
1.Pets are popular.They're good listeners,they encourage us to exercise,and they're always on our side when we argue with others.They can bring us comfort and pleasure.
     But it is important to keep in mind that pets can carry diseases that can make you sick.Washing your hands often-----especially after you touch,feed,or clean up a pet-----is the best way to keep yourself healthy and prevent the spread of disease.Be sure to clean your fingernails(指甲)
carefully every time you wash.
      You can also protect your health by wearing gloves while cleaning animals cages or cat litter boxes.Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub(浴缸),but if you do,always disinfect(给----消毒)the tub immediately afterward.
      Be sure to bring your pet to the hospital for examinations every two weeks or month and whenever your pet is sick or injured.
      You can do a few other things to keep yourself and your pet healthy.Only give your pet food that has been planned ahead for them.It's not a good idea to share your food with your pet.Human food (like chocolate) can make animals sick.Never feed your pet raw meat because it can carry germs(细菌)that cause serious illness.
      Never give milk to cats.The only milk an animal should drink is from its mother.Cow's milk is not for pets,especially for cats,as it makes them sick.
      Finally,some animals aren't pets.Don't take in a wild or abandoned(被抛弃的)animal as a pet because it may have diseases that could make you or your family sick.Instead,turn to an animal rescue group that is trained in helping sick or abandoned animals.
45.To keep healthy,the author may be againstC.
A.washing your fingernails after touching your pet   
B.wearing gloves when cleaning your pet's cage
C.washing your pet in the bathtub     
D.bringing your pet for examinations regularly
46.The underlined word"it"in Para.7 refers toC.
A.the cow   
B.the mother cat    
C.cow's milk    
D.mother cat's milk
47.Which is the RIGHT way to feed your pet?D
A.Sharing your chocolate with your dog.
B.Letting your dog drink from the toilet.
C.Feeding your little cat with raw meat.
D.Giving your cat cooked fish.
48.According to the text,when you meet an abandoned dog,you shouldA.
A.call an animal rescue group  
B.bring it back to your home
C.give it first aid in time       
D.help to find its owner.

分析 本文是一篇记叙文.本文叙述了尽管宠物是人们的好朋友,但是我们与它们有亲密的接触后,一定要注意自己的健康,及时洗手消毒,以免感染上细菌.注意不要给宠物喝牛奶吃人吃的巧克力等,有些东西它们是不能吃的,不能让它们吃生肉,以免吃坏了它们的肚子.

解答 答案:CCDA.
45:C.细节理解题.根据Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub可知,要避免在浴缸里洗宠物,故C选项正确.
46:C.细节理解题.根据Cow's milk is not for pets,especially for cats,as it makes them sick因为前面有Cow's milk,故C选项正确.
47:D.细节理解题.根据Never feed your pet raw meat because it can carry germs (细菌) that cause serious illness.因为不要给宠物生肉,所以应给它们做烹饪好的鱼,故D选项正确.
48:A.细节理解题.根据Instead,turn to an animal rescue group that is trained in helping sick or abandoned animals.可知应该给动物救援小组打电话,故A选项正确.

点评 细节题为阅读考题的重头戏,所占比例高达80%,相对而言较简单,因为这类题虽然要求理解准确,但基本上限于字面意义的理解,范围也限于局部,应理解中心思想,不要扩大或缩小范围.

16.Some students prefer a part-time job after class to earn some money and improve their working and communication abilities.Here are some good companies for you to choose.
1.In-Out burger
It is the best hamburger shop in the west of America.Regarded as one of the best employers,it offers flexible(灵活的) working hours and the highest starting part-time salaries(薪水).Above all,the company treats its employees the way they would like to be treated:like family.
Position:selling assistant (experience required)
Website:www.in-n-out com.
2.Starbucks Coffee
Starbucks has been a leader of the United States'coffee revolution.Working hours are flexible.There is also a 30% discount(折扣 ) and a free pound of coffee or box of tea every week.
Position:assistant coffee taster (experience required)
3.Whole Foods Market
Whole Foods Market is the world's largest natural and organic food selling company.With its focus on organic ingredients,Whole Foods Market is all about health.Working hours are not fixed.You can get a 20% discount.There are also training courses on health and food every week.
Lands'End is a Wisconsin-based clothing retailer( 零售商).Working hours can be changed easily to suit any new situation.Employees (even part-time employees) have the chance to go to a company-owned recreation center and get a 25% discount,and an invitation to the yearly company picnic.

