
Each year 1.(thousand) of tourists visit the polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctica. But the increasing number of people traveling to the ends of the Earth can have2.negative effect on fragile ecosystems. Should tourists3.(allow) to visit polar regions?

About 40,000 tourists visit Antarctica each year. More than five million travel to the Arctic and sub-Arctic. Transporting tourists to the regions 4.(increase) ship and airplane traffic, adding to the risk of pollution, oil spills, and other 5.(environment) damage. Because the places where wildlife is accessible 6.(be) few in number, tourist traffic can become concentrated in specific areas, 7.(put)Arctic vegetation at risk.

Others say that access8. these very special parts of the world should not be restricted to only researchers and scientists. Polar tourism allows people to develop deep 9.(person) connections with polar regions. “Those 10. travel to the Arctic or Antarctica often become cheerleaders for supporting those places.” Jim Sano, vice president for travel and conservation at World Wildlife Fund, told TFK.


Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she talked about how she became a percussion soloist (打击乐器独奏演员) in spite of her disability.

“Early on I decided not to allow the ____ of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began ____ piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion (酷爱) for music grew. But I also began to gradually lose my ____. Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the ____ and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never ____ me.

“My ____ was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I ____ to hear music differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can ____ the pitch of a note (音调高低) by the vibrations (振动). I feel through my body and through my ____. My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every ___ that I have.

“I was ____ to be assessed as a musician, not as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had ____ this before and some teachers ____ my admission. Based on my performance, I was _____admitted and went to ____ with the academy’s highest honors.

“After that, I established(使立足) myself as the first full-time solo percussionist. I ____ and arranged a lot of musical compositions since ____ had been written specially for solo percussionists.

“I have been a soloist for over ten years. ____ the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn’t ____ that my passion couldn’t be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be ____ by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart, they will lead you to the place you want to go.”

1.A. conditions B. opinions C. actions D. recommendations

2.A. enjoying B. choosing C. taking D. giving

3.A. sight B. hearing C. touch D. taste

4.A. evidence B. result C. excuse D. cause

5.A. left B. excited C. accompanied D. disappointed

6.A. purpose B. decision C. promise D. goal

7.A. turned B. learned C. used D. ought

8.A. tell B. see C. hear D. smell

9.A. carefulness B. movement C. imagination D. experience

10.A. sense B. effort C. feeling D. idea

11.A. dissatisfied B. astonished C. determined D. discouraged

12.A. done B. accepted C. advised D. admitted

13.A. supported B. followed C. required D. opposed

14.A. usually B. finally C. possibly D. hopefully

15.A. study B. research C. graduate D. progress

16.A. wrote B. translated C. copied D. read

17.A. enough B. some C. many D. few

18.A. However B. Although C. When D. Since

19.A. mean B. seem C. conclude D. say

20.A. directed B. guided C. taught D. limited

Suddenly another thought went through Kate’s mind like an electric shock. An express train was due to go past about thirty minutes later. If it were not stopped, that long train, full of passengers, would fall into the stream. “Someone must go to the station and warn the station-master,” Kate thought. But who was to go? She would have to go herself. There was no one else.

In wind and rain she started on her difficult way. Soon she was at the bridge that crossed the Des Moines River, a bridge also built of wood, just like the bridge across Honey Creek. The storm had not washed this away, but there was no footpath across it. She would have to cross it by stepping from sleeper (枕木)to sleeper. With great care she began the dangerous crossing, sometimes on her hands and knees, hardly daring to look down between the sleepers into the wild flood waters below. If she should slip, she would fall between the sleepers, into the rapidly flowing stream.

At last -- she never knew how long it had taken her- - she felt solid ground under her feet. But there was no time to rest. She still had to run more than half a mile and had only a few minutes left. Unless she reached the station before the express did, many, many lives would be lost.

She did reach the station just as the train came into sight. Fortunately the station-master was standing outside. “The bridge is down! Stop the train! Oh, please stop it!” Kate shouted breathlessly.

The station-master went pale. He rushed into the station building and came back with a signal light. He waved the red light as the train came into the station. It was not a second too early.

1.What did Kate decide to do?

A. Stop the express train. B. Check the signal light.

C. Meet the passengers. D. Visit the station-master

2.Which of the following words best describes Kate’s journey

A. Fruitless. B. Boring.

C. Well-planned. D. Risky.

3.Why did the station-master turn pale?

A. He suddenly fell ill. B. He realized the danger.

C. He discovered his mistake. D. He became over-excited.

Living in the wild can be hard.Finding food and staying safe aren't easy.Each day,animals struggle to survive in their habitats.Not all animals get by on their own.Some animals form a close partnership with other kinds of animals. These pairings are called symbiotic (共生的) relationships.

In a symbiotic relationship,the animals depend on each other.One animal helps the other meet its needs.Sounds good,right?Not always.Some animals are not very kind to their partners.In some cases,one animal meets its needs but hurts its partner.Take ticks,for example.These insects suck blood to live.To get blood,they attach themselves to other kinds of animals.Ticks can pass germs that cause disease instead of helping their hosts.

In other relationships,animals don't treat their partners so poorly Both animals benefit from living with the other animal.

