
8.________ has recently been done to provide more buses,a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.(  )
C.In spite of whatD.Though what

分析 尽管近来采取的提供更多的公共汽车的措施,公共交通车辆的短缺仍然是问题.

解答 答案是C.本题考查让步状语.根据句意判断,逗号前面需要的是让步状语,that 和what不引导让步状语从句,排除A和B;in spite of 和though都可以表示让步,但是in spite of 是介词,后面可以接宾语(从句),本题中in spite of后接what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中做主语;though是连词,后面可直接接完整的句子,不需要再接引导词,故D项排除,答案选择C.

点评 关于让步状语的考查,要理清句子结构,理解表示让步的各连词或介词的含义和基本用法,积累让步状语从句中的特殊用法,最后结合语境合理判断.

18.Arthur Miller (1915-2005)is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century.Miller's father had moved to the USA from Austria Hungary,drawn like so many others by the"Great American Dream".However,he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early 1930s.
Miller's most famous play,Death of a Salesman,is a powerful attack on the American system,with its aggressive way of doing business and its insistence on money and social status as indicators of worth.In Willy Loman,the hero of the play,we see a man who has got into trouble with this system.Willy is"burnt out"and in the cruel world of business there is no room for sentiment:if he can't do the work,then he is no good to his employer,the Wagner Company,and he must go.Willy is painfully aware of this,and at a loss as to what to do with his lack of success.He refuses to face the fact that he has failed and kills himself in the end.
When it was first staged in 1949,the play was greeted with enthusiastic reviews,and it won the Tony Award for Best Play,the New York Drama Critics'Circle Award,and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.It was the first play to win all three of these major awards.
Miller died of heart failure at his home in Roxbury,Connecticut,on the evening of February 10,2005,the 56th anniversary of the first performance of Death of a Salesman on Broadway.
21.Why did Arthur Miller's father move to the USA?C
A.He suffered from severe hunger in his home country.
B.He hoped to make his son a dramatist
C..He was attracted by the"Great American Dream."
D.His family business failed
22.The play Death of a SalesmanB.
A.discusses the ways to get promoted in a company
B.exposes the cruelty of the American business world
C.talks about the business career of Arthur Miller
D.focuses on the skills in doing business
23.After it was first staged,Death of a SalesmanB.
A.won the first Tony Award       
B.achieved huge success
C.was warmly welcomed by salesmen 
D.was severely attacked by dramatists.
16.Teenagers will be told to"stand up for their elders"on public transport-or risk losing their right to free travel.
London Mayor Boris Johnson will declare plans today to make youngsters sign a"courtesy pledge"(文明宣言) to promise to behave in a respectful manner when travelling in the capital.The three-point pledge states that they will give up their seats to the elderly,pregnant and disabled; keep from using offensive or threatening language; and be courteous and polite to fellow passengers and staff.
    Those who refuse,or are caught behaving in a loutish manner,will have their free travel passes removed.The plan-a key part of Mr Johnson's re-election bid-will initially affect the 400,000 ll-to-15-year-olds in London who qualify for free travel cards,but Tory sources believe the idea could be used across the country.
     A Conservative insider said:"The plan corresponds perfectly with the push to create a Big Society.It is about changing culture and expectations around behaviour to improve the atmosphere on buses and trains for everyone."
    Speaking before today's launch,Mr Johnson said he was determined to deal with the anti-social behaviour of a"minority of youngsters"on public transport."When I was a boy,I was taught to stand up for those less able to,"he said."Youngsters enjoy the privilege of free travel,which is paid for by Londoners,but they have to understand that with that privilege comes responsibility.Anyone who abuses this privilege will have it taken away,and will have to earn that right bach."
    Teenagers found guilty of a serious violation of the new behaviour rules will lose their travel passes,and will have to carry out unpaid community work to earn them back.
    Mr Johnson is also introducing a"two strikes and you're out"policy to deal with repeat offenders,under which those committing a second serious violation of the rules will lose their travel rights permanently.
61.Which of the following is NOT the content of the"courtesy pledge"?B
A.Teenagers should give up their seats to the old.
B.Teenagers shouldn't talk with strangers in public.
C.Teenagers mustn't use aggressive language in public.
D.Teenagers must be polite to people on public transport.A
A.rude        B.stupid       C.polite     D.calm
63.According to Mr Johnson,A.
A.youngsters should know duty comes with benefit
B.youngsters shouldn't use the privilege of free travel
C.anyone shouldn't make money with the privilege
D.youngsters should do some unpaid community work
64.The worst punishment teenagers can face isD.
A.to sign an agreement       B.to work in the community
C.to be fined               D.to lose their travel passes forever
65.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?C
A.London Mayor Boris Johnson is a great person                 
B.The plan corresponds perfectly with the Big Society
C.Be polite and stand up for your elders or lose free travel
D.The"courtesy pledge"has been used across the country.
3.Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them.They'll say,"This is my fortune.I cannot change it."
Of course not!You don't have to suffer needlessly.Your life depends on you,not on any other external (外部的) factor.
I know a woman who says she just accepts what life gives her because she has done everything she can to improve it.Guess what her lifestyle is?She wakes up in the morning,goes to work,comes back home,relaxes,chats with people,watches TV,and then goes to sleep.And the next day,the same routine cycle follows.
Huh!Is this what she calls"doing her best"?She believes she has tried her best and just accepts it heart that this is the life that has been intended for ter and that her luck can only change if God wills it.She hasn't realized that we have to do our share of making the effort to live the life of our dreams.
Remember that you harvest what you sow.You shave to get off the sofa,get your eyes off the TV screen,get your hands off the phone (unless it contributes to your success),and get your mind and body to work!Don't expect your luck to change,unless you do something about it.If something goes wrong,don't just regard it as a temporary setback; instead,leran you lesson,make the most of the situation,and do something to solve the problem.It's not enough to think positively; you also have to cat positively.
If someone's life is in trouble,do you just hope and pray that things will turn out fine?Of course not!You get to do anything you can to save the person.So it is with your own life.It is not enough to hope for the best,but you have to do your best.In other words,don't just stand (or sit) there,do something to improve your life.