21.What do the four companies have in common?D
A.They all need someone who has experience.
B.Their part-time employees can get high salaries
C.They are all food companies.
D.Their working hours are flexible.
22.Which company offers its employees the biggest discount?B
A.In-n-out burger              B.Starbucks Coffee
C.Whole Foods Market         D.Lands'End
23.What is the purpose of the passage?C
A.To explain what the best part-time job is.
B.To persuade students to take part-time jobs.
C.To introduce some part-time job opportunities.
D.To compare different kinds of part-time jobs.
9.Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways.Most have ten fingers and ten toes,and brains much like ours.In fact,Charles Darwin's theory of evolution says that monkey and humans share a common ancestor.We enjoy watching them because they often act like us,and we also love to use many expressions about monkeys in almost every language.This is why many monkey expressions are about tricky people or playful acts.
Monkeyshine is one of the expressions to show tricks or foolish acts.The meaning is clear if you have ever watched a group of monkeys playfully chasing each other:pulling tails,stealing food,doing tricks.
Monkeying around with something means that you do not know what you are doing.When you feel like doing something but have no firm idea of what to do,you are monkeying around.It is just a way to pass the time.
Monkey business usually means secret,maybe illegal activities.You may come across a new report that there is monkey business involved in building the new airport,with some officials getting secret payments from builders.
Monkey suits are common names for clothes or uniforms soldiers wear.In earlier years in many American cities,you would find men playing musical band organs on the street.Dancing to the music would be the man's small monkey that was dressed in a tight-fitting,colorful jacket similar to a military uniform.So,people began to call a military uniform a monkey suit.
24.Which of the following is NOT true about the similarities between human and monkey?B
A.Most monkeys have ten fingers and toes.
B.Monkeys have the same brains as humans.
C.Monkeys often act like humans in many ways.
D.Monkeys are humans'closest relatives in species.
25.According to the passage,an idle wander on the street can be described asB.
B.monkeying around
C.a monkey suit                    
D.monkey business
26.Monkey suits are commonly used to call military uniforms because theyC.
A.are created particularly for soldiers'uniforms.
B.are originally designed for American soldiers.
C.share typical features with military uniforms.
D.make American soldiers look like monkeys.
27.Most monkey expressions areC.
A.used only in western cultures.
B.used on some formal occasions.
C.about tricks and naughtiness.
D.about terrible funny behaviors.
10.Nowadays,many people love to travel.It is very common for people to go on a trip at any time.(36)D.Perhaps,the reason for its present popularity is that more people have come to realize the benefits of traveling.
Traveling provides a good many opportunities for fun,adventure and discovery.When we visit other countries,we gain a better understanding of the people living there.We learn their cultures,history and background.We discover the similarities they have with us.(37)BIt is interesting to learn from people with different backgrounds.
Traveling helps to enrich our lives.(38)C
When we visit interesting places,we discover and learn many things.We discover new people,surroundings,plants and animals.If we want to make our travel more exciting and challenging,we can plan our own tour and select the specific places we want to visit.
Traveling is refreshing.It is a psychological necessity,especially for people who have stressful jobs.(39)E
Staying at home during the weekend is not enough to make some people feel relaxed.
(40)FIt helps them to handle the stress they experience at work better.After the break,they feel more energetic in their work.For many working adults,regular getaways help them keep their energy and enthusiasm they require for their work.Without these breaks,they may suffer from work burnout.

A.Years of hard work finally pay off.
B.We also get to know their differences from us.
C.It increases our knowledge and widens our vision.
D.Some even consider traveling as part of their lifestyle.
E.In today's society,many people suffer great stress at work.
F.Taking periodic trips produces better results for them.
G.It is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a special trip with others.
11.How to prepare for exam?
Here are some tips you can read with your child.
The first step in preparing for examination is to set a fixed time each day to study and a schedule to say when to start the revision and for which subject.The plan should include how many chapters to revise and how many worksheets to work on.(36)D.Parents who do not know the  examination  time  schedule  can  search'exam  timetable'to  see  the  official examination schedule.(37)F.
The second thing is to decide on the place to study.Some need total silence in a library before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria.(38)G.So there is no need to tell your child to change the study place if he is producing the desired results.
(39)A.For lessons,pupils must participate in lessons and discussions actively.For exercise,work on the simple ones in the textbook.For theory,pupils can use the mind map method to summarize the facts.
At last,study smart.Focus on chapters that are the core of the subject or difficult chapters.(40)E.

A.Next the most effective way to revise is to use an active approach.
B.Making good preparations counts.
C.Mind map can help you a lot in your revision work.
D.Your child has to be self-disciplined to follow the plan.
E.It is not necessary to simply read from first to last page.
F.The best time to start revision is one or two months before the examination.
G.Both are alright as long as your child is comfortable with it.

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