
For photographers lacking training, experience and even the ability to click a shutter button, they produce remarkable pictures.Under the sea, deep in the woods and high in the sky, furry, feathery and leathery-skinned creatures are opening up vistas(远景)by taking cameras where no human can go.
This is the world of animal-borne imagine celebrated last month at a conference sponsored(supported) by the National Geographic Society for the 20th anniversary of its Crittercam, the device that started it all.
Since its debut(首次公开露面)in 1987 on the back of a turtle, the Crittercam and similar devices developed by others have grown smaller and more powerful.
“It’s more than just a camera now,” said Greg Marshall, the marine biologist and now filmmaker who invented the Crittercam.“We are now including more instruments to gather more data while at the same time reducing everything in size.”
The idea of attaching video cameras to animals came to Mr.Marshall in 1986 on a dive off Belize when a shark apporached him.When the animal quickly turned away, he noticed a shark with a sucker fish on its belly.He came up with the idea that putting a camera in place of the sucker fish would allow people to witness the shark’s behavior without disturbing it.
Crittercams have been attached to sharks, sea lions and other marine animals, and, more recently, to land animals.
Birds are a new addition, Mr.Marshall said.Dr.Christian Rutz of Oxford recently reported on tiny cameras called feathercams that monitor the crows in the South Pacific.It has discovered that crows are smarter than anyone knew they not only use twigs(嫩枝)and grass stems as tools to root out food, but they also save their favorite tools to use again.
Tracey L.Rogers, director of the Australian Marine Mammal Research Center in Sydney, said crittercam was a powerful tool in her work with leopard seals(豹斑海豹)in Antarctica.“In studying animals,” Dr.Rogers said at the meeting, “you want to see how our animal models align(与……一致)with reality.With a camera, you actually see what they do.You don’t have to guess.”
小题1:What’s the text mainly about?
A.The advantages of crittercam.
B.The development of Crittercams in the past 20 years.
C.How crittercam was invented.
D.How crittercam works.
小题2:What inspired Marshall to invent crittercam?
A.The sight of sucker fish clinging to a shark on a dive.
B.The thought of how to photograph animals better.
C.Noticing a shark eating a sucker fish on a dive.
D.Seeing a shark with a camera on its belly on a dive.
小题3:According to Dr.Rogers, crittercam ____.
A.can clear up all your doubts about animals
B.is the most powerful tool in studying animals
C.enabled her to observe the crows in the South Pacific closely
D.helped a lot with her research on leopard seals in Antarctica
小题4:All of the following are improvements of crittercams EXCEPT that ____.
A.the size is becoming smaller
B.more instruments are involved to gather more data
C.they allow researchers to see where and how animals live
D.they are able to be applied to smaller animals such as birds
Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it?
Many people are afraid to assert(维护,坚持) themselves. Dr. Robert Albert, author of STAND UP, SPEAK OUT and TALK BACK, thinks it is because their self-respect is low. “There’s always a superior around------ a parent, a teacher, a boss who knows better.” But Albert and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves.
They offer assertiveness training courses, A. T. for short. In the A. T. course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting other people.
In one way, learning to speak out is to get rid of fear. A group taking an A. T. course will help the timid person to lose his fear. But A. T. uses an even stronger motive to share the need. The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.
Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-respect. If your face is more important than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your answers to problems. However, once you get to feel good about yourself, you can learn to speak out.
小题1:The problem the writer talks about is that ________________.
A.some people buy things they don’t want
B.some people are afraid to speak up for their rights
C.there are too many superiors
D.some people don’t think enough of themselves
小题2:The cause of the problem talked about in the text is that _________.
A.some people have a low self-respect
B.there is always someone around who knows better
C.salesmen talk people into buying things they don’t want
D.people don’t share enough
小题3:The underlined word “timid” probably means “___________” in Chinese
小题4:One thing the A.T. course doesn’t do is to _____________.
