
1.Perhaps you've already heard about Readers,a TV show that has recently become popular.Different people can read aloud on the stage and tell the(61)touching(touch) stories behind them.They are given a chance(62)to read(read) everything,like poems,books,and letters.
Many people are fans of the show and begin to enjoy(63)reading(read) aloud at home.Now the show gives people a special place to read across China.Reading pavilions(朗读亭)are now in the cities like Shanghai,Hangzhou and Xi'an.
The pavilion is quite small.Only one person can come into it each time.There is(64)amicrophone in it and it records people's voices.Everyone can read whatever they like for three(65)minutes(minute) in the pavilion.The show will later pick some of the readers and invite(66)them(they) to read on TV.
People of all ages have come and read in the pavilion,According(67)toPeople's Daily."Reading should be just like singing and talking,"said Dong Qing,the host of the show."We can express our deep feelings through reading aloud."This might be the main reason why Readers has become one of the(68)greatest(great) TV shows these days.
Both the TV show and the pavilion are trying to encourage the public to read a lot.In fact,this is also(69)whatour country is trying to do now.Have you read today?This might be the question(70)asked(ask) by people when they meet each other every day.

分析 本文讲述了阅读的乐趣,一些电视节目正在努力鼓励公众去阅读,最后作者也建议大家多阅读书籍.

解答 61.touching               62.to read                  63.reading           64.a            65.minutes
66.them                     67.to                  68.greatest          69.what       70.asked
61.touching 动人的,考查形容词. 该空后面的单词"stories 故事"为名词,所以前面要用形容词来修饰.故填"touching 动人的".             
62.to read 阅读,考查动词. given a chance to do,有机会做某事.故填"to read 阅读".                
63.reading 阅读,考查动词.根据前面的单词"enjoy"可知,后面填动词ing形式,enjoy doing 喜欢做某事.故填"reading 阅读".          
64.a 一个,考查冠词.后面的单词"microphone麦克风"为可数名词单数形式,且发音不是以元音开头.故填"a 一个".           
65.minutes 分钟,考查名词.根据前面的单词"three"可知,后面要跟上可数名词复数形式.故填"minutes 分钟".
66.them 他们,考查代词.这里用"他们"的宾格做谓语动词"invite"的宾语.故填"them 他们".                    
67.to,考查介词搭配.根据前面的单词"according"可知后面跟上介词"to",according to 根据.故填"to".                 
68.greatest 最好的,考查形容词.根据后面的名词"TV shows"可知,前面要用形容词来修饰.故填"greatest 最好的".         
69.what 什么,考查代词.这里用"what"来引导宾语从句.故填"what 什么".      
70.asked 问,考查动词.根据后面的介词"by 被"可知,这里用被动语态.故填"asked 问".

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

11.Homework is a good thing.It helps you practice what you've learned during the day and establish study habits that will be important in college.(36)FWhat you need to do is take control of your homework.
Set a good mood for studying.
Create a good study area with all the things you will need (for example,a dictionary,pens and textbooks).
Know where to start in your study.
Make a list of everything you need to do in order so you cannot use"I don't know where to start."as an excuse.Don't over-schedule yourself.(37)DStudy at the same time every day.
Even if you don't have homework,use the time to review your notes.(38)GWhat's more,you'll become good at using time in this way.
Do you ever feel like you cannot stay awake to read something?Keep your mind from wandering by taking notes,underlining sentences,discussing topics with others.
Celebrate your achievements.
(40)EHowever,if you have some problems about the amount or type of the homework,you should talk to your teachers.