56.The text is mainly written to advise you toA.
A.improve your life.
B.understand yourself
C.believe in yourself                      
D.encourage yourself to work hard
57.From the passage,we can see that the womanB.
A.enjoys her life very much                
B.takes her way of life for granted
C.tries her best to improve her life           
D.fails to achieve her life goal
58.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.Many people do little to change their life.
B.You have to count on others for success.
C.One can harvest everything with great efforts.
D.Few people are willing to make full use of setbacks.
59.In Paragraph 5,the author stresses the importance ofC
A.positive thinking                        B.hope for the best
Q.positive action                          D.good luck
60.In the author's opinion,C.
A.your temporary problem is not discouraging
B.you can only achieve success when God wills it
C.your luck can be changed by your own efforts
D.you should treat yourself in the way you treat friends.
13.Three Apple engineers and three Microsoft employees are traveling by train to a conference.The Microsoft engineers each buy tickets but the Apple engineers buy only a(1)B ticket.
"How are three people going to travel on only one (2)A?"asks a Microsoft employee."Watch and you'll see,"answers an Apple engineer.
They all board the train.The Microsoft employees take their (3)D but all three Apple engineers cram(拥挤) into a restroom and close the door behind them.
(4)B after the train has departed,the conductor comes around (5)C tickets.He knocks on the restroom door and says,"Ticket,please."The door opens just a crack(缝) and an arm (6)A,ticket in hand.The (7)C takes it and moves on.The Microsoft employees see this and agree it is quite a (8)D idea.
So after the conference,the Microsoft employees decide to (9)B the Apple engineers (as they always do) on the return trip and save some (10)A.When they get to the station,they buy one ticket.To their (11)D,the Apple engineers don't buy any ticket at all.
"How are you going to travel without a ticket?"asks one (12)B Microsoft employee."Watch and you'll see,"answers an Apple engineer.
When they board the train,the Microsoft employees cram into a (13)C and the Apple engineers cram into another one nearby.The train departs.Soon one of the Apple engineers (14)C his restroom and walks over to where the Microsoft employees are (15)A.
He knocks on the door and says,"Ticket,please…"


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