A. share the need of people        B. show people they have a right to be themselves      
C. help people overcome fear      D. help people to assert themselves even if others suffer
完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题2分,共30分)
Computers have done us a lot since they turned up. In the future they will play a more important part in many __16__, such as education, transport, personal lives, scientific research and so on. Nowadays computers are being used in ___17__ and industry and can help the farmers to __18__ the conditions of the plants.
More and more computers will come into our daily life with the __19__ of science and technology. If you want to change money or pay your electricity bills, you won’t have to go to the __20__. A computer and a telephone will help you. It can also help you to do the housework and it can even __21___ human voices and carry out the instructions. It is __22__ that the majority of the labor force will work at home. People will be able to use the videophone for conferences. This can help us to save a lot of energy and ___23__. It is said that trains in Japan will have no __24___, because they’ll be well __25___ by computers, which can also tell the best ___26__ between trains.
Computers programs for __27__ whole texts are already well developed. You can ___28__ the name of a certain subject and a __29__ list of book titles will __30__ on your screen. You may choose whichever you want.
D.post office
Compared with the previous week, air quality in Shanghai became worse last week , according to the latest report from the Shanghai Environment Monitoring Centre.
The average air pollution index (API) for sulphur dioxide (SO2) remain almost unchanged from the previous week, but the APIs for nitrogen oxide (NOx) and total suspended (悬浮) particles (TSP) rose by 35 and 27 percent.
The overall quality still belonged to class 2 category.Nitrogen oxide, caused mainly by vehicle exhaust and burning of cooking gas, was still the major pollutant of the week.
The Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Centre operates six automatic air monitors in the city’s Putuo, Yangpu, Luwan, Hongkou, Jing’an and Xuhui districts.

小题1:Judging from the chart, on which day was the air quality the worst?
A.October 13.B.October 14.C.October 17.D.October 18.
小题2:Which of the following can be used to describe the air quality of the week?
A.Good.B.Seriously polluted.
C.Excellent.D.Slightly polluted.
小题3:Six automatic air monitors are operated in the city except ________.
A.Putuo District
B.Xuhui District
C.Chang’an District
D.Hongkou District
小题4:In shanghai, nitrogen oxide mainly comes from ________.
A.the burning natural gas
B.the burning cooking gas
C.the burning coal
D.dust raised by vehicles
小题5:This passage is obviously taken from ________.
A.a magazine about air pollution
B.a scientific report from TV
C.the weather column in a newspaper
D.the traveling guide to Shanghai
People in the United States honour their parents with two special days: Mother’s Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father’s Day, on the third Sunday in June.These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care.
These two days make us think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers. More mothers are now working outside home. More fathers must help with the children care.
These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother’s Day, people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes a living mother, while a black one shows the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services to honour parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit cemetery ( 墓地). On these days, families get together at home, as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues for Father’s Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.
Another tradition is to give cards and gifts. Children make them in school. Many people make their own presents. These are valued more than the ones bought in stores. It is not the value of the gift that is important, but it is the thought that counts. Greeting card stores, florists, candy makers, bakeries, telephone companies and other stores do a lot of business during these holidays.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT a reason for parents show love and respect for parents?
A.Parents bring up children
B.Parents give love and care to children
C.Parents educate children to be good persons
D.Parents pass away before children grow up
小题2:Which do you think is true about “carnation” mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.It has only two kinds of colours
B.It refers to the special clothes people wear on Mother’s Day or Father’Day
C.It’s a kind of flower showing love and best wishes.
D.People can wear carnations only on the second Sunday in May
小题3: What can we learn from the passage?
A.Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are both in May
B.Fewer women worked outside the home in the past
C.Not all the children respect their parents
D.Fathers are not as important as mothers
小题4: On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, ____________.