A.Take advantage of your time.
B.Get more involved in your study.
C.Try to find the best methods that work for you.
D.If you do that,it will be easy for you to fail to stick to your study plan.
E.Once you achieve your goal,offer yourself some reward for it.
F.It can also help you prepare for your classes and get a sense of progress.
G.If you accept homework as part of your day,you'll deal with in more easily.
You eat food and drink water,right?Skipping Rocks Lab is changing how you and your future generations will have water.Have you ever thought you could eat water?Think again,this is actually happening somewhere in the world.
The group at Skipping Rocks Lab has made a water bottle you can eat.The product is called Ooho.Unlike plastic bottles,Oohos are neither tall nor hard.They look more like bubbles,or small,round,clear balls.They can hold liquid inside.People who drink Oohos can be surprised:the outside bursts in the mouth.
Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez is with Skipping Rocks Lab.He explains that the outside,or the membrane,of Ooho is made of seaweed,a plant that grows in the ocean."It's a membrane made of seaweed that can contain water or any kind of liquid.It's made from an extract (汁) of the brown seaweed."
The Ooho membrane is tasteless,and you can eat it.The company says even if you throw away the membrane,it will break down in about four weeks.Gonzalez says the membrane is strong,and good for the environment.
Every year,billions of plastic water bottles are thrown away,polluting land and waterways around the world.The typical water bottle made of plastic can take hundreds of years to degrade.
Lise Honsinger is also with Skipping Rocks Lab."Most people just grab a bottle of water,hold it for five minutes,drink it,and throw it away.How can that then exist for 700 years?So,yeah,this is absolutely a solution to that.We are very purist:we don't want to see this packaged in plastic."
There are limits to the Ooho.It cannot be refilled.Each bottle is small.And Oohos do not store for more than a few days.The Skipping Rocks Lab is working on those issues."We're still working on things like extending the shelf life,looking at different options in terms of thickness,if we want to make one that stands up more,or more flexible for marathons where people just want to eat it whole."
Right now,Skipping Rocks Lab can make only a few thousand Oohos a day.But it is developing new technology that could increase that number to hundreds of thousands.
I'm Caty Weaver.Kevin Enochs wrote this story.Anne Ball adapted it for Learning English.Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor.

61.The advantage of Oohos is thatB.
A.Oohos can be stored over a long period
B.Oohos can degrade easily and quickly
C.Oohos may bring convenience to people
D.Oohos can help the world save water
62.What can we know about the Ooho membrane?D
A.It can hold anything inside.
B.The shelf life of it is not long.
C.Its production is very low now.
D.It is environmentally friendly.
63.Where does this passage come from?C
A.A news report.B.A speech draft.C.A radio speech.D.A website.
64.What might be the best title?C
A.Eating water-a long way to go
B.Ooho-a useful product
C.New water bottles help fight pollution
D.Ooho bursts in your mouth.
9.1.Do the British really get together every afternoon at 4 p.m.to sit and drink several cups of tea?Ask any of my German students and they will tell you"YES!"
I'm sorry to disappoint,but it's simply not true.We drink over 150 million cups of tea a day in Britain,but there is no special time for the nation's favorite drink.British people will drink tea all day whether morning,noon or night (my mother makes her first cup at 6 a.m.).There are reasons for the confusion surrounding"teatime",however.
"Tea"is widely used as a name for the evening meal.This is more common in Scotland and the north of England but you can hear it all over the country.Usually it is the main meal of the day,eaten between 5 p.m.and 7 p.m.So,"teatime"refers to the meal and not the drink.In the south,the evening meal is often called dinner,while dinner in the north is the midday meal.Confused?Many heated debates can happen between southerners and northerners about the right name.
What about tea breaks?Surely this must be a special time for tea?Wrong again,I'm afraid.Tea breaks are simply an opportunity to have a rest from work for around 10 minutes.During this time you can drink whatever you like.Also a small snack,like biscuits,is usually eaten.The best time for a tea break is mid-morning around 11 a.m.or mid-afternoon around 3 p.m.
But what about tea rooms?Can I drink tea there?Yes!A tea room is the perfect place to go with friends and family to enjoy tea,cakes,and sandwiches.This is known as afternoon tea and is usually served during special activities such as a birthday or engagement (订婚) party.Tea rooms are also very popular with tourists and are definitely worth a visit.
Teatime,tea breaks,afternoon tea…how could you possibly get muddled up (混淆)?
1.What does"tea"mean in Scotland and the north of England?(不多于3个单词)The meal./The evening meal. 
2.What is the aim of tea breaks?(不多于4个单词)To have a rest./To rest.
3.What special activities can be held in tea rooms?(不多于5个单词)A birthday or engagement party./Birthday or engagement parties. 
4.Why does the writer write this passage?(不多于7个单词)To clear up some misunderstandings./To explain teatime and some related terms..
6.Afternoon teapotJane Austen Characters Mug
Enjoy lively companions every time you share a cup of tea or coffee with 41characters from Jane Austen's six loved novels.All your favorites are here,from Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy in Pride and Prejudice,to Emma and Mr.Knightley in Emma.Best of all,Jane Austen stands in the middle of her much-loved literary children.Perfect for her fans,and for all who appreciate a large mug with a comfortable grip(把手).From a Scottish family-owned company near Loch Lomond.Our prices:$19.98
Soldiers Bus Stop Mug
Add a small amount of London happiness to your coffee break and teatime!On the Soldiers Bus Stop Mug,Her Majesty's loyal servants----from Yeomen and Bobbies to the Queen's Guard----queue for a ride,while a determined English bulldog takes up residence nearby.Our price$15.98
Kings and Queens Mug
Keep royal company the next time you drink your favorite brew.Playful illustrations describe the essence of all 42English kings and queens,from William the Conqueror,waving his sword,to Elizabeth II,waving her handbag.Perfect for readers and history lovers,and for all who appreciate a capacious(容量大的) mug with a comfortable grip.From a Scottish family-owned company near Loch Lomond.Our price:$17.98
Shakespear's Plays Mug
Playful illustrations of Shakespear's famous characters are the best complement to any tea or coffee.Perfect for readers and Shakespeare lovers,and for all who appreciate a capacious mug with a comfortable grip.From an English family-owned near Loch Lomond.Our price:$16.98

