
My daughter and I went out for some shopping.While I was waiting to ,my daughter asked if she could wait for me at the door.

Minutes later she returned to ask if she could give the she had just bought to a man in the street, so there she went and her sweets away.Another 2 minutes later, she again to ask me for something else she could give to the man.I told her that I only had some biscuits for dessert,so she took them to the man and came back with a huge on her face.

When we got out of the shop I that the “man”was an old man in his 80's.It tooked like he was going to the night there. We made eye contact(接触)and he thanked us a lot.

On the way to the parking lot my daughter wanted to buy a drink for the old man, but I had no .So I went to the cash machine,took some cash and my daughter gave it to the old man,so he could buy a drink.My daughter was over when she came back from the old man.

It was probably my daughter's first random act of ,and that was amazing.

1.A.order B.pay C.leave D.rest

2.A.sweets B.toys C.clothes D.drinks

3.A.kept B.put C.threw D.gave

4.A.cried B.waved C.returned D.went

5.A.smiie B.kiss C.gift D.feeling

6.A.decided B.realized C.believed D.imagined

7.A.enjoy B.make C.prepare D.spend

8.A.choice B.idea C.change D.plan

9.A.excited B.crazy C.angry D.smart

10.A.politeness B.service C.honesty D.kindness














1.考查动词辨析与语境理解。 A.order 命令;B.pay支付;C.leave离开;D.rest休息。句意:当我等待付款时,女儿问是不能去门口等待我。根据上文提到My daughter and I went out for some shopping 可知买完东西要付款,故选B项。

2.考查名词辨析 A.sweets甜食;B.toys 玩具;C.clothes衣服;D.drinks饮料;句意:过一会,她回来问我能不能给她钱去买甜食。根据下方提到so there she went and her sweets away所以A项。

3.考查动词辨析A.kept保留;B.put放置;C.threw扔掉;D.gave给;句意:因为她去那,把甜食赠送了出去,give away分发,赠送,故选D项。

4.考查动词辨析 A.cried哭;B.waved挥手;C.returned返回;D.went去。句意:过二分钟,她又回来问我要了一些东西给了那个男人。根据文中出现的again,再一次,可知在重复刚才的动作,所以选C项。

5.考查名词辨析A.smile幑 B.kiss亲吻;C.gift礼物;D.feeling感觉。 句意:我告诉他,我还有一些饼干,因为女儿把它给了那个男人,脸上戴着微笑回来。根据语境,给了那个男人更多的吃的,女儿的感觉很好,所以才脸戴微笑着回来了,故选A项。

6.考查动词辨析 A.decided决定;B.realized认出;C.believed相信;D.imagined想象。句意:当我们出了商店,我注意到那个男人得有80岁的年纪。根据文中提到 the “man”was an old man in his 80's可知是我辨认出,故选B项。

7.考查动词辨析A.enjoy喜欢;B.make制作;C.prepare准备;D.spend花费。句意:好象他打算今晚都会在这,我们眼神进行交流,他非常感谢我们。根据文中提到look like看起来象,表示作者的推断,故选D项。

8.考查名词辨析A.choice选择;B.idea想法;C.change改变;D.plan计划。 句意:在去停车场的路上,女儿想给他买点饮料,但我没有同意。根据下方提到So I went to the cash machine,took some cash and my daughter gave it to the old man,so he could buy a drink我去自动取款机,取了些钱,让女儿给了那个男人,可知作者不同意,故选C项。

9.考查形容词辨析A.excited兴奋的;B.crazy疯狂的;C.angry生气的;D.smart 聪明的;句意:当我女儿回来时,十分的兴奋。根据上文提到So I went to the cash machine,took some cash and my daughter gave it to the old man,so he could buy a drink取了些钱给他,女儿十分高兴,故选A项。




Going to college and living away from home for the first time can be terribie.Students tend to have higher academic achievements in college when they enjoy living in the dormitory.Most colleges and universities have many programs that help first-year students adjust to studying and living in a new community.Take advantage of these programs and make new friends as you adjust to your college life.

.Greet and meet everyone in the dorm.Find out their class schedules and hobbies.You may be able to find study partners this way.Most students are just like you being away from their home the first time.Don't be afraid toknock on your neighbors'doors and introduce yourself.The residence(居住区)staff will also help you in adjusting tocollege iife.Get to know them as soon as possible.

Get along with your roommate.Your roommates can be eitherr your lifelong friends or enemies.Try to be friends to them.Respect each other, including their space.Do not use your roommates’ belongings without permission.Communicate among each other regarding your daily schedule, study or sleep habits and off campus guest visits. Always say hello.

Get involved.To adjust to college life away from home,you need to got involved in college activities.Join clubs.Attend events that are hosted by your residence life and academic departments.Attend those events with your new friends. Most colleges have many events throughout the semester.Student union is a great place to meet new friends and learn about the upcoming events.

Call home when you need to.College life can be very exciting in the beginning. Most students get lonely and homesick during the middle of the semester or during festivals,It is normal to feel sad.Call home or even visit home when you need to. Talk to your friends back home.Understand that many people love and support you and they are very proud of you.

1.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.Advice on how to adjust to college life.

B.Things that can be done in a dormitory.

C.Places to live in when going to a college.

D.Ways of making friends with roommates.

2.What can be proper to fill in the blank in Paragraph 2?

A.Greet people everywhere. B.Meet new friends.

C.Share your hobbies. D.Adjust to college life.

3.Which of the following is not proper in getting along with your roommates?

A.Say hello to them frequently.

B.Respect them and their space.

C.Use their belongings secretly.

D.Know about their living habits.

4.According to the text,when you feel homesick at college,you can .

A.find study partners B.join clubs

C.call your parents D.talk to new friends

5.In which part of a website might the text appear?

A.Style and fashion. B.Science and technology.

C.Sports and health. D.Culture and education.



[1]I'm Jack.On July 14th,my family moved to Britain and excitement put me in a happy mood for weeks.

[2]After half a year self English training,I was sent into a local high schoo1.At the time I was extremely nervous.Students and teachers enthusiastically welcomed me and spoke to me very slowly,but I still hardly understood them.They liked me,because I was pretty outstanding in the math’s class.One day,a Russian guy challenged me and I put him on the ground by a bare hand.Since then,no one ever made a second challenge,and I got to know later that he was the strongest guy in the schoo1.I was actually quite proud as in China I never had chance to be seen like this.

[3]During the first two years of high school,I frankly didn’t achieve very much academically.The language put me down all the time.Needless to say,the British education system is very relaxing.I didn’t want to do as much work as before.It is terrific.

[4]Since the year 2000 I've taken great interest in designing and maintaining websites.With a large amount of effort and a small amount of time.I managed to construct a personal web.I gradually acquired the sense of professionalism and redesigned my sites again and again,and the first award or the official recognition was that my school put up my URL on their website as an example of the IT students’brilliance.

[5]I progressed.The flash version of the site won a few official website design awards.And I even started a business of web design.Nowadays,I devote much time in pursuit of Search Engine Marketing,which is vital to firms which heavily depend on internet sales.

1.Fill in the blank with one proper word.

When Jack moved to Britain,he was ______________________________________.

2.Which country might Jack come from?


3.Which paragraph does the following sentence belong to?

Actually,I hadn't even attended an IT lesson.


4.What did Jack succeed in establishing?(no more than 5 words)


5.What awards did Jack win?(no more than 5 words)



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