
1.Cold weather can hard on pets,just like it can be hard on people.Sometimes owners forget that their cats are just as used to the warm shelter (住所) as they are.Some owners will leave their animals outside for a long period of time,thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors.This can put their pets in danger of serious illness.There are things you can do to keep your animal warm and safe.
Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad.If you have to take them out,stay outside with them.When you're cold enough to go inside,they probably are too.I you must leave them outside for a long time,make sure they have a warm,solid shelter against the wind,thick bedding,and plenty of non-frozen water.
If left alone outside,dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter.They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere.Watch them closely when they are left outdoors,and provide them with shelter of good quality.Keep an eye on your pet's water.Sometimes owners don't realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet can't get anything to drink.Animals that don't have clean and unfrozen water may drink dirty water outside,which may contain something unhealthy for them.

41.What do we learn about pets from Paragraph 1?D
A.They are often forgotten by their owners.
B.They are used to living outdoors.
C.They build their won shelters.
D.They like to stay in warm places.
42.Why are pet owners asked to stay with their pets when they are out in cold weather?A
A.To know when to bring them inside.
B.To keep them from eating bad food.
C.To help them find shelters.
D.To keep them company.
43.If pets are left on their own outdoors in cold weather,they mayA.
A.run short of clean water
B.dig deep holes for fun
C.dirty the snow nearby
D.get lost in the wild
44.What is the purpose of this text?B
A.To solve a problem.
B.To give practical advice.
C.To tell an interesting story.
D.To present a research result.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,主要向我们介绍了宠物的主人认为所有的动物都习惯于生活在户外,这个观点是不正确的,并且向我们提供了几点在寒冷天气照顾宠物的实用的建议,让他们为宠物提供温暖的环境和足够的干净的水.

解答 41.D  细节理解题,根据第一段Cold weather can hard on pets,just like it can be hard on people.可知寒冷的天气对于宠物来说是艰难的,因此可知宠物喜欢待在温暖的环境,故选D.
42.A  细节理解题,根据第二段If you have to take them out,stay outside with them.When you're cold enough to go inside,they probably are too.可知宠物的主人被要求与宠物一起待在外面是因为可以感知什么时候带他们进到屋里,故选A.
43.A  细节理解题,根据第三段Keep an eye on your pet's water.Sometimes owners don't realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet can't get anything to drink.可知宠物被单独留在外面可能水被冻住而没有干净的水喝,故选A.
44.B  主旨大意题,本文向我们提供了在寒冷的天气如何照顾宠物的实用的建议,故选B.

点评 做阅读理解时要快速的浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意,带着问题回到原文,寻找细节或概括相应的答案,最后要理清作者写作思路.

9.It was a village in India.The people were poor.However,they were not unhappy.After all,their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries.
Then one day.Some visitors from the city arrived.The told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frog's legs.However,they did not have enough frogs of their own,and so they wanted to buy frogs from other place.
This seemed like money for nothing.There were millions of frogs in the fields around,and  they were no use to the villagers.All they had to do was catch them.Agreement was reached,and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs.Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money.For the first time,the people were able to dream of a better future,But the dream didn't last long.
The change was hardly noticed at first,but it seemed as if the crops were not doing so well.More worrying was that the children fell ill more ofen,and,there seeemed to be more insects aroud lately.
The vilagers decided that they couldn't just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak.They would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides(杀虫剂) and medicines.Soon there was no money left.
Then the peaple realized what was happening.It was the frog.They hadn't been useless.They had been doing an important job---eating insects.Now with so many frogs killed,the insects were
Increasing more rapidly.They were damaging the crops and spreading diseases.
Now,the peaple are still poor.But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs.These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.