A.people usually have family partiesB.everyone goes to visit the cemetery
C.children always go to parents’ homeD.hand-made cards are not valuable
While surfing television channels over the weekend,a scene from a family classic of last year portraying the now-so-familiar sorry state of retired parents being ill-treated by their children and families caught my attention. I wondered why the description of this relationship had not changed much over the many years! Even though the same movies and soaps accurately capture several other social changes around us — from value systems to new found economic freedom to the importance of technology and the changing approach to consumerism(消费主义) — are these creative efforts far from the truth in telling us that an average retiree is still struggling?
Look around and you will agree that the post-retired lifestyle for an ex-salaried class people is often a pale shadow of their last working years. Even self employed people, who have handed over the responsibility to the next generation, are no exception. Did the average middle class not save enough through his working years?
Socially, we already know that the Indians are taught the benefits of start saving early on in life. Household savings data supports this social behavior — India has the highest rates of savings among various economies and is far ahead of the west. Yet, tragically, a lifetime of savings does not seem to provide enough for a comfortable retirement!
A closer look at the pattern of what we do with our financial savings may tell us a bit more. Over half of households’ financial savings is put into a “safe” deposit, followed by large portions in insurance, pension, provident funds(福利基金) and the rest in physical currency. Less than a tenth goes into “risky” assets(资产) like stocks. While there might be nothing, in particular, worrisome in this investment pool, one has to consider inflation(通货膨胀). The real value of savings, over a few decades, may actually be lower than the starting point.
小题1:What had not changed much over the many years according to the passage?
A.Value systemsB.The poor situation of retirees
C.Economic freedomD.Approach to consumerism
小题2:Which of the following statements about saving in India is right?
A.the concept of saving has been well received by Indians.
B.the amount of the savings ranks number one across the world.
C.long-standing savings can help the retirees live a care-free life.
D.saving early can not benefit people at all.
小题3: What can be inferred according to the last paragraph?
A.Half of the financial savings in stocks can be accepted.
B.The real value of saving must be lowered in a few years.
C.A loss of savings may hardly be avoided.
D.Inflation can be avoided on condition that you consume instead of saving.
小题4:What’s the best title of the text?
A.Retirees being treated unfairly
B.Is saving enough
C.Saving in India
D.How to deal with saving
Some futurologists have assumed that the vast increase of women in the workforce may portend(预示)an increase in divorce. The opposite of this concern is that the outlook of becoming a multi-paycheck household could encourage marriage. The earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner.
The increase in divorce rates follows to the increase in women working outside the home. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The effect of a wife’s work on divorce is no less cloudy than its effect on marriage decisions. The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally reasonable. Tensions grounded in financial problems often play a key role in ending a marriage. By raising a family’s standard of living, a working wife may strengthen her family’s financial and emotional stability.
Psychological factors also should be considered. For example, a wife blocked from a career outside the home may feel caged in the house. She may view her only choice as seeking a divorce. On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union.
A working wife may rob a husband of being the master of the house. Meanwhile, an attractive woman who finds her value in work may play an important role in a stable marriage. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.
小题1: If women find fulfillment through work outside the home, _________.
A.they are more likely to control their marriage partners
B.their husbands are expected to do more housework
C.their marriage ties can be strengthened
D.they tend to put their career before marriage
小题2:One reason why women with no career may seek a divorce is that ________.
A.they feel that they have been robbed of their freedom
B.they are afraid of being bossed around by their husbands
C.they feel that their partners fail to live up to their expectations
D.they tend to suspect their husbands loyalty to their marriage
小题3: Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

小题4:Which of the following statements can best summarize the author’s view in the passage?
A.The stability of marriage and the divorce rate may reflect the economic social position of women.
B.Even when economically independent, most women have to struggle for real equality in marriage.
C.In order to secure their marriage women should work outside the home and remain independent.
D.The effect of the growing female workforce on marriage varies from case to case.
People tend to become more personal and hide less of themselves when using email . Researchers from Open University in Britain have found in a recent study that there are good reasons for this .
