
Are you a foreigner in Shanghai, China, wanting to find a job? Here’s some information for you.

Teaching Job in High School


High school(students aged 14-18)

12 classes/week

Benefits and Compensation(补助):

Salary: 7,000-8,000 RMB/month

Paid public holidays and winter holidays

Free accommodation with full furniture

Medical insurance


English native speaker

Bachelor’s degree or above

New graduates are welcome

To apply, please send your resume, and one recent photo copy to:___________.

Coffee & Bar Manage Needed


A big Coffee & Bar in Ganghui Plaza, Xujiahui, Shanghai, is looking for a manager. The Coffee & Bar has about 300 seats; main service is western food and coffee.

Benefits and Compensation:

Salary: 12,000 RMB/month


Male, about or above 30

Speak fluent Chinese

5 years’ experience in restaurant management

If you’re qualified and interested, please send me your resume with picture: swd3rfv@gmail.com.

Office receptionist &Sales Assistant


We are a well-known tourism company in Shanghai, and started our business at the beginning of 2000.


Assist the sales manager and sales representatives

Welcome the visitors


Female, 20 to 30 years old

Sales experience will be an advantage, but not a must

If you’re interested, please send me your resume with picture(we won’t accept without it): david@jobsitechina.com


A. The applicants can get medical insurance once accepted.

B. The position it advertised won’t accept females.

C. It mainly serves Chinese food to westerners.

D. It started business at the beginning of 2000.


A. Sending the resume with picture.

B. Speaking fluent Chinese.

C. Having sales experience.

D. To be above 30 years old.


A. Coffee & Bar Manager.

B. Sales Assistant.

C. Office Receptionist.

D. High School Teacher.




1. It is a new term in today’s tourism industry. But in an age of growing environmental awareness, it is not too difficult for us to imagine and understand this new form of holiday.

Ecotourism, which is considered as a kind of responsible tourism, is typically defined as travel to places where special and unusual plants, animals and cultural heritages are the main attractions. 2. Therefore, programs concerning the protection of some natural and cultural spots also form a part of ecotourism.

Ecotourism is developing at great speed. According to a recent report by the World Tourism Organization, ecotourism in recent years has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. 3. They include bird watching, hiking, diving, photography and taking part in various kinds of local cultural events.

If you love communing with nature, conserving the environment or improving the lives of people then ecotourism is an excellent way to see new and exciting places. 4. However, it looks like some smaller towns and country areas may well become the new destinations for people to visit tomorrow because they are rich in ecological, cultural and historical resources.

Ecotourism has been gaining increasing recognition and popularity mainly for the relaxing, natural and vivid experience it offers to tourists. People are attracted to nature and long to be close to it. However, a conflict between nature and human beings is unavoidable. 5.

A. The definition of ecotourism is beyond words.

B. It takes ecology and culture into consideration.

C. You may not be very familiar with ‘‘ecotourism’’.

D. More than 80 activities have been listed for ecotourism.

E. People can have great fun enjoying nature through ecotourism.

F. Big cities are still the major places that attract tourists in our society today.

G. How to protect natural resources while taking advantage of them is of great importance.

The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan

The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boy in my class often____about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.

All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who____that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this____girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her.

But how could I help her____in with us? There had to be a____

One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had____her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n)____copy.

I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming____show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had____. “Why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted____the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough____. Could you help me, Suzy?”

On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s____were everywhere — all over the hall and all over the school, each one different.

“And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n)____award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students____them.”

I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw____well?”

Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “____this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a____, too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student — Suzy Khan!”

Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried.

I____, at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never____anything in her whole life.

Everyone started to____their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.

1.A. joked B. cared C. trains D. worried

2.A. reported B. decided C. complained D. questioned

3.A. rich B. proud C. tiny D. popular

4.A. come B. fall C. fit D. tie

5.A. manner B. pattern C. choice D. way

6.A. read B. taken C. opened D. put

7.A. free B. perfect C. final D. extra

8.A. art B. talk C. quiz D. talent

9.A. colored B. written C. carved D. drawn

10.A. at B. after C. for D. around

11.A. room B. time C. paper D. interest

12.A. gifts B. books C. photos D. posters

13.A. special B. academic C. national D. royal

14.A. painted B. found C. printed D. collected

15.A. very B. that C. quite D. too

16.A. If B. Though C. Unless D. Since

17.A. prize B. rank C. rest D. place

18.A. replied B. realized C. remembered D. regretted

19.A. offered B. valued C. owned D. controlled

20.A. clap B. wave C. raise D. shake


Are you really happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve(到达) happiness?


