Dear Mary£¬
It is two weeks until the summer camp ended£®Look back on the days we spend together£¬I can't help missing you badly£®You were such kind a girl that you made my camping days so happy£®Still remember the day when we first met with£¿I cried as it was the first time that I had been away from home£®I felt sadly and lonely£®When you saw this£¬you talked to me like the old friend£®You told me many funny story£¬which made me laugh a lot£®That you did got me through that sleepless night£®Thanks to your help£¬I adapted the new environment quickly£®I really appreciate your kindness£®How I wish to see you again!
Best wishes!
Li Hua£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄ»ØÒäÁ˺ÍÅóÓÑMaryÒ»Æð¶È¹ýµÄÃÀºÃʱ¹âºÍ¶ÔÓÚÅóÓѵÄ˼ÄîÖ®Ç飮
½â´ð Dear Mary£¬
It is two weeks until the summer camp ended£®Look back on the days we spend together£¬I can't help missing you badly£®You were such kind a girl that you made my camping days so happy£®Still remember the day when we first met with£¿I cried as it was the first time that I had been away from home£®I felt sadly and lonely£®When you saw this£¬you talked to me like the old friend£®You told me many funny story£¬which made me laugh a lot£®That you did got me through that sleepless night£®Thanks to your help£¬I adapted¡Äthe new environment quickly£®I really appreciate your kindness£®How I wish to see you again!
Best wishes!
Li Hua
1£®until¸Ä³Ésince ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍ£®It is+ʱ¼ä¶Î+sinceÊÇÓ¢ÓïµÄ¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍ"×Ô´Ó¡Óж೤ʱ¼äÁË"£®
2£®Look¸Ä³ÉLooking ¿¼²é·ÇνÓ±¾¾äÖеÄlookÓëweÊÇÖ÷ν¹Øϵ£¬ËùÒÔÓÃÏÖÔÚ·Ö´ÊÔÚ¾äÖÐ×ö×´Ó
3£®spend¸Ä³Éspent ¿¼²éʱ̬£®¸ù¾Ýlook back¿ÉÒÔÅжÏÊǹýÈ¥¶È¹ýµÄÈÕ×Ó£¬ËùÒÔÓùýȥʱspent£®
4£®such¸Ä³Éso ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍ£®so+ÐÎÈÝ´Ê+a+Ãû´Ê+that ÊÇÓ¢ÓïµÄ¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍ£®kindÊÇÐÎÈÝ´Ê"ºÍÉƵÄ"£®
5£®É¾³ýwith ¿¼²é½é´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ"ÎÒÃǵÚÒ»´ÎÏàÓö"ºóÎÞ±öÓï²»ÓÃwith£®
6£®sasly ¸Ä³Ésad¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®´Ë´¦ÓÃÐÎÈÝ´ÊÔÚ¾äÖÐ×ö±íÓ
7£®the ¸Ä³Éan ¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£®¾ÍÏñÒ»¸öÀÏÅóÓÑ£¬ÕâÀïÊÇ·ºÖ¸£¬old ¿ªÍ··¢ÔªÒô£¬ËùÒÔÓÃan£®
8£®story¸Ä³Éstories ¿¼²éÃû´ÊµÄÊý£®storyÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬±»manyÐÞÊΣ¬ËùÒÔÓø´ÊýÐÎʽ£®
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10£®adaptedºó¼Óto ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣮adapt toÊÇÓ¢ÓïµÄ¹Ì¶¨´îÅä"ÊÊÓ¦"£®
µãÆÀ ¶ÌÎÄ¸Ä´í¿¼²éÉæ¼°Ãæ¹ã£¬µ«È´ÓÐËù²àÖØ£®¿¼²éµã²âÊÔƵÂÊ×î¸ßµÄÊǶ¯´Ê£¬Éæ¼°¶¯´Ê¿¼²éµÄÓÐʱ̬¡¢Óï̬¡¢·ÇνÓﶯ´ÊÐÎʽ¡¢Çé̬¶¯´ÊºÍ¶¯´ÊµÄÓ÷¨µÈ£®´ËÍ⣬»¹¿¼²éÃû´Ê¡¢½é´Ê¡¢´ú´Ê¡¢¹Ú´Ê¡¢ÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡¢¸±´Ê¡¢Á¬´ÊµÈ£¬»¹Éæ¼°µ½¾äÐͽṹ¡¢ÐÐÎÄÂß¼¡¢¹Ì¶¨´îÅäµÈ£®

When I£¨46£©A this kind of machine with housewives£¬some 90 percent of them asked£¨47£©B£¬"How soon can I buy one£¿"The other 10 percent said£¬"I would be terrified to see it£¨48£©A about my house£®"But when I explained to them that it could be turned£¨49£©Dor stopped£¬they quickly realized that it is a£¨50£©Bobject£®