Small animals called cleaner shrimps have found a way of helping fish at coral reefs.As their name suggests,the shrimps clean the fish.They hang out at what scientists call a cleaning station.A fish stops by.Then a shrimp climbs onto the fish and even steps into the fish's mouth.The shrimp uses its tiny claws to pick stuff off the fish's body.That can include dead skin,tiny pieces of food,and wee creatures that can hurt the fish.The fish gets a nice cleaning.The shrimp enjoys a tasty meal offish trash.

Small birds called plovers are also in the cleaning business.They have big customers—crocodiles.Crocs have long snouts(鼻子)filled with sharp teeth,Cleaning them is tricky.When a croc opens its mouth,the plover hops right in.The croc does not snap its snout shut.Instead,it lets the plover eat small,harmful animals attached to its teeth.The plover gets an easy meal while the croc gets clean teeth.

1.The text is mainly about .

A. the hard life in the wild

B. animals in a symbiotic relationship

C. animals living together

D. some dangerous animals

2.According to the text,in a symbiotic relationship, .

A. animals depend on each other

B. birds depend on animals for food

C. both sides can get help

D. not all animals treat their partners well

3.Why do the cleaner shrimps clean the fish?

A. To get fish trash for food.

B. To eat wee creatures.

C. To help fish go out of coral reefs.

D. To get food for fish.

4.According to the text,it can be inferred that .

A. living in the wild can be hard

B. different animals have different living ways

C. crocodiles mainly live on plovers

D. ticks are useful to some animals

Many teens in high school want to try out for sports. A lot of them try out because they think it will make them popular or get them more dates. While this may seem like a silly reason, there are lots of other benefits to sports that your children may fail to notice.

With TV, movies, computers and video games becoming more and more popular, it has become so much easier for teens to be by themselves rather than going out with friends. Kids used to go hang out at the mall or drive around town; now they just sit at home. Getting your teens into a sport gives them a chance to go out and spend time with other people socially. While they may not find a new best friend, they will learn how to communicate with one another and work as a team and they’ll find something useful later in life.

More and more kids are becoming overweight. Joining a team sport will help teens get out and get some exercise without feeling pressured to lose weight or get in shape. What’s more, if your teens see that their physical condition is causing them to under-perform, they may be encouraged to do other activities to get healthy. By the time your children reach their teenager year, part of good parenting will be providing them with direction and encouragement and continuing to help them develop a healthy style of living.

These days, it’s becoming harder to show your teenagers that you love and support them. A great way to do this is by showing up to their game, helping them practice, and helping with team fundraisers. These are also great ways to spend time with your kids and talk to them.

You may think “but my teen isn’t good enough to make their school team”. There are plenty of other places besides school to play team sports. You can always check out “for-fun” teams. You could look into more unknown sports that you may not have thought of, did you know that bowling is a NCAA team sports If you do a little research, you’re sure to find something your teen will enjoy.

Team sports are a great way for teens to get out of the house, get moving, make friends, and even get a scholarship to college. So why not talk to them about getting into sports today

1.After joining a sport, children may___________.

A. lose weight without any pressure.

B. find little pressure in learning.

C. be forced to do some exercise.

D. be provided with good parenting.

2.What does the under lined word “this” refer to?

A. To help teens develop a healthy lifestyle.

B. To show love to your teens.

C. To enable teens to know more about new places.

D. To motivate teens to get healthy.

3.Why did the author write this passage?

A. To explain some non-competitive sports.

B. To encourage parents to join their children in sports.

C. To introduce the advantages of sports for teens.

D. To stress the importance of teamwork in sports.

Earlier this year, the social media website Facebook announced that it would work with several news organizations — including The New York Times, The Guardian, and the BBC — to place news stories directly into users’ personal Facebook webpage. Stories published using Facebook Instant will load more quickly and keep the style of the original publisher, who will keep all the advertising income the stories earn — at least for now. The deal shows how important social media has become to news organizations, and is a clear sign of how the world of news is changing — and has been for a while.

When Google News began in 2002, many saw it as the death of the newspaper. It had no human editor. Instead Google used, and still uses, a secret computer program that selects and displays news stories according to the reader’s personal interests. More recently, Associated Press and Yahoo! have been publishing computer-written articles. Both use special software to automatically produce stories about company financial results and sports reports — areas where the quality of writing is felt to be of secondary importance to the accuracy of the data.

Should we be worried about such developments? I think we should. One concern is that facebook, Google and other social media websites see journalism as a sideline, a way of putting people in front of advertisements. It isn’t their primary function — so if it stops making them lots of money, they're likely to stop doing it.

There’s also a concern that computer-written articles are not actually journalism at all, because what a human news team produces is actually quite complex. A well-written news story puts information in context, offers a voice to each side of an argument and brings the public new knowledge.

Though economics and speed of delivery mean readers will probably choose a computer-written story over a carefully shaped article — at least for daily news — I don't think the computers will be writing any in-depth articles for a while yet.

1.What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To report on a new computer service offered by Facebook..

B. To advise readers against reading computer-written news.

C. To express concern about recent trends in online news.

D. To describe the process of online news reporting.

2.Computer-written news reports have so far focused on sports and finance because ________.

