
6.He explainedthe plan to several newspapers.

分析 他向几家报社说明了这一计划.

解答 答案:explained

点评 本题考查首字母填词,做此类题目时一定要仔细分析句子结构,并根据句意及首字母提示确定所填词以及形式是否需要变化.

2.What are you like in the morning?Do you find it easy to get up?Or it is really hard for you?A group of people from Denmark have formed the B-Society.According to them,human beings are divided into two types:A-people and B-people.A-people have no problem getting up in the morning,and operate much better earlier in the day.However,B-people are better later in the day."I'm useless early in the morning,"says one of the members of the B-Society."All I can do is drink coffee,and stare into space.People used to get up early because they had to feed the animals.But I haven't got any cows or chickens,so I can sleep late."she adds.Since the society was set up,the B-Society has welcomed several thousand members.
    Right now,the B-Society is fighting hard for business to join its B-certification(认证)list.Companies that are"B-certified"basically give their employees the opportunity to come in when they want.In some companies,employees arrive at any time up to 3:30 p.m.------each to their own rhythm."This is a small hi-tech company."said one director from a B-certified company."And I need brains which are working at full speed."
    And it is not just business that is benefiting from this.Teenagers who can't get out of bed in the morning,and parents who never quite get the kids to school on time,can now benefit from B-classcs.From next year,a school in Copenhagen will offer classes which start later in the day (at ten instead of eight).And even the government seems to like the idea.
    The B-Socicty was founded by Camilla Kring,a professor from the University of Copenhagen.On her website,she says,uWhen B-peopIe's work rhythms are considered at the work place,their productivity and quality of life is increased,which can increase productivity for the entire organization."
    She adds that,"B-Society will create a new daily rhythm in schools and other institutions as an alternative to the current rhythm of'early at work and early at home'.We are working for the establishment of kindergartens,primary and secondary schools as well as universities that open between 10 a.m.and 8 p.m..''.
    Would you like to work for a B-certified company?