The team of researchers asked 83 pairs of students , all strangers to each other , to solve a problem . They had to discuss this question : If only five people in the world could be saved from a world disaster , who should they be ? The pairs of students had to talk over the problem either face to face or by computers . Dr. Johnson said , “They told their partners four times as much about themselves when they talked over the Internet as when they talked face to face . When the computers were fitted with cameras so that students could see each other , this limited the personal side of the conversation.”
Generally the information was not extremely personal . It was mainly about things such as where they went to school, or where they used to live . But some students discussed their love stories , and personal childhood experiences .
Dr. Johnson believes that emailing encourages people to focus on themselves . And when they do this , they become more open , especially if there are no cameras. “If you cannot see the other person, it becomes easier to talk about yourself . This is because you are not thinking what the other person is thinking of you. So emailing has become the modern way of talking,” said Dr. Johnson. However , this style of talking is not entirely new . “In the 19th century people started to use the ‘telegraph’ to communicate . Now the same kind of thing has happened and people ended up speaking more freely .”
Dr. Johnson thinks that emailers need to know about these effects of emailing , especially when they start work in a company . “If you don’t know about it , you could find yourself saying more about yourself than you wanted to .”
小题1:The subject discussed in this passage is          .
A.how people open up when emailing B.how people do research studies
C.how to communicate at work D.how to discuss and solve a problem
小题2:The reason that some couples talked freely about themselves is that         .
A.they didn’t talk about very personal things B.they couldn’t see each other
C.the cameras on the computers were turned on D.they had to discuss a question
小题3:What do the underlined words (in para. 4) refer to ?
A.The telegraphB.The computer C.Emailing .D.Face-to-face talk .
小题4:.In the writer’s opinion , one should         .
A.focus on oneself when emailing B.talk more freely in email than usual
C.discuss any subject that one wants to D.consider how one uses email at work
  Do you now who Stefani Germanotta is? Perhaps not, but you’ll almost certainly know the star called Lady Gaga, a 24-year-old American famous for her cutting edge pop videos and strange fashion sense. She was the biggest winner at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Madrid on November 7, 2010. Her awards included the best female artist and the best song.
Her popularity doesn’t end there. The BBC reports that the University of South Carolina has a sociology course about the life, work and rise to fame of Lady Gaga. The course is due to start in spring 2011. “We’re going to look at Lady Gaga as a social event,” said professor Mathieu, who will teach Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame.
Germanotta, in fact, is a college student. She learned to play the piano by age 4. At age 17, she was one of the only 20 young people to get early admission to New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, the famous music school. Yet after her second semester, she took a big risk—she decided to quit and concentrate on a music career. But hwo did she manage to go from nowhere to supar star in just two years?
She may well have had a plan for the top. She created “The Ultimate Pop Burlesque Show” with another artist. It was the first of many strange images. The pair gained enough attention to get a spot at a famous music festival in Chicago. Later, a record company signed Germanotta.
While Lady Gaga enjoys popularity, there are critics accusing her of regularly using rude language in her lyrics(歌词) and wearing overly sexy clothing.
小题1: According to the article, Lady Gaga is famous for _______.
A.her fashion showsB.her strange images
C.her talents in universityD.her winning awards
小题2: Which of the following is the correct order for the stages of Gaga’s career?
a. She appeared in a music festival in Chicago   b. She won the award—the best female
c. She decided to quit school                 d. She created a show with another artist
e. She was signed by a record company         f. Her success has become a university course
小题3:The main reason why Lady Gaga could become famous is that ______.
A.she knew her dream of lifeB.she knew what she would do next
C.she learned music at a young ageD.she ws brave enough to quit university
小题4: From this passage, we can infer that ________.
A.a good performance in university may lead to one’s success.
B.cooperation with other artists is important in becoming successful
C.Lady Gaga will become less famous because of her lyrics and clothing
D.Professor Mathieu believes that Lady Gaga’s success is worth studying

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