A. these are the most popular topics for online readers

B. there are fewer journalists specializing in these areas

C. information on these topics is more easily available

D. writing style is less important than accuracy in these areas

3.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Journalism. B. Advertising.

C. Facebook. D. Business.

4.In Paragraph 4, which of the following is mentioned as a characteristic of a well-written news article?

A. The information presented is up-to-date.

B. The author's opinion is clear.

C. Different views on the topic are presented.

D. The language used is vivid.

Grandma Pugh sized up the baby like a pig at the farmers’ market. There was a pause and then she pronounced. “He’s got nice long legs.” She clapped her hands once in approval. But then she frowned and leaned forward. Everyone waited anxiously. The baby had opened his eyes and was staring up. “But those cross eyes won’t do,” she declared firmly, shaking her head in disappointment.

That had been Freddie Pilcher’s first meeting with Grandma Pugh. Since then, ten years had passed. Much to his grandmother’s satisfaction, she’d been proven right about the boy’s legs. He was a regular beanpole. Grandma Pugh had also been correct about his eyes. Freddie had been wearing glasses to correct his vision since he was two years old. His current pair was thick, and cheap-looking, but at least he could see.

Freddie not only had poor eyesight, but he was also clumsy. He wasn’t good at schoolwork either. But there was one thing that the boy was good at and it was all on account of the length of his legs. He could jump.

Freddie was the best jumper in school. Not only could he leap the furthest but also the highest. At breaktimes, he entertained the little ones by leaping over the school wall into Mrs Hobson’s garden and then rapidly jumping back. She had been up to see the head teacher several times because somebody had been crushing her vegetables.

It was badgers (獾), Freddie suggested, when quizzed by Miss Harpy — definitely badgers; no doubt about it. His dad had terrible problems with badgers. Only last week he had lost two rows of carrots. Freddie had woken one night and heard them tearing through the garden, a whole herd of them. They rooted up the lawn and dug up the vegetables. Terrible things, badgers. All the other children nodded their heads wisely. There was a moment’s pause in Class Three as everyone thought about the dreadful damage that badgers could do.

1.What do we know about Grandma Pugh?

A. She was present at the birth of baby Freddie.

B. She was unwilling to listen to the ideas of others.

C. She was a figure of great importance in the family.

D. She valued physical appearance over all other things.

2.Why did Freddie jump over the school wall?

A. To annoy his teacher.

B. To escape from school.

C. To amuse his schoolmates.

D. To damage Mrs Hobson’s vegetables.

3.Which of the following best describes Freddie’s physical appearance?

A. B.

C. D.

4.Why does Freddie talk about badgers in the final paragraph?

A. To explain the cause of the damage.

B. To warn the class about their danger.

C. To describe what happened to his father’s garden.

D. To make up an excuse for the cause of the damage.

A bookseller in Chongqing has been leaving novels on trains and at stations to inspire more commuters(上下班往返的人)to read, after seeing British actress Emma Watson take part in a similar project in London.

Author and bookstore owner Jiang Lin, 29, randomly placed 40 works along the city’s light-rail system on Sunday. Whoever finds a book can read it in public or take it home, but they are encouraged to leave it again on public transportation once they have finished with it. Jiang said, “I considered the needs of commuters," he said. "I hope strangers can feel comforted by the books and feel connected with other readers."

All 40 books were chosen from Jiang’s store, Razor’s Edge Book Club, which he opened in the summer, and included fiction and nonfiction, with topics ranging from art and social sciences to philosophy and history Jiang’s Books on the Chongqing Light Rail project follows the same model as Books on the Underground, which was started in 2012 and sees “book fairies” leave works on London Tube trains and at stations. Readers are encouraged to share their views on the books. It was revealed on Nov. 1 that Watson, who is best-known for the Harry Potter movie series, is a book fairy.

“After I read the news about her leaving books on the London Tube, I was so inspired that I immediately decided to do something over the weekend,” Jiang said. However, his decision was so spontaneous that he had no time to make the stickers that are usually placed on each book to identify them as part of the project . Instead, he put a note on the fly page to introduce the concept.

To his surprise, one of his friends was among those who found his books and posted a picture on WeChat Moments, a social media function on the instant-messaging app. Jiang said more than 20 people have since come onboard and are now working on a more detailed than to spread the love of reading. Although increasing numbers of people read on digital devices, books have not totally gone out of fashion. Jiang mentioned that they needed the support from Chonqing Light Rail Co. to ensure the books to stay there and also hoped the project could be welcomed across the country.

1.Jiang Lin left books on trains or at stations in order to ______.

A. raise money for poor readers B. open a new bookstore

C. help sell more books D. advocate reading books

2.Jiang got inspired to start the project by _________.

A. Harry Porter B. Wechat moments

C. Emma Watson D. Razor’s Edge Book Club

3.The underlined word “spontaneous” is closest in meaning to __________.

A. unplanned B. unwise

C. firm D. thoughtful

4.Jiang’s attitude towards the future of the project can be best described as___________.

A. positive B. doubtful

C. reserved D. worried

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