56.According to the text,who belong to the B-Society?A
A.Late risers               
C.Animal lovers           
D.Sleep experts
57.In B-certified companies,employees canD.
A.do whatever they like
B.get more work opportunities
C.work on any days they choose
D.go to work at any time of a day
58.In Camilla Kring's opinion,B-peopleC.
A.are more hard working than A-people
B.have a better quality of life than A-people
C.are more productive if given more freedom
D.like the rhythm of"early at work and early at home"
59.What can we learn about the B-Society?D
A.It will establish its own schools.
B.It has got the government's support.
C.It is popular with most young people.
D.It works to create a more flexible society.
60.The author's purpose in writing this text is toC.
A.stress the importance of getting up early
B.express his attitude towards the B-Society
C.introduce a group having a special daily rhythm
D.call on people to work for B-certified companies.
1.Pets are popular.They're good listeners,they encourage us to exercise,and they're always on our side when we argue with others.They can bring us comfort and pleasure.
     But it is important to keep in mind that pets can carry diseases that can make you sick.Washing your hands often-----especially after you touch,feed,or clean up a pet-----is the best way to keep yourself healthy and prevent the spread of disease.Be sure to clean your fingernails(指甲)
carefully every time you wash.
      You can also protect your health by wearing gloves while cleaning animals cages or cat litter boxes.Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub(浴缸),but if you do,always disinfect(给----消毒)the tub immediately afterward.
      Be sure to bring your pet to the hospital for examinations every two weeks or month and whenever your pet is sick or injured.
      You can do a few other things to keep yourself and your pet healthy.Only give your pet food that has been planned ahead for them.It's not a good idea to share your food with your pet.Human food (like chocolate) can make animals sick.Never feed your pet raw meat because it can carry germs(细菌)that cause serious illness.
      Never give milk to cats.The only milk an animal should drink is from its mother.Cow's milk is not for pets,especially for cats,as it makes them sick.
      Finally,some animals aren't pets.Don't take in a wild or abandoned(被抛弃的)animal as a pet because it may have diseases that could make you or your family sick.Instead,turn to an animal rescue group that is trained in helping sick or abandoned animals.
45.To keep healthy,the author may be againstC.
A.washing your fingernails after touching your pet   
B.wearing gloves when cleaning your pet's cage
C.washing your pet in the bathtub     
D.bringing your pet for examinations regularly
46.The underlined word"it"in Para.7 refers toC.
A.the cow   
B.the mother cat    
C.cow's milk    
D.mother cat's milk
47.Which is the RIGHT way to feed your pet?D
A.Sharing your chocolate with your dog.
B.Letting your dog drink from the toilet.
C.Feeding your little cat with raw meat.
D.Giving your cat cooked fish.
48.According to the text,when you meet an abandoned dog,you shouldA.
A.call an animal rescue group  
B.bring it back to your home
C.give it first aid in time       
D.help to find its owner.
18.Dear John,
My name is Amber and I want to share my story with you because what you've shared about life and positive energy has changed my life.This past year has been one of the hardest for me.I felt I was stuck in a position that had nothing to do with what I wanted to do with my life.In January,after two years of being together,my boyfriend left me.
I read your blog every morning as I drink my coffee at work,but it wasn't until this March that I told myself"no more negativity"as you taught readers in your blog.
Since then I've got into new habits at work to keep my energy positive.When people walk in the front door,I'm the first face they see,so I smile big when I say"good morning"to them,especially on Mondays.Instead of waiting for someone to ask me for help,I offer it with an open mind.The CEO noticed my change and offered me the executive assistant position that I wanted.
One of the biggest things I've taken to heart from your blog is changing my opinions on my job.Yes,it was not an important position,but when I was passionate (热情的) about it,I could make my life fulfilling.
All in all,I have to thank you somehow for having the passion to help others because it truly is inspiring to me.So thank you so much,John.My life has changed because your words pointed me in the right direction,Take care!
8.Amber wrote the letter mainly toD.
A.introduce herself to John           
B.talk about her bad year
C.ask for some advice               
D.express her thanks
9.We can infer from the passage that AmberC.
A.didn't like her boyfriend           
B.spent a lot of time online
C.wasn't satisfied with her job        
D.received very good education
10.What is implied about John in the letter?D
A.He is a very famous writer.
B.He used to live a very negative life.
C.He doesn't like sharing his life stories.
D.He likes helping others through writing positive blogs.
11.What does Amber's change tell us?C
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Bad luck doesn't exist long.
C.A positive attitude is rewarding.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
15.In 1800,only three percent of the world's population lived in cities.Only one city-Beijing-had a population of over a million.Most people lived in rural areas,and never saw a city in their lives.In 1900,just a hundred years later,roughly 150million people lived in cities,and the world's ten largest cities all had populations exceeding one million.By 2000,the number of city dwellers exceeded three billion; and in 2008,the world's population crossed a tipping point-more than half of the people on Earth lived in cities.By 2050,that could increase to over two-thirds.Clearly,humans have become an urban species.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries,many people viewed cities negatively-crowded,dirty environments full of disease and crime.They feared that as cities got bigger,living conditions would worsen.In recent decades,however,attitudes have changed.Many experts now think urbanization (城市化) is good news,offering solutions to the problems of Earth's growing population.
Harvard economist Edward Glaeser,author of The Victory of the Cir,is one such person.Glaeser argues that cities are very productive because"the absence of space between people"reduces the cost of transporting goods,people,and ideas.While the flow of goods has always been important to cities,what is most important today is the flow of ideas.Successful cities enable people to learn from each other easily,and attract and reward smart people with higher wages.
Another urbanization supporter is environmentalist Stewart Brand.Brand believes cities help the environment because they allow haft of the world's population to live on about four percent of the land.This leaves more space for open country,such as farmland.City dwellers also have less impact per person on the environment than people in the countryside.Their roads,sewers,and power lines need fewer resources to build and operate.City apartments require less energy to heat,cool,and light.Most importantly,people in cities drive less so they produce fewer greenhouse gases per person.
So it's a mistake to see urbanization as evil; it's a natural part of development.The challenge is how to manage the growth.
4.What is Paragraph 1mainly about?C
A.The history of modern cities.
B.Changes taking place within cities.
C.How cities have grown over time.
D.Why modern cities are changing.
5.How have experts'attitudes towards cities changed in recent decades?A
A.They now view the weaknesses as strengths.
B.They no longer see city-riving as attractive.
C.They accept city life in spite of its problems.
D.They think city-riving provides more benefits.
6.Which of the following would Edward Glaeser agree with?B
A.Cities provide more economic opportunities.
B.City people get along better with each other.
C.Over-crowded cities result in problems.
D.Cities limit the flow of ideas.
7.According to Paragraph 4,what would be the result of moving people out of cities?D
A.Economic production would be reduced.
B.There would be less farmland available.
C.People would travel less frequently.
D.House values would fall greatly.
16.Lord Nithsdale was put into prison in 1716because he was against King George I.As a (n)(41)C,he was sentenced to death.His wife Winifred couldn't imagine life (42)D her husband,so she was(43)A to do anything to save him.
She was determined to(44)C the King and beg him for her husband's life,but the King didn't agree.Winifred refused to (45)C.In desperation,she came up with a more (46)D plan.She visited her husband alongside her maid,her friends Mrs.Mills and Mrs.Morgan.Only two visitors at a time were allowed to enter the room.They took advantage of this (47)A,going into and out of the room many times to(48)C the guards.She also gave the guards money and drink.
(49)A inside the prison Winifred pulled out some (50)A clothes and dressed her husband up as one of the(51)C-Mrs.Mills.Mrs.Mills was then brought in,emotional and with her (52)Bburied in her handkerchief.Lord Nithsdale then was led out by his wife,also holding the handkerchief to his eyes.This was very (53)B,or the guards would notice that one of the women had a long (54)C!Fortunately everyone managed to get outside at last.
Winifred then returned to the room and (55)D to be in an emotional conversation with her husband.After a suitable period of time had passed for her husband to leave,she left the room and got some (56)C for herself by telling the guards that her husband was praying (祈祷) and should not be(57)A.This was a clever action as it allowed the (58)Ato go unnoticed for longer.
To complete the clever escape and appear (59)D,they gave a tearful goodbye.Lord Nithsdale and his wife (60)C and managed to leave the country together.
45.A.carry onB.join inC.give upD.shut up
49.A.OnceB.BeforeC.ThoughD.If not

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