*Make a plan for attaining goals that will make you happy.Your happiness is likely to increase if you achieve

the goals you set.

*Make friends with happy people.It is easy to begin to feel dowen when you are surrounded by people who always fees upset.2.

*Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.3.

*4. Whether you treat yourself to lunch,take a long,relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance,you will be unconsciously feeling better.

*Finding the humour in situations can also lead to happiness.Find a way to make light of a situation,which will make you happy.

*5. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a bad effect on your mood.

A.Everyone has different requirement for happiness.What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.

B.However,if you are around people who are happy,you will be happy too.

C.Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.

D.The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

E.These few minutes will give you the chance to think about the happy things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.

F.Different people have different opinions about happiness.

G.It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.


Ways to Help Your Teen Adjust to a New School

In an ideal world, a teen could start and finish their schooling at the same school.1.. And while a move to a new city can be stressful for the entire family, it may be especially difficult for your teenager. Use these strategies to help your teen adjust to a new school.


The adjustment period begins before your teen ever steps foot into the new school. Point out the new opportunities that’ll be available. If you have confidence that you can make it a new city or a new job, your teen will feel more confident about his ability to succeed in a new school.

Listen to your teen’s concerns

If you don’t have an open relationship with your teen currently, now it is the time to build one. It’s easiest to get him to open up when he’s feeling unsure. 3..Is he worried about new teachers? Does he doubt his ability to make the basketball team?

Talk about your reasons for moving

4.. If you’re preparing for a better career opportunity, or you need to find a new house because you can’t afford to stay where you are, talk about it.

Learn about the new school ahead of time

Conduct as much research as possible about the new school before your teen starts attending. Get your teen to find out about the size of the school and the types of classes offered.5..Talking to a network guidance counselor ahead of time can also be helpful.

A. Keep a positive attitude

B. Develop your teen’s different abilities

C. Keep asking questions about his biggest concerns

D. Be honest with your teen about why you’re moving

E. Most schools have websites that offer a wealth of information

F. Joining a club or playing a sport can be a great way for your teen

G. However, when a family must move, a teenager must switch schools

Kindergarten—which means “garden for children” in German—is not kindergarten any more. It’s yesterday’s first grade, or even second.

A 2014 study compared kindergarten teachers’ expectations for their students in 1998 to today. The differences were striking. In 1998, 31 percent of teachers thought that kindergarten students should be able to read by the end of the year. By 2014, that figure is now about 80 percent. More than a third kindergarten teachers now think that kids should enter school already knowing the alphabet and how to hold a pencil.

Besides, the researchers found huge decreases in the amount of self-directed, creative play time—dress up, art, sand and water play—and increases in the amount of time students were involved in teacher-directed, whole-class instruction.

Unfortunately, kindergarten today ignores a basic fact of young children’s development that is well-known by early childhood educators: normal development in young children occurs at very different rates and in very different ways. For example, the average age that a baby starts to walk is 12 months, but some kids start walking at eight or nine months and others at 15, or even 16, months.

Similarly, the average age that a child learns to be an independent reader is about six and a half. Some learn to read at four, and others at seven, and both extremes are developmentally normal. In the fourth grade, kids who learned to read at four are typically not any better at reading than those who started at seven. Countries like Finland and Sweden do not even start formal academic schooling until age seven.

We need to respect children’s personal developmental timelines. The idea that “earlier is better” for reading instruction is simply not supported by research evidence. Children’s long-term achievement and self-identities as readers and students can be damaged when they are introduced to reading too early.

1.What can we infer from the text?

A. Kindergarten has been replaced by first or even second grade.

B. Kindergarten teachers have higher expectations for students now.

C. Kindergarten students’ intelligence has been largely improved.

D. Children should know the alphabet before entering kindergarten.

2.What will probably happen to children who learn to read at 7?

A. They will perform best among their classmates.

B. They will have difficulty becoming an independent reader.

C. They will catch up with those who learn to read earlier.

D. They will fall behind those who learn to read earlier forever.

3.What should kindergarten teachers do according to the text?

A. Increase the time in whole-class instruction.

B. Pay more attention to children’s academic level.

C. Encourage children to learn at their own pace.

D. Raise children’s competitive spirit at an early age.

4.How does the author feel about the present education in kindergarten?

A. Ashamed. B. Cautious. C. Satisfied. D. Concerned.

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