
【题目】—Won’t you go shopping with your mother?

—Unless she ____ to buy me a new sweater.

A.will promiseB.promisedC.promisesD.is promising



考察时态。句意:你难道不和你妈妈一起去逛街吗?(不去,)除非她答应给我买一件新毛衣。在if, unless, once等引导的条件状语从句中,主句如果是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来时。此句根据句意,完整的回答是No, I won’t go shopping with her unless she ____ to buy me a new sweater。主句是一般将来时won’t,从句应该用一般现在时。故选C项。


【题目】Chester City Library offers a range of Library Special Needs services to people who don’t have access to our library service in the usual way. As long as you live in Chester City, we’ll provide a wide range of library services and resources including:

Large printed and ordinary printed books Talking books on tape and CD

DVDs and music CDs Magazines Reference and information requests

Home delivery service

Let us know what you like to read and we will choose the resources for you. Our staff will deliver the resources to your home for free. We also provide a service where we can choose the resources for you or someone instead of you choose the things from the library. You can also choose the resources you need personally.

Talking books and captioned videos

The library can provide talking books for people who are unable to use printed books because of eye diseases. You don’t have to miss out on reading any more when you can borrow talking books from the library. If you have limited hearing which prevents you from enjoying movies, we can provide captioned videos for you at no charge.

Languages besides English

We can provide books in a range of languages besides English. If possible, we will request these items from the State library of NSW, Australia.

How to join

Contact the library Special Needs Coordinator to register or discuss if you are suitable for any of the services we provide—Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 am—5 pm on 4297 2522 for more information.

1Library Special Needs Services are meant for ________.

A.those who are fond of reading

B.only those who have walking disabilities

C.those who can’t get medical help in Chester City

D.people living in Chester City with an illness or disability

2Which of the following statement is TRUE ?

A.Few entertaining resources are offered here.

B.Books with different languages are available.

C.People have to choose what they need by themselves.

D.People with limited hearing have to pay for captioned videos.

3To get home delivery service, you must ________.

A.only choose printed booksB.have others choose the resources for you

C.pay the library ahead of timeD.register ahead of time

【题目】 It should be easy for you to recognize faces of your family and friends. But can you remember faces that you’ve only seen once? You might think it is very difficult.

1 They are the so-called “super recognizers”, who can remember at least 80 percent of the faces they’ve seen. 2 But studies show that at least one person in every recognizer, reported the Daily Mail.

Bournemouth University in the UK recently carried out research trying to find out recognizers have a different way to process feces. They have found that when these people look a faces, they spend more time looking at the person’s nose. 3 Their super ability is limited only to face recognition.

4 Some super recognizers never forget faces. But for some, if you present pairs of feces to them at the same time, they can quickly decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people.

In fact, many super recognizers say they are very good at “spotting” (发现) faces in a crowd. These subtypes of super recognition could be applied to many areas. 5 Super recognizers could help match faces in CCTV footage (闭路电视镜头). They could also help police spot known troublemakers, bad people or even missing people in crowds.

A. However, studies have found a small number of people have amazing face recognition skills.

B. Researchers have tried to find how certain people are so good at recognizing faces.

C. It is also found that these people are not particularly smarter than others.

D. It is unknown how many people truly have these skills.

E. For example, the skills could be very useful at a passport control checkpoint.

F. The research also found that in general these super recognizers have a good memory.

G. Another important finding is that there are subtypes of super recognition.

【题目】 All networks like 3G and 4G will be things of the past, because 5G will be reachable in the near future. So, what’s so special about a 5G future? First, its download speed can be as fast as 20GB/s, which is 100 to 200 times that of 4G. But what’s more impressive is 5G’s low delay rate. Now 4G takes 200 milliseconds to send and receive information. But 5G will get it down to 1 millisecond.

5G is going to change the way equipment connects to the Internet. And self-driving cars may be one of the biggest breakthroughs to come out of 5G. The self-driving car under 5G network could react to hundreds of cars around it within 1 millisecond. It’ll prevent car accidents and end traffic jams completely.

5G can benefit us in other ways. Operations could be performed by robots controlled by experts from the other side of the world. Factories can be staffed by robots that can communicate their tasks to each other, and they can do more work over a 5G network. Imagine a group of drones(无人机) flying over a field of crops. Then farmers won’t have to work so hard anymore.

But, 5G is not perfect. One major shortcoming has to do with why it’s so fast. 5G uses the millimeter waves, while 4G uses the 15 to 40 centimeter-long waves. And shorter waves go fast but not very far. On 4G networks, the signal can go 10 kilometers. But the 5G signal can go at most 300 meters, and it can’t even go through walls or rain.

1How does the author show us 5G’s advantages in Paragraph I?

A.By giving examples of the uses of 5G.

B.By making comparisons between 4G and 5G.

C.By explaining the scientific principles of 5G.

D.By analyzing 5G’s development from 4G.

2According to the author, the self-driving cars will ___________.

A.cause more car accidents.

B.slow down 5G’s development.

C.run without being connected to the Internet.

D.have a much faster reaction speed than humans.

3What does the underlined part “ be staffed by robots” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Be built by robots.

B.Have robots as workers.

C.Offer employees home robots.

D.Produce more medical robots.

4What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The main weakness of 5G networks.

B.How to make 4G networks more perfect.

C.The types of long waves and short waves.

D.How to improve the communication in rainy days.

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

A trail of hot springs dot the northern Kapong District. For tree worshipers, it's a site best described as awesome. Visitors can enjoy the ancient hot springs, 1 (understand) their therapeutic properties from knowledge 2 (pass) down from one generation to another. Rain, drizzle and cloudy skies are typical in Phang Nga, making secluded places even more mesmerizing in scenery.

Visit Phang Nga for a few days and you will immediately realise that once 3 (overlook) things turn out to be hidden gems and one 4 have planned for more time to enjoy them all. The ever-famous Phang Nga bay is in fact best seen not from the middle of the bay, but instead from the 5 (elevate) shores of Samed Nang Chee. You can’t pick the best weather, 6 even on partly cloudy days, the magnificent natural limestone structures of the bay is simply spectacular.

If you've heard about the trading routes of the Thai south and the Malay peninsula, you will notice a remnant of this direct link between Phuket (普吉) and Phang Nga (攀牙). 7 the major trading hub of Phang Nga in the old days, the district of Takua Pa boasts a small but untainted stretch of an old Sino-English community. These original century-old shophouses are “so authentic” here a local told me, it can overwhelm Phuket people with nostalgia.

However, the town centre of Phang Nga is not Takua Pa, though. The story has it 8 back in 1809, the Siam-Burmese wars drove people down to Phang Nga bayhence the new settlement that has now become the province's municipal seat. It's still small in size, but with newer natural charms. Mountains 9 (surround) Phang Nga with the most magnificent limestone peaks 10 create wonderfully amazing signature views. Driving through the town's small parallel streets and looking up, one can only marvel at Mother Nature. Perpetual rain and misty mornings to virtual greenness --- Phang Nga people will ensure you get all that.

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