In my own£¨51£©A£¬we have found that the washing-up machine is regarded as a good£¨52£©Cin the room£®There is no greater£¨53£©Bthan to go to bed in the evening and£¨54£©Athat the washing-up is being done downstairs while we are£¨55£©D£®
Some families would£¨56£©Dto have their robot slaves£¨57£©Call the downstairs housework while they were in bed£¨58£©B at night£¬while others would have it done in the morning£®But this would be£¨59£©D a matter of£¨60£©A£®
41£®A£®machine | B£®house | C£®life | D£®job |
42£®A£®if | B£®while | C£®however | D£®though |
43£®A£®think | B£®guess | C£®consider | D£®imagine |
44£®A£®grow | B£®turn | C£®come | D£®realize |
45£®A£®role | B£®space | C£®room | D£®place |
46£®A£®discussed | B£®talked | C£®told | D£®said |
47£®A£®coldly | B£®immediately | C£®politely | D£®slowly |
48£®A£®moving | B£®lying | C£®sleeping | D£®playing |
49£®A£®in | B£®out | C£®over | D£®off |
50£®A£®terrible | B£®useful | C£®expensive | D£®cheap |
51£®A£®home | B£®matter | C£®future | D£®idea |
52£®A£®furniture | B£®pet | C£®hand | D£®person |
53£®A£®machine | B£®pleasure | C£®name | D£®object |
54£®A£®know | B£®watch | C£®notice | D£®find |
55£®A£®around | B£®away | C£®out | D£®asleep |
56£®A£®use | B£®remain | C£®hate | D£®like |
57£®A£®purchasing | B£®ensuring | C£®doing | D£®washing |
58£®A£®downstairs | B£®upstairs | C£®outdoors | D£®indoors |
59£®A£®mentally | B£®absolutely | C£®nearly | D£®only |
60£®A£®choice | B£®practice | C£®idea | D£®work |
A£® | whatever | B£® | whenever | C£® | whichever | D£® | wherever |
As with history£¬children have a natural interest in£¨46£©D£®Watch a group of children playing in the sand£®One child makes streets for his cars£¬£¨47£©Aa second child builds houses along the£¨48£©B£®A third scoops out a hole and£¨49£©Dthe dirt to make a hill£¬then pours water in the£¨50£©Cto make a lake£¬using sticks for £¨51£©B£®The children name the streets£¬and£¨52£©Cmay even use a watering can to make£¨53£©Dthat washes away a house£®They may not realize it£¬£¨54£©Athese children are learning some core features£¨ºËÐÄÌØÕ÷£©of geography-how people interact with the Earth£¬how climate£¨55£©Bland£¬and how places£¨56£©Aeach other through the movement of things from one place to another£®Turning to maps or globes£¬when we talk with our children about vacation plans£¬events£¨57£©Baround the world or historical events£¬we teach them a great deal about geography£®Not only can such activities help our children learn how to use key reference tools£¬£¨58£©Aover time£¬they help them form their own mental maps of the world£¬which allows children to better organize and£¨59£©Cinformation about other people£¬places£¬times and£¨60£©D£®Such activities also help our children learn to how to work together in the future£®
41£®A£®new | B£®some | C£®many | D£®old |
42£®A£®did | B£®do | C£®are | D£®have |
43£®A£®bring about | B£®come about | C£®take place | D£®happen |
44£®A£®relative | B£®safe | C£®help | D£®safety |
45£®A£®people | B£®history | C£®nature | D£®housing |
