)B Do not brake suddenly on ice.In some cases chains may be required (rental cars usually come with chains supplied).Make sure you're familiar with how to fit them.
A.If you have an international driving permit,you can drive for one year after you
first arrive in New Zealand.
B.Look out for signs indicating slippery surfaces and drive slowly.
C.A few of them are not safe for vehicles and insurance does not cover them.
D.You should be aware of our road rules and driving restrictions before you set out.
E.Don't underestimate driving time.
F.You will have to pass a theory test,and a practical test.
G.Check rental agreements before hiring a car to drive.
20.Students usually have two long holidays a year,but have you heard elephants have holidays?
The Indian elephants from a temple are sent on a north-long holiday with massages(按摩) and baths to relax.The 64elephants will be fed with a lot of food,enough for them to put on 700~800pounds.
A temple veterinarian said that those Indian elephants would be treated after spending a month walking on roads,living on leaves and bananas and giving shows during lots of temple festivals.Their daily diet includes special rice and other special food,which are very nutritious and can make them healthy and strong.All of these are made by professional people.
This treatment will also calm them down ahead of a busy work schedule in upcoming events later in the year where they are the main attractions.The special holiday has cost the temple about£12,500,but extra money is ready for being used to treat the animals.
Indians believe that doing something good to elephants can help them get wisdom and power.Having elephants is a traditional symbol of honor for temples across southern India.All temples,however,never buy their elephants.The elephants were donated by people.
32.The Indian elephants can have aC holiday.
33.The elephants can do the following during their holiday EXCEPTB.
A.eating delicious food
B.giving performances
C.taking a shower
D.having a massage
34.What does the underlined word"nutritious"in Paragraph 3mean?B
35.People give these elephants a special holiday in order toD.
A.save a lot of money
B.make friends with them
C.make their temples famous
D.make them get ready for the coming work.
3.We regularly hear how important consumer spending is for the economy.The story goes like this:the more consumers spend,the more money circulates in the economy,which contributes to healthy job growth and profits.Keynes,a British economist,went as far as to say that individuals saving their money may actually be hurting the economy.Sounds troubling,doesn't it?
Fear not.You aren't actually hutting anyone else by saving money.Strong economic growth only comes from one place:savings.Not consumption.In fact,economic activity should not be mistaken for economic growth.For example,somebody takes their money,walks into a store,and purchases goods.The store increases its revenue.
But what happens to all of those goods and services that people have chosen not to consume by saving their money?Simple:Other people are allowed to consume them.Think of it this way:When you lend out your savings,you are actually saying,"Here,I am not going to consume right now,so why don't you?"Banks simply play the middleman:they collect lots of people's savings and then lend out lots of funds.
It takes an unbelievable amount of goods and services to construct a building.It takes food,shelter,and entertainment for all of the workers,as well.Without savings,it is quite impossible to finance such a construction.The coordination(协调)between savings and consumption is a necessary basis for sound economic growth.This coordination is also why consumer lending (say,to borrow a big sum of money to buy a car) is not productive,in a strict sense.It doesn't increase the net (净的) amount of wealth of an economy.Those savings could have been used to construct,say,factory equipment.
None of this means consumption and spending are"bad"things.They simply do not make us wealthier.Alter all,the final goal of production and savings is to consume.But to say that consumption is the engine of economic growth is to put the cart before the horse.Or,to rephrase:the consumption of wealth can never make you wealthier.Happier,perhaps.Wealthier,no.

63.What is the author's attitude towards Keynes'theory?D
64.The underlined word"revenue"in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning toD
65.The author holds the view thatD.
A.governments shall cut out banks as financial middleman
B.economic activity is equal to economic growth
C.consumer lending is the engine of economic growth
D.consumption is likely to lead to increased happiness
66.According to the author,which chart could show the effect of savings on economy?B

67.What would be the best title for this passage?D
A.The Saving Behavior of the Economy       
B.Consumption:a Key Concept in Economy
C.Consumer Spending and Economic Growth 
D.The Truth about Savings and Consumption.

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