21.Which may you choose if Elizabeth is your favorite character?D
A.Soldiers Bus Stop Mug.
B.Shakespeare's Plays Mug.
C.Kings and Queens Mug.
D.Jane Austen Characters Mug.
22.What can you find on Soldiers Bus Stop Mug?B
A.A courting couple.
B.A powerful dog.
C.An English queen.
D.An American character.
23.What do we know about Kings and Queens Mug?A
A.It shows Kings Henry VIII.
B.It illustrates Shakespeare.
C.It comes from Italy.
D.It describes Austen.
24.What is the price of Shakespear's Plays Mug?C
11.Smart artPlay n'Trace
Save paper by practicing drawing on the reusable board."This is a great tool for the second-and third-grade teachers who have a few students in need of additional handwriting practice,"says Laura Santos,a second-grade teacher in Los Altos,California."It's a fun way to improve motivation(积极性)."
Easy Studio

Middle school teacher Whitney Myers,from Maurice,Louisiana,suggests using this app to teach animation(动画),storytelling,and the basics of coding!"It's a simple process,yet it clearly teaches how animation works,"says Myers.
Soft Grip Brushes

"This brush is great for strengthening fine motor skills,"says Danielle Brown,a kindergarten teacher in Fort Huachuca,Arizona."The grip(手柄)guides students on where to grab(抓住)the brush."Besides,"Students love that the brushes are colorful."
Power Lines

 These vibrant(振动的)markers are designed to print on the poster board and create thick or thin lines as needed."There are lots of uses for these markers in any classroom,"says Jason Kline,a middle school teacher in Salem,Oregon.

21.Which of the following may attract students to practice handwriting?C
A.Easy Studio.
B.'Power Lines.
C.Play n'Trace.
D.Soft Grip Brushes.
22.How much will a person pay for a pack of Soft Grin Brushes?A
23.What type of writing is this text?B
A.A news report.
B.An advertisement.
C.An announcement.
D.An art review.

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