46£®A£®climate | B£®building | C£®environment | D£®geography |
47£®A£®while | B£®but | C£®and | D£®so |
48£®A£®paths | B£®streets | C£®railway | D£®ways |
49£®A£®makes | B£®create | C£®pull | D£®uses |
50£®A£®house | B£®street | C£®hole | D£®hill |
51£®A£®houses | B£®bridges | C£®streets | D£®road |
52£®A£®we | B£®he | C£®they | D£®workers |
53£®A£®cloudy | B£®cover | C£®snow | D£®rain |
54£®A£®but | B£®and | C£®yet | D£®still |
55£®A£®effects | B£®affects | C£®affect | D£®influence |
56£®A£®relate to | B£®concerned | C£®involving | D£®refer to |
57£®A£®to happen | B£®happening | C£®happen | D£®happened |
58£®A£®but | B£®and | C£®besides | D£®so |
59£®A£®write | B£®read | C£®understand | D£®know |
60£®A£®weather | B£®history | C£®climate | D£®events |
The boss knew that Charlie had spared no£¨45£©Afor the company all these years£¬but in order to help Charlie to realize the£¨46£©Dbetween him and Jackie£¬the boss asked Charlie to do the following£®"Go and£¨47£©Bif there is anyone selling watermelons in the market£®"Charlie went£¬returned and£¨48£©Asaid£¬"Yes£®"The boss asked£¬"How much per kilogram£¿"Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to£¨49£©C£¬2 per kg£®"The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the£¨50£©Dquestion£®Jackie went£¬returned and said£¬"Boss£¬only one person selling watermelons.12per kg£¬100for 10kg£®He has a £¨51£©Bof 340melons£®On the table are 58melons£¬and every melon weighs about 15kg£¬£¨52£©Dfrom the South two days ago£®They are fresh£¬red£¬and of good £¨53£©C£®"
Charlie was£¨54£©B and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie£®He decided not to£¨55£©A but to learn from Jackie£®
My dear friends£¬you know£¬a more£¨56£©Dperson is more observant£¬thinks more and understands in£¨57£©C£®For the same matter£¬he sees several years ahead£¬£¨58£©Byou see only tomorrow£®The difference between a year and a day is 365times£¬so how could you £¨59£©A£¿
Think£ºhow far have you seen ahead in your life£¿How£¨60£©Care you£¿
41£®A£®made | B£®became | C£®kept | D£®remained |
42£®A£®do | B£®tolerate | C£®get | D£®put |
43£®A£®value | B£®meet | C£®repay | D£®enjoy |
44£®A£®unusual | B£®careless | C£®unfair | D£®selfless |
45£®A£®effort | B£®trouble | C£®effect | D£®rest |
46£®A£®competition | B£®relationship | C£®distance | D£®difference |
47£®A£®carry out | B£®find out | C£®look out | D£®pick out |
48£®A£®only | B£®again | C£®even | D£®still |
49£®A£®offer | B£®remind | C£®answer | D£®repeat |
50£®A£®difficult | B£®familiar | C£®simple | D£®same |
51£®A£®lot | B£®total | C£®few | D£®number |
52£®A£®taken | B£®come | C£®heard | D£®bought |
53£®A£®value | B£®condition | C£®quality | D£®shape |
54£®A£®moved | B£®struck | C£®puzzled | D£®encouraged |
55£®A£®leave | B£®stop | C£®work | D£®stay |
56£®A£®important | B£®intelligent | C£®hardworking | D£®successful |
57£®A£®time | B£®need | C£®depth | D£®common |
58£®A£®Though | B£®while | C£®unless | D£®since |
59£®A£®win | B£®think | C£®know | D£®see |
60£®A£®hopeful | B£®helpful | C£®thoughtful | D£®meaningful£® |