56.from paragraoh I we learn  that  the  villagersC.
A.worked  very  hard  for centuries
B.dreamed of having a better  life
C.were  poor but somewhat content
D.lived  a  different  life from their forefathers
57.why  did the villagers  agree  to sell frogs?A
A the frogs  were easy money
B They  needs money to buy medicine
C they wanted to plwase the visitors
D.the forgs made too much  noise
58.what might be the cause if the children's sickness?B
A the crops didin't dowell
B.there were  too  many insects
C.the visits  brought in diseases
D.the pesticides were overused
59.what can we infor from the last sentence of the text?C
A.hapiness  comes from peaceful life in the country
B.Health is more important  than money
C.the harmoney betwwenn man and  nature is important
D.good old day will never be forgotten.
16.The oldest and most common source(来源) of renewable energy known to man,biomass is one of the most important forms energy production in the United States and elsewhere.Since such a wide variety of biomass materials is everywhere--from trees and grasses to agricultural and city--life wastes--biomass promises to play a continuing role in providing power and heat for millions of people around the world.
  According to the Union of Concerned Scientists(UCS),biomass is a kind of renewable energy source that produces no carbon dioxide(二氧化碳),because the energy it contains comes from the sun.When plant matter is burned,it gives off the sun's energy.In this way,biomass serves as a sort of natural battery(电池) for storing the sun's energy.As long as biomass is produced continuously--with only as much grown as is used-the"battery"lasts forever.
  According to the Energy Information Administration,biomass has been one of the leading renewable energy sources in the United States for several years running through 2007,making up between 0.5and 0.9percent of the nation's total electricity supply.In 2008--although the numbers aren't all in yet--wind power probably took over first place because of the rapid development of wind farms across the country.
  Producing power from biomass helps reduce some 11million tons of carbon dioxide each year.Some homeowners also try to make their own heat by using biomass materials.Such practice may save homeowner's money,but it also produces a lot of pollution.So,the best way is to encourage power plants to use it.

72.Why is biomass considered as"a sort of natural battery"?C.
A.It burns merely plant matter.
B.It keeps producing electricity.
C.It stores the energy from the sun.
D.It produces zero carbon dioxide.
73.We learn from the text that in 2008A.
A.Wind power would be the leader of renewable energy.
B.there was a rapid growth of electricity production
C.biomass might become the main energy source
D.0.5~0.9of power supply came from biomass
74.Why does the author encourage power plants to use biomass?C.
A.To prevent the waste of energy.
B.To increase production safety.
C.To reduce pollution.
D.To save money.
75.Where does the text probably come from?B.
A.A research plan.B.A science magazine
C.A book review.D.A business report.
6.The astronauts working on the International Space Station,the ISS,have started their zero-gravity preview of the World Cup match on Thursday,June 26,between the United States and Germany.
NASA astronauts Steve Swanson and Reid Wiseman and European astronaut Alexander Gerst,called out from Germany,showed off their moves in a soccer exhibition aboard the orbiting lab recently.An American video released today shows th eir performing space bicycle kicks,headers and,as players tend to do here on the earth,celebrating happily after scoring goals.
NASA's humanoid (仿真) robot Robonaut 2,which is designed to help astronauts perform,even gets into the spirit,wavin g its arms this way and that.
The weightless action tells a key World Cup game on Thursday in Brazil featuring the two teams currently at the top of the match's so-called"group of Death".
The winner will win the group and move on to the single-elimination (淘汰)"knockout stage"of the World Cup,while the loser may go home,depending on what happens in Thursday's game between Ghana and Portugal,the other two teams in the group.Two teams from the group will advance.If the U.S.and Germany tie,they both will move on to the next stage.
Swanson,Wiseman and Gerst are obviously fond of the World Cup.The three space-flyers also played micro-gravity (微重力) soccer in another video that NASA posted on June 11,the day before the World Cup kicked off.
"We want to wish all the teams and fans on the ground and in Brazil a great World Cup,"Gerst said in that video,"Have fun and have peaceful games.May the best win".
The three astronauts make up half of the space station's current Expedition 40.The other three crew members are Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov,Oleg Artemyev and Maxim Suraev.
47.How many astronauts are working on the ISS?C
48.The"two teams"in Paragraph 4 refers toD.
A.Brazil and the USA                     
B.Brazil and Germany
C.Ghana and Portugal                     
D.Germany and America
49.Which of the following expressions is mostly related to the soccer game?A
A.Kick off          
B.Move on          
C.Show off      
D.Make up
50.There has been a weightless world cup in the ISS becauseB.
A.astronauts love to play football in their ISS
B.astronauts are concerned about the World Cup
C.Astronauts are asked to play a weightless game
D.astronauts are curious about a weightless match.

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